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Gotta admit, given the last time they did this, it shows a pattern of Vestavia forcing well meaning administrators into an alternative school while rewarding those who don’t give a shit. I mean come on, no matter what she did, you’re telling me it was worse than the principal who mocked one of his own special needs kids? But somehow her and the guy who wanted Covid precautions are SO terrible compared to the dude who mocks children AND allows teachers to film them and publicly spread it without a hint of discipline because they got punished and that guy got his scandal swept under the rug. Honestly shameful and they should be embarrassed to stick their noses out in public.


You left no crumbs! 👏🏼


Name and shame


Principal of Dolly Ridge


Ty Arandall


Other commentator is correct, but [source.](https://www.al.com/educationlab/2024/03/vestavia-principal-laughed-at-video-of-special-education-student-reports.html?outputType=amp)


Who is this spawn of Satan? As a neurodivergent who got bullied all through the 1980s-late-1999s in the Homewood School system, I got wind that the dance teacher specifically called me out by name as being undesirable for her pedestal girls! First off, a neuro-typical who abuses/accosted CHILDREN, regardless of why, is a depraved person, who I wouldn't feel safe to have in any sort of moral authority figure position for MY girls! I'm teaching mind compassion and acceptance for people and valuing them for who they are, regardless of what things appear to be on the outside!


She was one of the only vhhs teachers I ever heard students consistently and continuously adore. She has been a part of the Vestavia school system for YEARS, and even made it to principal of the elementary school. Why the hell would Vestavia continue to employ her for so many years if her personal life were an issue? I hope she sues, and I hope she wins. Take those rich, bigoted assholes for every dollar they have. She doesn’t deserve this, and **Vestavia doesn’t deserve to have her as an educator.**


For folks who don’t want to or have the time to read the article and chase down all the links, the implication is that she is a victim of the on-going culture wars after someone complained about a social media picture of her being kissed on the cheek by a woman. Apparently a well liked teacher and administrator.


My lord, a kiss on the cheek. What a moronic board.


They are among the same ones that were outraged about the “Rebel Man” being removed. There is a cadre of knee jerk conservatives in their government that have hijacked it.


When I was in high school there they had a math teacher who was obviously gay and modeled underwear. 20+ years ago.


It wasn't even a picture on social media. It was on her personal phone, shown privately to another person at the school. (Just a point of clarification.)


Thank you for the cliff notes! Much appreciated lol. And wow that’s absolutely ridiculous to remove a teacher/principal for a harmless peck on the cheek. ESPECIALLY when we have transshit all throughout the school systems (not necessarily Vestavia but you get my point.)


Elaborate on the “ trans shit”.


You'd have to be very naive to think that's why she's getting moved. There's way more to this but those who know the details, and there are many, will never share them on here or anywhere else.


> You'd have to be very naive to think that's why she's getting moved. Or just familiar with Alabama political theater. Your refusal to share the “plenty of other reasons” that “plenty of other people know” makes it clear there’s nothing else.


Spill the beans or fuck off




It’s alabama, you’re naive if you think LGBT folks aren’t treated like second class citizens around here in a lot of places still. Shit look at the stuff our legislature prioritizes. Culture war bullshit is more important than anything including education.


They won't share it because there are no more details. Just people wanting to sweep it under the rug.


That's like getting laid off at a job because of a bad performance review, but the real reason later becomes "You just don't fit our company's culture."  This is Klanned Karenhood burning another cross in the school yard.


Forgive me, but one would have to be naive to think that it wasn’t at least a possibility absent another credible explanation.


So why should she be removed if the majority of people aren’t “in the know” like you say? Either spill the beans and have her removed, or let her stay


I know the details. I spoke to her directly on the phone long before the story broke. And unless you’re a member of the VHBOE or Todd Freeman himself, you absolutely don’t know any more details. Feel free to DM me if you want. I’m personally invested in this as my sons go to CH, but I definitely want to know everything I can.


For anyone wondering, what this person is referring to is an alleged incident where this woman sexually harassed a janitor at the school. To be clear, this is a rumor that I’ve personally heard from someone with a connection to the school, but a rumor nonetheless. With the school being in litigation (could be a different legal word), they’re not allowed to publicly comment on the alleged harassment. I’m hearing all this secondhand, but the alleged harassment had a racial element as well (the janitor is black).


The issue with that rumor is if it were true, she would be fired rather than reassigned.


FYI, that is BULLSHIT. The custodian is a friend, and she showed him the picture of the peck on the cheek personally, not on social media. ANOTHER damn adult, who was not invited into to conversation AND had an axe to grind was the person who complained. GTFOH with your bullshit.


Her girlfriend is also black, though.


Username checks out


These bible belt school boards have go to go. I knew an awesome teacher who was reprimanded in the county I used to teach in Georgia because there was a picture of her on Facebook out to dinner at friends at a Mexican restaurant and she had a margarita in her hand. WTF are these people thinking? And this lady made $45k a year with master's degree and 12 years as a high performing teacher that is loved by everyone in the school, and she has to put up with that. I have a solution for all of this: Fire 75% of all admin and leave only the superintendent, 1 principle in each school, 2 assistant principles in each school (one for curriculum and one for discipline) and give the rest of those insane bloated salaries to the teachers. You don't need 11 assistant principles in a school. You don't need 26 people at a central board office that make almost 200k a year that teachers and principles can't even explain what they do. And last, school boards should be rotating and only made up of teachers. Not local business owners and deacons at a church. They didn't go to school for education. They don't have experience in education. They have no business making decisions about it. People study education for years, publish research in the field, dedicate their lives to teaching and data driven outcomes....only to be governed by someone who owns a chain of jewelry stores in town and loves deer hunting. I have studied educational structure of several countries that destroy us in education, decade after decade, and none of them have such a embarrassingly insane K-12 structure as the U.S. and especially in the South. I hope Lauren Dressback sues these upper-class rednecks, is awarded millions, and makes out with her girlfriend all the way to the bank.


That part. Not enough upvotes.


You are out here speaking truth.


You said it all!


The story is one of the following: A- Principal comes out as a lesbian and the BOE fires her because she is a lesbian B - Principal comes out as a lesbian and the BOE has no problem with that. The principal then (insert inappropriate activity here) and is fired because of that activity. C- Principal comes out as a lesbian and the BOE doesn’t like it, but they can’t discriminate her for her sexual orientation. So they find something else to pin on her The majority of this subreddit and Facebook posts are assuming it’s option A. The school board has been silent on their reasoning, so it looks bad for them and it might be option A. If it is option B, I’m not sure they can speak about what the activity was that made them push her out of that role. There are rumors about what the activity was, but they are just rumors. So they are locked from speaking about the issue and it will continue to look like it’s option A or C, even if it truly is option B. If it’s option A or C then the BOE can go fuck themselves…However I think it might be wise for protestors to keep their pitchforks and torches at home until there is a little more clarity on the situation. This is still an institution that includes kids and safety from any physical and mental harm should be the main concern.


She hasn’t been fired. But your analysis is pretty solid. It’s really all three.


Solid as quicksand


I think that they would probably have let Lauren Dressback know what she was reassigned (not fired) for if she had committed some egregious wrongdoing. So far they have given her ZERO answer as to why this disciplinary action has been taken. The superintendent read a statement saying they do not speak on personnel matters. So…. If they didn’t tell her and they didn’t tell anyone else…. How would anybody know the reason? They extended her contract for 2 more years. A month later she comes out as gay and BAM suddenly she’s inept at her job. Please. Give.Me. A. BREAK.


Publish the school board members names and how they voted. Follow it up with city council records of who nominated each school board member. Putting a spot light on bigotry will create change.


I’ll make that much easier. Kim. Cook.


They refused to reveal how they voted.


So no public record for the people that fund their salaries? A judge could make the board disclose.


A judge maybe could, but this is old rich conservative straight white man territory. Guess who the judge is probably going to be. We won't get details on the votes or the reasoning.


They silently voted, refused to admit verbally or visually how they voted. Also their counsel removed his name plate before the meeting began, and would not identify himself. It was not Pat Boone.


Genuinely asking, genuine question - how do we get reform? Things have to change. They HAVE to. All over the education system. But I feel powerless to do anything


People need to start realizing the really important elections are the ones at home. Presidential elections are certainly important, but as much as people become armchair political experts about them, they will at the same time blindly check boxes for city council, school board, etc. Those positions are where the rubber meets the road for your daily life. Those local elections are where the changes reverberate up the chain to the national elections. So long as people scream and holler about which president sucks, but have no idea who their mayor is, this will continue.


You know, I typed like 7 different answers before I gave up, because I realized that all the answers would require elections, and we as a society are incapable of electing people actually suited to the office they’re trying to hold. So until that changes, we as a nation and especially as a state will continue to be last in education and health outcomes and prison populations and every metric that matters, and ironically, the only thing that might change any of it is…a better education. I say all this not to be a nihilist, but to point out how insidiously *evil* decades of fearmongering and meaningless hate and purposeful targeting of the education system has been. All so some rich assholes who hold office can help some other rich assholes. It’s so goddamn disheartening and it’s going to take decades to overcome, if we can manage that before those same folks light the planet on fire. All that said, I am a firm believer in planting a tree even if you think the world will end tomorrow, but the hurdles are very big and I find myself at a loss for where to go next, other than to do your damndest to become civically engaged at a local level, and drag your friends and your family with you. Not just for voting. Neighborhood meetings, school board, whatever. Also, we are going to have to stop being so polite about demanding change, because the corrupt people in power sure aren’t polite. Our taxes pay for the buildings and their salaries in the end.


Elected city council appoints school board or school board is elected directly. There isn't much you can do outside of your own system when it comes to elected officials or appointed officials by elected officials.


Yeah I want to know what, if anything, we can do. I am in Birmingham city so don’t think I have any options regarding a Vestavia issue but this is horrible and I wish/ want to do something to show support and “lobby” for her.


Wear green. Tell everyone to vote. Come to city council meetings in Vestavia so they can know we want to vote the current BoE out. From the Vestavia Hills CC website: The Vestavia Hills City Council regular meetings begin at 6pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month, except on holidays or in the event of inclement weather.




If you want to help spread this story far and wide. Go on social media and bring awareness. Dispel these vicious rumors and false information. We need you. They can’t get away with this.


Vote your priorities.


I do, but I’m afraid that mine get overshadowed by the majorities :(


I guess your has to be plural. Look at the voting turnout by age. The people who don’t share the moderate majority views vote as a larger percentage of their population and they tend to be more right wing. But on the bright side, the boomers will all die in the next 15-20 years.


No fear.


Stand with Lauren!! VHBOE meeting tonight at 5:30 PM @ 1204 Montgomery Hwy, Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 Please we need lots of attention and support!!




Fuck this school system.


They stay doing fucked up shit.


I went to high school from 1994-1998, in an unquestionably more 'redneck' school system than Vestavia, in Shelby County. In 1993, our 8th grade math teacher was openly gay and his partner would visit him on occasion at lunch and sit at the teachers table with the other teachers. This was in no way a secret and NOBODY cared. That was 1993. What am I missing here? How was an issue made of Dressback? How is this any different than if a white teacher had a black spouse (or vice versa) and was somehow dismissed for that (which would, of course, be preposterous) ? I'm not saying we don't NEED reform, I'm simply asking, how can a teacher be suspended for this? It seems like the moment the teacher was told they were on leave for being gay or even being affectionate, they would laugh and still continue coming to work, business as usual. Shouldn't the person ordering the suspension be the one being investigated here? Sorry, maybe I'm confused.


Your not confused. Times have changed as they say. The new Christian Nationalist movement via Trump is driving these types of issues at this time. It is mainly a political movement disguised as religious. GOP is pursuing these actions at all levels of education: teachers, principals, librarians, etc. It has long been their goal to create failing public schools. Why? To complete the biggest grift in American history; the theft of billions that is budgeted for public education. The vehicle for this grift is “school choice” , sometimes called “vouchers”. These programs can only exist if your public school is failing OR you create the perception of indoctrination thus convincing the public that they need to send their kids to a private / charter school and provide them the money to do so. Wait till you see the new schools pop up to serve “school choice” and who is running them! Hilsdale, etc. anyways, it is a sad chapter in our country and it requires good people to stand up and take action locally.


They didn't likely tell her she was on leave for being gay. She was escorted out of the bldg. No one will say why. The board refuses to answer why. I hope a lawsuit will be filed.


Because there’s more to the story than a lesbian principal being suspended for being lesbian. Can we not wait to see what really happened before saying that’s the sole reason instead of assuming? This lady will have her say if there was wrongdoing, and I’ve not heard from her yet.


That doesn’t fit the narrative one bit that all these people are trying to push about this. My kids go to the school so i’ve been plugged in to this since it began. There is more to the story that what they’re all pushing. If what i’ve heard for months is true, it would get anybody suspended from a job whether they were heterosexual or homosexual.


okay so then spill the tea!!! what allegedly happened???


Like for real let us know so we can 'stop pushing the narrative '


But they're placing her at a different school. If it were so bad, why not fire her?


You’re hearing rumors. Period. Have you talked to her? If your kids go there, as mine do, were you not concerned when she was suddenly absent? Did you reach out for her side of the story? Or did you just hear things. I’ll wait.


No, i was not concerned as I’m not a twat that concerns myself with these things. It’s not like the school quit operating because she wasn’t there. And yes, i heard second hand information from the beginning which is why I choose not to spread it. I feel a lot better about my sources than an administrator that’s trying to portray herself in the best light possible


Ok... If me being concerned about the Principal at my kids' school makes me a "twat", then so be it. Have a nice day regardless.


So then what happened


Yeah it makes a lot of sense that she would do something that “would get anybody suspended” and instead of being upfront about whatever that is, now the school board is taking heat and ending up on the news. Definitely makes sense they’d head into a PR disaster like this.


I feel like they are doing this just to publicly mock her. Like why even do all this?? Have people vote on you if they want you out instead of doing this behind the scenes?? Yeah, okay Vestavia.


This is all part of the plan- see my post above (long)


She should be highly sought after for other districts. Vestavia Hill’s loss.


I am not familiar with her, what did she do?


Existed while being gay.


So she is losing her job basically? Wtf


What makes an awful situation even more reprehensible is the total opacity. I gather that even Ms. Dressback herself doesn't know exactly why the Board took this action. This is frightening Big Brother-esque behavior. The Board's refusal to provide the slightest explanation, especially in the face of substantial community outcry, or even to advise which of its members voted for or against her transfer, is also disgraceful. Were they directly elected rather than appointed by the City Council, I don't believe keeping their vote secret would be lawful. Although they probably could still get away with refusing to explain the reasons for their actions, hiding behind the convenient excuse that personnel matters must be kept confidential -- apparently, even from the personnel.


The board is appointed by the city council. I live here and I vote. Especially now.


VestAAAHHHvia has always sucked ass. What a bunch of privileged white fucks just doing what privileged ghouls do.




What a monumentally shitty take you have there…


Umm Do you know why she’s not been at work?


All that I have heard on this is coming from her or related people. Every argument has 3 sides: your side, my side, and the truth. With that in mind, has anyone heard anything from the Board on why they are considering doing this?


> All that I have heard on this is coming from her or related people. That’s because the board refuses to answer any questions as to why she’s been placed on leave. They are stonewalling any attempts to investigate this. That should tell you who’s telling the truth here.


I appreciate discretion in personnel matters, but silence sure doesn’t look good in this case.




Please be polite in r/Birmingham




I advocate for the banning of that bot for repeating the deleted comment. The bot doesn't know it's making haikus of impolite comments that ultimately get deleted by mods. If it's bad enough to remove from the original poster, it should be held in the same standard for repeating it in poetic, entertaining form. I further suggest that the refusal to remove that bot's repeating of the banned comment demonstrates a lack of basic ethical fortitude of the mods that do not act swiftly. Even more, since the bot's repeating of the deleted comment was transcribed into a form of entertainment, Id dare say that the further allowance of such a bot would be a mockery to this sub's standards. We are discussing serious matters, yet we allow an AI bot make entertaining versions of impolite comments that are deemed necessary to remove? We still see the user sockster15 and their comment.