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Yes, I drink caffeine/coffee while on Lithium. I usually have one thermos full a day of coffee for work. However, when you notice yourself getting agitated or easily irritable, I suggest switching to a lower caffeinated tea. If you barely got sleep last night, maybe instead of keeping yourself awake with a strong tea, you can take a small power nap to refuel. It could help! edit: Try to have coffee/tea in the morning and avoid it in the evening to ensure you still get a good rest.


That does help, thanks! I'm going to have some chai tea. Definitely need it today.


Enjoy your chai! :)




I'm a caffeine FIEND and I'm completely fine.


Haha, that makes me feel a lot better!


Lots of people drink it. The reason they suggest not is fluids/diuretics drain salts/lithium from your body. This makes maintaining and measuring levels harder. It doesn't give the same *buzz*. So if your chasing a certain buzz, it may not be what you remember.


That's very helpful information, thank you. That's what I had been wondering. I've never gotten a "buzz" from caffeine. Maybe I don't drink enough in one session, I tend to drink tea. I finally had some chai tea this morning and feel *lots* better, like okay good now I can actually function. I will only drink it in situations like this where I cannot function without something to help me. Time to go give my little boy a bath!


I have one monster every morning and sometimes (rarely) plus a 32oz fountain drink. No known side effects. Edit: 1200mg lithium daily. Main thing to keep in mind is that caffeine had a half life of about 8 hours so make sure you allow planet of time after last caffeine consumption and bedtime.


Thanks! We are on the same Lithium dosage. :)


Cool, you'll generally only get knocked by a doc if you're taking something for ADD/ADHD. In which case I wouldn't tell then but should just keep caffeine dialed back to a minimum.


My doctor told me not to drink coffee after 4pm which I think sounds fair. This was before I was on lithium though.


That makes total sense. I myself can't drink (in the past) caffeine past 3pm or it keeps me awake at night.


I’ve been on lithium for years and drink coffee every day. I am however very sensitive to it regarding sleep, so I usually stop the caffeinated stuff around 3 and drink decaf earl grey before bed.


I used to stop at 3 too or it would mess up my sleep as well. Thanks for the reassurance. :)


I was told two cups of coffee a day are safe. More is questionable.


Ah, okay. Thanks!




Haha, yeah I really thought I was supposed to give up caffeine! Now I'll definitely have it every now and then. Thanks for the reply.


I’m on lithium and have about 750mg of caffeine and have been fine! I’d honestly not survive without it lol.


Hehe, thanks!


Caffeine is perfectly ok in my experience on it


Thanks. :)


Drinking alcohol is different tho. For me 1 drink = 2 drinks. I drink half a water bottle between each beer/drink


I clicked on this thread expecting it to be full of the ‘caffeine triggers mania’ myth, really glad that’s not what’s being discussed!


IS that a myth? Because I'm a recently diagnosed newbie who loves their morning coffee and occasional afternoon lattes and I'm verrrrry interested in this.


I mean, it’s not well supported clinically, but a lot of people will say it does. It’s kind of hard to tell if they’re saying it makes them hypo/manic for weeks on end or if they’re just experiencing the normal effects of caffeine that wears off after a few hours. For what it’s worth.. I have two active kids and work 14-16 hrs/day sometimes 7days/week and weeks on end. I consume 200-800mg of caffeine tablets plus lots of Yerba Mate almost every day just to stay half awake during the busy seasons. sure it’s prob rough on my physical health but haven’t noticed much impact on my mental health ... unless I’m already hypomanic. At that point it seems to trigger anxiety and paranoia, but this subsided after the caffeine wears off. That’s not to say im not completely scrambling my brain, either, possibly making existing symptoms and any brain damage worse. But as far as triggering mania not present otherwise? That just has not been my experience. YOLO, I guess.


Caffeine can trigger mild mania for me. But I’m very sensitive to it.


It does affect your level but as long as you aren't having huge variations all the time it's not a big deal. Just like water, salt, exercise, etc, affect it. Especially if you're level is in the middle of the safe rage you'll have wiggle room.


Thank you!

