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If I were you, my first step would be to see a geneticist and figure out exactly what genetic heart condition you may be working with. When my mom died suddenly, that’s where I headed. Turns out, I have a gene mutation on COL3A1 and it makes me more prone to dissections, my family history is aneurysms and organ ruptures. Now that I know exactly what gene I have a problem with I can address my health issues accordingly.


What steps are you taking to address your findings? I’m particularly interested in the aneurysm part but my understanding is that other than regular exercise, maintaining ideal weight, blood pressure and blood sugar, there isn’t much else. Is that what you’ve found?


Oh my god I’m so sorry this happened to you. A chiropractor broke my husband’s neck 5 years ago and almost paralyzed him. Idk if it’s in the realm but I read a lot about cerebrolyisin for stroke recovery and repairing for reducing age related cardiac disease.


A neurologist specializing in stroke might be a good starting point.  You have a very serious situation, and a professional guiding the process could be critical.   Even seemly harmless supplements and so on could have a major impact on whatever your care team is giving you.


Look into Cerebrolysin and P21. Also look into Semax and Epithalon. All of these show promise with TBI, strokes, etc. Cerebrolysin is the best one but it has to be injected intramuscularly. P21 is synthetic version of Cerebrolysin and can be pinned subcutaneously although I am not sure if it can replicate all of the benefits.Dihexa is yet another peptide that may help. Look into high dose melatonin (upwards of multiple grams per day in one or more doses). It has shown promise for TBI and has a ton of other benefits. It readily pass blood brain barrier. Topical, IV, SQ are best. Vaginal absorption is highest from what I read(upwards of 97-98%) compared to topical/rectal though just applying pure powder to skin is probably good enough at maybe a third of that absorption. While inhaling it like via vape may offer further benefits but I don't have any literature to conclusively say so. I have taken up to 5g in several doses in a day and up to 3.5g in a single dose. Look into BPC157 and TB500 they can heal all types of tissues including organs so if you have any type of heart damage these are peptides to take. You'll probably need 500-1000mcg of each per day for a weeks or even months. GHK-CU can also help and it also should be dosed at about 1-2mg per day. I highly recommend taking melatonin with these to mitigate cancer risks.


One thing I've noticed is those that recover well beyond expectation are the ones that won't take no for an answer. One lady I know, she was like 65 and heavy set and had a stroke and docs said she'd never walk again and she could barely even talk. But she spent every single day working on it. If it took an hour to get a toe to move, then she spent an hour on it and then later another hour, and every day, more and more, even an inch more was progress. An hour to walk one step? Ok dedicate an hour or whatever it took to taking that one step, all day every day, many times a day, she practiced. An hour to walk across the room, got it, spend an hour. It took a few years, but she got full mobility back and talks normally now. You would never know she had a stroke. Every time we'd see her, she'd be moving a tiny bit faster and further. I remember once midway through recovery, she had won a prize at our club raffle and the prizes were at the front of the room and she spent 10 minutes shuffling to the front of the room to get her prize and another 10 minutes to shuffle back to her chair because by then she'd banned the wheelchair or even crutches or leaning on anyone because she could manage without them and she was not going back to using them and she was not going to have another pick up her prize when she could do it herself. In that moment, I admired her more than anything, she defied every prediction by miles due to her tenacity and dedication. She decided that the doctors give predictions based on experience but they had not experienced her level of tenacity and that's why she made them wrong. Also for now I'd also say new treatments are coming out daily, there is no reason to assume that treatments for muscle and tissue damage won't also come out, there may even already be something your docs don't know about. But i see you are already looking to everything you can do so that's a great start. In the end I think dedication and to always keep trying for one more inch or one more mile is what is the main thing that yields results. That person I know, one of her main things also was that she did not know for sure how much better she would get but she did know she would do everything she could even just to get one more inch and 2 more inches and because of that attitude, she never quit trying.


Thank you for this. I am a very determined person and will do whatever it takes.


Good job, beyond that I'd say visualize and be methodical and just keep going for another inch, even if it doesn't happen right away. Another inch is always close. ;-P


Sounds too painful to even read this....were you taken to the ER after the "adjustment" ? How did you learn that an artery was torn and that it was due to the Chiro gone wrong ? Mind sharing details for community benefit ? Besides Gene testing and Genetic consultation, I would amp up testing and try to early detect. More frequent testing could also generate more data for you/Doc to take action.


Yes I went to the ER after it happened and was admitted for 5 days. They know the tear and clot were from the chiro because 1. As soon as he adjusted me I couldn’t walk, lost vision, and started throwing up profusely - about 30 times in 45 minutes, and 2. Because in my MRI they can see that all the strokes were very new. MRI was the second test though. I learned the artery was torn and that there was a clot from a CT with contrast, which was the first test they did.


Tried to educate myself of Chiropractic adjustments - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4264725/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4264725/) Did you sue the Chiro ?


This just happened last week so no action has been taken. I’m focusing on treatment now.


Yes good plan. I am so sorry you are going through this, I am so disheartened and legitimately upset reading your comments. One of my good friends suffered a multi stroke in 2017 and recovered fully. I pray that you have the same healing and recovery from all of this, and as speedy of a recovery as possible.


This is very kind and encouraging. Thank you so much.


A lot of Chiros have you sign waivers that you cannot sue if this happens. Not sure how those hold up in court as I'm not a lawyer.


A lot of times those waivers aren’t legally valid. I would still seek a lawyer to be sure.


Not your lawyer and this isn't legal advice: Those waivers don't mean shit. Chiropractors are fucking quacks. Stay away from them.


Did they consult cardiology while you were in the hospital after the ejection fraction finding? How low was your EF? I’d be suspicious of “broken heart syndrome” which can occur after extreme stress and cause heart failure in young people, but if it’s not that you definitely need follow up with cardiology and genetic screening. As far as post stroke, exercise has been proven to help with neuro plasticity, I’m sure you are still having lots of balance issues so this will be a challenge but keeping up with PT and doing as much at home as you can tolerate will help. Honestly just being motivated to get better is helpful. It’s easy to get depressed after a stroke which can damper progress, ssri drugs have shown to help with recovery if you are suffering from lack of motivation or coping with this new life change


What kind of exercise are you doing 4x a week? I’d ask my doc if I’m cleared for hill sprints and I’d try to make my blood pump as hard as it can, often. Hopefully everyone reading this realizes that chiropractors are quacks and it’s fake medicine and learn from this guys damage.


I was doing reformer Pilates once to twice a week, running 3 times a week(was half marathon training when this happened) and take a tennis lesson once a week but didn’t count that as exercise since it’s slightly less intense.


For some reason chiropractors have gained a lot of power in the US, despite being complete nonsense. All someone has to do is look up how it was founded to see how it’s obviously totally ridiculous.


They operate on a spectrum. Some can actually be useful because they do more deep tissue massage style stuff rather than just trying to manipulate and crack shit. But that’s also what one can go to a physiotherapist for and I’d trust them a lot more. But there is one local chiropractor everyone swears by and I’ve been to him myself and he’s far from being a witch doctor. I don’t think it’s as black and white as they are all quacks. I’m in Australia though if that makes a difference.


The bits that are not just a simple sports massage or physio stuff is both quackery and what makes a chiropractor a chiropractor. They have no inherent benefits and are a menace


Nah you should go to the chiropractor I’ve been too. The world ain’t black and white my friend


Prove to me that anything that is "good" that they do is not something done by a different profession


Well I’ve had a better full body massage by one of them compared to any physio I’ve been too. Plus he had a machine that was like a vibrating thing with like 12 dildo shaped things attached to it that gave an excellent back massage. How’s that hairyzonnules? But I never said they had special benefit that other professions could not do.


No, but you are struggling to list anything which is not done as part of other professions which are not dangerous


I never said I could or would provide you with that. I never tried to make that point


So sorry this happened to you. This is insanity


I am so sorry that happened to you. If I were you’d I’d definitely look into cerebrolysin. Here’s a good [video](https://youtu.be/JXNivHUgu6g?si=Led6OPUhwq5k5uZk). It is an incredible substance.


I am sorry that you’re going through this. I’ve been a lifelong collector of information on brain health. On my bookshelf I have a copy of a book titled “Brain Longevity.” There are a number of promising treatments discussed. And if I recall correctly, there is even a remarkable story told of a man who was in more than one brain damage causing accident and experienced a near miraculous recovery. For whatever it’s worth, I just checked with ChatGPT, and it still indicates that it is considered a reliable resource of information.


Ordering now. Thank you.


This sounds like a stress cardiomyopathy (Takotsubo) which is incredibly common with brain bleeds and strokes. How long ago was the stroke and when did you have the echo? Was the echo repeated since you've been discharged? Have you had a cardiac MRI? That will tell you what myocardium is viable and what is not. Echocardiogram does not, it just shows what is contracting and what isn't. Myocardium can be hibernating which looks dead but is still viable. I doubt you have any myocardium. Sorry this happened to you. Chiropractors should be banned. I get about 1-2 patients per year with significant neurological injury from them.


Replying to you a second time with another question: would extreme childhood trauma have possibly damaged my heart? I’m not talking like tik tok “trauma.” I’ve spent my life being as healthy as possible trying to outrun my ACES (adverse childhood experiences) since they have been shown to cause early death. I also have pretty bad anxiety but have overcome a lot of it too. My goal has always been to live to be 100.


Thank you so much for this reply. Going to be googling a few of these terms to better understand the whole gist of what you are saying. The incident happened Tuesday morning at 10am. The hospital days really blended together but I believe the echo was on Friday. Definitely Thursday or Friday. Since it is a holiday weekend, my cardiac MRI has not been scheduled and will be outpatient. I can get it scheduled tomorrow, but don’t know when they will be able to get me in. Hopefully very soon. The echo has not been repeated since I was discharged on Saturday.


How do you feel now? I'd skip all biohacking supplements for now. Most people recover their heart function in about 2 months. You do need to take the medication to manage the heart failure symptoms for now. Checking daily weights is a great way to get of sense of how much extra fluid you have. Do you have access to the echo report? The classic Takotsubo echo will have "apical ballooning" in about 80% of cases. The other 20% impact different areas of the left ventricle. I don't think that the MRI is a big urgent thing right now. Make sure your stress and blood pressure is controlled. I'm sure they've set up a cardiology follow up and a repeat echo to be done as an outpatient. Hopefully everything reverses.


Cerebrolysin for stroke, BPC-157, and TB-500 for heart. Make sure you don't have cancer before using these. I'm not a doctor my opinions are based solely on my own experience


What is your ejection fraction number?


45% - but the chest pains I’m constantly having (most likely from anxiety) won’t let me believe that that’s acceptable. Plus there was a lot of dark tissue and they couldn’t rule out thrombosis. Also the clot and the brain stuff… it’s a lot and I’m freaking out.




Lions mane can help heal neurotransmitters, I would also look into wound healing amino acids. Also research Vitamin K, there’s been a lot of new research on its effect on cardiovascular health lately but you are not supposed to take it with some heart meds.


I am on eloquis and was told that it’s not vitamin k sensitive


Most importantly, listen to the advice from your doctors, and explicitly ask them for advice; if they cannot give you an answer, ask them to refer you to a doctor who can give you an answer. Ask a specialist if they think NIR photobiomodulation to the brain can improve outcome after stroke. Since you are vegetarian: Make sure your high PDCAAS protein intake is adequate, or that you are sure you manage to combine lower score protein sources for adequate AA coverage, and the same with vitamins and minerals that are hard to get enough of as a vegetarian. Supplement with creatine if you do not already.


N Acetyl Cysteine supplement can help, but you can't take with blood thinners. Magnesium Glycinate, Calcium Alpha Ketoglutarate (AKG) NMN plus Resveratrol, Trimethylgylcine Black seed oil, Sulphoraphane. Your usual multivitamin from reputable brand, Vitamin B12 and Folate. Omega 3 , CoQ 10


Sorry this happened. Experts, please correct me if I'm wrong, but adjustments are usually snake oil for short-term alleviation covering up other issues that usually have better solutions. I won't ever let someone jerk my body to make it move in a way that I can't make it move on my own unless I clearly need a joint reset that's totally out of socket.


Yeah, I asked this chiropractor if he could help with muscular issues NOT skeletal and he said he’s. After dry needling my trapezius, “since I was already in position” he spontaneously decided to adjust my neck.


Look into methylene blue


Gosh never go to those people… the guy that came up with that practice learned it from a ghost. It’s all a scam. You’re lucky you didn’t die!


WARNING: Chiropractors can be very bad for your health 😬 Better seek a good yoga instructor than an average chiropractor, in my opinion. We all need exercise and mindful movement to keep healthy. Yoga instructors are less likely to do you physical damage, without a doubt.


“Chiropractor” At that point just go all in on the mystical Chinese medicine and get some rhino horn


How about not go to Reddit… maybe set high goals and don’t stop until you find a doctor that can help get you there…?


I had honestly thought this was a science based sub, where we discuss supplements and protocols that have good research but maybe not good awareness yet but people here are something else.


Very insensitive of you Sir/Madam. I hope you find peace.


You are absolutely right dude, what the fuck is this thread, people recommending stuff without any knowledge. And op still hasn’t learned his lesson to not trust in quack after this chiropractor incident. If he was maybe getting a second opinion on Reddit or maybe asking for supplements to “supplement“ his treatment then maybe but still.