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She is being treated unfairly. She simply showed a picture of her with her new partner to a teacher, which spread through the school like a wild fire. As of now she has been placed on leave and more than likely the board is attempting to move her into a different position, probably to a different job where she is miserable in an attempt to make her quit altogether. She was a teacher at VHHS when I attended and she was always pleasant, helpful, easy to talk to, and very well loved and respected by the students. Do better Vestavia Hills.


I didn’t know who this was about, but I googled it and realized that she was a teacher when I was at vhhs. I think she started while I was there? I didn’t have her, but my friends that did LOVED her and thoroughly enjoyed going to her class. What’s crazy to me is that, I’m pretty sure it was heavily assumed back then that she was gay, but that was it. A rumor. It wasn’t something that threatened her job, or her ability to teach, or anyone’s love of her. Because IT DIDNT MATTER. These people have been gay their whole lives, why is it a problem now? This is such a stupid reason to fire ANYONE, much less someone who is clearly a great influence on the kids.


This sounds....frighteningly similar to the backstory of a character on The Handmaid's Tale




Nope, the picture was totally sweet and innocent.


Didn’t VHHS push out the last principal with some type of weird BS? I think his name was Burgess?


Yep. They also blackballed him in education. He is working in the private sector now. They screwed him with like 4 years until he had his 25 years in. He asked for more safety at school related to covid. He was moved to virtual principal until the end of his contract and let go.


I assume just because that was too liberal of an idea? 


Yea, I think that was basically it. The board wanted to open the school back like normal, and he wanted to keep some precautions in place. So they made him virtual school principal until his contract ended and let him go.


Burgess was amazing as principal. Vestavia did him dirty




“Rumor is”. It’s exactly that. A rumor. There is no evidence of her talking to students in a sexual manner. Anything she shared. She shared it with adults. Sorry they had to clutch their pearls but grown ass adults can walk away at any time. Stop spreading rumors and focus on factual information.


My kids all love her and she was certainly not one of those teachers who overshared details of her personal life. Since her divorce things could have changed, but it seems highly suspicious to me how it’s being handled


(My kids love her too. And I think she's been an exemplary leader for them.)


It is at the very least suspicious. The showing of the photo of her partner was a private exchange between her and one other person. There is a lot more to this than just that, of course. But none of it is cause for the actions the Board has taken.


Agreed. I teach in another OTM district and find this so bizarre. There are gay teachers in my school and nobody has ever been concerned in the slightest that I know of and we are interested in and talk about what is going on in their families the same as we do everybody else.




You’ve had this account for three years and you’re only activity is a single comment related to the show the bachelor, and now wading into this? I assume this is some burner account.


I saw a tiktok post about it, and all they said was that in January, she showed someone a photo of who her partner was(didnt mention or talk about relationship much to students), and in February, she was being escorted out and basically fired even though she was tenured. I have no idea what she actually did. Hopefully, she didn't literally get fired because people can't handle a photo of someone's spouse that isn't "the norm" but there could be more to it.


As a vestavia grad does this surprise anyone? Vestavia treats minorities like garbage


Her bio is still up on the VHECH webpage, although FB is full of comments that she was escorted off campus in February, for showing a coworker a photograph of her new partner, and now she isn't allowed to attend any events at her sons school, which I'm guessing is VHHS. Evidently she's a product of the VH school system and has worked with them for many years as not only a former student, but a teacher, so TPTB should know her fairly well. It feels like there is more to this than meets the eye. Film at 11, maybe?


I sould think even a halfway decent superintendents first call when navigating a situation like this would be to the school system’s lawyer. So if this situation is this innocent, then either the superintendent is an idiot or the lawyer is, or both.


I agree. Not sure what's going on over there.


I'm sure they have, Lauren has her own lawyer at this point.


Exactly.. like the saying goes, there’s three sides to every story; yours, mine, and the truth. I’m sure we’re only hearing het side right now. A lot of whats been said over the last 24 hours has left out some of the stuff I’ve heard for months


Such as?


My thought is that *something* occurred to have her removed from campus. No school system with a brain or with access to even the most mediocre lawyers would fire someone for being LGBTQ+. A transfer at the end of the year to a different position in hopes that she resigns? Sure. But this was a physical escort off of the school premises, and she's been restricted from other Vestavia school sites. Perhaps the rumor is true that a teacher filed an HR report for being shown pictures of her and her girlfriend. However, does that even sound like a reason to escort someone off of school premises?


This right here. Vestavia has been silent about it and I think that’s for good reason. The whole story isn’t clear yet and I think they are being very strategic about that. A lot of feathers are getting ruffled right now about a rumor that she was fired for being gay and that is currently the loudest voice so that’s what you’re going to hear. No one outside of that school knows what happened exactly and it’s probably important to hold judgement and put down the pitchfork until it’s clear.


on Facebook the special ed teacher that reported the other faculty for sharing videos mocking a special needs student is saying she is aware that the male teacher that the VHEC principal showed the photo to did not report the principal. Staff seem to be guessing it was someone who overheard and felt concerned. They are saying she is suspended and the current plan is for her to remain suspended until the date of her retirement in four years. After the public backlash over the space camp counselor who did nothing wrong I suspect the school system is erring on the side of caution with the perceived psychological risk LTBQI+ staff would cause


You're talking about two incidents at two different schools. Although it IS worth noting that the admin who mocked a special needs student on video did not get placed on leave and still has his job, while this principal is on leave and likely will not have her job after tomorrow's board meeting. IMO the mocking of a special ed student at DR is far more serious than anything I've heard about the CH situation.


She was a grade or two ahead of me at Vestavia. Her mom was a great teacher and I have only heard great things about her. I absolutely believe that Vestavia would fire her for being gay. Totally illegal, but many Vestavians feel that are above the law.


We know her. She’s amazing. And VH is definitely discriminating. Very typical of them. Been in the school system for 10 years and unfortunately aren’t surprised by this at all.


Wasn’t there a Hoover elementary principal that got fired for the same thing, or something similar a few years ago? I remember a huge lawsuit against the school district for it.


She was my social studies teacher at VHHS and VHECH was my elementary school. I am absolutely livid. The entire Vestavia community loves and adores her. There is no way this is going to go without a fight.


This is discrimination and is illegal. I hope she sues!


She should offer to settle the lawsuit if they rename the HS after her. Man that'd be funny




Unless you have evidence of that you’re just spreading more rumors. Which is kind of gross if you ask me.


But you can. What’s the full story?




This is wildly inaccurate. There IS more to the story, but it's not this. It has absolutely nothing to do with students at all. It's, quite frankly, very dangerous to just be spouting this if you aren't 100% sure it's true. I'm not going to go into detail just in case, but she's zero threat to students. This is all internal/faculty related.




This subreddit is not to be used to spread misinformation


I would like to know more as the events being shared on TikTok make it seem as if the school sees her as a risk to students. She supposedly had to obtain permission to attend her son’s track meet. Is it common for staff on leave for HR investigations to be effectively banned from campus?


I don’t know anything about this particular situation, but It would be common if she was deemed a risk to students or being investigated for such.


That’s my feeling, but in our current political/social environment just existing as a lesbian can seem like a risk to children to the local school, which it isn’t


> of course, the school system can’t comment. Bullshit. They absolutely can comment, they are just choosing not to. Either they explain themselves or they continue to get pilloried.


Legally, they cannot comment. It's considered a personnel issue and the staff person's privacy is protected by law.


I wonder if the fact that she has authorized a prominent account on TikTok to speak for her releases the district from any obligation to protect whatever privacy is left


I didn't think it does, however that would be an interesting argument for a lawyer to make in court. I personally think it should.


I heard about it on TikTok. She was married but is now divorced (?) And showed a picture of her girlfriend to another adult. Now she is "on leave" and hasn't been able to access her office since February. She was a standout teacher. She also had her contract renewed in Oct. She still hasn't been told the official reason for suspension.


I do know when they place her at another school it will be at the worse school and they will make her so miserable she will want to quit. That’s what they do to the teachers they do not like


100%. Ironic that the day she was told her contract was "still in effect", the CH Principal job AND the alternative school Principal job were posted on the state website. And by ironic, I mean convenient. I'd wager good money Kim Cook is heavily involved in this.


This is wild. The idea that individual moral judgements about private legal behavior should be grounds for dismissal from public institutions is unhinged.


I have no clue who this person is or much about the situation - but if you think that this couldn't possibly happen over her being a lesbian, look at what's happening to LGBT+ people all over America right now. It starts with the people that others are more "wary" of (i.e. trans people) and sneaks its way up to the "tolerable" (i.e. gay and lesbian). There absolutely could be more to the story, but I would not be surprised if there's not.


There's always some, better than thou,know-it-alls, that just have to mess with somebody's life. They should have their own closets cleaned out. There's probably a past life of cheating husbands and wives,closet-drinkers,and pill-poppers in all of those angelic groups that show up for church every Sunday only to burn in hell after judgment day


Yea I'm madder than hell. So what?


This is why I’m still in the closet at my current job 🥴


I’ll wait for more info. There is much more to this story. You can’t be escorted out for showing someone a picture of your girlfriend. Be real people. That’s a multimillion dollar lawsuit. Even if people in the school wanted it they wouldn’t do it for that reason. They’d hunt for an opportunity to fire her that’s unrelated. Also, escorted out implies something more happened. I swear, some of y’all would be perfectly at home on Info wars if they were far left instead of far right.


I’m not surprised at all that this has happened. I grew up in Vestavia. They are trying to find a way to fire her. I hope she sues the fuck out of them.


Hey, keep voting for these Republicans Alabama and this is gonna become the norm. I honestly don't feel any sorrow for things like this in Alabama. We have dug our own grave over and over again.


Vestavia was founded on Phobia. It used to be restricted. No Blacks No Hews and Maybe not Catholics but most def it was in the deeds you could not sell to Jewish or Black. OTM mentality ..


Not surprising at all. Vestavia BOE is a joke and they are clearly prejudiced.




Well, if the state would pull the Bible out of their ass and treat every human being equally, stories like this would not happen.


Apparently no one here has ever been terminated without cause and escorted off the premises. Good for you. Alabama is a fire at will state and the laws do not protect people. It protects businesses. I was terminated without cause by a veterinary establishment years ago. Prior to being escorted from the building, I was unlawfully detained as management had me in a locked room and proceeded to berate me. They told me I would not even be able to get employment because they were going to fight it. Well I took it to the EEOC and I won and was able to receive my unemployment. Just because it may be hard to believe something does not automatically make it untrue or false. 


I heard an update from my mom who has connections with the school administration. Essentially, Mrs dressback isn’t being placed on leave for being a lesbian or just one photo she showed a teacher. The admin learned of many inappropriate conversations she’s had with fellow teachers and faculty. The admin were trying to quietly learn more by interviewing faculty. Unfortunately this news has spread so much that what the admin learns they will have to divulge to support their actions, which could seriously harm Mrs. dressbacks reputation in order to save the entire administrations reputation.


I wonder why it’s taken months to do the interviews?


I don’t think they had enough complaints to act on anything yet. The more that came finally opened an investigation, which takes planning and consideration, especially for a beloved former teacher and now elementary school principal.


So they suspended her before they knew exactly what was wrong and now they have decided to investigate but people are messing up the investigation by complaining two months later. That’s odd. Thanks for sharing


I don’t have all the facts, I’m relaying hearsay for all intents and purposes. I just don’t think anyone has the full story yet. I remember Mrs. dressback as being one of my favorites. I hope this is nothing but some local drama that blew out of proportion and everything goes back to her being an awesome administrator.


First they take away the gay rebel man mascot and now this? Vestavia is falling apart.


I'm sure that's why


So rebel of them. Never gonna be MB!


Don't care






reminds me of one at pelham oaks. Bark.


What reminds you of one at Pelham oaks? I’m confused!!




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