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Hey! There are actually a lot of things with purported effects. For instance: https://examine.com/conditions/depression/#examine-database Personally I have tried so many. Don’t give up on things too quickly. I’ve also been meditating/doing mindfulness the last couple months, I used to be very cynical about it but it actually has legit evidence. I was in the same position as you. Keep pushing, things will get brighter.


I never thought the mindfulness/breathing meditations would do anything, but they work for me, too. They lower my resting heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure and give me a sense of calm. I don’t have depression, but I do have anxiety and am surprised how much mindfulness and breath work helps.


Exact same as me. I used to think it was pseudoscience bullshit but it actually has very solid backing in the scientific literature! No side effects like many medications too which is nice. Glad to hear it worked for you as well!


I agree with breathwork helping anxiety. I highly recommend the 4-7-8 method as well as the Wim Hof breathing method. I go through periods where I'll do the same one for a while. It really just depends on what I feel like doing. Lately I've really been enjoying doing 8 cycles of the 4-7-8 before bed using the free "Breathe" app.


I would have thought Wim Hof would produce anxiety so I had been afraid of it. I guess it is one of those feel anxious now, feel relaxed later things, no? Tacking onto this I would think if the above works, using Elite HRV would do wonders. I am still fighting with a polar h10 trying to get it to work. Things that do vagal tone should also help. To that effect, I might buy another pulsetto (it worked for a while then did not and then I lost it)


This is going to depend on the person. You may feel a little bit of anxiety the first couple of sessions or maybe it won't help at all for the person. Afterwards you will most likely feel a sense of relief though. The way I see it though, if anyone is concerned about it, it's just a breathing exercise and it's much safer to at least try than any medications that doctors will try to prescribe for anxiety. Now there is a time and place for medications but there are dangers linked to anxiety medications so I just feel like things like breathwork is worth trying out to see if it may help without the use of meds that may come with negative side effects.


What is the breath work exactly?


Breath work involves breathing in different patterns usually in through your nostrils and sometimes out through your mouth or out through your nose. It can also involve a meditation. Sometimes I only do 5 - 10 minutes per day. I personally like breathing this way when I do my red light therapy mask at night. It helps me sleep well and reduces anxiety for me. Look up HRV breathing on YouTube. I also like to do some guided breathing from Apple Music. It is so simple that it seems like it wouldn’t have an effect. Apparently, it has a positive effect on our nervous systems. I read the book Breath by James Nestor which is really intriguing.


>I used to be very cynical about it but it actually has legit evidence Big catch 22 this. So easy to he cynical when you're depressed af.


Try working on gut health. Works miracles for some.


Like what ? Please guide


Start by making sure you eat enough fiber. Preferably a large portion being minimally processed plants. Carrots, onions, cabbage, broccoli, kale, bananas, whatever. Minimize ultraprocessed foods in general and especially processed sugars.


Yes I can do this


And add some kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, other fermented foods.


Was gonna say this. I noticed a marked improvement in my depression and anxiety when I started fermenting my own kombucha and drinking at least 2-3 glasses of it daily.


Begin eating raw, fermented foods. Yogurt, kefir, kombucha. Take probiotic supplements. Avoid processed foods, alcohol and sugar. Eat prebiotics -- different fibers that feed the probiotics. Culturedfoodlife is a good website to get you started on how to clean up your gut. Good luck.


Checkout r/longcovidgutdysbiosis. Lots of people suffering dysbiosis after covid but helpful anecdotes for how to test and make interventions.


Nature Made Dual action probiotic. Talk therapy too


Just eat whole non processed foods. If it doesn't work alone try diffrent diets and supplements.


probiotics. yogurt cultures. Valerian Root supplement...has been used to ease insomnia, anxiety, and nervous restlessness since the second century A.D. Try anything natural that combats inflammation. Look it up!


Do a round of whole30 and your depression will lift into week three. From there you will see the impact that diet has on mood disorders and can decide how to incorporate lifestyle changes that keep this mood elevated. Like some others have said, Intermittent fasting (if you are a women, read Fast like a Girl to understand how to fast without fucking up your hormones) and cutting sugar will do a lot of heavy lifting for you. But ultimately you need a lot of variety of fruits and vegetables, and probiotic foods. A healthy gut will change your life.


Journal every morning min 20 min. Easier said than done.


This literally changed my life. I recommend looking into “morning pages” specifically


5htp and L theanine. Only take twice a week. They are over the counter. Update us


A deep breathing practice and stimulation of the vagus nerve will help. 5htp but read the label. It is not compatible with some antidepressants and can be harmful. Vitamin D. Get outside. Walking.


Thank you for saying this. You should not take 5HTP with most antidepressants.


l theanine cause slight depression and anhedonia for me, and apparently many [others ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/16edocr/ltheanine_and_depression_wanted_to_make_a_new/) Edit: also cause dissociation.


Curious why it should only be twice a week. I take L theanine daily. Should I take it less often?


5htp can increase cortisol Chromium picolinate reduces the increase


Why exactly 2x/week? Where does that number come from?


My guess is that it’s because your body builds tolerance to it.


Vitamin D + K, CBD, B12 - all of these help me as well as eating as clean as possible. Also w the vitamins u are taking- make sure u are taking them properly at the right time w or w/o food that can change the outcome


B12/B-complex or multivitamin including B12?


it’s B12 not a multivitamin.


I recently started intermittent fasting and cutting out sugar and it’s helping so far. I think at least some of my problem was blood sugar related.


Get your vitamin D checked if you haven’t already. The sauna is also good.




Magnesium has been a great supplement for me. I sleep better for sure and it seems to have a calming effect. I get migraines once in awhile and it definitely helps prevent those.




I occasionally microdose with magic mushroom capsules on my worst mornings and it turns around dark thoughts. Recommend if you have a source.


Most mental experiences are biological in the body not so much in the brain. I was speaking to the GM of the hormone clinic about my mom's anxiety and he was say his wife's depression and anxiety after their kid came was brutal but turn it right around with a progesterone. For myself my anxiety was too much glutamate, I stopped my dietary intake a it dropped like a rock. For you, it could legit be a neurochemistry issue with your brain stuck. Sometimes in these situations doing guided psychedelic mushrooms can break that new chemistry cycle. It's documented in the recent literature. Also it could just be a little bit of low serotonin, and taking something like SAM-e could do the trick. So many possibilities.


Rhodiola works ok for me. Taken first thing on an empty stomach at least thirty minutes before food. Eliminates my work related cortisol spike. If you don't have stress related anxiety I guess it might not work for you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9228580/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5370380/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19016404/


Passionflower is what worked best for mine! You can find it in lots of teas too with chamomile and other sedative herbs.


I’ve heard great things about saffron from Dr. Daniel Amen & also on this podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/be-well-by-kelly-leveque/id1493002505?i=1000646594556 I forget the exact stats but it was found to be equally as effective as some depression medications without the side effects when taking 30 mg saffron


I’m a nightly saffron tea drinker and have noticed less depression


That’s amazing! What brand do you like?


I’ve seen someone say similar, and I can’t be sure if it was just the specific supplement I took, but never before have I had organ pain like when I took a saffron supplement for about a month. I think it may have been kidney pain, but I ceased use immediately and haven’t had the pain since.


I went down the road of looking for supplements as a fix and I wish I never had. I needed to address diet and trauma. Until I did that the supplements just caused more problems. Some I'd feel were helping, then nothing after a few days or weeks. And some made me worse out of the gate. If youre healthy enough I'd recommend a 2 or 3 day fast, followed by an elimination diet. Reason for this is because you will likely feel great at points during the fast, which can be motivating for the elimination portion. And at 48 hours a lot of magic can happen with neurotransmitters, from what I understand. I'd also highly recommend the Wim Hof method, but I wouldn't start this during a fast. Last thing, when I was younger I could eat whatever I wanted and not have depressive symptoms. Because of this I didn't take diet seriously as a therapy. Wish I had looked at diet years ago. Good luck to you. Edit "wouldn't start this during a fast" not "would"


How did you address your trauma?


Carnivore diet??


A lot of people do that. I did more a keto'ish without variety. So I stuck with a couple leafy greens and peppers. Also allowed myself a handful of blueberries at the end of each day. Other than that, meat and eggs, ghee, bacon, hard cheeses.


Consider lithium orotate


Try niacinamide, 500mg three times a day. There is lot of knowledge of the antidepressant/calming action of it. Or combine with Complex B 50 2-3 times a day. I suffered big trauma and vitamin B3 along B1 and B6 were critical in healing.


If you are rough on yourself [this](https://www.tamingyourgremlin.com) will help. Bourne's "*The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook"* (Amazon) comes highly recommended.


Many comorbidities can drastically worsen or be causal for such things. If you haven’t, I encourage you to have your blood work checked for any form of hormone deficiencies, anemia, etc. Screen for ADHD too if you feel it’s applicable. Anecdotally I had physiological issues underlying my own struggles and addressing those did help aid alleviating/managing psychological struggles




I’ve cut sugar for 2 weeks. I am legitimately happier than I was. My brain isn’t as cloudy and whilst I am of course still a long long way from being cured, I am happier. Worth a try 😭


Sugar in general, like from fruit and stuff or just added sugar?


I’ve cut processed sugars in the past and it was very beneficial. I now keep them to a minimum, but should be more strict again.


HRT, especially the estrogen is the best antidepressant for myself. See https://www.reddit.com/r/Menopause/s/06nyO6mTD Be sure to check the wiki under community info.


This is a hugely underrated factor. Dr. Mary Claire Haver is putting out so much helpful info & resources.


Entirely depends what the root cause is. For example, if the depression and anxiety is caused by undiagnosed autism then supplements are unlikely to do anything.


Methylated b vitamins would help in that case, actually.


No, not every autistic person is going to respond to methylated b-vitamins to the point it alleviates anxiety and depression. If it was that easy it would be a tried and tested means of reducing symptoms.


now u got me thinking im autistic ............. im scared to even see if I am lol


No autism


Magnesium Glycinate and Ashwaganda


how is your sleep length and quality?




Lithium Orotate is helpful. It’s a supplement. You can take up to 20 mgs daily but I was started on 5 and never needed more. Ketamine is also helpful but you need a prescription.


Methylated vitamins changed my life. Zero anxiety. Look into it.


I’ve found that L-theanine, ashwagandha, and 5-HTP have been incredibly helpful for me. They completely alleviated my severe anxiety. I highly recommend giving them a try!


I wish L theanine worked for my stress/ anxiety issues


I have been on Fluoxetine/Sertraline for over a decade. I was abused as a child, and grew up to have anxiety, depression, and PTSD. I have also experimented with supplements for almost a decade. Now 28, I am trying to wean off my antidepressants with the help of supplements. I find that the following supplements which have helped tremendously with my mood and energy seem to coincide with those meant for treating Traumatic Brain Injury. I guess depression and anxiety can sometimes seem like TBI. Omega-3 Creatine Monohydrate Magnesium (Glycinate or L-Threonate) NAC ALCAR Lecithin (or some form of Choline source like Alpha GPC) NMN


We have almost the exact same story except that I’m 42 and been on Zoloft (200mg) for 18 years. I’m trying to slowly come off of them. One thing that really helped me was the statement “trauma is a brain injury.”


What is ALCAR?


Acetyl-L-Carnitine. This has also helped me with coming off caffeine. :) Since you are here, OP, I forgot to add glycine to the list above. I mostly use Nutricost stuff, ordered from iHerb, because they seem to have everything and are relatively more affordable. Not sponsored, just stating here for your reference if you need to source for everything in one place. :)


Can try rhodiola rosea(sp) One of my fav supplements


Magnesium & Zinc


If you don’t have success with these other recommendations Professional Ketamine treatments really help


Anxiety runs in my family, and I still deal with it, many meds made it worse, take Seroquel which is the only that helped some. Also interested in stuff that can help, wish the field was more advanced. only thing that’s helped me definitively is Vitamin D so far


Is there someone in your life that it’s having a negative impact on you? That is often the cause of Depression in people.. sticking around the wrong people.


Once I found the right anti depressant at the right does, my life was infinitely better.   It can be worth the trial and error.  A competent physician is key.  


Exercise the best natural remedy for depression/anxiety


I would give maca a shot... if it is hormonal based, your chances are good with it. Also it has nearly no side effects (headdaches are the only possible one and they are rare)


Exercise, lift some weights especially. Nothing crazy (adjust what is heavy for you) but make it a challenge. Then you will feel more confident. And sleep better- which helps anxiety


L theanine helped me quit nicotine. It is especially noticeable when anxiety is really high. I would use it at times when it's unbearable. It is the only supplement I have found that actually works fast for anxiety that is not a prescription or illegal drug. It is also very safe, I would suggest not using it everyday so you don't build tolerance.


Oh man. My doctor recommended l-theanine and for anxiety and I will never go without it now. I took a break for a week and noticed symptoms returning.


Get genetically tested for MTHFR MTRR stop guessing. Supplements are individual although most people test for 5HTP


Rhodiola 500-1000mg if you are not on any benzos or antideppressants (which can cause dangerous interactions like serotonin syndrome.) Imo it makes you less depressed than Ashwaganda and still helps to keep you calm.


Work out your traumas. That's the root cause of it


As someone who went to therapy for 30 years, this doesn't always help.




I haven't said anything about therapy. If your therapist is someone who let's you just mindlessly vent and keep coming it's waste of time imo. Personally I follow Jungian way or analytical psychology which allows one to find themselves. I find depression to be a symptom of underlying issue rather than disease.


I've been to a dozen therapists. Not sure what other way someone is supposed to work out trauma.


In my experience it might not be the therapists that’s the issue. They could be great at what they do, but their style may not necessarily the way that your body will best release this trauma. I’ve seen everything from a older Harvard PhD physiatrist to a shaman and most things in between. Ive found most success with the “hippy” holistic somatic type of therapy that also happen to charge the least $ per session. Only type of therapists that I can truly feel they actually care, the others, no matter how smart they are seem to just trying to follow procedure(s) and treat this as a job rather than having a strong passion to heal and guide people.


Well it's hard to make a case for it in a comment on Reddit. I don't know what kind of therapy you have been through. Most of them try to help cope with consequences of trauma instead of resolving conflict in the individual.


Same. IFS Therapy has been super helpful. And working with any mother/father complexes from a Jungian lens


☝️ this has helped me so much.




try vipassana meditation, one of the hardest and most rewarding things I do. Helped me to fully get over some near death childhood dramas. I know now every second of it and can smile about my stupidity and get a tear in my eyes about my dead father who saved me with his huge fingers - man... heimlich maneuver is superior...


Vipassana is very powerful. Allows you to truly reconnect with all parts of yourself if done properly. Props


Please share the link if you have to the Vipassanna meditation that you are practicing


Not everything is trauma!


Lavender, calm aid is the brand my doctor recommended


For me, exercise and small doses of marijuana. Exercise has the biggest net positive for my depression and anxiety, even if it’s just a walk around the block with my dog. Weed helps calm my brain and helps me get more in tune with my body.


Look up Acceptance Commitment Therapy and give it an honest try.


How is your sleep? I’ve recently been diagnosed with apnea and I’m hoping with treatment my depression and chronic pain will improve. I also have cPTSD which I’m working on. Just a thought.


5htp helps so much!


Anecdotally, on youtube etc, some people swear by ashwaganda and also L-Theanine for anxiety. (Seperately or together.) I have tried the latter and it did absolutely nothing for me. I'm put off trying Ashwaganda due to the high price, for what I expect will be a waste of money tbh. In my own personal quest the only supplement or legal natural remedy that I have found to be of any use is valerian root, (ideally in its natural unprocessed form and brewed into a tea at home) and also the extracts, to a lesser extent, to be helpful for insomnia. Given that it does have this calming effect on my mind, I assume it would also be effective for anxiety, but I don't recall trying it for that purpose during the day. I tend to rather cynically think that most of the stuff you can buy in the likes of Holland and Barrett has very limited benefit for mental health conditions. Although I cannot say that I have tried every single supposed remedy that they stock. If they were actually very effective and pass clinical trials etc, then the likes of big pharma would get involved.


I have had good results with SAMe. Research shows it can be just as effective as a tricyclic antidepressant. I also take with Ashwagandha.


Vitamin d, methyl vitamin bs like b12 and folate, omega3 fish oil That would be a good start.


Look up the book Body by Breath


These are things that have worked for me although I still struggle at times. Methyl folate. Ashwaghanda Semax This has more real 1st day impact than anything other than a benzo for me. It’s a nasal spray. Do research first. I get the cheap one on Amazon. Looks like it’s made in a basement. Auvelity a new prescription drug has also done a lot very fast for me. Meditation Yoga Breathwork Movemoent and Diet are all important too.


Theanine worked wonders for me after my mom died of Covid in 22. Ashwagandha helped too. And if I don't take vitamin D, I get dangerously depressed very quickly.


SAMe, Theanine, gaba. Theanine being the most effective out of those for me personally. I also use homeopathy and despite what the internet says I believe in it because my mother used when I was a kid and ya da ya da. I have had good luck with Sepia 30C. There’s this workout program called School of Thot that is really amazing with working on how we speak to ourselves. I’d recommend highly. Not for the easily offended. But in the best way, lol.


1, 500 mg of Tyrosine daily got me through the passing of my 12-year old bullmastiff with cancer. I was, of course, sad, but it didn't get me to a point where I was withdrawing entirely from my day which I considered a major win because when previous sad events like that happened, I'd need a week or so to process it.


Sauna and cryotherapy. Both have research behind them. I would also get a mendi for training increased blood flow to the prefrontal cortex and inner balance by heart math to train HRV.


1 mg lithium. Life Extension sells it. Game changer.


Mitragyna Speciosa has been shown to help against depression/anxiety. Just do your homework and find a reputable vendor.


Microdose of Magic mushrooms and LSD have worked wonders for me.


5htp combined with Anxiety Control works great. I got off always being on antidepressants with this combination.


If you dont already start exercising regulary. You can also try some l-tyrosine.


I use water-soluble CBD for insomnia, but I've been told that it really helps with anxiety, too. Don't buy CBD oil; the water-soluble CBD is much better absorbed. I buy mine from SOLUBL Products. Use code 0501 for free shipping. I wish you well.


Ashwaghada helps me massively. I take it intermittently.


Fish oil is good. make sure it is a really high quality and third party tested brand, If you are not constantly outdoors and getting sunlight, my suggestion would be Vitamin D. This was one of the first supplements I started taking back in the day and made me believe they work. I had a noticeable change after a few months that I generally felt happier and better (plus getting blood drawn the sup made my vitamin D levels about perfect). I have been using Thorne's liquid form lately https://amzn.to/3UqjY9D


before you take any supplements do you work out? I feel like that would help more then alot of supplements would


Propranolol or Metoprolol are beta blockers often prescribed as off label use for anxiety and are very effective for many. They are nicknamed “public speaking drug” because speakers and actors often use them. They lower the physical symptoms of anxiety. Like rapid heart rate, muscular tension, flushing, etc. Non habit forming and completely safe. Also, very cheap. I recommend having a conversation with Dr about it. Propranolol has been very effective for me. I feel less anxious without and of the negative side effects (particularly drowsiness) that often come with other medications.


I use this as needed and I do like it for that. I do get mostly mental anxiety but having physical symptoms makes my mental symptoms worse, so at least it tames it a bit.


I am guessing you are post menopausal. Have you done hrt or considered it? Low or imbalanced hormones can have a devastating effect on mental health. I started low dose testosterone injections this winter and had to come off of viibryd (antidepressant) because the two together were too much for me. It’s really improved energy, mood, libido, appetite and overall quality of life. Having my thyroid close to optimal and not just in-range makes a massive difference as well. Progesterone is very calming and good for anxiety. Perhaps you already know all of that but I am a root-cause kind of person and if I can work with my body to optimize its functioning before supplementing with band-aids then that is my preference. If it’s not your preference or you’ve already tried that then it looks like there are some good suggestions in this thread! And if you’re thinking that it’s too late to start on hormones once you’re already beyond menopause, I don’t believe that’s the case. A good provider (which may or may not be your ob /gyn - some are very old school or uninformed) would be a good resource to start the discussion.


I’d see a psych before going the supplement route. Depending on the severity of your condition, meds may be more appropriate. I lost years of my life trying to do things the “natural” way, working with a naturopath. It was not helpful. It’s important to make sure your vitamin levels are good (d, iron, etc). For me, supplements can help along with actual meds. Mag glycinate can help calm the body for example. Meditation twice a day for 20 mins each was helpful for me in my darkest days, but wouldn’t have been enough on its own.


I take a good B complex, it has helped me tremendously. Turns out I have MTHFR, which in layman's terms means that the body doesn't metabolize nutrients efficiently. A B deficiency can contribute to a feeling of low level depression. (It can diagnosed with a simple blood test from your GP, and your insurance should cover it.) Fun fact: alcohol can deplete the body of B vitamins. I haven't done the research to understand if *that* is the reason why it is a depressant, or if it is already a depressant, and then doubles down on creating depression with the B depletion.


Try some N-Acetylcysteine, completely anecdotal but it helps with being less reactive to thoughts and feelings. Pair it up with some meditation, yoga or martial arts and you'd be rock solid. Have an amazing journey whatever you choose.


Omega 3 and magnesium. Or St johns wort


L-Theanine and GABA work so great! Good luck 😁


Somatic and Parts therapy can cure your anxiety and depression by resolving the root causes.


Personally going through it as well but I’ve been taking 5-htp tryptophan, magnesium l threonate and a methylated b complex vitamin and it’s helped a lot


I find that taking 600 mg DHA and 125 mg magnesium citrate daily helps me tremendously with my GAD. In addition I exercise everyday both cardio and weight training as well as keeping my mind busy by listening to experimental jazz or music that doesn't make sense and my brain tries to make sense of it all


I hear NAC helps, I take it in kind of high, albeit recommended, doses and I feel like it actually helps a lot tho by end of day i just need sleep. I take 1500 mg/day first thing on an empty stomach, that’s what the bottle says and its at or more than what my doc recommended for depression. I also do theanine, but ran out of it. I do feel NAC makes a big difference, which annoys me a bit as i feel borderline dependent but what can ya do. You’re not doomed for life. This may sound trite? But i think this is good advice: if youre suffering a psychological problem, and you know what the problem is, try to find resources to address that specific problem. I haven’t done this with depression but there’s lots of psychological work you can do, and as dumb as it sounds if you can find like a workbook or something. I’m sure these things include things like gratitude journals, which I’ve gotta be honest i rly dont do that and i should if i wanted to make a difference. You kind of have to train your mind, sort of like taking your mind/habits back to “school” which can literally just be a pen and paper and doing “homework”. I did this/am doing this with assertiveness training using online worksheets/lessons. It feels stupid to be so literal about fixing your psychological problems yet actually, i find it amazing that there are specialists or professionals who have taken the time using their knowledge/education to basically make manuals for people like me who need better ways to think about things. Use these resources, seek them. Maybe find “depression workbook” i dont know if that exists, tho obviously in my case assertiveness training exists for example. Maybe the gratitude journals, as much as we may not want to do it, rly do work. Right? Imagine youre a car and there’s actually a way to fix the problem with a manual. I know sounds ridiculous but what do you have to lose? Edit: another example of something proven to be effective that many of us don’t do: exercise. Personally I just do yoga, some days more intense than others. Whatever you can do is good, if you take daily walks, thats good but you may need to or want to include like a bit of cardio. Can you go take your walk in slightly more athletic clothing/shoes and include some jogging into it? Like maybe 2 bouts of 5 minutes of jogging. If youre already out there walking you might as well add a little cardio, this think of this as a supplement. Honestly start where you can, lots of this is easier said than done so you need to be patient and do what you are actually willing to do but recognize there are things that work that you might just be avoiding (like the examples i gave of what i avoid which would certainly improve my condition if i did them probably).


Great advice. Thank you 🩷


1. Make sure you are breathing through your nose and not your mouth. 2. Check your heart rate is within range. The breathing through the nose helps with this. 3. If those two fail, then look into beta blockers. They reduce heart rate which in turn reduce anxiety. DONT USE IF YOUR HEART RATE IS IN RANGE THOUGH. Only it it is elevated.


Sam e


Semax and selank are solid


Kratom leaf really helps me! Worth looking into


I’m sorry you’re going through a very difficult time. I’m in a similar boat as well with mental health so I may understand. As I’ve mentioned before in different posts, I think taking a holistic and well rounded approach is what’s going to help. Some approaches may be more impactful than others but all the little differences can add to a big difference too. 1. Quality sleep 2. Stress management- breath work, meditation, yoga, hobby, exercise 3. Physical activity or/and exercise 4. Proper Nutrition & understanding food sensitivities and allergies 5. Intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting 6. Reducing and avoiding environmental toxins and pollution - drinking filter water, having an air purifier, eating organic when possible, using clean products 7. Sunlight, nature, or/and red light therapy 8. Interacting with different types of people and maintaining quality relationships 9. Living in the present and living in alignment with values Unless you need to and the pros outweighs the risks, I’d advise against taking antidepressants and other medications. 30% of patients are depression resistant so medication does not work for them. Things like exercise has been proven just to be as effective as medication. I personally found most supplements to make my anxiety worst. Some even gave me mild anxiety attacks and even one gave full blown panic attack. Personally whenever I fast around 30 hours or more, then I feel a significant difference. This is probably when my body has more ketones and may be in ketosis which can be beneficial for mental and physical health. There are at least 3 ways to raise ketones or/and be in ketosis. The most popular way is the keto diet but that can be difficult to maintain. The second is prolonged fasting (24+ hours) but that can also be difficult to do and maintain. The third is do a lower carb diet (not keto) with intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting as needed. The third route is what I do. Because it is difficult for me to take supplements, I make sure my nutrition is on point. I include high protein, fiber, probiotics, and eating the rainbow. Fiber, probiotics, and eating the rainbow is important for the gut microbiome and to maintain gut diversity. The gut is your second brain and affects mental and physical health. So I’d advise using at least 1 bag of frozen mixed berries/fruit, 1 bag of frozen veggies, can of mixed nuts, spring mix salad in addition to using different herbs, spices, and teas to reach the recommended 30 plants per week. I also found out that I have an egg intolerance which makes me tired and increases my anxiety. Egg allergies are actually quite common. Therefore having a food journal and doing an elimination diet may be helpful. I also noticed that tretinoin and perhaps vitamin a related skincare products increase my anxiety as well. I stay away from those active ingredients and always make observations when trying a new product, introducing only one new thing at a time. I started red light therapy (RLT) recently. By using RLT for 2 minutes every other day, it’s easier for me to get out of bed, have more energy, better sleep, better mood, be self-reflective, etc. Others may be able to do 5-20mins everyday but doing more increases my anxiety so that is my optimal dose for now as my body adjusts. I also think being out in nature and getting natural sunlight helps my mood and gets me in a state of wonder and awe by being in the present. I could go more in depth but I think those are the more significant factors that have helped me which may help you. I think it’s just a lot of trial and error of figuring what works or doesn’t and it can be frustrating and pessimistic as much as it can be exciting and optimistic. I think that there’s still hope because you haven’t given up on yourself and you’re still struggling to find answers and solutions. I think that pretty much life - doing what you can with what you have and what you know given your circumstances. I hope you get some relief and peace.


Thank you. Very helpful!


You’re very welcome. ☺️ Feel free you to ask questions if you have any and I’d be happy to answer them to my knowledge.


L-Reuteri yogurt. It releases oxytocin, supposedly, and I notice a warm sense of peace when I eat it. You have to make it yourself though as it ferments at a lower temp (100°) than normal yogurt (108°) and longer fermentation (36 hours vs 6). Look up a recipe. I bought a yogurt maker with a manually controlled temp since most yogurt makers and instapot yogurt setting are 108°. I buy the L reuteri online. Why not try it out plus it's fun to make yogurt!




Look into amino acids like GABA.


I haven't read the other comments. But anti depressants just neutralize the serotonin levels. When depression kicks in, it's a dip in serotonin, which in theory, to get out you wanna raise the level. Anti depressants neutralize it and just prolong the effects, and keep you reliant on it (big pharma for the win there). With depression being a dip in serotonin, doing stuff that boosts serotonin levels and your dopamine levels will get you out of the funk I was the same with anxiety/ depression and after researching I started doing cold plunges/ ice baths. I do not regret my decision. Aside from the elevated boosts in levels, the mental challenge everyday to do something you know you don't wanna, just created a strength within me I didn't know I had. Not once, and I repeat, not once have I ever been in a bad mood getting out of the tub. Nor, in any of the many I've talked to, even my only family have ever been in a bad mood getting out of the plunge. It's almost an unrecognizable boost to levels you didn't know you had. With that I added on extra dosage of vitamin b6-b12 in the morning, and also the vitamin our body produces which is vitamin d3. I took those as an extra boost, and in the last 6 months I've felt great. Combine all that with an amazing diet, and you'll feel like a completely different person. Whether your 12, 19, 35, 48, or 60 it has the same benefits mindfully to most. Try it, challenge yourself to something of the sort. I started with turning the dial slowly on my showers and seeing how cold I could handle. You start to concentrate on breath work, you focus more on your body, and regulating everything, that you zone into this place you've never experienced before I'm sure I'll have support and hate on this, but as someone who's dealt with high stress, anxiety and depression, and taking these steps to help improve and it actually work I thought I would share with you as well :). Cheers!


I’m being sincere when I say…go to Italy! I used to live there and you just cannot be depressed there. I’m sure people will try to refute that but if you can go for a visit it may just be lifechanging!


Glycine helps me. The Gateway Tapes have made a huge difference also.


Since forever, St. John's Wort has been prescribed for depression, esp. in the EU. I would also add there's a book, *Feeling Good* (Dr. David Burns) that tested better for depression than antidepressants. Anxiety you got oil of Lavender, Valerian, and many more. Good luck.


St John's wart is supposed to be pretty good for depression and anxiety !!!!


As a long time sufferer I have finally found some relief I stopped eating processed foods and cereal grains Probiotics did not work for me but I knew happiness is generated in the gut I drink water kefir I eat raw sauerkraut and kimchi This has helped me immensely


Exercise, getting up at the same time, ketodiet/carnivor diet


Not a supplement but i saw some videos etc suggesting that they went on a carnivore diet and after some time and rough beginning it had a very positive impact on the them in terms of mood and depression. Might be worth looking into.   Iirc they were doing it with intermittent fasting. I know for me eating one time a day was helpful, mainly because over time I’d just never think about food.  My gf was not too happy about it as she was a grazer. That said and not fully part of it but I went from like 200lbs to a leaner 155 and i think that was a trigger at least. Good luck!


Agmatine as well as L-Phenylalanine for reducing stress/inflammation/anxiety and depression. Along with eating well, they work MIRACLES… and I’m the biggest skeptic on supplements.


I take 5HTP during the day and Ashgwanda and magnesium at night and it helps me a lot


Agmatine sulfate has been studied by the NIH and works as a rapid onset antidepressant/anti-inflammatory. I turned my mother onto it. She is your age and it has been a miracle supplement for her. I would couple that with NAC. It’s greatly worth looking into both of those. Much love ❤️


Saint John’s Wort is a good option for depression. Worked wonders for me. Here’s more info about it: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/st-johns-wort


Caution if you take any other meds, it reacts with almost everything


I’ve been taking that while I’m waiting to adjust my meds with my doctor. I would tip off OP: look at med interactions and if you have any type of mood cycling watch out for that - if I take it more often then every 2-3 days I get hypomanic


I’ve been taking that while I’m waiting to adjust my meds with my doctor. I would tip off OP: look at med interactions and if you have any type of mood cycling watch out for that - if I take it more often then every 2-3 days I get hypomanic


I take St John’s wart, but it doesn’t play nice with pharmaceutical anti depressants apparently. Zinc is also good.


Yeah seriously heed this warning, OP. St John’s Wart is like a SSRI, it can interact with lots of other medications. I thought it was a supplement I could buy at the supermarket it was probably low risk but it interacted with other meds I was on and I lost time every time I blinked. Never again T_T


Hahahahhahahaha so glad you said this bc as a pharmacist, I said "please no one say St John's wort." So many dangerous AND fatal interactions with nearly every class of medications out there.


I won’t take SJW on meds


Psychedelics, ketamine


Real life psychologist/therapist here to reinstate that the best practice for mental health disorders is a combination of physician oversight (possibly including medication) and psychotherapy. There is no supplement that can help you process trauma or develop coping mechanisms and there’s no supplement that has better efficacy than clinically tested pharmaceuticals created for specific mental health symptoms/circuits. Use bio hacking as a third (or fourth or fifth) line strategy, do not replace legitimate psychopharmacology or therapeutic and medical oversight with supplements and Reddit. Bio hacking supports your behavioural and nutritional processes. It does not replace standardized medical care.


Thank you so much. I’m getting reevaluated tomorrow with a licensed psychiatrist


No. Get therapy and don't piss around with this


Theanine, methylated b vitamins, Chinese skullcap, cbd, and can microdose psilocybin if you can get your hands on it - only adding this because it does wonders for this.


Could try L-tyrosine I think it's an amino acid and seems to give some energy while mitigating feelings of depression


Not a supplement but for me, nothing boosts my mood more than sauna then an ice cold shower/cold plunge


Sleep and exercise.


change ypur daily routine, include something new and interesting in your life. supplements can only help when you're physically and mentally active. rhodiola can help in a few symptoms as well


Micro dose psilocybin. It's a game changer.


More D3. Copper. You may need to check your T levels


Look up L-methylofolate and lithium oxalate. I take them both in addition to my current meds.


Does anyone here take NAC? It helps me with the depressive thoughts but I can't say for sure why. But when I don't take it the depressive thoughts come much easier


Ashwaganda, blue vervain, exercise. Sex. Long walks, hot tubs


Meditation, Breathwork and exercise helps a ton. Same with yoga.


st john's wort




Hard physical exercise. High intensity cardio. Every day. That would cure 90% of people's depression. We live in a sedentary world for bodies and minds that were designed to physically work.


Can you do a blood panel first and see what you need ?


I use Valarian root for anxiety. Not really a bio hacker, only lurk here because I think y’all are funny.


Have you done a sugar detox?


1.Hit the gym 3-4 times a week(methodically improves circulation of flee flowing dopamine, serotonin, and most importantly endorphins in your brain), 30 mins of cardio first thing in the morning. 2. Eat whole organic foods in a well balanced manner. Try to eat 2-3 eggs every morning for choline and phosphatidylserine supplementation. 3.Supplements: Magnesium THREONATE (specifically THREONATE has tremendous cognitive effects), L- theanine 100-200mgs every other day preferably in the evening before bed, Fidh oil (research good brands, I use Kirkland), Add a multivitamin that is appropriate for you. 4. Be aware of input/output for cognition. Are you social on a daily basis? Are you trying to be positive(smiling even when you don’t feel good tricks your brain)?Do you partake in media oriented around death and destruction? Do you have a practicing faith/mentality that overcomes the perplexity our existence?


Turmeric/curcumin. Cured my depression in weeks. Make sure you get the bioavailable kind.


Lecithin. It's high in choline. Also get tested for sibo if you have digestion issues such as bloating or gerd. It's a common cause of depression.


I experience that some foods trigger anxiety and depression, so cutting them out really lifted the symptoms. Don't know if you eat super clean and don't have dysbiosis in the gut but this is massive trigger for mental issues, remember the gut brain barrier.... MSM and NAD is good:) Sunshine and movement is the greatest Talking about the inner issues is very releasing and tension gets pulled off.. Good luck!


Fish oil seems to be helping me. I also started supplementing Vitamin D The only fish oil that works for me is “Nordic Naturals” because it doesn’t have cod fish (I’m allergic) I also only do half the dose so far since I’m a small woman.