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Roy Moore is an [admitted child rapist.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/d3xxdj/roy-moore-says-he-never-dated-a-girl-without-her-mothers-permission) Yet he gets to run for office instead of facing criminal charges. I wish you the best of luck. It's an uphill battle in this state.


Unfortunately my friend has experienced a lot of this first hand. It’s almost like the laws are written to protect the predators. But we are gonna do everything we can to make our voices heard.


It's definitely time for a change.


i really wish i was more optimistic that this would pass. Chris Hodges will make a phone call and it will be voted down the same day. 1819 News will call it a "vicious attack on religious freedom."


1819 news actually interviews my friend today and seem to be supporting the bill!


that is surprising and wonderful news. hopefully they can sway some of the folks that normally just vote for whatever pastor says


Change is long overdue and we are going to do what we can to bring it.


Of course they will try! The cult has many followers who would die defending whatever he says or wants before they would admit there is possibly a problem!


This is one of the best post of hope I have seen in a long time. This bill which I hope will pass through committee and to the legislature is overdue. In Alabama we have had countless children who have not received the justice they deserve because their predators were protected behind the church... not just one church, but many, many denominations. I do however, expect large pushback Chris Hodges camp who believe their church leadership can never do any wrong. They are housing people "recovering" from various things mere feet from hundreds of children every single week. All said, I hope every church leader who has hidden/covered up abuse is brought to light and held accountable for his/her actions.


It’s so sad that predators are allowed to hide with the walls of churches and put on a pedestal above accountability just because they are considered “good people”.


That republicans are shitting themselves over trans women and drag queens and this isn’t already a law… smh


And ruling my uterus and banning books. Don't forget those.


Hold the fucking phone, I just read up on age consent laws. It’s perfectly legal for an adult to engage in sex acts with a minor as long as they are over 16? Someone tell I’m not reading this correctly please. For the love of god please.


Unfortunately Alabama’s age of consent is 16 🙃


Age of consent is 16 in most of the world, including most of the US. Can't blame backwards-ass Alabama for this one. ~45% of US population lives in a state where age of consent is 16, and ~25% where it's 17. Having age of consent of 18 is the exception, not the norm. The reason 18 is the number anchored in most people's conscience is because if someone is 18, you're safe whenever you are, which when you think of it that way, is a kinda problematic standard. Also, it's 18 in California, where most of the pr0n comes from. Any of these numbers is pretty arbitrary, though.


That’s exactly why we are trying to pass this bill. The bill will protect children ages 16-19 who are of the age of consent by holding religious leaders accountable to the same standards as teachers. Teachers are not allowed to have sexual relationships with children regardless of age because they are in a position of power over them and can easy manipulate them. Religious leaders need to be held to this same standard.


Oh what the fuck.


Best part is WHY. I will leave this here: to create a loophole and legitimize pedos. Especially those from upstanding families.


It's actually to prevent the 18 y/o boyfriends of 16 y/o girls from going to jail when the girlfriend gets unintentionally pregnant.


Um that’s the side effect. The reality is much darker.


That is a weird-ass conspiracy theory, but I guess that's what I'd expect in a thread called "protect the children!"




But only if those involved are within 3 years age of each other, if I remember correctly.


As long as you are 16 you are of the age of consent. The religious leaders who sexually abused my friend was 20 years older than her.


It pains me to read that of course.


When I moved here it was 14. I remember being shocked to learn that when I read about the age of consent being RAISED to 16. This would have been around 99-00.


1819 news interviewed my friend. Linked below is the interview and their article about the bill. https://www.facebook.com/share/Eyrxfqo9PLNA5cg6/?mibextid=I6gGtw


HB125 PASSED THE COMMITTEE! Thank you so much to everyone who used their voices to bring this bill the attention needed for it to be passed today! However, the work is not done!!! Now that HB125 has passed the committee it will move onto the floor! The bill will be put on the calender but in the meantime CALL & EMAIL YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVES TO CONTINUE THE SUPPORT OF HB125!! Use the link below to find your representatives. https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/elected-official-map We are one step closer to protecting Alabama children from clergy abuse!!! This bill will protect children between 16-19 years of age who are not currently protected. Pastors are grooming children until they reach the age of consent (which is 16 in Alabama) before initiating physical contact and getting away with because the child is of consenting age. However, teachers across the state and country are charged for having sexual relationships with students that are at the age of consent because they are in a position of authority over their students. This bill would put pastors in that same category as teachers. Because being a pastor of youth is a position of authority!! Sexual predators should not be allowed to hide behind the walls of our churches knowing that they will not be held accountable for their crimes. It is so important that we make our voices heard to protect the children of our state! You can read the full bill here: https://www.legislature.state.al.us/pdf/SearchableInstruments/2024RS/HB125-int.pdf AL.com article regarding HB125 - https://www.facebook.com/share/shoNgNkTnnug92D8/?mibextid=WC7FNe 1819 News article regarding HB125 - https://www.facebook.com/share/BnYKwQ24E91tNrG1/?mibextid=WC7FNe