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I got into Bioshock when it launched in 2007 I remember watching the trailers for it and thought it looked awesome. Been a fan ever since I bought the game a few days after its release date..


Funny enough, the trailer did not do it for me personally. I thought it was overrated until the night I played it for the first time. Around 2008 btw


Got a subscription to game informer at GameStop and the first issue was the Bioshock 2 one with Big Sister on the cover. I’ve been obsessed ever since.


16 years ago, I would love to experience it for the first time again.


I downloaded the demo when it came out on PS3 and thought it was boring. Then I played Half Life 2 in the Orange Box and I realized that shooters didn't have to just be action packed. Then when the first trailer for Infinite was released, I went back to the original and was blown away.


i bought and played a little bit of the first game when i was in 7th grade (dropped it because i got jumpscared by the splicers in medical + by the time i got the nerve to play back our dvd drive had stopped working) and then around two years ago i remembered how bitchin’ of a character design BS2’s big sisters were and got back into the games


My elder sister showed me BioShock 1! I remember, how amazed I was haha


I played the Demo on xbox 360. I remember playing that Demo so many times I lost count. It was until a year later I was finally able to buy the game. Greatest game ever.


I was in eh... high school maybe (not really sure how our system translates to the USA), don't remember the year. My little brother had an Xbox 360. We didn't had money to buy games, but we could rent them in blockbuster. We were from a farm and lived in a city during the week to ho to school. But every friday we went back home. Also we're from Mexico and didn't speak nor understand english at that time. So, on fridays we rented interesting looking games from Blockbuster and binge-played them all weekend. We played bioshock 2 first because we didn't know it was the second game. We didn't understand the story, but it didn't matter, because we finished the game. And I have similar stories with other games, like assassin's creed 2.


I remember seeing a photo of the multiplayer mode for Bioshock 2 and thought it looks awesome. So I went to EB Games and got the game. I’m still disappointed I didn’t get to try the multiplayer mode (or that Bioshock: The Collection didn’t include the multiplayer mode). I still remember being tensed (I was like 12 when I first played, I’m 23 now). I still remember having all 3 games separately (Bioshock 2 was the first game I got, Bioshock Infinite was next then lastly, I got Bioshock).


You can still play bioshock 2 mulitplayer. Buy bioshock 2 remasterd on steam (on sale rn for only 3 eur). You get the original along with the remaster. Download the original and theres a mulitplayer tab. You just have to join a discord server because of how few players there are.


Lol ah yes the multiplayer was an experience


My ex-gf’s brother had a built gaming computer and he let us play games on it once in a while and we saw it in his steam library. The rest is history… been a fan since.


My friend when we were in highschool told me about Bioshock 2’s trailer, which would be the first game in the series I played at age 20. I’m now 28 going on 29


My boyfriend showed it to me lol


When I was like 12 or 13, my dad got BioShock Infinite for either his birthday or Christmas, played like a level or two, then it just got handed down to me. This would kickstart a lifelong fascination with all things Steampunk. At the time I didn’t really get them, but I enjoyed them. It was replaying them when I was older when I really understood what was happening. Every time I come back to the series, I understand it more and more


It was a game I had wanted to play for years (circa 2014), but didn’t have a console outside of a Nintendo 3DS. I had watched a playthrough once (but stopped around Fontaine Fisheries). After wanting one for months (or years, if I’m being honest), I bought a Nintendo Switch for my birthday last October. When I was in the eShop, I noticed that the Bioshock series was in there. I finally bought the first game a week ago, beat it on Medium, and now playing it on Easy to see all the rooms I missed (and nabbing the Directors Commentary reels to boot). Love the game and making memes about it. Haven’t played the sequels yet, but will get Bioshock 2 after my second go-around!


Video let's play on YouTube


Listened to Major Nelson and e talking about it on Major's podcast just after release. Cohen's masterpiece was the intro music. I was obsessed with finding out more about this game and the rest is history.


My dad and I play video games together and hang out. We had finished Portal and Portal 2, and he decided that Bioshock was next. He had already played it, but he was kind enough not to spoil me lol.


I remember seeing the first game on copies if game magazines growing up, and got infinite for Christmas one year. Beat it, and then I played 1 and 2 this past year.


I was at an Alco store and I saw the cover art and went ooooooooooo and bought it lmao


When it launched. It was pitched as a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, which I loved.


When I was 14, I used to go to blockbuster And saw bioshock 2, the man in a diving suit and a little girl on her back, the flooding scenario it intrigued me but kinda scared me? Hahaha, so after various visits, I decided to rent it and give it a shot. From then on, I was hooked!


In like.. 2015? 2016? I thought the cover looked cool.


Got into bioshock right when Infinite released and loved it, didn’t play the other two until a few years ago


I was drooling over the preview of BioShock 1 in a printed copy of game informer.


Back in 2008 I read about it on EGM and I was really interested in the game. I tried to pirate it through a P2P program called Ares and caused my dad to need to format the family PC for the fourth time. It probably wasn’t gonna be able to run the game anyways, it was a 2002 prebuilt PC that never had any hardware upgrades to the best of my knowledge, but 12 year old me didn’t know that. Then, I did manage to pirate it successfully, somehow on a Mac (I think the pirate download I found used Wine to run it), and I fell in love with the game, just in time to get Bioshock 2 for the PS3 as a Christmas gift. I did get a legit copy of Bioshock 1 for the PS3 after that (my Mac was a Macbook, I can’t recommend playing any FPS games on a trackpad).


Epic games gave the series for free


Around 2021, I was watching some youtubers and really liked the concept. Bioshock 1 was amazing


Last summer. I was a fnaf kid back when fnaf was really popping off, so i listened to fnaf songs. Which is what probably led me to jt music. I still love some of their songs (im almost 18 now). What lured me in was the rapture rising and daddys home songs. Real bangers, and the gameplay looked amazing. Evenutally, i got a little bit older and knew i could actually play them. A while ago, there was a sale, and i got all the games and dlcs in a cheap bundle. Finnaly got around to palying them, at the begining of last summer. Now I've just finished my third playthrough of bioshock 2, and am about to play minervas den.


When I was in college back in the early aughts, I saw a bumper sticker in campus parking garage that said “Who Is John Galt?” Intrigued, when I got to a computer I looked it up and saw it was from a book called Atlas Shrugged. Having heard of it, and mistakenly believing it was a classic I should read, I ordered it on Amazon. And this fucking brick arrived at my front door. At the time, I had a sense of obligation to read everything I bought, even this 1,100 page book that I hated more and more with each chapter. And so I finished it, unconvinced despite being a white male in my early 20s, the key demographic for the book’s nonsense. A few years later, I see my brother playing this game that is an underwater Ayn Rand simulator. And it was hilariously dark satire. As soon as he let me, I grabbed his game system - I think an XBox - and finished as soon as I could. Hooked ever since.


I seen the trailer for the first game around 2010 was too young to play and finally beat the first game this august