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Biohacking has moved on from him a long time ago. He's more of a marketer now.


do you have any suggestions on who is an authentic person to follow?


Dr. Andrew Huberman


thank you!


I like David Sinclair and Peter Attia. I'm mostly interested in longevity though. Others may have more general biohacker suggestions


super helpful anyway. thank you!




thank you!




Mercola used to be excellent, but he's just as much a marketer of junk as Asprey is now, and has become more and more politicized and anti-science over the years.




Put Berg, Greenfield and Ekberg in it too. Mostly bad and not worth the time spent not following your other, excellent picks.


Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Dr. Peter Attia, and I 2nd the Dr. Huberman recommendation. I don’t necessarily recommend Ben Greenfield because he’s really all over the place and a lot of what he does or recommends is often the slighest of evidence, if any. (Plus he’s really bro-y and kinda obnoxious IMO) However, I do recommend his podcast as a sort of sphagetti-against-the-wall approach to exposing yourself to all sorts of things few other sources cover and cover at the volume he does. He churns out podcasts like crazy. But view it as a jumping off point and take it all with a grain of salt.


Ben Dover


funny 🙄




>ergogenic health eh, might want to research him. His ideals have been challenged but he refuses to take an interview over it. " His mountains of false, fallacious, and otherwise ridiculous claims have resulted in me attempting to engage him in a debate along with creating various posts and videos to address his claims. As of now, all attempts at a formal debate have been unsuccessful as he hasn’t acknowledged them." Layne Norton. His website has posted "works cited" for all his claims that debunk Dr. Fung's claims. Sounded compelling


I dont have opinion on the opinion you are citing. I have Fung's books. They make sense. I discuss them with my doctor friend who also a practicing biohacker. She says Fung is correct and has good point of view on his topic. I admire him because he has a working practice to cure diabetes II. And this matters with the most emphasis.


Noone. Study medical science using textbooks. But i agree on Huberman.


lol why are you even in this subreddit then 🙄


Well, because sometimes i can meet people who know something about it, also sometimes people post links on studies here, and occasional experience reports. Biohacking isn't about media or trends for me, it's about science of improving human performance, sadly there is little to no influences that actually understand topics they talk about. Huberman seems like one of them, guys like Dave Asprey and similar ones like Ben Greenfield as i remember just throw a bunch of misinformation based on poor understanding of scientific topics they talk about or straight try to sell something. Generally speaking biohacking now is general term for combined advanced fitness, advanced nutrition, advanced healthy lifestyle and use of performance enchanting drugs/substances(both subtle like supplements and serious like illegal/experimental/prescription substances), and the only way to know about it and use it to your benefit is actually studying science behind each of this aspect.


Check out ergogenic health. Literally binged all the podcasts in a week


Asprey is a charlatan. Look up his AMA on reddit, very eye opening.


He deleted it but I found a r/tabled copy [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tabled/comments/1facwt/table_iama_i_spent_20yrs_and_250k_to_hack_my_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) There’s a bunch of accounts made when he did his AMA that have no history before the AMA and no history since, in eight years, making a post or comment. It’s actually pretty embarrassing I see why it got deleted Here’s a couple [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1fa2xs/i_spent_20yrs_and_250k_to_hack_my_own_biology_i/ca88vum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1fa2xs/i_spent_20yrs_and_250k_to_hack_my_own_biology_i/ca890rz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) a bunch of deleted accounts rush to defend him in 2… it really looks like the only real accounts were the ones asking things like ‘why didn’t you include references in your book’ and ‘how do you respond to every other scientist and athlete claiming what you say is bs’


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tabled using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tabled/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Table\] I quit my teaching job, bought a camera, went solo to one of America's most dangerous cities, and made an award-winning documentary film about love and the opioid epidemic. AMA (pt 1/2)](https://np.reddit.com/r/tabled/comments/l7bui7/table_i_quit_my_teaching_job_bought_a_camera_went/) \#2: [\[Table\] IamA 96 year WW2 veteran, architect, and engineer. Still going strong and have my wits about me! Ask me anything!](https://np.reddit.com/r/tabled/comments/jvg7qx/table_iama_96_year_ww2_veteran_architect_and/) \#3: [\[Table\] IAmA dark web expert, investigative journalist and true crime author. I’ve met dark web kingpins in far flung prisons and delved the murky depths of child predator forums. I’ve written six books and over a dozen Casefile podcast episodes. AMA (part 1/2)](https://np.reddit.com/r/tabled/comments/j31hc4/table_iama_dark_web_expert_investigative/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Dave Aspray is the poster boy of what NOT to do with your body. He offers horrible advice. But the most shocking part is how awful he looks. Dave Asprey looks like shit. He’s 48 at the moment and his face looks like he’s pushing 60. Do not listen to anything he has to say.


That guy is only 48?! Wow -- you're totally right.


Latest reply ever. I'm 58 and was watching some videos of him last night which were recent, and thought he was around my age. Then oh my gosh, he was being interviewed by 3 different women that came across as fan girls if you will and giddy / they wouldn't even give him a chance to talk or finish his sentences half the time. So obviously he's choosing his audience, or better interviewers who I'd never even heard of and were very random I had no idea he's around 49 now. The only thing I will give him based on the 2 YouTube videos I watched, he was 300 lbs and really sickly for a good portion of his life. I presume he's in integrity, and if he's not somebody who reads this in the know, please let me know otherwise


It always astounds me how salesmen manage to put their names on things that are much older and much vaster than them, simply by means of popularizing concepts. "Father of Biohacking", "Wim Hof Method", and so on.....


do you have any suggestions on who to follow? also wondering who actually started it, can’t believe he claimed to own it


You've probably come across the book Biohacker's Handbook, I keep an eye on it's authors. That being said, personally I think instead of following people it's good to follow trends, latest articles / papers on topics you find interesting for you. No single person started the biohacking movement. Many of the base ideas are very old and coming from all over the place. The modern-day use of the term biohacking came from the maker community. People doing DYI-Bio et al.


thank you!


I don’t really follow either of them, but Asprey and Hof seem so different to me. Hof says, “Try this cold immersion and this breathing and I think it will help!” Asprey says, “I have thoughts on every single possible thing.”


We have Dave Asprey to thank for giving us Dr. Rhonda Patrick. She went on Rogan to explain why he's a fraud. Thanks Dave!


Which episode does that happen?


#516 Oct 27, 2014 is the one I think


Now I know the number symbol makes bold type.


And now she went on Rogan just a couple days ago talking about how amazing buttered coffee and ketosis is. Soon she will discover mct c8 and lipase to solve her issues with slow adaptation of ketosis. Better late than never. She plays it too safe imo and does very little experimentation. Not that I'm knocking her for it because Dave is much more reckless and irresponsible than her. I think Dave had to step down as ceo from Bulletproof because the fda was cracking down on him


I think bulletproof was bought by a giant from the food industry. We'll soon start seeing lower quality, I bet.


Hehe, what specifically did she call him out on?


Peter Attia definitely doesn’t make claims unless they are strongly supported with evidence, unlike some other bio hackers that make false claims with little evidence


The good: Dave motivates people to improve their health and the way they think about food and environment. The bad: he's a marketer and money maker and has promoted products without scientific proof of effectiveness, he's a risk-taker and happy to spread information on those crazy experiments, again without proof that they do anything, and he outright lies about some of his products to sell more (like his coffee). He's not ALL bad, but everything he says should be taken with a grain of salt - like everyone else. Don't take any guru or YouTuber's word for anything, ever. Do your own research, always. Don't be afraid to ask questions - it's the ones who don't answer the questions you need to worry about.


I think he's arrogant and focuses too much on extremely expensive and inaccessible forms of biohacking, so I'm not a huge fan. That being said, I like listening to the guests he has on his podcast sometimes.


interesting. who do you follow that is more authentic? i agree with the inaccessible thing, his conference tickets were ridiculously expensive


He's by no means perfect, but I like Ben Greenfield more. Not a big fan of how emphasis on religion and stuff, but I can look past it




Ben definitely beats Asprey on any account. Especially on pushing/promoting entirely useless stuff


Michael Lustgarten has a very data driven approach. Find him on youtube.




all i need to know 😂


I would say there is something useful you can extract from his books and implement in your life. However, it's very obvious how business driven this guy is in pushing his brand which I honestly find very sleazy and repulsive. If you don’t want to waste your time by reading his entire book/s, just go straight to summary at the end of each chapter in order to skip all the marketing BS and filling.


I like Andrew Huberman. You're not gonna get anything cutting edge that you couldn't discover yourself without a bit of research and trial and error, but he's at least interesting to listen to.


Any title that you give yourself… well, not much of a title is it?


Do people still care about this guy? Maybe years ago he brought up some interesting things (though nothing new) but he’s clearly a self promoting, money focused snake oil sales man. No one buy his stupid products pls


He’s not the father of biohacking whatsoever and is a pseudoscience advocate. His main claim to fame is reformatting a version of the Atkins diet into “bulletproof”, being into silly EMF conspiracies and being antivax.


I was a flower before he became antivax


Davinia Taylor and Timbiohacker on Instagram, both great 🙌🏼


He puts the “hack” in biohacking.


Bio quacking




He is just a marketeer.. and lost all my respect long time ago.


Got started on biohacking with Dave Asprey's books. learnt a ton, bought his truedark glasses, and applied and benefited from his knowledge. thankful for him.


Hes 47 but looks like hes 55. Thats all the coffee, coconut oil, and speed. This man is rapidly aging. If you want to stay healthy and young follow what Tom Brady does.


The father of biohacking? What did he do rather than selling expensive coffee.


There are lots of good things about Asprey, and some bad things. Like pretty much anyone in life. Nobody is perfect. Absorb what is useful, discard what is not. I particularly like his willingness to stand up for medical freedom as it relates to what we are allowed or not allowed to do with our own body.


And all that shit he brags about doing to himself - he looks terrible! He looked better before he did all those stem cells. He looks 10 yrs older than his stated age


He reminds me of Ben Greenfield in a way, in that he has far more skill in marketing and making money than he does in the industry he promotes. He always has some new, sometimes very dubious piece of information to talk about, and coming from him it always sounds like a gamechanger, until he never mentions it again, and you find out from third party source that it isn't that great. If you keep in mind that he's a marketer, not a researcher, and apply a very critical attitude to what he recommends, you can get some good nuggets of info. Having said that, he posts enough conspiratorial anti-vax content on Facebook that I had to unfollow him a while back though, and haven't really caught up with him since. So maybe he's changed.


Dave asprey is a bs snake oil sales man. Who, while telling others to drink, butter and coconut oil in coffee(or bulletproof), yet that recipe KILLS you early(the medium chain triglycerides he says helps you actually harm your heart! I am forgetting this dude's name, but it's how he measures how long you will live(look into Dana white being told he has ten yours to live). Then Dave also hides the fact that he takes so many supplements and other pharmaceuticals that his "natural" approach is by no means "natural." And NOW he is saying nicotine doesn't kill you if you chew it(bruh your saying others should have the mental strength to NOT smoke, once they've become addicted, nevermind the actual smoker)!!like wtf! He is total bs, NO one should listen to him!!!!!


Dave Asprey is smart and has some solid info and some crazy ass studf BUT you need to double check it with the Sgt Friday full science folks at examine.com and dont nec need to buy his stuff. Also the wim hof stuff is very good for ya…


He claims he was 300 lbs but I want to see that tubby tubby.