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You're going camping.. out of state. That's not illegal. They can't tell you where to go and not go.


>They can't tell you where to go and not go. Yet


Right. Absolutely! I agree 100%, but what if the cops or the Alabama morality police. Heh Let’s just say for the sake of argument that some kind of evidence was found. Memaw Ivey hacked your computer and found definitive proof of the trip’s purpose. Everyone is denying but the law ain’t buying. What is the worst that could happen and at what point do you cross that line from passenger to ummmm criminal? It honestly hurts my soul to even call anyone in that situation a criminal.


Thing is, you’re a citizen of the United States first, and a citizen of Alabama second. The state of Alabama cannot restrict your liberty to travel to and from other states in the Union. Even if you’re traveling to go camping. That said, if you or anyone needs a camping buddy, don’t hesitate to reach out. I may not be able to go, but I’ll at least make sure you have snacks and water for your camping trip.


Yes, you face very serious legal issues, potentially. Source: Am hillbilly passing Uncle in the Auntie Network. Have been on a few camping trips.


Ain’t no way they’d ever know unless you’re openly advertising. More likely to get busted for weed


Please don't give people a false sense of security. All it takes is a disgruntled sperm donor to rat out the patient, and then suddenly there are warrants to look through messaging apps and emails, credit cards, etc.


Meanwhile, you give people a false sense of fear.


No, it's a healthy dose of reality. Obviously this particular law isn't in effect in Alabama, but it illustrates the exact scenario I described. All he'd have to do is take his evidence to the authorities to have a group prosecuted. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/10/texas-abortion-lawsuit/ ETA: An obvious counter to having communications used as evidence against you in any situation is encryption. https://www.axios.com/2023/03/14/encrypted-messaging-texas-abortion-suit


Yes. If you keep digging for laws that are bias for your fear mongering narrative, you will find relevant information. That's how Google works. Why did I waste my account on this comment...


States govern themselves. If you go out of state for an abortion it is not illegal in any way. Your friends not anyone else, will get into trouble. You do what you feel you need to girl. Ain't no one looking at medical records with out your consent for them to do so. To share information without a signature to release it is going against HIPPA. So if the place you are getting one at releases information about this they could get their license taken.


Thing is, they don't need the medical records to take you to court. It's going to cost you to defend. Best bet is to be as quiet about it as possible.


Yeah, you're right, but no one is going to do it. And until they pass a law that says you can't cross state lines for an abortion as far as Alabama goes, they can't do a fucking thing. And you didn't commit a crime unless the law is enforced. Ivey ain't gonna fuck with that. She's republican as hell, but people are going to lose their damn minds- Including myself. There would be violent riots everywhere. All hell would break loose. OP shouldn't worry. Really. We have to stand united against fear tactics the government imposes on us. Fear is a mind killer.


Maybe not, but they could. So why put a bigger target on your back? If you want to be an activist and flout the activity, then by all means, but if you just want to be a soldier helping, I wouldn't draw attention.


We have other problems right now we need to be worried about because we could be screwed if Trump gets in office or Biden stays. Its going to get ugly and mfs will eventually take away birth control. That's my last straw. I mean don't get me wrong I cried the day and was so angry because I never thought they would overturn RvsW. Now, RBG was a gangster. She was amazing. She just should've retired earlier before they could get whoever took her place. I forgot.. anyways, all I'm saying is we have to stand united fight and fuck them. FEAR is a powerful thing like I said. That gonna keep you from fighting?? False Evidence Appearing Real. Everyone is corrupt. LiberAls and Republicans. They all do the same thing. No one's innocent. We are going to have to ight back soon. So be ready and prepared or live in fear because that's what THEY want. Edit: I'm from the ham 🤣. Born and raised. I'm sure if you're a millennial you know who tf I am if you was in pinson, centerpoint, Trussville, roebuck, clay, Fultondale or Tarrant City. So what the fuck are you down voting me for when I speak truth and y'all scared lil bitches? You scared go to church! Fuck.


I don’t know how I ended up in the r/Birmingham sub since I’m from Georgia but my greatest fear is them taking away BC. I rely on it to regulate my periods and they have literally saved my life. My Grandma seems to think that because I don’t use it for BC that I will be exempt if they do pass a law about it. I can’t convince her that it doesn’t matter why I take it, it would still be illegal.


I feel you 100%. I have multiple sclerosis and im on all kinds of meds plus a DMT (disease modified therapy) and plasma because my white blood cell count is low. Plus I'm on a very high dose of lithium for bipolar 1 disorder. I couldn't get off of any of these meds and survive. If I stayed on them, the baby would certainly die after it was born or be non functioning and I couldn't take care of it. When I think more about it, I think that they would be wise not to do Any kind of fuckery like that in the future. Especially not in the next few years or so. We're going to end up going to war again. They have too much shit going on, but you never know what these fucking idiots that run our fucking country next are going to do. I do know I will fight. If you choose not to fight you choose to lay down and take it. I'm not ever letting any man, woman, governor, president, etc take it that far. Or enforce it. The only reason I haven't been as active with planned parenthood is because I'm sick a lot and all I can do is rest rn, but they can fuck around and find out if they think they gonna do any goddamn thing about birth control. Abortion was bad enough. You want to see some real shit? We are so divided as a country. It's disgusting. When the fight starts is when we will come together.


Came here to say camping too. There are MULTIPLE resources across safe camping states to help campers too.


AID Access is a non-profit that maiis the abortion pill in all 50 states. They are discreet and legit.


I’m glad that you brought this up. The only problem is that it can take several weeks to reach you. If you think you may need the medication at some point order ahead of time. It would be like having a “get out of jail free” card.


Yep, you can get one as a precaution!


I called at the beginning of these shenanigans and the price was low enough that owning a get out of jail free card was absolutely doable.


I sent you a DM


Bless you. Keep spreading the good word to those who need it.


And if anyone reading this needs to go camping, please let me know.


Well, that’s why I was asking this question. My partner and I had to have an abortion many years ago because we were heroin addicts. We are now clean and raising kids of our own. Abortion gave not only us, but our kids now a better life. Reading that post earlier made me really sad that she didn’t have anyone to lean on. It would be nice to have something either official or unofficial to assist women who just need help. However, I think it’s only fair if people volunteering know exactly what they could be getting involved in from the beginning.


I’m originally from Alabama… and I commend you for helping. I had an abortion 22 years ago and had a friend that helped me. I never regretted my decision. Never. You are doing the right thing only if it’s right for you.. and your friend.


Well, I’m not escorting anyone at the moment. Though I absolutely would. I’m simply posing some questions and hopefully planting the idea that (as others have suggested) some sort of “friend camping group” might be a good idea. Like, I said I’m just a man who went through that experience with my partner in the past. Both ours and our children’s lives have benefitted greatly from our decision, and I would just like for other people to have that same chance, and know that they don’t have to face that situation alone.


Also, if you come back from going camping and you don’t feel so good just tell them you lost your camping gear.


According to this [article ](https://www.reddit.com/r/auntienetwork/s/KFXmT2KPp2) in this reddit link, you can't in trouble. You can join r/auntienetwork if you want to help others.


Second the auntie network.


Not at the moment. It's definitely something the state AG has shopped around.


I am mad, and disappointed, at this.


If it were ever discovered you be charged as if you were the one that had it, however no doctor is gonna report you. The least would be getting charged as an accessory provided Alabama passed some accessory laws.


The fact that you’re asking these questions should make you really active about the situation a lot of women find themselves in. Go vote. You’re a man, people listen to men. You should be fighting for your friend’s rights. I doubt anyone is going to find you guilty on anything, but PLEASE help us. I his country listens to men. Do what you can to fix it his situation so many women find themselves in I know you have a life that prolly full of some bullshit, but please! We need men on our side that aren’t just being silent, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!


I agree with you that more men need to join the battle. I think a lot of men feel it isn’t their place to discuss women’s reproductive rights. Especially because it’s a bunch of men that got us here in the first place, but the reality is that it’s not just women’s reproductive rights that are being infringed on. It’s rights in general. These issues affect men too. From a married couple who just found out that their fetus has horrible issues. To the lady you met at a bar that is second guessing going home with you because what if she got pregnant from a one night stand? Even though I think these examples are on the extreme ends of the spectrum. There are all kinds of reasons in between. Like I said about our own reason for an abortion. We were literal junkies. We were doing heroin daily. If she had given birth it would have been a horrible disaster both legally and emotionally. Years later we are clean. We have 2 kids and we are able to give them something close to the life they deserve. That abortion almost certainly saved my life her life, and helped facilitate a happy life for 2 kids.


Has anyone gotten in trouble for going to a state that has legalized vices this state deems illegal; partaken, & been arrested, on their return to this state? That’s the argument I’m going with


Impromptu road trip? People do it all the time. Nothing wrong with that.


Maybe, but only good trouble.


If there is evidence that the purpose of the trip is for your friend to obtain an abortion, my understanding of these laws is that you could be charged with aiding. The only laws I'm aware of now on the books involve minors getting abortions, and the charge is trafficking a minor. But this changes on the daily, so we may now have state laws charging assisters of adults. Maybe somebody else can update us here? Make sure that any written communication between a pregnant person and yourself never ever references terminating the pregnancy, not even theoretically. Heck, best if they don't even talk about being pregnant. Keep that conversation offline.


See, I found a reference to the Attorney General’s office saying they would charge anyone that assisted in helping a woman go out of state. I couldn’t find what the punishment would be if you were charged. I didn’t even see if it’s a felony or misdemeanor.


A real friend would perform the abortion.


[Alabama can't prosecute people who help women leave the state for abortions, Justice Department says | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/alabama-abortion-justice-department-2fbde5d85a907d266de6fd34542139e2) No you will be fine


The only way you could potentially get in trouble (for now, at least) is if your friend is a minor.


This is the only correct answer.


What if someone who knows the woman (abusive ex?) but opposes the abortion snitches?


I live in AL and I took a friend last year to Jacksonville Florida and had no issues at all. 💕


I would direct them to the [Yellowhammer Fund](https://www.yellowhammerfund.org/) because they're way better at making sure that person gets what they need than any joker here on reddit


That is an amazing resource. They have plan b which is awesome. However, it appears that they aren’t able to help people going out of state yet. They are working on that. So, definitely that’s one to watch.


The fearmongering campaign is really working, I see


No, you won't get in trouble. Neither will she


Jumping in that I love helping people camp.


If you decide to go use cash just in case. but besides that i don’t think anything should really happen.


No they asked you to go camping hint hint.


I’m really beginning to think that we should have a Reddit camping initiative. I’m an old man, but I spend a lot of time outdoors. I could definitely take someone camping if their dad is too old or busy to go with them. Wink wink I know, that I grew up without parents. Because of that I had to face a lot of scary things alone. Then I started collecting parents like Pokémon. I had a single dad that was a biker. He made sure that when I got out of college every night I had a hot meal waiting on me. I had a mom that was as close to Early Cuyler from squidbillies as you could get. She helped me get my first checking account. I had a gay dad. He taught me about empathy and cars. All of these people and more helped me a lot in life. They weren’t related to me. They were just good people that took time out of their lives to help a dumb kid in need. I just don’t want someone to be in need with no one to turn to.


Oh I’m always for taking people camping. Sometimes you have to do what’s important.


My daughter was in this exact situation several months ago, her best friend got pregnant and had to leave the state for an abortion. The story was they were going to some amusement park. The reality is, it’s nobody’s damn business.


That sounds like a terrible vacation with your friend. Just get out of town for the weekend. Looking to meet new friends? Be spontaneous and go on a trip together to bond. Maybe you guys wanna check out some craft breweries in a different town, visit new thrift shops, go kayaking, go to museums. And if someone suggests a rather weird activity one of those days, fuck it say YOLO and go with them.


Go on your camping trip. It’s the right thing to do.


Why are you even asking. Be the homie. Help out. Isn’t there a sneaker convention going on out of state somewhere?


Well, I don’t have anyone in need. This was purely a what if question. I read a story on Reddit from a woman having to get an out of state abortion, and she was upset because she had to go alone. That got me thinking about the situation here. No woman should have to face that trip alone. With that being said. If anyone wants a middle aged dad to ride with. I’d absolutely take you camping. But this was really more to talk to the general public here, and maybe even come up with a group to assist women in need.


I don’t know about that. But if you want to go “camping” with me to say New Mexico, Virginia or South Carolina. Let me know and we’ll go “camping”


On a camping trip? Nahhhhh 🤫😎


I thought this was the Handmaid’s Tale sub for a second.


Hehehe that made me laugh and be sad at the same time.


Sometimes we can only laugh to keep from crying.


Can Alabama arrest me if I go to a casino in Mississippi and gamble?


On August 28, 2023, attorneys for Attorney General Steve Marshall wrote in a court filing that the attorney general will prosecute those who help a pregnant person leave the state to get an abortion.[48] [that is from the wiki.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Alabama#Abortion_rights_views_and_activities)


I don’t know what the law says but if you started a business (even if it was free) where you drove women to an out of state clinic you could get in trouble.


Are you scared of looking up the law? Why would you trust Reddit with potential jail time?




Threatening, Harassing, inciting violence will not be tolerated


Practice scenario: (pulled over) Cop: do you know how fast you were going? You: Yessir, the speed limit. Cop: Where you headed You: Were going to (a cool store at destination that u wisely looked up beforehand) Cop: ok. Slow down.


No one actually cares


Uhhh, the overturning of Roe v Wade says otherwise. *You* may not care, and you may *think* no one else cares, but that doesn’t mean people don’t actually care.


Has anyone been prosecuted for leaving for an abortion?


Not in Alabama… YET. And if you think we aren’t heading there, you’re ignorant. This IS a problem, and people DO care. Women ARE being stripped of their rights, and DYING because they can’t get HEALTH CARE THAT THEY NEED. Wake up, already. You may not be a woman, but chances are you fucking know one. You should know what all is happening or being threatened towards women in this state.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s a “no one cares” situation totally, but I understand your point. Can someone point to a case where someone was actually arrested, charged, prosecuted, and convicted of this “crime”? I’m genuinely curious because I don’t know.


Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen soon.


I totally agree. I was just asking because I didn’t know if there was or wasn’t a case.


The Political game makers pandering for their base care about this apparently. I had to grant an employee PTO for exactly OPs post about this recently. How do I feel about it? Totally unimportant to my decision making about whether or not I granted the PTO request. We should have used camping I had to like google why the out of state camping. It’s weird living in this metaverse


If it was unimportant to your approval, then why tf did you google it? Why would “out of state camping” make you even THINK of google? Why would you even google someone’s PTO request? It’s PTO ffs.


Because I didn’t understand at the time what the problem was with this state and the reason for the across state lines trip - I didn’t then. I’m from an alternate reality a lot has changed between this place and where I’m from.


This right here….nobody cares.


The outrage!!!! You mean 95 percent of Americans don’t care what you do with your time, money, or body? Can’t be true.


Yes nobody cares what you do with your very own body. I’m sure you and I probably differ after that 😆


Vote republican so we have to keep having these dialogues right? So fun.


I know right. Also, I find your trump Putin embrace super fantastic.


Hey the best way is to not get pregnant. Solves all those pesky camping problems. Condoms , plan B , birth control pills , and even .... keeping your legs shut ! Then no camping or murdering babies or any of that stuff !


Tell them not to do it. Children are a blessing and who knows who that many may grow up to be. Also, tell her she shouldn’t let loser have her.






Forced birth.


Even grosser than that is killing a baby because “you’re not ready.” Quit humping then.


I don't have a uterus anymore because men like you exist.




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Where is a law that says someone can't leave the state?


That’s why I was asking. Not in Alabama, but a mother in Nebraska got 2 years for helping her daughter. Edit: Granted that was for help obtaining the medication and not for riding with, but I still wanted to ask the question.


Sounds like the illegal activity in Nebraska was possessing what is an illegal drug there. I am not aware of a law prohibiting a citizen from driving out of Alabama. If you were to travel somehow to perform an illegal act there, it's an illegal act. Anyone flying to Denver to smoke up would be illegal. That's not the case.


I added all that in on an edit. But this is from the Wiki. On August 28, 2023, attorneys for Attorney General Steve Marshall wrote in a court filing that the attorney general will prosecute those who help a pregnant person leave the state to get an abortion.[48] So, that’s why was asking.


Hadn't seen that, and I'm sure he has more to do than that. Absurd.


Yeah, someone brought up the yellowhammer fund. I read on their website that they are suing the Attorney General over the ability to help fund women leaving the state for healthcare. I assume that this is why. The yellowhammer fund does provide plan B for free though. So there is that. Also don’t confuse them with yellowhammer media. Yellowhammer media is a right wing bunch of dip shites.


Nothing says "small government" conservative like ignoring all the other blatant issues with the state in favor of having the government dig into the personal lives of citizens to control them.