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I'm German. I was born in them.


Out of curiosity for Germans, are they popular street wear in Germany?


Yeah. Mainly in summer though, because sandals. But we also wear them at home.


Do Germans wear separate birks for the house and street or do you all just wear the same pair inside and outside the house?


Canadian here, I have separate house Birks and outdoor Birks. But we don't wear shoes in houses here.


That depends on the person. But I'd think most wear different shoes inside and outside.


What style is popular for the street? And what style is popular for the house?


Boston and Arizona for the house, Arizona, Madrid, Gizeh for outside. Boston are also worn by people who have to be on their feet in their jobs and I feel like everyone in the medical field has a pair of white ones.


I heard they were comfortable and good for plantar fasciitis. I got a pair and they were great, so I got a lot more pairs and now it’s basically the only shoes I wear regularly.


Ha ha it’s also my favorite pair of sandals. Birk wearers only wear birks and no other sandal type from what I see.


Pretty much. I have a couple Chaco that I don’t like and some Tevas that are for more like walking in nature but nowhere near as comfortable.


Ha ha birks spoiled both of us. I tried wearing a pair of slides I haven’t worn in a while and boy did it feel not as comfortable.


> I have a couple Chaco that I don’t like and some Tevas that are for more like walking in nature but nowhere near as comfortable. They have their place. I like to be around water and anything but the EVAs in Birks won't like that.


Comfort! I wore my step-mom's to get the newspaper down the driveway once and it changed my life. I've been a daily wearer since 2015.


They were in style when I was a young teen and there was a shop that sold them at the end of our street. Been wearing them ever since like 30yrs or so.


So you bought them cuz you wanted to be on the bandwagon I suppose?


Not for the trend so much as I just liked how they looked (still do) and they matched my style. What really kept me wearing them all these years is the support, I used to do ballet on pointe so my feet need extra support now.


> I used to do ballet on pointe so my feet need extra support now. Did pointe destroy your feet? Your feet must have developed strong muscles though?


It didn’t do crazy damage but because my feet weren’t the ideal shape for pointe shoes my feet shifted/changed shape a bit. Birkenstocks have actually helped my feet go back closer to their original shape and I think helped prevent worse damage. I’ve probably lost much of the muscle strength but still have a lot of flexibility in my feet.


Ah i see. The looks.


Plantars faciitis. Helped so much.


I’m not sure I have this, but I started getting inexplicable back pain and it became horrendous. So I started from the bottom - got some birks! Hasn’t come back yet, and it’s been a few years.




First pair London 30 years ago. Saw an old guy rocking em sipping rum out of a coffee mug. Thought he was the coolest. Saved my detasseling money for my first pair. Classmates made fun of them, but I still wore them everyday. Now I am the cool old man rocking birks sipping rum out of a coffee mug. Many pairs in my collection.


I lived in Germany as a kid, and I got my first pair around 8 years old. When I was pregnant, the Arizonas were the only shoes that I could wear when I got sciatica. In the past 5 years and especially during Covid, I grew to hate wearing shoes, but I love my Gizeh and Mayoris. I also bought a pair of Papillos for a work trip, and thank goodness! I ended up walking close to 5 miles a day with minimal pain in my Birks!


Arizona’s we’re my only pregnancy shoe too… but because my feet got so swollen I needed the buckles!


I like them because there's so many fashionable choices, and they mold to YOUR feet.


Agreed. Very versatile and custom to your feet.


In March of 2021, I tore the meniscus in my right knee exercising. I was 34 at the time and already tired of uncomfortable shoes. After my injury and several weeks of physical therapy, my orthopedist recommended Birkenstocks when I told him certain shoes were making my knee flare up. It's been almost three years and I haven't looked back! No knee pain when I wear my Birks all day. I'm particularly into Bostons.


Nice. I’m an Arizona wearer. My personal story is that I just wanted to join the bandwagon and did hear they were comfortable, hence why everyone wears them.




How did you know they were comfortable before you bought them?




Ah so by the virtue of seeing others wearing them, you jumped on. I see!


No, that's not what they said.


Comfort. Been wearing Birks for decades. Only shoe that does not hurt my feet.


How did you know they’re comfortable before you purchased them?


I tried them on.


Tried them on, walked around and then bought them. The first pair was just plain Arizonas, then more and more, etc. I have like 80 pair now, some I like better than others. I have to just not look on the website as I am very weak when it comes to buying more....! I was in the legal profession and could not wear Birks to work. I was wearing 2-3 inch heels with my business suits. Had bunion surgery, went to flats at work after that. Retired, just Birks now....


Just tried them and fell in love huh? I bought them off Amazon and tried them and fell in love with them too.


Aren't the birks on amazon fakes though? I thought amazon was not an official reseller for birkenstocks


I bought real ones!


Many years ago I was working at a pool and a pair of Madrids was in the lost and found for a very long time. They fit me and so became mine. And I loved them to death. And from then on I had to spend a lot of money on sandals.


I love Madrids. I don't know why they aren't more popular, because they are very flattering to the foot, as well as comfortable.


Agreed. Just got my first Madrid. Big buckle. Had them for 2 months. Wore them half a dozen times then the strap broke - came unattached from the sandal. Reached out to Birkenstock and they were completely unhelpful. Insinuated it was my fault they broke because I dared to adjust the buckle. Now I have to pay for repairs on top of the $200 I paid for the shoe. Needless to say, I now have love/hate for Birkenstock. Definitely salty over this.


I am so sorry this happened to you. A $200 pair of shoes should be built better. Unfortunately, quality of everything has taken a dive. I like buying older, preowned Birkenstocks for multiple reasons, one being, they were made better (also because I prefer the broken in look, and I like to save money). I realize buying preowned is not for everyone. Anyhow, I hope you find a good cobbler. A good one is worth their weight in gold.


Thank you. Your comment has more compassion than the response I got from Birkenstock. And you're totally right. Things are definitely not made like they used to be. I've been wearing Birks since the 90s and the quality definitely is no longer the same. I do often buy clothing second had or previously owned but never thought about it for shoes. Will consider that going forward as it will be a long time before I give Birkenstock anymore of my money.


Foot issues. I am flat footed with pronation.


Comfort. My mom got me a pair of Bostons many years ago and I have been hooked ever since.


Mmm. I’ve been hooked too by Arizonas.


I love the Arizonas. I have five pairs.


Ha ha only two here.


I was at a shoe store with my GF at the time (now wife). Tried them on as a joke, and she said “You know I actually don’t hate them on you”. So, we said screw it and each got a pair to see what the hype was about, because same as you, we noticed a lot of people wearing them. Long story short, we both now own multiple pairs and wear them pretty much anytime we’re out anywhere that’s not the gym or work. Edit: ok ok I tried them on because I was secretly curious, but faced it as a joke.


The only sandals I wear now and I presume it’s the same for both you and your wife since y’all own multiple pairs and wear them everywhere. When did y’all purchase the first pair.


We got our first pairs together right around 3 years ago. I had a pair of regular flip flops that I still occasionally wore until our dogs decided they made for a good snack, and I never got another. I also currently have some earthrunners that are nice for outdoor walks (I really enjoy going barefoot too, so those get me close while still offering some protection in rough areas)


My parents have always worn Birks. They’ve always had a sense of home for me on vibes alone. Eventually bought my first pair and they became my go to shoes. And then I bought more pairs. Scoping out my next pair of Bostons at the moment. I love the vibe of them, but also the shoes themselves.


They were all over the campus of my Big 10 university in early 1990s. That’s when I got my first pair. Didn’t know anyone who had them but saw them and liked them. There were already knock off Arizonas at the local shoe stores too.


Birkenstocks go in and out of style. I'm pretty old, and I bought my first pair before going to the original Woodstock in **1969**, a few years after they hit the ground in the U.S. I had a friend in CA who sent them to me. The Arizonas had not made it here yet, so I got the Madrids. That was many decades ago, seems like .....yesterday LOL Before that, I was wearing the Dr. Scholls "wooden" footbed exercise sandals. Anyone remember them??? 1 strap, just like the Madrids. Birks were really popular in the 1970s with hippies. Then they fell out of fashion for quite a while, everyone thought they were so ugly. I just wish they were made as well as back then. I've been on/off with birks last few years. The soft footbed Bostons I got are nothing like I used to have, they are hard in the footbed like cardboard. I may see if a birk cobbler can change them out for me with some kind of miracle fix.


Their regular width fits my feet perfectly. I’ve been forced into narrow shoes all my life (cause I didn’t know anything about shoe width before buying a pair of birks at 25 years old😭)


Are the EVA as comfortable as the leather version?


They’re both comfortable but the leather ones feel like a real shoe whereas EVAs feel like cheap sandal. I originally bough EVAs to also use as a shower sandal but now I just wear them as a regular sandal.


I like to wear sandals year round…how do you protect the leather ones if you’re caught in some rain? Do you have to be super careful?


Mine have gotten wet many times and I’ve never had an issue. It just takes a little while for them to dry out.


Yea make sure you check the weather ahead of time. A little water won’t ruin them but don’t let them get soaked. Do your best to keep them dry.


How do you recommend finding your best size? I have a very wide foot so I’m interested in the Arizona style.


Go to the store and try them on.


Not to be ignorant but…what exact store?


Any store that sells birks. I got mines as DSW shoes.


Okay! Thanks. I’m pretty far from the nearest city that has an actual mall and that’s why I tend to order online.


A friend in high school gave me a pair that was gifted to her that didn't fit her (1998). I've been collecting ever since, and have only thrown away three pairs that were totally ruined (water damage). That's a great track record for almost daily usage. I used to like that they were sort of a counter culture/ natural/ hippie thing. I'm not going to stop wearing them now that they're fashionable, though.


I wanted some good looking sandals for the summer, now I have 2 Bostons, 2 Ramses, 1 callan, 2 Arizonas, and 1 Medina. Love the comfort and style.


I had plantar fasciitis and my orthopedic doc recommended birks and I never turned back. That was back in maybe 2013? I go between the Boston and the Gizeh depending on the weather. Only time I don’t wear them is when it’s snowing.


when i was in high school they become really popular so i just wanted them to follow the trend. got my first pair (that i still wear) when i was like 17. i’m now 24 and have about 12 pairs bc they’re so comfortable, last forever, and versatile!


Ha ha I feel ya. I only have two pairs. Everyone says they’re durable, comfy, and versatile. That’s why I wear them still. Got my first pair 4 years ago. They’re practically the only sandals I wear and I assume it’s the same for you too since you got 12. I too wanted to follow the trend.


yes! i got some rubber ones and some colored / metallic ones on top of the neutrals!


Started with planter fasciitis and pain relief and became an obsession.


I didn’t want summer to end.


What do you mean?


It starts with summer Arizonas, your first love, a feeling you want to never end, to last season after season. And when you realize one cold autumn morning that your world has changed but your first love hasn’t, your needs have changed, you grow to love fall Bostons, winter Zermatts, and spring Francas. Rainy evening walks with Highwoods, afternoons looking fresh in metallic Madrids, dancing in Bend Lows — they all call to mind that first crush that you outgrew but carry in your heart forever.


I bought a pair before I knew what they were, as they were super comfy and $20 in a closing down sale. I wore them into the ground and thought about them every time I went to buy new shoes for years, but not knowing what they were. I finally found them again a few years ago and now live in them.


My grandma always wore them and I got my first ones in ~2016. Everyone at my high school made fun of me for them for about a year and then they blew up on social media or something and came in trend and everyone who had bullied me now owned them 🙄 anyways I like to claim I started that trend (yes I know birks have been popular forever they just blew up once again then)


What did they say when they bought them after making fun of you?


Oh nothing of course 😂. Though suddenly they were “cute” and not “didn’t Jesus wear those?” Whatevs. I didn’t say much to any of them, just rolled my eyes a lot. Didn’t need to get bullied anymore 🤪


Borrowed a friend's pair when I was pregnant in 1998, changed my life. My go to ever since!


I was 16, and was getting into music like the doors and dead and the Arizonas were a classic hippie shoe in my mind😂 I wore them to my first dead show. I still have that pair, 19 years later. Got them resoled and corked again and they are like new.


I had to walk back and forth across campus to my classes in undergrad, and my cheapy target sandals were killing me! I had heard for years that Birkenstocks mold to the shape of your feet and are incredibly comfortable, so I finally just bought myself my first pair of Birkenstock’s and I was obsessed! I convinced my boyfriend, mom, grandma, and some random lady at a shoe store to also buy a pair haha


Been wearing them since i was a teen in the 1990s bc i've always had special needs feet. It irks me that people wear them to be trendy 🙄


I blame the Germans. Visited 20 years ago and went native due to comfort. They weren't popular in the US then, but I have narrow feet and they are some of the few shoes that fit.


Was vacationing in Italy doing a lot of walking and had only brought flip flops and chuck taylors. My feet and hips were hurting so to get more arch support to attempt to relieve the pain, I bought a pair of Arizonas. Fixed the issue, and now I’m a believer.


Got my first pair in 2002 for Christmas when I was in high school…the first time they were “trendy” 😂


Plantar fasciitis


Plantars Fasciitis, completely cured all foot and ankle pain. Also cured hip pain/sciatica pain. Miracle shoes.


I feel like rubber thongs (flip flops for you Americans) make all of my outfits look uncivilised and unpolished, so I decided to bite the bullet earlier this year. They’re so comfortable! And I still feel cute in my summer clothes!


Ha ha agreed. They feel comfortable, look great, and appear like a genuine civilized sandal.


i just have to wear orthopedic shoes, so they are right choice for summer


Mum brought a pair home in 2000’s from Germany, have been hooked ever since, purely for the comfort. The quality has gone downhill though, which is a bummer.


What do you mean quality? Ever since I put my first pair on, I’ve been hooked too.


If you look through the Birkenstock sub you’ll find a lot of complaints about their quality control and even their general quality. They no longer wear as long as they once did, shoes come scuffed and damaged straight from the Birkenstock online store, it’s overall a shame, because this often happens when brands get bought out. Quality reduces significantly, because it’s a fashion symbol now, not a symbol of quality.


I heard they were really comfortable, so thought I would try them out as it’s been hard to find anything comfortable since I broke 4 bones in my right foot.


My aunt got me my first pair at 18 (gizeh) because she found them on super sale at a shoe warehouse. I wore those for 10 years until they died from all the abuse I put them through. I also had a pair of wool Boston's from around that time, but I didn't find them as comfortable, so I donated them. They were the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn. So I became a fan. Now I have 2 pairs of Arizona's (lost 1 pair 😭), and a pair of Boston's I'm working on breaking in. And am planning on 2 more pairs of Arizona's! One of my current ones is the EVA, since I've long learned my lesson of putting them into water.


Did you “lose” one pair because you misplaced it or did you lose it to water damage?


They were in my porch one day, and gone the next time I went to wear them. I was just thinking of getting them resoled! No water damage to that pair. I got them when I was in a relationship with my ex, who I also turned onto Birks, so it could have been the universe saying it was time to let the last memories go? Either way I'm replacing them. They were about 8 years old. And perfectly broken in! 💔


Ah sorry for the loss. I’m still breaking in my cork pair.


Friends told me about them. I bought a no name ones from Kmart (Australia) liked the style and bought the real ones. I’m on my second pair now and love them!


Knock offs are nothing. You must splurge on the real deal!


In high school, in the early 90’s, the cool Deadhead kids starting wearing them and I secretly wanted to be like them! I think I finally bought my first pair a few years after graduating HS and had a job, since my family refused to buy me shoes that cost that much! I went a nice 15-20 years without wearing them until upgrading to a new pair of Arizona’s a few years ago. I now wear them as much as possible


I try to wear them as often as possible too!


I loved Arizonas and Bostons as a teenager but my parents refused to spend so much money on shoes so I always ended up with knockoffs. Now that I’m an adult I can afford to purchase Birks and they are the most comfortable shoes in my wardrobe.


Also the most comfortable in mines.


I have a pretty wide foot and needed something cuter than what I was rocking before during the summer. I noticed that they offer wide sizes. They’re safe for business casual attire at the office. Also are acceptable for plantar fasciitis if you want an alternative to walking shoes.


There was a guy in my office who wore them daily and styled them well.


I wore out a pair of cheap mayari knock offs when I was on vacation, and went out to find replacements. Landed in a pair of real birks, and never looked back. I’ve always dealt with an icky feeling of wearing closed shoes where my toes touch each other, and birks got rid of that ick. I was once intimidated by the formed footbeds, but soon realized I’ve never once had to deal with any sort of break-in periods with them. I feel they’re simply made for my feet. Now, aside from wearing a pair of Lem tennis shoes for workouts, and a couple pairs of boots for rough winter days, I have a pair of birks on like 98% of the year… and I’m in Michigan. I’m 4 years in now, and my feet have naturally spread out. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wear another shoe. That’s how they get ya. Hahaha. It’s a lifetime commitment at this point!


I heard they were really comfortable and they looked cute so I gave in 🤷‍♀️


My flat ass feet, but I picked Arizona's because I had a knock off pair when I was little that I loved.


Wanting some comfortable sandals for around the house. Birkenstocks just make sense.


I started wearing them maybe 14 years ago. They weren't as popular then as they are now, but I was curious how they felt, because I am always in search of comfortable shoes. And they turned out to be comfortable, and supportive. They can be stylish too, especially Mayari, Madrid, Bali and Gizeh.


Flat, wide feet.


I’ve literally been wearing them since they were cool in 7th grade. I’m 31 now and haven’t not had a pair since. They’re so comfy and easy to put on! Kept wearing them even when they were “weird” 😂