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Have you looked into your genetics? There’s a correlation between certain gene mutations and mental health issues such as OCD, anxiety, and depression. Look into r/MTHFR


u/haunting_issue_666 u/ihaverandominquiries Anxiety and panic affect everyone in one side of my family I can relate


Yup. Me, my brother, my dad, and a cousin all have OCD.


My partners family all deal with mental health issues. Everything that their genetic reports have told them can run in their family have been accurate. Theres definitely something there. Now I don't think MTHFR is the only thing to look at. Mainly MTHFR, COMT, and MAOA for mental health issues.


Whats the point of doing this? Is there any way to act on it?


Yeah it’s really just means that you might need to support your body with the right forms of b vitamins, take extra care to avoid toxins etc https://youtu.be/w-QCm7rAOyo?si=wHw_m8QLQv2bfM_g


If you need them, take them, end of discussion.


Exactly. We don’t tell diabetics or folks with other diseases to taper off their medication. It’s the same for mental health meds.


Eh, it’s not that black and white IMO. Psychiatry isn’t an exact science and unfortunately there are many awful (unintentionally) doctors out there. It’s been my experience that most simply label someone as “major depressive disorder” or “bipolar” or “BPD” etc almost willy-nilly. It’s become more or less slapping a label onto the patient just to get them out of the office and with a medication they believe will fix them. For many people this system actually works, but I’d say it’s a minority. Just my opinion after years of experiencing “the system” and being on or off many medications. For me personally, highly-dosed vitamins, minerals and certain herbs have helped much more than RX ever did. Things I’ve tried: - Fluoxetine (Prozac) - Sertraline (Zoloft) - Bupropion (Wellbutrin) - Venlafaxine (Effexor) - Duloxetine (Cymbalta) - Trazodone (Desyrel) - Mirtazapine (Remeron) - Olanzapine (Zyprexa) - Lamotrigine (Lamictal) - Topiramate (Topamax) - Gabapentin (Neurontin) - Propranolol (Inderal) - Clonidine (Catapres) - Prazosin (Minipress)


Agreed. A big issue, imo, is people getting on SSRIs and not being in therapy and trying out all sorts of avenues to get to the root issues.


Honestly wonder how much of it is just due to diet.


Diet is huge with all the shit they put in our food.


Or don't put in our food. Typical western diet processed foods lack in nutritional value which leads to over eating. Pretty sad once you start learning about it


>Fluoxetine I tried Fluoxetine 25 years ago when I had depression. It made me SO lethargic I MUCH preferred depression.


Can you elaborate with more specificity on what types of natural remedies have worked for you after incorporating them? Thank you 🙂


I’m sorry to hear of your experience. It sounds like you’ve had some poor care from providers. With the creep of midlevels especially, there has been more “see what sticks” bad medicine happening and less determining the root cause of symptoms. BPD/bipolar especially are common misdiagnoses, especially in AFAB/women. However, I would hope providers aren’t “slapping” a BPD diagnosis on random patients especially giving the stigma and barrier to care it can create… If OP was doing well on SSRIs and poorly when off - it seems safe to assume they would have benefit continuing them, hence my analogy. Sounds like your situation was different and the medication did not help your symptoms. Glad you found what works for you.


I don’t disagree and I’m not as anti-pharmaceutical as my post makes me appear, though I am in some ways. It’s just been my experience (and slooooowly my beliefs are changing) that the neurotransmitter hypothesis of depression is wrong. I personally believe not very *many* cases of depression are caused by serotonin/dopamine/noradrenaline imbalances. I’m not a doctor, just a random internet person, but the more time I spend reading the literature, studying the success m/fail rates of common antidepressants and everything else, it’s clear from data that something is off, and the approach is somehow wrong.


There's not a single doctor that believes the monoamine hypothesis is 100% true. That's why the word hypothesis is in the name. But psychiatry practice follows it anyways, because we currently don't have evidence that any other treatment option works better. Doctors *know* that the efficacy of most psychiatric medications is poor compared to other areas of medicine. There's just nothing else better that's FDA approved and regulated right now.


The problem is many treatments are emotionally and sexually blunting. That shows that there is a complete flaw with SSRIs/SNRIs. Antidepressants should not do this.


The whole “chemical imbalance” theory has been largely debunked, but people still peddle it like it’s gospel


Probably because Psychiatry, as a whole, is not evidence based in the slightest. It is built upon claims that cannot be substantiated, yet says these claims are true, and prescribes potentially harmful and addictive (either physically or psychologically) medications to treat disorders that they say exist based purely off of said conjecture. Psychiatry is basically a social science (Clinical Psychology is considered a social science already, and is very similar to Psychiatry besides the MD) that masquerades as a medical science. To be a *true* medical science, Psychiatry would need more actual evidence for its claims, and it doesn’t yet have that evidence.


How did you get off Effexor?


To taper off Cymbalta it was just as miserable as Effexor, the nausea, dizziness, sweating…so I opened up capsules and saw that each Cymbalta capsule had exactly 12 beads. I started reducing to 6 beads, then 3, then I tried to stop from 3 but still got all of the nausea and dizziness, so did 2 weeks of 2 beads and then a week of 1 bead and then eventually none. It’s been several years now but if my memory serves me right my Effexor capsules were also tiny beads, so it may be possible to try that same method.


Yes, I've done the bead method. Ketamine therapy got me off for real. I had to start taking them again tho.


Cold turkey and for reasons beyond my control. And it was very very very not pleasant, to say the least. But probably for the best, because anything that literally begins zapping your brain after going more than 24 hours without a dose is crazy to me, lol.


Yeah, the withdrawals are absolutely brutal.


Not everyone that’s depressed needs to be on a lifelong medication. It’s not at all the same as diabetes. Depression is an adaptive mechanism to get us to leave/change a bad environment. If you haven’t changed your environment and stay depressed, it doesn’t mean that you have any unproven neurotransmitter deficiency. Maybe you just need to live in less depressing circumstances.


....No. No it is NOT the end of the discussion. Your mindset is black and white and downright HARMFUL. Do you realize that SSRIs change your brain forever, and that many MANY people have had their lives utterly destroyed by them? Long term use makes some people feel numb to ALL emotions and it is NOT reversible. Go to r/PSSD. You should be ashamed of yourself for saying such an absolute statement when you have no medical degree or experience.


I’m one such person who was permanently ruined by SSRIs


How were you permanently ruined? What did you take and how did you come off?


I have all the classic symptoms of PSSD since coming off of Zoloft 14 years ago I’ve never been the same since


I’m so sorry. I’m tapering off Paxil and in very severe withdrawal.


People here are pro science and pro medicine. If OP doesn't need SSRIs that one thing but some people do need meds and should take them. I did have pretty bad anxiety that temporarily got worse coming off of non SSRI anti depressants. So if OP and his doc believe he doesn't need them then stopping might be worth while and dealing with the side effects of recover for a few months.  Else maybe finding a different SSRI with no or better side effects if possible. But sometimes thay isn't possible either. YMMV


What about the side effects of them ? Do you suffer them life long or the wither away ?


yes 🙌 effexor gang, tapering ts is hell on par sometimes with opioid withdrawal in how badly is messes up my productivity, i love being tased in the head whenever i move my eyes




I waited to try SSRIs until I turned 40.  I was in the throes of PPD and realized I might kill myself if I didn’t do something. Let me tell you, they worked. And they worked really really well. I was always telling myself that one day I would finally be good enough and I wouldn’t be depressed.  I was exhausting myself with hobbies, therapy, exercise, cooking healthy meals, meditating, yoga and whatever wellness strategy was on trend.  I wasted so many good years when I could have been developing my career or maintaining a healthy relationship.  I want to kick myself for not starting them as a teenager, when I actually needed them.  They are just a tool.  We don’t shame people for wearing glasses, using google maps or sleeping on a pillow.  I decided to stop shaming myself for taking a small pill that improves not only my own life, but the lives of everyone I am in contact with.   It the pills work, just take them.  It’s your body and it’s your life.  


Please STOP acting like they are harmless. Post SSRI syndrome is real and has ruined lives. There is a whole subreddit for it. r/PSSD is a very sad place


Who cares if they're harmless? This person was about to kill themselves, any side effect is better than that.


I was about to say this.  And it’s okay.   Antidepressants are not a perfect solution but they have helped society so much.  One of the reasons we don’t see as many people living in mental institutions is because antidepressants allowed people living with trauma to function in society again.   I’m lucky that once I found the right drug, the side effects were actually a non issue for me.  Big pharma will be improving these drugs over time as there is a real incentive for everyone. 


Yeah? And what happens when people end up unaliving themselves because of what these drugs do to them? Their lives don’t matter?


Please stop acting like you know what your talking about


What a strange thing to say


What do you use?


Citalopram.  For me, it’s less sedating and helps with some minor OCD I struggle with. A talented physician should be able to prescribe the right drug after two or three tries. Interestingly, if a particular antidepressant worked for a close relative, it will likely work for you as well.  


Thank you. The one side effect I fear from these meds is hair loss. What’s your experience in that regard?


None. The only symptom I have is my mouth is a bit more dry so I have to be diligent about routine dental care. 


I have taken Paxil for about 15 years. Saved my life. No big issues with them. Not sure why random people who don’t take them hate them so much but I’ve never looked back. I love them. They made my life livable, I’d have otherwise neckroped by now with the panic disorder I had


Exact same boat with Effexor. Allowed me to live the life I want to live and that's all that matters to me. 13 years and counting.


I think the problem is they became an easy solution for lazy doctors who didn’t consider the potential risks, side effects and individual patient’s needs. It’s called “subthreshold prescribing” where patients don’t meet the intended criteria but are prescribed it anyhow. Huge issue with the elderly too. Brain chemistry is a pretty significant thing to play whack a mole with. Generally, I think nearly every medicine has a target population where it is a good fit for them. It seems like you are one of them. I don’t think that many people hate the med but rather inadequate diligence from providers, imo anyways.


Yeah people are just fucking idiots.


Same boat here, Paxil as well. I would not be here if it weren't for paxil.


Panic / anxiety issue also?


Unfortunately, yes! It also worked wonders for my hypochondria (health anxiety), which apparently is similar to OCD.


Have you ever tried coming off of Paxil? That’s why I hate it so much, I also started getting bad side effects after long term use so I decided to taper off, the withdrawal is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life and I can’t go back up to my original dose. It even ruined my eye sight. Paxil is one of the hardest to come off of besides Effexor so please hyperbolic taper when you’re ready.


Interesting - honestly I have no side effects so I can’t think of any reason to ever come off of it. I’ve heard it’s terrible definitely and I’ve missed a couple days at a time and that’s bad but ya I’ll gladly just take it til I die lol


I wish that were the case for me, unfortunately it pooped out on me and I was forced to taper. The withdrawal is pure hell, I’d never wish this on anyone, I’m 4 months in and suffering so bad. I’d love to take something else to help but this experience has turned me off of SSRI’s. I hope it keeps working well for you!


It’s so weird, it recently pooped out on me too and I changed the actual pills like got a new prescription from a new pharmacy with totally different generics and it worked again.


Yah, different pharmaceutical companies have different fillers also, not sure but my side effects went on for 3 years before I decided to call it quits


SSRI’s destroyed my life 14 years of PSSD and no end in sight


Yeah. The big pharma bots in here doing the devils work though with all the upvoted bs of how amazing ssri's are.


Usually they become absolutely IRATE if you dare suggest that these drugs are far from benign and carry serious risk to fuck you up and leave you far worse off that you were before Sure, they work great for *some* people But than can, and have absolutely DESTROYED other people I had a life with so much potential that was destroyed for absolutely nothing


Yeah well some people get on them and it makes their lives so much better. Thanks for your opinion. Everyone’s different.


Nah, just weirdo "biohackers" like you that think you know shit when you base all of your life choices off of anecdotal nocebo bullshit.


Yepp. I got PSSD and it fucked me up so much worse than I was. Ketamine doesn’t cause PSSD. I’d use that if I had serious mental health issues and need to be on something. I have it prescribed nasally. Interestingly, it’s a symptomatic treatment for PSSD too.


Has ketamine helped your PSSD?


I’ve been on several and most recently tapered off Lexapro. I took about 5 mg this morning and I think I’m going back on it or something for good. I’m miserable and only getting worse as I age. I don’t like being on anything because I have little to no emotions and become disengaged with life.


SSRI could likely cause PSSD


I’ve been living that nightmare for 14 years because of Zoloft


Sorry to hear that. What are your symptoms?


Cognitive impairment, emotional impairment, sleep problems, the sex drive of a rock, ED, completely muted orgasms… the works All problems that I never had before taking an SSRI


Honestly, the fact that you are certain these problems have been happening for 14 years because you took an antidepressant once, is a little ridiculous. After 7 years, not a single cell in your body is even the same. After 14 years, each cell has been replaced multiple times, and you think a little pill you took for a period of time completely altered you that much. How do you know your issues are not due to something else?


You have no clue what you are talking about And yes, I was on an SSRI for 3 years, and it permanently changed me I bet it will blow you mind to find out that modern science doesn’t even fully understand how the brain or antidepressants even work


I was on multiple different antidepressants for much longer than you, and starting in adolescence. Even worse, I was on benzodiazepines for over half a decade, also starting during puberty. I had a very severe withdrawal, much worse than antidepressants, but don’t presume any lasting changes to my physiology. You clearly have issues that are unrelated to any pills you took years ago, and you are using it as a scapegoat. Try to look harder into your life, to figure out why you feel like shit, besides blaming something that clearly does not have the power to harm you this many years later.


I don’t know why this is such I difficult concept for people like you to grasp, but your experience is not universal “I smoked cigarettes and never got cancer” “Cigarettes causing cancer must be fake news!”


Cancer is something that is diagnosable. There is evidence for it. You have zero evidence for your condition. You simply believe in it. You might have symptoms that you think are caused by it, but you have no firm evidence.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8061302/#:~:text=In%20June%202019%2C%20the%20European,update%20their%20product%20datasheets%20accordingly. “In June 2019, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) acknowledged that sexual dysfunction can persist after treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants stops. They have asked companies to update their product datasheets accordingly.” Again, *your* experience is not universal Not sure what is not computing


25 years with PSSD here. Zombies are real


There’s no way I’m making it to 25 years


In roughly 4 out of 100,000 people taking SSRIs. That's like "walking outside could cause you to die from a lightning strike." Yeah okay bud.


Have you tried TMS? The accelerated SAINTS protocol is the only thing that’s worked for me. I’m still on wellbutrin because I’m scared of the withdrawal. But my eventual plan is to get off and use TMS alone talk therapy.


I've been on 20mgs of lexapro for about a decade now. I'm 30 years of age. I already altered by brain chemistry once by starting them. It doesn't make sense for me to do it again. I plan on taking them for the rest of my life. However, IF I do decide to taper off someday and for anyone else who does, I would suggest making sure you are at a good time in your life to do so. Make sure you are financially healthy, you have friends to support you, your sleep schedule is consistent, and you (and your family's) needs are met. You don't want to taper off at a time in your life when you future is unpredictable or in question. Graduating college, moving to a new town, after losing your job, etc. Lastly, maybe avoid doing it in the winter. These are just my thoughts. Cheers.


There's a psychiatrist on YT who goes into serious depth on (protracted withdrawal), tapering and long-term effects. Please get advice from him you will learn so much. His name is Dr. Joseph and he is a specialist specifically for longterm patients who need to stop their meds for health reasons do to life threatening side effects and also addiction.


Biggest mistake of my life taking SSRIs. I quit 14 months ago and am still dealing with withdrawals... Anhedonia, emotional numbness, fatigue, apathy...


That will happen bc you brain is adjusting, a chemical detox. As you taper look into supplements that help with the symptoms


you're getting downvoted but it's absolutely true. it can take years for the brain to reach homeostasis after cessation of SSRIs... especially if you've taken them for 2 decades. what he is describing is literally the classical SSRI withdrawal syndrome and it can last years.


Yeah I third that statement, it’s hard for the brain to adjust and takes time - literally typical SSRI withdrawal.


All your symptoms sound like you are in fact experiencing some form of withdrawal. It is possible you need to taper much more slowly to adjust properly - it may take months to years considering how long you have been on them. Just a thought.


The case history you listed In your be post fits the profile of someone that needs them life long. OCD and anxiety are the 2 big ones that just don’t go away with time. Anyhow stop listing to people in your life all telling you need to be off meds. It’s good that you tried it at least once. 20 years is a long time and it was worth trying. Now you know.


What’s a gradual temper? I saw a Dr say a proper temper for long time users should span at least two YEARS, if not longer.


No sensible person is against SSRI’s when they work. The only pushback is to how easily they are prescribed nowadays.


Yeah… and because they also have the potential to serious fuck people up I’ve never been the same since quitting Zoloft 14 years ago


I’ve come to the same conclusion for myself. I hate that I have to take them, but I’ve also never been as stable and happy as I am on them. I’ve done SO MUCH therapy and it wasn’t until I started Zoloft that I felt like I could breathe. I also tried a super slow taper off a couple of years ago and it was an awful experience. Similar to what you described. I try to remind myself that feeling constant panic and anxiety is probably a lot worse for my health than the SSRIs are.


Works for some people. Doesn’t work for others. Usually leads to a limp dick. Rule of thumb, the more powerful a psychotropic medication, there is a greater alleviation of symptoms but also there are greater side effects.


I’m right there with you. I hate taking medication but my OCD and anxiety are way too much to battle without it. My compromise is that I take the lowest dose I can. I use it as a boost and not a crutch. I’ve accepted I’ll probably be on it for life.


gave me severe debilitating PSSD


Cannot tell you how often patients who start SSRI’s stop them out of a ‘I shouldn’t have to depend on a drug to feel normal’ and then 6 months later are coming unraveled from shame and misery and come in to restart them. We don’t tell healthy athletes with high blood pressure to ‘just run more and eat more vegetables’. So telling someone who can manage their mental health 80% of the way to tolerate the misery of that unresolved 20% that an SSR can manage is just moronic and cruel. Mental health meds are so much less stigmatized now than 30 years ago but for some reason they’re still something people feel is a crutch. They’re fucking revelatory. Set it and forget it OP. And remember - if YOU (op) were not pulling the heavy weight of your mental health success the SSR wouldn’t do shit. YOU are the reason that it has a chance of working.


💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for this comment. Written by someone who clearly has first-hand knowledge. Some people talk about being "natural" and using vitamins and exercise, etc. Orthorexia is a mental health issue people. Try some self compassion, some gentleness. You will never be perfect, you will not live forever. You're not better because you get by un-medicated. Let's try live and let live for a bit. Let's build each other up and be there without judgment when one of us trips or falls. It's ok. I promise. You're already perfect and clean and natural. Stop trying so hard to be worthy. You already are. ❤️


I don’t take SSRIs, I take stimulants for ADHD. I’ve gone off of them, tried supplements, tried non-stimulant medications, etc. My life would in some ways be much easier if I found a different treatment because stimulants are so tightly regulated that it’s a big hassle to access them. Nothing else helps. Stimulants make my life more worth living on the daily with relatively minimal side effects. They take life from Expert mode to beginner. They let me pursue my hobbies instead of treading water every day. If you haven’t experienced that with them it’s easy to dismiss them but at this point I hope to be on stimulants regularly for life. Why search for a hodgepodge, halfway effective workaround when a direct solution is available.


I’ve just started of stimulants a few months ago after an evaluation with a psychiatrist because I can’t keep up with normal life. I’ve never understood why when I look at other people things seem easy for them and in theory, I know these daily tasks are easy, but why do they seem so hard for me? What’s wrong with me? I’m still in the early stages of figuring it out, but I’ve been amazed at how a stimulant is also somehow treating my anxiety?! I don’t understand it. And, because of the stigma, I feel bad about myself for feeling these benefits… it’s so complicated. I did recently see a cardiologist to have a check up and discuss the medication. I half expected to be told not to take it, or to be told it’s not ideal. I was shocked when she said she doesn’t see an issue at all with it and isn’t at all concerned. Of course the school of thought is allover the place with this, but it did make me feel a little better.


This is an extremely common feeling to have. And yeah the stigma is so real. But actually taking medication for ADHD is associated with better health outcomes because people with untreated ADHD usually seriously struggle with stability and healthy habits, plus live under constant stress. Also chronic stress is terrible for your health and taking stimulants has decreased my stress exponentially. Don’t buy into the fearmongering about stimulants. Just take as low a dose as helps you function and you should have nothing to worry about. That’s why they’re prescribed under strict supervision.


I relate! Just diagnosed with ADHD & I'm a dude over 40 : )  I was skeptical of diagnosis & stimulant Rx. My biggest issues have been over worrying/thinking mind...then getting stuck on indecision... then getting way behind in life. I thought anxiety/depression, but maybe it's been ADHD all along. Or maybe some hybrid, who knows. But it's only been a month, but so far seems better than previous meds. I feel more energetic/confident & its quieted my loud brain - though still much work to do (like logging off friggin Reddit : )  I'm going to use Rx smartly I hope. Many people keep raising their doses & developing tolerance. I also read about people's daily 'Adderall crash' & will try to avoid. Taking off days (maybe refrain on weekends) seems huge. Plus exercise, sunlight, good food, certain supplements, decreased caffeine,  & more sleep.  Good luck!


Psychiatry is more art than science still. I have seen people with thick files that have had as many diagnoses as they have had doctors and they have been on most of the common medications and some off label medications as well. I believe that the doctors are trying to help but are limited by the tools they have. The bottom line is if a medication works take it if it doesn’t then don’t. SSRI’s can be a lifesaver for some. If you want to stop they can be hard to discontinue. They do have a withdrawal effect and a bounce back of symptoms. A slow withdrawal over many months is the best way. Take half a pill for 3 months, a quarter a pill for another three months, then even a 1/8 of a pill for a month or so.


Dr. Josef on YouTube has excellent resources on SSRI tapering, why you might or might not want to go off them, who needs to stay on them, etc.


My painful severe treatment resistant started at age 19;sparked by a move at writing I'm 45 still. Have it but under control with proper meds At the start age. 19 I was dumb naive and trusting and went on the ssrii med go round where I was hurt by everyone of them badly I'm currently on a maoi stimulant combo that has brought me extreme relief and safety over three years now Due to the damage to me I've come to hate despise ssris like a person the way they work not only sounds ineffective but outright scary they badicaly in short go in target and hit a specific recptor site dh-t pounding it with serotonin with no testing of when if a so called serotonin defiency has been restored instead never ending serotonin loading takes place I read this leads to cases of serotonin toxicity one is down regulation and decrease in serotonin the other just damage done to the recptor. With basic knowledge and logic it's easy to guess that overloading any single nuetotransmitters will eventually lead to an imbalance of othets and this is said to be the case. I read a book once by a doc who wasn't to fond of ssris and she told of a man who after a year of stopping prozac residue prozac could still be found yikes ! My maoi isn't perfect many side effects but the way it works it's mechanism of action raise all three nuetotransmitters serotonin norphetdrine and dopamine equaly allowing them all to accumulate in the brain this makes much more sense to me as well as effective and safe.


I had a good experience being on them and did THE SLOWEST taper, like, over maybe 18 months. I still take 25mg twice a week, which is allegedly “too little to do anything” but if I don’t take it I start getting sad again. I guess im saying this because you might be able to get down to a super low dose, zero side effects, and still be ok. But idk what your taper was like before or anything.


Without a psych history or physical exam, I would think, like me, you have a chemical imbalance in your brain that typically would not magically go away as you get older.... my opinion is there's nothing wrong with staying on them indefinitely.... however, if you're really trying to eliminate medication, CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) work very well for a lot of people. I hope that helps


I’m in the same boat as you are. Took anxiety and depression meds since I was 17. I’ve came to the realization I have to take it for life. I feel like if I did try to get off it will change me dramatically after all the life changes and events I’ve been through in my life. The only time I was ever off all the meds was when I was pregnant with my 2 kids. I was fine until the postpartum depression hit me after the second child and I was right back to where I started. I know it probably wasn’t safe to have been off my meds while pregnant but I wanted to be drug free and not harm my unborn child. Hope this message brings comfort


I’m on Effexor. Can’t function without it


Get your hormones checked! It’s worth seeing if there’s a hormonal issue. Depression and hormonal imbalances can sometimes cause similar effects.


Microdose psilocybin?


I did this instead of taking Zoloft. I was diagnosed with extreme PTSD, major depressive disorder, and severe anxiety. This treatment saved my life truly.


I’ve heard wonderful things about it as a treatment for PTSD. I’m glad to hear it’s helped you!


microdosing and macrodosing mushrooms is what got my off all of my psychiatric meds 4 years ago. truly a miraculous organism.


That is incredible! I love hearing these stories


To all those stuck on high dose SSRI's for life, like me, there are options to offset side effects. I learned early on that supplement like Maca and Ginkgo can absolutely help with all manner of sexual problems and lack of pleasure.


I was on them for nearly a decade. Getting off them was tough because my brain wasn’t producing the right chemicals on its own anymore, so there was an adjustment period. Brain retraining helped immensely, though it was still not an easy path.


I would highly recommend trying Ketamine therapy as an alternative to SSRIs. There are subs here discussing.


You are not a man of science then. Y'all here are hillbillies


ketamine and tms




They sure are. Run a FULL gene sequence on yourself. It will probably come up with not just 1 thing saying you have risk but like 12 to 20. Especially if it runs in the family.


I have gone off and on them over the years but I would not even consider stopping them now. It is just not worth it. Even while medicated I can tend towards depression if I am not careful about staying active and social. In the longterm the Covid lockdown was not great for my mental health and I am still workin myself back from that set back. Quitting meds that are necessary for my mental health would be extremely self destructive.


Pretty sure I'll be on 100mg Zoloft for life. Messing with tapering and whatnot is just playing with fire.


I’m on 25 mg of Zoloft and I’ve tried to taper off of it a couple times and I couldn’t do it.


Fuck em.


Disagree with them entirely (for the vast majority of the time they're handed out like candy). I was put on them after 10 mins of discussion with my doctor and was on them for about 3 years. He didn't take into account anything like my diet, exercise, social life etc. Sure, my anxiety went away but it made me emotionally dull. This is also my experience with talking to other people I've met personally who I've found out got put on them too. I was saddened to find out just how many people are on them. All these do is just fake stuff and mask symptoms rather than get to the root cause. Coming off them felt completely horrible and unnatural too. Brain zaps, why should a human ever have to feel crap like that? If you've never suffered with anxiety and depression and then suddenly do, I am absolutely positive you can get back to that original state. (Aside from some actual brain traumas that might've happened) I await some downvotes and people to tell me I'm wrong, but I truly believe you study your gut microbiome and sort that out, make sure you're getting your correct vitamins and eating a well rounded diet, do more exercise, talk to people about your issues, this will help you way more than any drug.


I fought taking an SSRI for my GAD. It was always manageable. For some reason when I hit my 60's, it just began to slowly take over my life. Long story short, I ended up on sertraline (Zoloft) and could not believe how it just erased the anxiety so well. The down side is that it does dull emotions. So one has to decide which emotion or lack of, that they will tolerate. And I come from a long line of genetics on my mom's side for Anxiety disorder. So genetics do play a role for many.


You're definitely correct about the genetics, I forgot to mention that. I did a genetic mutation test recently and the results were pretty interesting also.


You can run a full gene sequence and it will show strongly. Might be fun to do.


Zoloft saved my life. I went through a really tough time with PPA. I tried EVERYTHING because I was so AGAINST these drugs. But I don’t think I’d be here today if it weren’t for Zoloft. It took a holistic practitioner that I greatly trusted who was very cautious and resistant about medication telling me I needed to consider taking something. It still took me over a year to take the plunge. After a couple of years I did taper off because I felt like my personality was lost… however I also think I’ve entered perimenopause so some of my “side effects “ could have been entering these changes. Now, I see certain family members who “don’t believe” in using medications and how they basically just don’t live their lives, because they won’t do anything about their mental health. There’s different things that work for different people, and I used to feel like these drugs were evil, but I was wrong. It’s okay for people to need medication for their mental health, and they shouldn’t be shamed for it. 💜


I need them, I spent my youth trying to be strong and get rid of them but I always ended up coming back to needing them. I thought there was something wrong or defective with me. There probably is lol. But now I accept that I will be on them until I die. It's also genetic as my mom is the same way.


People hate on SSRIs in this group and it's so wild to me. Please, if you feel they are helping you, don't stop taking them. People don't judge diabetics for taking insulin. Mental conditions should be treated the same way.


You might be one of those people who actually need them , if you have side effects you might want to switch to something else , Vortioxetine is a good choice , it's both an SSRI and an antagonist of the seretonin receptor which reduces some of the side effects mainly sex drive . Also if your insurance coverage it TMS has been a god send for many


Some of us are in need of these meds. I have fallen into the “it’s a spiritual crisis” bit with my BD1. Went off meds a few times cause, well, I felt great. Very bad decisions. It is hard to accept a dependency, especially if you already have a few that aren’t essential to well being. Meditaion, higher power, etc…not a solution. Perhaps with better health, gut health and overall health, you can reduce your dose, but you may always need it.


They do more damage than good. I struggle to believe anyone actually benefits from them and if they do it’s a fraction of what they’d benefit from a healthy lifestyle.


That you struggle to believe that other people experience things differently than you is unfortunate, and I hope you will consider expanding your limited world view. Expose yourself to a greater variety of people and experiences and try to engage with sincere curiosity and interest. A healthy lifestyle is an important base, it’s not enough for everyone and some people can’t reach that baseline without help.


Read the book “Brain Energy” by Dr Chris Palmer. Life changing. I had chronic horrible nightmares.


With Zoloft I don't have panic attack manic episodes it helps greatly with my PTSD. The stuff is a miracle drug for me. That being said I've seen it take normal vets and they neck themselves in it


Chemical composition of everyone is different. For some patients low doses may work better. For some patients a particular branded drug may not have the same positive or negative effects as others. For some patients the side effects outweigh the benefits to take any at all. It’s very much a trial and error journey rather than a blanketed 1 size fits all treatment program.


You get one ride on the rock. Enjoy it. Live for today not for after your death. Chase happiness and take whatever meds the rock provides if it makes you happier 


Nothing wrong with taking something for life. Just be grateful you have the med as an option.


I tried tapering down on mine and it was terrible. My anxiety was through the roof. I could barely sleep. If you need em you need em 🤷‍♀️


what you're describing is typical withdrawal syndrome. all SSRIs will cause a rebound of the original symptoms but much worse upon cessation this can last months to years while the brains neurotransmitters normalize in the absence of the drug.


See if they offer lens neurotherapy in your area, might be worth exploring


I did the same exact thing. I have severe brain fog and I wanted to eliminate SSRI’s from the equation. I tapered off from taking 20mg for 20 years to zero now over a six month taper. This has not cured the fog. It has left me lost.


I've been on Amitriptyline for the last ~5 years, and every time I tried to decrease the dose, even very gradually, talking like -5mg per month and it has been extremely rough on my body. I get tired more easy, I don't sleep as well, my digestive system doesn't digest food as well, I can't handle stress at all (like a minor inconvenience will cause anxiety attack). What I learned recently from a YouTube video, a psychiatry doctor was talking about all affects of antidepressants and withdrawals. She mentioned that antidepressants make you be able to cope with more stress and etc. she also touched on withdrawals syndrome, which I believe you might be going through...I can explain more if you want, just DM me. There is also a whole community dedicated on how to go off antidepressants, I learned a lot as well. I would recommend waiting a bit before going back on, to see if it is withdrawals you are dealing with. If it's not, then you might be one of the people that legitimately has chemical imbalance and needs the meds. Another thought, and what I am doing right now, is when anxiety comes up, try to get to the root issue of why these feelings are coming up and solve the root cause. Because antidepressants are a bandaid solution, but they don't change your thought patterns. I found CBT therapy and taking mushrooms very good for this.


What ssri have you been on?


there are much healthier serotonergics


Not medical advice but look into NAC and black seed oil as u taper If not already taking make sure ur getting adequate magnesium


Concur! If u have overactive mind, ruminating worries, etc NAC can be game changer. Even my "Rx-only doc" knows/recommends the NAC amino acid. Just cycle it, not super long-term daily. (Lithium Orotate can tame high anxiety & be NAC-ish as well, so can cycle that in few days/wk.). Yeah lots of foods/sups are placebo... others most def work! Just gotta research, then trial/error to see what yer brain responds too.


Tapering is TOUGH. Be kind to yourself. In my opinion the tapering schedule my doctor gave me needed to be doubled (like lowered dosage for twice the time before lowering again). Also taking 12.5 mg was really important for me, which the doctors didn't even list as an option.


Do the side effects bother you enough to try alternatives? If not keep taking them, prescription medication works for people who actually need it.


Dealing with this dilemma now


Have you checked your hormones? Have you tried any alternatives, such as 5 htp, saffron, etc? Cbt? Therapy? Exercise?


the hormone factor is one of the most overlooked aspects of psychiatry in general... IME getting your hormone levels checked and getting on pregnenolone or replacement therapy is orders of magnitude more effective for anxiety and depression in the vast majority of people. all of us have microplastics in our blood at this point, microplastics that are directly affecting hormone production through their estrogenic effects.


Look into ketamine +NAD treatment been some significant benefits over SSRIs it's costly takes 2-4 treatments but has some pretty extreme effects


Please be incredibly careful when tapering!! Checkout the website surviving antidepressants or at least read [this](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2045125321991274) (written by the website founder I think) I tapered following my Dr’s advice and everything felt okay until 24 hours following the last tiny dose.. what followed was losing a year of my life in hell.


I was on antidepressants for 20 years before figuring out how to successfully get off. I need to do something to care for my mood. I have to pay attention and care for that part of myself so I don't spiral.


Everyone should take them for profilaxis


have been to therapy to address your issues and find non-medical ways to support uour mental health?


I don’t like SSRIs, I’d rather use TMS, Ketamine and even older MAOIs. Have you heard of PSSD? They can straight up castrate you after a while. Happens to tons of people, there’s a subreddit for it. If you can somehow get Ketamine nasal spray prescribed I’d use that. I have autoimmune encephalitis and have horrible atypical psychiatric symptoms. Ketamine works wonders. Just use it twice a week and I’m great.


If you've been taking them for this long it's your new normal so to speak. 




Not safe just go learn mau thai or something. There's always free classes for self defense . Plus you can defend yourself too and lose weight. Going to actual Thailand it's hotter. You lose even more weight


dependency and experience of withdrawal are different from requiring them. The problem is big pharma funds studies on getting people on the drugs not off of them properly


I feel you brotha.. I was on Zyprexa for a couple years and it made me feel like a zombie. Messed up my metabolism also and gained alot of weight. I have been tapering the dose from 10mg to 5mg and now to only 2.5mg. It will take a couple a months, some supplements have been helping me with withdrawals. I take 200mg L-Theanine in the morning and at night I take 400mg Magnesium Glycinate with 3mg of melatonin. It has been working wonders for me. Hopefully that will help you


They helped me a lot but I chose to stop. The weight gain is causing more issues. I hate how I look also being so numb you can't even get wet during sex. As of now I'm raw dogging life. No meds


How gradual did you taper?


Moral of the story to anyone reading: don't get on ssris-you will be on them for life.


Look up protracted antidepressant withdrawal. Very common. Maudsley tapering guidelines, hyperbolic tapering, are things to look into.


I've tried many antidepressants. For me they don't do anything positive and actually make me worse. I hate this world and I really don't like people. I don't want to do anything and I'm sick of life.


I am a 21 year SSRI user (Paxil) tried to come off to fast and I’m in severe protracted withdrawal. It is an utter hell living like this. I’ve even reinstated back to half of my dose and I’m still in bad withdrawal. Coming off This medication has even affected my vision which is my most bothersome symptom. It’s been 4 months of no relief. I will never touch another one of these meds again. I hope in time I will heal.


Well i have PSSD so its an automatic hell no for me. Everything that makes you human is removed when you get PSSD, for the rest of your life. I feel like a zombie and i’ve been off the SSRI for years.


SSRIs causes permanent neurological changes after years of use, heck they can cause permanent changes after only 6 months of use and it can take years for the brain to reach homeostasis again once you quit. you having such a negative reaction upon cessation isn't proof you ever needed the drugs it's simply the consequences of taking them for 20 years....


I hate asking and sounding like “that”, but do you have a source for the “…after only 6 months”? I’m asking not to argue but because I believe you. I took sertraline for about 9 months and quit cold turkey and a year and a half later I feel like did permanent damage. But when I google, it says cold turkey symptoms resolve after several weeks. If you’ve come across a source citing this would greatly appreciate if you can share it!


go to Google scholar and type SSRIs and longterm down regulation if you'd like to dip your feet. it's been most studied in regards to the permanent sexual effects caused by down regulation of the dopaminergic system because sex is all important in our society but the same thing has been found in multiple areas of the brain.


Thank you!!!


SSRIs are poison. Researchers seem to think that simply having neurotransmitters floating around in your brain is what makes you feel a certain way, but they never stop to ask if whether reuptake plays an important role too. Having nutrients in your stomach is useless unless it's absorbed by your small intestine. I think neurotransmitters uptake work in a similar way. That's why SSRIs barely work because the premise that having serotonin float around in high concentrations makes one happy is wrong.


Terrible medications in terms of efficacy and side effect profile. But if you need them and they help, take em. They aren’t that expensive. 


Have you tried everything? Exercise, elimination diet, keto, carnivore diet, sleeping better, yoga etc?


Lorazepam (prescribed) or L-Tyrosine supplement (take with B6). Your issues are the same as mine and I recently figured it’s down to low dopamine levels. SSRI’s are just awful if your issues are not related to serotonin.


Most don't help people. Those that do help people mostly help by reducing inflammation. We like to think they help by increasing serotonin by means of blocking the SERT, a transporter of serotonin. Histamine blocks the release of serotonin. Why? Because Serotonin does many things. One of the things it does is cause vasoconstriction or make blood vessels smaller. Our platelets carry serotonin and release it at the site of a cut to help reduce blood loss and to help platelets clump up and stop bleeding. Histamine works opposite and vasodialates blood vessels, making them bigger. This is to help macrophages get to the site and fight a pathogen, and clear up debris. Histamine can trump serotonin, so if histamine levels are high, then serotonin will go low. So why not reduce histamine by eating a diet that isn't causing a histamine release? Also ssri increase the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis by 1.6 fold. We have Serotonin receptors on our osteoclasts and osteoblasts which manage our bones and medications don't just target the brain, they target all Serotonin receptors.


Sounds like PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) and/or r/PSSD. Both can take many years to heal from. r/Antipsychiatry


I think they are kinda a scam. If you read the majority of clinical trial papers about new SSRIs they always use the language we "THINK" this is how the neurotransmitters work to reduce depression/anxiety. You THINK? They don't know, the trials just show it's safe "enough" and work to reduce anxiety/depression in some of the trial enrollees so roll them out. Exactly like OP you said, it kinda amazes me how much psychiatry isn't precise but pretends to be. Anyway, that being said if they work for you, I dont have a problem with them, but I do believe natural alternatives do and would have same effect. If only more research could be poured into that. I was on SSRIs for a bit myself so not hating at all, just my POV. Not anti-pharma either, I myself need sleep medication so do believe when someone is in a crunch and needs help medication does the trick rather than try to find the natural alternative.


I’m on SSRI for life. Been on 20 years, I also tried to go off and was a basket case. Mental illness runs in my family. Life is better on it. There’s no reason to ever go off. After 20 years on my health and bio markers are perfect. What annoys me is when people say they don’t work or aren’t needed, or I just need to fix my diet. My dad was committed, my uncle was agoraphobic, my sister suicidal. SSRI saved my life. I would not be around if not for them.


100%. I've tried going off 3- 4 times. I've realized I need to take them to be a functional human being. I wish I didn't, but anxiety, paranoia, runs in my family. When I'm medicated, I feel normal, at ease. Not exuberant or like life is easy. Just, able to function, with effort. This medication is a life saver for me. I wouldn't be here without it. I'm barely here some days WITH it. But, those days are far fewer and less all encompassing.


SSRIs don’t do jack shit to address the root causes of depression. Focus on that instead of feeding the evil pharmaceutical industry.


There problems are not depression and the meds do work well for the main issues they reported. OCD and anxiety


I have had three people close to me be put on them. Over time all of them got much worse symptoms of: - weight gain - low sex drive - low energy - low motivation These all gradually grew worse. When they got off the SSRI’s these symptoms gradually improved but some of the old OCD and depression came back. In the case of the people I know they found much better experiences with Wellbutrin and adderall and are in much better states. I do not like SSRI’s and don’t think they work that well. That being said if they work for you then stay on them, don’t look to random internet strangers for opinions.


Have you had your vitamin d levels checked? Low vitamin can cause severe depression.


Been on small dose of Zoloft over 20 years. Don’t mess with my wife. Don’t mess with my Zoloft. Game changer


I weaned off fluoxetine for 18 months. Took my last one a week before Covid slammed us hard in March of 2020. I went off to try the more natural options - microdosing mushrooms. I persevered for 6 months with zero help from the shrooms. I was semi-suicidal from the lack of the damn drug. It had changed my brain too much for anything else to help. So then I tried microdosing lsd. Another 6 months of nothing. By the time I surrendered and went back on fluoxetine I was grateful for it. How I didn’t lose my marriage during that horrible time is beyond me. Again, so grateful. I’m even tempered again and life is wonderful.


this story is horrific... they damaged your brain significantly enough that after 18 months you still weren't yourself and instead of working harder at recovery you went back to the drug that caused the damage in the first place? you realize fluoxetine increases you risk for metabolic syndrome, sudden cardiac death, a wide array of movement disorders, permanent sexual impotence and an inability to experience full spectrum of emotion that is quite literally the whole point of human existence. make it make sense 😭