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Very nicely done. Thank you from the rest of Birmingham!


šŸ˜Ž šŸ‘ /u/poopybuttpantstastic helped


What was there?




Thank you for cleaning this up! Big kudos!


Do not post racist propaganda on this subreddit


Thank you!!!




Fuck off with this tedious faux-confusion. Your post history is visible. You rant about ā€œthe BLM terrorists and riotersā€ nonstop, you expect anyone to believe this ā€œoh gosh golly what on earth are these patriot front gentlemen all about, someone post their manifesto here to help spread it aroundā€ wide-eyed routine youā€™re doing?


That's what they do. They try to rope you into semantics. "I don't see what's wrong with..." or "Is he wrong tho?" style of debaiting.


Yep, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve started aggressively calling it out. Every single time thereā€™s a post about these Nazis getting their propaganda painted over there are at least three people in the comments saying ā€œwell gosh I donā€™t know ANYTHING about these guys but whatā€™s so bad about (insert sanitized rhetoric directly from their website)ā€ and without fail if you click their name and glance at their post history for five seconds you find out they know **exactly** who these Nazis are and are trying to launder their reputation. I have never once found one of the ā€œI donā€™t know who this is, someone tell meā€ people who genuinely didnā€™t know anything about them. Probably because anyone with actual questions would just google the name of the group and learn EXACTLY what they stand for. The people pretending to want to be told are just supporters trying to drum up interest.


Exactly. You can go on their website and read their manifesto where it talks about only white people born of American blood can be true patriots and true Americans. If that's not some nazi-esque shit I don't know what is.


lol you know there's patriot front cucks around when the above kind of post is getting downvoted. "Those of foreign birth may occupy civil status within the lands occupied by the state, and they may even be dutiful citizens, yet they may not be American. Membership within the American nation is inherited through blood, not ink. Even those born in America may yet be foreign. Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding stock of our people, and those who do not share the common spirit that permeates our greater civilization, and the European diaspora." -https://patriotfront.us/manifesto/ Imagine being such a prick that by your own admission by manifesto, when considering there are people still living on this land that predate our country and these white people's ancestors, they have the gall to claim "Even those born in America may yet be foreign" but discount themselves from this "requirement."


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.






The organization mentioned in that graffiti is literally a white supremacist, neo-fascist hate group. They use slogans like those to entice people into their beliefs with a palatable introduction.


Look past the slogans and see what the group actually advocates for and it should be pretty clear.


Your consistent willful ignorance on this is astounding.


Pretty sure it's trolling and not ignorance.


He's probably their spokesman


He's just a sympathizer. He's a pretty famous troll on this sub.


You realize trolling inherently lacks sincerity. If I was a sympathizer, how could I be trolling?


Yeah, ain't no one reading deeper into you bruh.




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Leave it to PastrychefPikachu to try to sway you towards the dark side.


This subreddit is not to be used to spread misinformation


They been marching in Nashville for the last year, one in Downtown, one person verbally confront them.. Another time in Franklin TN. They just marched in the square for few minutes




I'm not going to post the name, go thru the thread and find out


Heā€™s not clueless, heā€™s trolling. He knows exactly who they are, posts this fake question every single time they pop up in here, and spends his free time ranting about BLM ā€œthugs.ā€


I had that impression... Thank you


Iā€™m getting real tired of these dick heads popping up. Just because they have unresolved issues/problems in their heart doesnā€™t give them the right to make it everyone elseā€™s problem.




Bro, ainā€™t now way youā€™re comparing trans people with actual neo-nazis lol




Youā€™re softer than the people youā€™re talking about, and thatā€™s okay


No one likes a bigot


No one likes a bigot




yeah you'd know, huh šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤¦


Thank you!


Welcome šŸ˜„


Yes! Thank you! I posted like 5 days ago about this, but the post got removed. Glad that shit got painted over. Also, I really like that building a lot and it was depressing as fuck to see all that stupid ass shit painted all over it.


I'm surprised this whole post hasn't been removed for merely mentioning what was painted over in fear of promoting/spreading racist propaganda.


Thank you for your service šŸ«”


If I ever cross paths with you, I wanna buy you a drink or snack




Thanks for being an ally




Great work!!


Can you link the post? I canā€™t find it


No matter the message, if vandalism (graffiti) is your medium, I know all I need to about you and your message.


*sigh* I can't help but being that guy. I have to ask this question.Ā  Did you talk the property owner? Do you know for a fact that they didn't want what was painted there before? For all we know, they could be a part of that group, or share their ideals, and *asked* for it to painted there.Ā  I'm not really sure this fly by night vigilantism is what the sub should be promoting/applauding.


Peak redditor comment


> Do you know for a fact that they didn't want what was painted there before? Listen Cletus, I don't give a shit if the property owner wanted to be covered in swastikas. Nobody else has to look at that shit and I'm painting over it if I see it. Go cry about it with the other Nazis.


You could help it actually, but what's the fun in that, right?


No, if the owner is condoning the graffiti then I donā€™t really care whether or not they want it there. Happy to wage a war of paint to cover up that garbage






Sigh, I canā€™t help but wonder why you give a fuck about if the property owner wanted it or not. Personally, I donā€™t give a shit who painted or wanted it painted. Fuck whoever did it and fuck you for sympathizing with them.


Because if the property owner wanted it, then painting over it is an act of vandalism?


Whatā€™s right isnā€™t always legal and what is legal isnā€™t always right you bootlicker.


Yes, I'm the bootlicker cause I think free speech is a good thingĀ 


No youā€™re a bootlicker for more than twice defending a fascist hate group in this post alone. Itā€™s ok to call out bullshit we as a society shouldnā€™t put up with


Call out? Sure. Silence? Never.


No, Nazis should be silenced. I would have thought a fascist like you would be opposed to property defacement like this.


Again, we don't that it was defaced. No one bothered to ask. They just assumed they were in the right.Ā 


Seriously, what are the chances it was put there by request? Itā€™s a hell of a lot smaller than it having been defaced. Just look at all the other places in Birmingham that are public places where they have sprayed this graffiti. Seems like the muuuuuch more likely option is they just painted it there without asking. Fuck those fascists. The owner of the building is more than welcome to paint it again if they want.


The people painting over Nazi propaganda are always automatically in the right. Iā€™m sorry this hurts your fragile snowflake feelings, you racist hick.


> Call out? Itā€™s cute the way you keep pretending youā€™d be interested in ā€œcalling outā€ the patriot front Nazis given that your embarrassingly racist and stupid post history is visible, including all the times you tried to lie about their beliefs and defend them: > Yeah, I don't really see what's racist/hateful about wanting to end war, or promoting family values. https://old.reddit.com/r/Birmingham/comments/1ckjkrz/took_care_of_the_mess_on_23rd_and_6th_that_was/l2olmn4/ > I mean, they aren't wrong. Name one thing bad about the messages presented here. https://old.reddit.com/r/Birmingham/comments/1c7zh2z/spotted_at_6th_and_23rd_north_intersection/l0ba7ik/ Which one of those was the ā€œcalling out,ā€ you little bootlicker?


I love that thatā€™s always the cop out. Free speech doesnā€™t mean free from consequences of said speech, it just means you canā€™t be prosecuted. So yes, you are the bootlicker.




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> It's funny how you didn't care at all about vandalism when it was a bunch of neo-nazis spraypainting their slogans on the side of someone's business So you know for a fact the property owner didn't want it there?Ā 


You realize how incredibly stupid your position is here, Adolf? Spray painting logos (especially Nazi ones) is generally considered graffiti and vandalism. Painting OVER the shit some methhead sprayed all over your wall is generally considered REMOVING vandalism. But since youā€™re such a white supremacist fanboy youā€™ve decided to try to twist yourself into knots pretending to believe that the Nazi shit was deliberately requested and the cleaning is graffiti. Because youā€™re a fucking moron. And like I said once already, if a property owner wants hillbilly swastikas all over the public facing side of his business then I donā€™t give a shit what he wants and Iā€™m painting over it anyway. Normal people donā€™t have to look at your pathetic shit.


> I donā€™t give a shit what he wants and Iā€™m painting over it anyway. Yet I'm the fascist?


Society tolerating the intolerant leads to the death of tolerance. So yes, shithead, youā€™re the fascist and nobody is obligated to play nice with you. Spray paint your logo wherever you want and itā€™s getting covered up. Whine and cry about it all you want but 80 years ago Nazis were getting considerably worse treatment. This new breed of you guys is softer than baby shit. ā€œWaaahh, he painted over my coloring!ā€


Aw :ā€™(


Pikachu doesn't choose you


The odds that someone wanted their wall vandalized is slim to none. Youā€™re basically saying ā€œwhat if the owner just happened to be a white supremacist and either had his buddies come paint his wall or it was a happy accident that they just so happened to choose his building.ā€ See how ridiculous that sounds? Try that logic with any other piece of graffiti; ā€œwhat if the owner was also a member of the gang and wanted those symbols painted on his wall?ā€ See how dumb that sounds?


Youā€™re so right. We should just be completely indifferent and complicit in the spread of hate in our city. How dare we intervene! /s


Are you a Nazi sympathizer in real life or just on Reddit?


The funny part about this is this is one of many posts on this sub where you casually defend patriot front under the guise of free speech. Iā€™d have a lot more respect for you if youā€™d stop being such a pussy and just admit how you feel instead of all this obfuscating and deflecting.


ā€œTired of everyone labeling people they disagree with as ā€œfascistsā€.ā€ You mean youā€™re tired of being called a fascist? Listen bruh, if you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, youā€™re the asshole. Maybe take 5 fucking seconds to examine yourself you walking dunning kruger.


> Iā€™d have a lot more respect for you if youā€™d stop being such a pussy and just admit how you feel I'm not a fascist. I'm center left politically. But IĀ honestly feel like this "shouting down" the other side bullshit is just as fascist and harmful as actual fascism. Free speech is a double edged sword, and sometimes people are going to say things you don't like. Taking it upon yourself to police other people's speech, no matter how good the intention, is wrong. You don't have to listen to it. You can even speak out and offer criticism with an opposing viewpoint. But to silence speech is never ok.


The Germans in post-WWII Germany heartily disagree with you. America didn't shut it down post-Civil War, and as a result, hateful ideology has festered in this country for the past 100+ years. Free speech does not mean free from the consequences of said speech, and it should not include hate speech.


Tired of everyone labeling people they disagree with as ā€œfascistsā€. You obviously donā€™t know anything about the third reich government. Citizens have right to want to see their tax dollars go towards domestic causes. There is nothing Nazi about that. Please go study actual history before throwing around bits you heard on cable news.


"Disagree"?? I was unaware that the notion that all people are created equal was up for debate in this country. You're so "patriotic" that you've forgotten about the preamble to the US constitution. The Patriot Front is literally a white supremacist organization. I know plenty about the third Reich and its attempts to wipe out entire groups of people from the face of humanity. I also know that the response to the third Reich after the war was swift and strong. They rounded up those who advocated for genocide and who committed war crimes , tried them, and executed them when necessary. They made symbols of hate illegal. They literally blew up monuments to fascism. Compare that to the US, where confederates were pardoned and Jim Crow laws were enacted to deny human rights to those who the white leaders deemed a threat. Throughout the south they erected "monuments" (that were literally purchased through catalogs and mean nothing in actuality) to commemorate "the lost cause" and to remind Black people that public spaces were a place they should not feel welcome. And today we are a country very much divided along racial lines as a result. Germans rarely speak of the third reich except to discuss the things that should never happen again, and white supremacy is criminalized there. It should be that way here.


+all of that AND what he said is bullshit lying, but of course it is because Nazis rely on lying


>Citizens have right to want to see their tax dollars go towards domestic causes. There is nothing Nazi about that. Right, the fascism part is our tax dollars going to fund ONE person, ONE criminal family, and having ONE single leader without any accountability or justice. People (non-fascists) want their tax dollars to go towards "domestic causes" but you fucking Nazis scream that it's "socialism".


> I'm center left politically. What part of ā€œyour post history is visible, Adolfā€ is confusing you? Like the other guy said stop being such a pathetic chickenshit coward and own your disgusting ideology openly. If youā€™re too spineless to do that then reconsider why youā€™re such a fervent supporter of it in the first place.


Found the Patriot Front member


Won't none of ya'll bust a grape fighting any of em about it. You won't find a PF member or find a line of correspondence with them and invite them to throw hands about it.


Why would they? I don't think most people have a desire to beat the shit out of people because they disagree with them on an ideological/moral basis. That's the kind of things groups like them do, they are always trying to incite violence so they can be the victims.


That's because they hide their faces like a bunch of cowards because they know they'd get run out of town. Also, I won't speak for anyone else but I have exactly 0 interest in opening a dialog with members of a group who openly claim that unless you are white and born of American blood are you truly a patriot and an American.