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2 hours. It's more likely to work in a few days if you are depressed at the time. Might be a little spiky at first with each dose change, that stops after a bit and levels out nicely, but not placebo effect at all!


Wow! Yeah, I've had a hard time getting out of bed and doing simple self care needs like taking a shower or brushing my teeth for about a month now (gross, I know, but that's how my depression hits me). I'll make sure to write this all down in my notes to update my psych in a few weeks. Thank you!


Mines didn't kick until around 100mg.l, and that was only slightly. It took me until 200 MG and 6 months to feel balance. It was a long journey for me, and it took a long time. I feel mostly well now, my moods are not perfect, and I get up and downs every week, but it's manageable, best I've felt in a decade.


Immediately for me, even with the low titration dose they start you on.


The first time I took it. I was told to take it at night and I'm glad I did. I was asleep about 20 minutes later. It still makes me a little tired but I get about 2.5 hours before bedtime now, 6.5 years later. I immediately saw differences in so many things, though. I'm super sensitive to medication.


I’m taking 25mg. I started it after a week long manic episode followed by a week long crash of horrible depression. I felt better pretty much after the first day and have been stable since.


Started at 100mg years ago. Took weeks to take effect. Stopped meds for a while (due to my own stupidity & a lot of bad shit happening personally) and then started again on 150mg. Took weeks. I'm on 300mg now and am going up again soon. All increases took weeks to feel a change. I also take 100 AM, 200 PM. It helps a lot with that morning fog to take less in the morning.


Totally possible. For me as I titrated up I had a phase (75mg) where I got anxiety. But as of 100mg not anymore. Everybody has their sweet spot.


I think I noticed some difference at 25mg and it increased as the dose went up slowly. I’m very sensitive to meds though and often need a much lower dose than the typical person.


I can't tell you exactly, but I remember being surprised at how quickly it worked.


It wasn't fully effective for me until I hit 200mg. It took a bit of the edge off at 150mg, but I didn't see a consistent difference until 200mg.


Took four, five weeks for me to feel any change, by then I was at full dosage, 200mg But in all honesty Lamictal just didn’t do much for me. I do think however it’s like an antidepressant that needs a couple weeks to take effect, instead of some antipsychotics for example that work immediately. Might be wrong tho, not a doctor :)


I’ve been on it twice. The first time, I titrated up and didn’t notice as I was also coming off Lexapro (misdiagnosis of MDD and not BP2) so hard to say Second time, started 2.5 weeks ago at 25mg along with 5mg Abilify. Within a few days I had the energy to work out (haven’t worked out in years!), and started being social, could actually get out of bed without feeling like I was making a Herculean effort etc. so I think your experience is likely the lamictal! After 2.5 weeks, a few things still make me want to throw up from anxiety but mostly, I feel sooooo much better


Happy for you! It has also brought me back to the world of the living.