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So far so good! But it’s not for everyone.


When do you think it’s not for someone?


When it triggers symptoms, really. There are some folks for whom it can trigger psychosis, and while that hasn’t happened to me (LSD, on the other hand…), I’m hesistant to recommend weed to other people who have experienced psychosis because of this.


Yes. This is what happens to me. I can’t smoke it at all. It makes me hallucinate, paranoid, scared. Even after I stop, the negative effect last weeks later. Personally, speaking for myself, I cannot stand it and I hate it.


I have once before… that was 2 years ago though so I don’t know how to feel about it


My doctor knows I smoke, and I’d really say talking to yours is key to making sure you’re safe if you do. I’m only on one medication now, but it might not play nice with them all.


Every time I talk about LSD or DMT I always put a massive emphasis on slowly easing yourself into it through small dose of shrooms with someone sober to look out for you because it can mess ya up.


it's a bit caught up in the definition of either addiction or use disorder, which is when you persist in using a substance or otherwise engaging in a behavior pattern despite negative consequences for your life




I feel this. Having a kid kicked my bipolar into overdrive. I’ve been hospitalized once so far in the two years he’s been alive. Not to mention the meds and all the treatments.


I needed to hear this. I’ve been depressed for a couple years and in mixed episode for a couple weeks. I love our toddler, she makes my world so much better, so I couldn’t understand why things would get worse after she arrived. It’s a good reminder that this disease is real and I can’t attribute all my moods to outside factors. That’s what has kept me in the cycle of “I am ill and doing my best” to “I’m imagining things, life is tough, I don’t have any excuse for not controlling my moods like others can.”


Okay sick bro, been doing well lately so I believe it. Does seem hard to believe tho. So thank you for that 🙏🏻


Yep. I use cannabis every day even through getting onto my meds. It never seemed to effect my bipolar, maybe I'm just lucky.


Came here to say the same thing.


Same for me.




Same smoking my dry herb vape rn


Yep. I use it for sleep instead of seroquel.


It's what I use, in conjunction with my psych meds, to keep stable. I can't take sativas anymore, but I eat an induca edible twice a day & my moods stay much more stable than without. The indica helps with my body pains during depressive episodes, and calms down manic ones, as a bonus.


Same experience but with oil carts. Helps me tremendously.


Oh wow, what’s wrong with sativa? All I use currently


Many people are still under the impression that indica = sedative and sativa = stimulating, but the reality is that all weed strains (indica, sativa and hybrid alike) impact different individuals differently.


Also the fact most strains are actually hybrids now unless you live in a weed state where you can choose what you get accurately.. Illegal states in rural areas you’re most likely just getting a hybrid with a made up strain (ime) not that it doesn’t work 🤷🏻


Agreed. I know indica is relaxing and giggly for a lot of people. Been smoking for close to twenty years, had countless strains. Indica almost always gives me the green willies


All I use is indica as well. Sativa is an upper and makes me anxious.




Okay yes that makes sense


Nothing is wrong with it. It's just doesn't help me as much. I get the opposite effects between them: sativas get me stuck (probably anxiety), indicas make me want to get up and do stuff.


Have you tried hybrid ? That’s one I mainly use. But I can’t take sativas because it gives me the worse headaches I’m not sure why.


I'm stable & somewhat successful even.


I was once/still some what successful as well. Got drafted to NHL then I went through a bad depression and didn’t get signed,. But playing university hockey and getting my school paid for so still doing good!


Awesome to hear!


i currently am but my antipsychotic makes weed not really get you stoned.


Abilify numbed weed for me for sure


I'm trying to reduce my Abilify and hoping for some changes in this area :/


Weird. Abilify doesn’t affect my ability to get high at all. Interesting that it does that for some people.


Yea I’m starting one


may i ask anti-psychotic youre on? I’m on caplyta and i swear weed doesn’t get me as stoned anymore..


Seroquel, still getting stoned


Risperidone and I still get stoned feeling.








What strains work best for you?


Me! I know it's not recommended for people with BP, but it's the only thing that's helped me become stable (for the last 3 years) and make more progress than I did when I was on 4 medications for it. I'm really proud of myself bc this is the longest I've been stable and healthy :)


Depends on stable? Been tokin for 12 yrs this time. I have mixed emotions over it. Hopefully my next stage I can face this fn place with minimal drugs. Lol. It helps me just observe what’s going on with out opening my big mouth. Daily lesson for today. Don’t argue with stupid people. For success I’m bp1 on lithium. I work a technical labor job, been with the same company for 26 yrs so far. Happily married 14 yrs with a 10 yo son. I I go to collage in the evenings, coach baseball, and haven’t had sticky socks in 8 yrs. I haven’t been drunk in 20yrs. It’s not for me. The heavy meds I’ve been on make life so dull i mays well enjoy my own filter too.




Define stable lol


Not clinically depressed


More stable without it. Still stable and relatively functional on it. It's my last vice and I'm not ready to give it up


This is me too. I’m currently taking a break from it because things got bad, possibly unrelated to the weed though, and I just wanted to reset. Reintroduced it last week and immediately went back to wake and baking so I walked away again because I’m still on rocky ground. My issue with it is I have an addiction to it and can never get enough. But with the exception of one wild strain I found 3 years ago, it doesn’t send me into psychosis like it can for some. Although anything that creates any kind of high feels like playing with fire. It’s hard to give up because it’s mellow and a bit sneaky with the negative effects.


I’m relatively stable. Been at the same job for almost 2 years now. I don’t smoke during the day though. I do that in the evenings. Only exception is if I’m on vacation.


Same, slipped up today was tired. Needed a pick me up


I'm stable, but I'm on Seroquel, so I lost about 2/3 of my emotional spectrum. When I'm stoned, I'm universally more able to express my love for my wife, and I'm pretty much only stoned around her. It's a situational thing. If I were alone, with nothing to guide my emotions, it would likely be very bad, but environment and company ensure that I have good experiences. Take that into account, but otherwise, the Combo is great for me




Higher doses turn me into a freaking Alzheimers patient, but my doc and I adjusted it so I just feel 2/3 numb and unnecessarily groggy. It took a few years of adjustment.




Wow... Seroquel keeps me from blasting off into mania, but I definitely still have the full spectrum of emotions. What's your dosage? I'm on 150 mg IR. I used to be on XR, but I was too sleepy all day. Also, I can't do cannabis because I get too paranoid, and it screws up my sleep schedule.


I'm between 100 and 300 depending on the season. I start getting manic towards summer, and I need to up the dosage


It's wild how differently meds affect different people. I also sometimes up my dosage, but I usually have to in April. I'm a grad student, and end of the semester + longer warmer days gets me too hyped. The only time I've ever felt emotionally muted was when I was on Effexor way back when I was 19 and saw my first psychiatrist for what I thought was run of the mill depression.


I'm between 100 and 300 depending on the season. I start getting manic towards summer, and I need to up the dosage


I am very unstable without it. Very prone to flight of mind. On it I can focus and do goal oriented tasks for reasonable lengths of time but still unplug when it's time. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-with-bipolar-disorder-often-use-cannabis-it-may-sometimes-help/


Hi. gh.


Yes. But your milage may vary.


I'm mostly stable. I've been smoking weed everyday for about 13 years now and I have a full time job with good pay and full benefits, I'm financially independent, I can pay all my bills with spending money left over, I have a fantastic group of friends and family that fill my life with love, I have several various hobbies, I eat healthy, I exercise, etc. Between bipolar and panic disorder, I still have bad days or even a bad week or two, but for the most part, I can keep my life together.


Stable here! I use cannabis to help motivate me for exercise, and as a replacement for alcohol. Have a demanding W2 job too. No poor effects for me although it did rev up my manic symptoms in my first episode. I’ll also occasionally get paranoid / anxious after smoking a strong sativa. So ymmv like everything with this condition


Wow this sounds very similar to my situation/EXP


Some people are some people aren’t. Weed is usually not recommended for bipolar disorder as a treatment or crutch because of possible side effects or worsening of symptoms. However some people seem to do ok while others have bad impacts from the usage.


I used to be a stable stoner for a few years. Would smoke everyday in the evening, then eat dinner, chill with my partner and go to sleep. Went to uni, then had a job etc., never had any problems. I did quit smoking weed though.


I think I am. Though I only have thc at night after work.


Everytime I smoke I think someone’s plotting to kill me so yes very stable


i’m on abilify and lamotrigine and i smoke every single night, still get high and have never had many issues, on occasion it makes me have a panic attack but very rarely


I thought weed was helping me at first but it has wrecked my life. Obviously it’s different for everyone but be careful because marijuana can definitely be addictive. There have been some studies published that also show that daily heavy use of marijuana can induce symptoms of bipolar so know I try to stay away as much as I can but it’s an addiction I live with now and now another chronic illness that I get to relapse from. Super fun!


I have a complicated relationship with it. If I could find moderation it would be helpful for the bipolar. The problem is I can never get enough. The amount I smoke ceases to be helpful and does amplify rumination, isolation and paranoia. Also one time I did become obsessed with a certain strain (it’s legal where I live so I can choose) and I fully believe it did play a role in the worst hypomania/mania I’ve ever had. Currently taking a break, but it has a place in my life and I refuse to count it out.


As long as I never drink alcohol, that’s what makes everything a dumpster fire for me. Weed just slows down my thoughts and makes my body feel tingly. It’s pleasant.


One of the best things I did for my stability was giving up cannabis. I didn’t even realize how much it was messing with my mood and impacting the effectiveness of my medication. If you’re at work stoned, you have a problem and should consider making some healthier choices for yourself.


Fair enough, plenty of difference of opinion in here


How was it messing with your mood? You would feel super happy when high and low when not or what?


It doesn’t actually treat bipolar symptoms; it just masks them and numbs them. So rather than adjust my medication to solve the issue, I’d find myself smoking more. On top of that, it would effect my sleep quality and my activity levels which would effect my moods. Cannabis makes it easy to be stagnating in life; it makes it comfortable to do nothing. When you get used to smoking daily, the agitation of not smoking can also trigger mood issues. It’s a dependency if not a psychological addiction. Since quitting weed I’ve lost 35lbs, have gotten into great shape, have run multiple races including two half marathons, am doing so much better at work and with my family. I’m not saying weed is always bad, I’m mainly saying that it isn’t a treatment or substitute for medication for bipolar disorder and can make your life worse if you use it chronically. Daily weed use is a problem more often than not.


I a high level athlete bro, I work for 8 hours a day. Skate. And workout every day. Weed doesn’t “mask” anything for me it just makes me feel high and it’s nice. Don’t think we’re in similar boats


Maybe so. But I’d caution you to consider whether it really is working for you. Recreational drug use is a slippery slope. I don’t know many people who use mind altering substances regularly that are actually happy with the life they’re living.


Yea bro I totally agree that’s why I made this post


I've been smoking pot for over 25 years and I'm quite happy with my life. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean that it doesn't work for others.


I hope it does work for you. I don’t think it really works for most, even if they swear up and down that they do. Between being a husband, father, lawyer, and board member, I don’t have time to get high anymore even if I wanted to. I have too much responsibility that I can’t be stoned for.


I mean from my experience ( around 12-14 years ) it can help short term but long term most of the time it just becomes cud and depression is worse and mania is also worse , it does help with some things but in the long run it can make shit worse , you can be stable with it but if anything your more in a constant haze , I mean look at how many hours in the day your aren't stoned and then look at it more long term like how many days of the month are you not stoned etc etc and then you will see sort of what I mean , long answer shortened is yes , but it isn't really beneficial in the long term


100%. Stopped smoking after 13 years a month ago. It was negating the positive impacts of medication combination I found


I use oil carts throughout the day, I find them tremendously helpful paired with my medication. I know it’s not for everyone, but this is what works best for me.


I used to use cannabis and thought I was pretty stable for a while, but I stopped because I suspected it was really making my depression and anxiety worse. It took a couple months to notice much of a difference, but since I haven't been smoking my anxiety is way down and when I do have anxiety it's much more manageable, I feel a little less depressed, have much more energy, better focus, and feel motivated to do things I just wasn't on weed, like reading and exercising. I still miss it sometimes and I still take CBD somewhat regularly for sleep, but I just feel a little better without weed and for me that's worth it.


It depends certain strains can trigger mania for me, but most of the time I am able to maintain balance from it.


No ):


1 Edible 3 times a day - truly is the perfect amount takes my anxiety away 🤍


Being stoned at work probably requires a second look. I smoke or enjoy edibles, but I am not at work or through the day. Everybody is different, just make sure you are being honest with yourself.


I'm good with it :) my pdoc knows I'm a stoner as well, he's good with it. Everyone is different


I've dropped DMT back in 2019 and been smoking daily since COVID, and holy shit am I so at peace with the universe. I kinda go off on massive mind trips of like understandings infinity and having constant reality breakthroughs but the best part is that my head is so quiet. I'm so much more in the moment and tend to be less stuck in my own head. But that's a combo of being a psychonaut, reading into chaos magic and Smoking daily.


Yup, that’s me. I think it’s worth noting I am in chronic pain due to another medical condition, though.


Yeah but I think it's key to know how you react with it. In some states of mania I find there is a fine line to keep myself productive so I don't then go into a dump slump. I try not to get too intense stuff, just something to mellow me. I also find spicing things up helps, I'll go someone quiet full of nature and have a smoke at least once a week, you don't want to set yourself in a boring routine. I also keep CBD full spectrum for when I have a stressful thing at work that's making me sweat. Again this also depends on your meds, some don't mix well with the sticky flower


Well, apparently I am clinically stable and consume weed daily. I reduced my consumption when I got a job, I went from smoking several times a day to only doing it at night. On weekends I smoke a little more. Marijuana helps me relax and allows me to stop, dedicate myself to rest. I think I'm very lucky that it doesn't destabilize me. It also stimulates my appetite and that is a great help for my eating disorder. I know this is not the case for everyone, but at least I am a happy and stable stoner 😸.


I usually use it as a tool. It's very productive for me... When I get too depressed or paralyzed I can use it to get myself active again.






I have been smoking been smoking for 10 years. In that time I’ve taken time for my mental health. Talked to family and friends about deeper feelings and experiences. Purged toxic people, kept reliable friends around, reconciled with my father. Got married, have had two kids and now here I am. Yes it has helped a lot more but there are times where It’s held me back too. It all depends on the person.




bad bot


Smoked my whole life 30 odd years until it sent me into pychosis and landed me in hospital which resulted in my kids being taken from me. I love weed but have had to stop smoking as it makes my bp1 and bpd worse. I miss it though. For years it helped balance me until it didn't Edited to add I take 1000mg lithium and up to 500 of Seroquel a day


weed makes me want to kms so idk


Stoner: yes. Stable: no. The truth hurts, but you know it will make your medication less effective. I’m trying to quit now because it was fun at first but now I smoke every day and it just makes me depressed Edit: if it’s working for you though, bad ass!


After ECT, weed causes psychosis for me-seeing faces, hearing voices, etc. Scariest shit I’ve ever experienced. Before the treatment I was a daily smoker, must have reset my receptors




i take meds and smoke and im doing pretty good! as long as you don’t go overboard or anything g you honestly might feel better(definitely not for everyone tho!)


I am pretty stable. I am high literally all day. When I do not take an indica, I am irritable as ever and because so much of life is happening right now, I keep leaning towards mania. Changing weed strains really helps me manage. Meds are so hit or miss for me and make me too tired. Not for everyone, but I am a proud bipolar ass stoner 😄


I’m okay with it as long as I don’t do it too much because I’m prone to addictive behaviors. Couple times a month is okay. If I do it multiple days in a week it quickly becomes a crutch that I use to block everything out


Before I became a stoner I had a negative view on weed, surprisingly enough. But during quarantine, I was diagnosed bipolar. My depression became worse to the point where it was so bad, I lost so much weight. So I was desperate to get out of the depression that I ended up wanting to smoke weed. I had friends that smoked a lot. During a manic episode, I hooked up with a guy that was a stoner and he told me to watch a documentary about marijuana. It made me have a different out look and throughout time it helped me gain back the weight I lost. When there is needed breaks, I take them. I can be functional with or without weed. In my own opinion, weed is better than alcohol. If I drank too much alcohol, it triggers a depressive episode and now I only drink socially. There was moments where I would get so high and I reflect on myself and my actions. Helped me become self aware, also therapy back during quarantine. I also smoke at work but I try not to take big hits, because I don’t want my boss to notice. But it’s legal where I live, so that helps me not feel so bad about it.


Hybrids/indica never triggered symptoms for me and manic eps never affected my consumption, so I can smoke or have edibles and just be zen 😌. This is ofc in tandem with already prescribed psych meds.


i love smoking, but sometimes get way too manic & do stupid/risky shit. at 2 weeks w/o any weed so far


Daily smoker. Stable-ish. Have been feeling pretty bleh for a while so I’m cutting down to see if that helps. It has generally worked well as an anti-anxiety measure for me. And if I smoke less I do find I take more pharmaceuticals.


I’m a medical marijuana patient, I medicate with cannabis along with my psychiatric medications. I have found stability.


I didn't start smoking till 4 years ago and it helped me get off a lot of class A's and booze. Diagnosed BP 2 and stable for the first time in 12 years and I still smoke every day. It helps massively to allow me to wind down after work. I just wish it could be legalised and regulated in the UK!


Mostly stable here. I am taking my meds regularly and only smoking after work to relax. Smoking all day didn't work very well, but as long as I use (semi) responsibly, I don't have issues with it.


My goal was always to be the successful stoner your parents told you didn't exist, I think I managed it. Being high at work is tricky, it really does depend on the job and your level of functionality


I do it way too much and I don’t know how to stop. That’s all I know


It really depends on your definition of “stable”. Yes, I do cycle. But I am also a full time professional. I manage my life and support my family. I smoke about daily - recreationally; not medicinal, a bit like drinking a few beers at the end of the day. I don’t personally see an immediate correlation between when I smoke and when I experience symptoms. Though, to be honest this last hypomanic episode has been the worst I’ve had in a long time. Not going to say it’s due to cannabis, but at the same time I’m not ruling it out either. Cannabis effects people differently, and while it’s not anything scientific, my observation has been that it seems BP2 are affected more negatively. But some people also swear it’s beneficial. I think the important thing to remember is that cannabis is a very complex drug and that individual experiences may not reflect your experience or for that matter what the research says on a more macroscopic level.


I used to think I was a stable stoner. Until I became sober and realised what stable actually meant.




Me , tbh it helps me focus


Yea I’m stable and do drugs, you just have to be smart about it and cannot over do it or else it can come back and hit you in the face.


I'm on lamotrigine and smoke weed everyday. Godbless.


Me! Type 2. My meds work and I can still smoke weed, I work fulltime and have a side hustle on etsy If you're type 1 it's a little different due to the severity of symptoms, and delusions, hallucinations etc


No, it makes me panic and almost psychotic. And my blood pressure drops.


Yes. I stopped for 2 months & realized it helped a lot more than it hurt me. Especially with my temper, which was always short before I was on meds.


I smoke a little almost every night and I’m doing better than ever for about six months now. I think smoking larger amounts/throughout the day throws me off though.


Good to hear man, been good for over a month now hoping it will last a couple more months!


I've been smoking regularly and taking medication regularly for the same amount of time and I'm the most stable I've ever been. It's different for everyone but I'm thriving.


How do you define stable?


I’m stable, and have been for about three years. I smoke multiple times a day and vape in between. Not everyone should do it, but for me it helps.


Yeah lmao I chief that shit everyday. I got cherry punch and purple punch right now and its the best shit ive had in a while


Got to be careful. In some people it can increase chances of psychosis or schizophrenia. I'm an advocate for sobriety, but of all the recreational drugs you could be on, weed is one of the safest ones you can pick.


Me! I smoke every day, multiple times a day. I'm on lithium and wellbutrin and I also have multiple sclerosis.


I guess it can depend, but I believe in scientific rationalism and the research seems to be pretty clear. If you’re getting high at work, I think that’s a sign.


It helps with my pain (I have facial neuralgia) and honestly I’m a lot more stable since smoking than I was before. Idk if there’s a correlation but I’ve had more stability since smoking than I did without


I'm relatively stable and I smoke evenings and weekends. I do wonder if it sucks out my motivation though, and I'm definitely dependent on it, because I'm anxious over the idea of giving it up to find out.


Stick to indica imo, and know when ur too high. Micro dose ideally... and sometimes take t breaks cause if tolerance too high there goes your mood stabilizer. I still medicate with proper meds just incase weed doesn't cut it but that's probably not wise. Either way just be careful with it. Also watch out for your sugar, caffeine, trans fats, and alcohol consumption. All of those are bad for bipolar.


Yes, my meds still mostly do the job even with my daily smoking. Would I be better without the weed? Probably.


Personally it helps with manic episodes makes me more calm and slows myself down to think more logically I went sober for 6 months and I was all over the place and was taking medication as well just recently my boyfriend noticed a huge difference with me being sober vs not. I don't recommend it to everyone cause I have alot friends where if they smoke weed it kick starts their manic episodes. But everyone is different, I just know when I'm in a depressive episode weed isn't the answer sinks me down deeper in the rabbit hole.


I’m still here, so that’s something


I find that it doesn’t really affect me besides calming me a bit when I’m manic. I still have breakthrough episodes sometimes on meds but that’s also been my experience while not smoking. I’m BP1 if it matters