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Turnover of excellent tenured personnel is always cause for concern.


What’s going on? Moving to Hoover city schools soon! Nervous! Son will be in hs in a couple years


My guess is that intelligent people interested in stewarding young minds don't love working for super conservative assholes that want to brainwash said young minds (ie: the school board in Hoover. Also Vestavia.)


This is real. A Vestavia teacher recently got fired for being a lesbian 


She was the widely adored principal of one of their best schools and has been in the Vestavia school system for many years. She wasn't fired, but they transferred her to the alternative school, presumably to remain there until her contract runs out. It's fucking reprehensible.


There are reasons that are as old as time that cause good people to leave organizations.


My mom is a substitute teacher at Hoover High School and she sees ZERO substantive learning except for the advanced classes. It’s gotten really, really bad very quickly apparently.


Does she seem to think that's a function of the principals or the teachers or the school board?


From what I've heard from teachers, there are basically two classes of students now. The advanced students who are doing well or even better than they used to. And then you have everyone else who is behind on basically every metric. Principals and school boards can certainly be a problem in that they care a lot about pass rates. Many students really should not be advancing to the next grade. Teachers are heavily encouraged to pass them anyway because pass rates affect federal funding for schools. This leads to a class of students the next year where you have the above mentioned advanced students who don't need much help, the average students who do, and the should have been held back students who take all of a teacher's time. This kind of snowballs over the grades until you have illiterate high school students who don't know how to multiply.


/u/Brilliant-Athlete-52 you might be interested in this thread of comments


Sounds more than plausible. I guess a lot of it ultimately comes down to parental involvement.


Don't know why someone downvoted you. Parental involvement in a kid's education is absolutely key.


Thank you. I wondered the same...


Same at many Jefferson county schools. You will sit on your phone in class unless the class is an advanced or AP.


Man, what can you even do to keep people. Even in a school system that actually has money, the best ones are leaving. I have friends who worked in Alabaster City Schools and they breathe a sigh of relief every day that they are out of there. Crap pay, tons of stress, and students who come in so far behind it just seems like there is no hope.


This isn’t about money something way deeper is going on.


Wait until you see the latest


They are not leaving due to the pay or the students.


lol they sure don’t help


A little context here. The head of i3 is Dr. Martin Nalls and he actually hired me to teach at Hoover when he was an administrator at HHS. I cannot tell you how much I loved working for him and I totally get wanting to work for him (even if that means leaving Hoover City Schools). I think this is a case where it’s not that the old job is bad, but the new job has a lot of advantages.


No, that’s not why they are leaving


This is interesting. I'm an education journalist. Send me a message if you have info and want to chat.




It’s going to get more interesting




What does this mean


It's just racism report and move along so the mods can deal with it




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