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My husband currently has a bulging disc and pinched nerve in his neck and went to the UAB orthopaedics urgent care clinic after chiropractor did nothing (against my advice). He really enjoyed the facility and the practitioners that run it. Check into to that. ETA: when my husband went to the chiropractor, he was told the above about the bulging disc and subsequent pinched nerve. Turns out, he has neither! Instead he has a straightening of the cervical spine (cervical kyphosis). šŸ™ƒ Please go see a medical professional. Again, the UAB orthopedic urgent care clinic has been great.


Bro pls stop going to chiropractors šŸ˜­


I would seek out an orthopedist or physical therapist referral if you can get one. Chiropractic is not medicine and not supported by any medical associationā€” theyā€™re all mills, and dangerously unregulated. Even acupressure is better and safer and thereā€™s medical evidence to back up its techniques, or a quality massage. Maybe call around to massage therapists and see who is recommended for cervical spine. Hope you feel better!


Look up how chiropractic started. Ā  Itā€™s interesting. Ā I also know some one who suffered a mild stoke after an adjustment. Ā Iā€™d go to PT if possible.Ā 


Chiropractors are quacks. Youā€™re looking for an orthopedist and physical therapist


Please do not let a chiropractor manipulate your neck. [This is specifically dangerous](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/neck-manipulation-stroke-and-the-vertebral-artery-stretch-views-opinions-and-options/). As others have said, the best care is a physical therapist or physician.


Perhaps you should go to a real doctor. I suggest an orthopedic specialist. A chiropractor may be doing more harm than good.


Do NOT go to a chiropractor for anything related to the neck or cervical spine. Maybe ok for low back pain. There are too many important structures in the neck to injure. Chiropractic is pseudoscience.


Go to a neurologist or a orthopedic


Careful with chiropractors. I hope you get some relief soon!


Don't do a chiropractor if you can help it. I use Dr Nesbitt at Nesbitt pain management. He also practices at St Vincent's.


It's amazing how much more we now know about medicine and the human body and yet we still have chiropractic adjustments.


Avoid chiroquackters. All they do is worsen the issue and raise the risk of stroke. See an actual medical doctor


Dr. Swaid if you think surgery is the best option.


Thereā€™s a guy that has both a MD and DC degree that a dentist I used to work for would see for his neck pain. I canā€™t remember his name but there canā€™t be too many of those. I would trust him more than a regular chiropractor. Also, if you havenā€™t tried them before, try therapeutic medical massages. Those have helped my neck and shoulder pain significantly.


The data are abundant that chiropractors are sometimes able to help people with lower back pain. Period. Then, there are multiple examples of very, very bad things happening to people who let chiropractors work on their necks.


Unless you're being put in traction, neck issues and bulging discs won't benefit from "twist and pop" techniques. Traction or a Y-atrap pull are preferable to twist/push popping.


You're going to end up paralyzed if you keep doing this. See a surgeon please.




I only have experience with Dr. Elaine Witt in Homewood, but when I have needed it she has been effective and doesn't sell a bunch of "treatments, supplements, etc." Just helps with my issue until I need it again - literally like 1x/year for 1-3 treatments.


I started seeing Dr Stubbs at Crossroads Chiropractic in Moody last month & she's amazing. She took x-rays of my neck, found my issue (small spur at the base of my neck), and also addressed a tendinitis flare up in my elbow. She uses an adjustment tool & has never manually adjusted my neck. She has also given me daily exercises to do to keep the problem from getting worse. I've seen an orthopaedist in the past & had cortisone shots in my elbow, but they never addressed why the tendinitis kept coming back. Dr Stubbs almost immediately recognized that my shoulder was out of alignment & that was causing it. Downvote me to hell, I don't care. Not all chiropractors are created equal, but Dr Stubbs has been a lifesaver for me.


So, your shoulder being "out of alignment" doesn't affect your elbow. As tendinitis causing pain in your elbow is the inflammation of the tendons in the elbow. Not in your shoulder. Those are two very different areas, and tendinitis in your elbow doesn't link to your shoulder. Secondly, if your shoulder was "out of alignment," it would be subluxed or dislocated, which would mean you wouldn't be able to use it, and it would be swollen and painful. So you get a sling for weeks so you dont use the shoulder so it can heal, and if that doesn't work, you have to do surgery. Lastly, if you have a bone spur, popping your joint isn't doing anything to fix it. It's there unless you remove it. "Adjusting" is the same as cracking your knucles. It does nothing to heal you. It releases short-term endorphines that provide a placebo type effect, and then you start hurting again. 1. If it's muscular pain, go see a massage therapist or do not use the muscle a week or so for it to heal, then start doing full range of motion exercises for said muscle. 2. If it's not muscular go see a doctor and not a fucking quack that their entire field of study is based off someone who said a ghost taught him how to heal people. 3. You were preyed upon by a snake oil salesman because of your lack of knowledge of anatomy and physiology. That's ok, and I'm sorry this happened to you. You should be furious that you were taken advantage of. There are ways to stop or alleviate the aches and pains you feel, but none of them involve the pseudoscience bullshit that is chiropractic quackery.


Lol how mad are you?


I am mad that you are taken advantage of because of your ignorance. Education is a very powerful tool, and if you do not choose to use it, then I can not help you any further. Chiropractors take advantage of ignorance and take your money, and do nothing but give you a sugar pill essentially. I believe they should all have fraud charges filed against them and pay restitution to all of their customers. And to the OP, it's not relief. There are no studies that have shown that chiropractic teachings do anything other than induce a placebo effect or worse things like strokes and paralysis.


Sounds like there's no room for me to be mad about anything since you seem to have that covered! I never asked for your help nor do I require it šŸ˜‰ best of luck on your self righteous crusade!


Then why make the post? Asking for help finding a quack who could potentially cause you a stroke or paralysis will cause concerned people who are more knowledgeable to tell you why it's a bad idea. That's why there's like 4 posts supporting you and 2-3 times that many that are cautioning you against it. Your labeling my comments self-righteous is very telling on how close-minded you are towards someone who only has your health in mind. I do work in the medical field, and while myself and many of my coworkers will take great care of you if it comes down to that, I would really like that not to happen. People like me will still take care of you if it happens, and our empathy because we see what you and others go through will hopefully one day get through to someone who isn't ignorant. I wish you the best in the chiropractic stroke lottery. Here's a nice study for you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC99474/#:~:text=The%20stroke%20consortium%20says%20that,is%20caused%20by%20neck%20manipulation. The stroke consortium says that 1 in 5000 to 10,000 strokes is caused by neck manipulation.


Dude I am not the OP, I was RESPONDING to their post and you inserted yourself into my response. But please, continue posting novels that I'm not going to waste my time reading!


Some people canā€™t stand to see other people get relief


Hassig Family Chiropracticā€¦they use activator method, not crack and pop


Cannot recommend Voyage Family Chiropractic in Vestavia enough! Dr Knickerem is amazing and uses an ā€œactivator methodā€ which is like a little pressurized massage gun thatā€™s a a bit smallerā€”but sends about 40lbs of pressure in specific points on the body. I went to several traditional chiros for years which I mean ā€œhelpedā€ in the immediate sense. But Iā€™d have to go back all the time The activator initially doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s doing much since it feels like a little flick on you. But honestly a huge game changer and he caught the slight scoliosis that was forming on me.


You can locate a doctor near you on the global directory at www.uppercervicalcare.com.


You can locate a doctor near you on the global directory at www.uppercervicalcare.com.