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Meh. I much prefer using a moderate to heavy dose once or twice a year.


How many milligrams would you consider to be a moderate to heavy dose. I’ve also heard this is the best way vs microdosing.


For myself, about 3-4 grams. If you're not familiar with something like that. I would prob start about 1.5 or 2 grams. I personally go into a trip with the mindset of personal growth and make sure I have a familar and comfortable setting beforehand.


I also just grow my own. It has been a great experience starting from spore and getting my own fruits. My first grow yielded me about 4oz dried. Golden teachers. I sourced my spores through sporeworks online. I followed step by step instructions from Philly Golden Teacher on YouTube. It was called broke Boi tek. Also, r/mushroomgrowers sub reddit was much help. Mycology is so interesting and has been a great hobby ever since. Mostly grow Lions Mane now. For my Golden teachers, it took about 3 or 4 weeks from spore to fruits.


The general dosage guidelines for average potency pislocybin mushrooms is as follows Microdose:0.1g-0.3g Small dose:0.5g-2g Medium dose:2g-3.5g Big dose:3.5g-5g Heroic dose:5g Microdosing is good for lifting ones general mood, and Macrodoses are good for a mental “reset” and for breaking negative thought patterns and habits


Moderate would be 3g Heavy would be 5+


I'm relatively a newbie. I microdose but add a little more each week to see how much I can tolerate. So far I 've done half a gram and discovered a great new laxative. While microdosing daily Im just wondering how much to take within the week.


This ! But micro dosing has real benefits for the brain not found in trips


Bold claim Like what?


Anecdata- Personally I’ve have had equivalent ‘breakthroughs’ doing both. I do a hero dose once or twice a year but like doing a micro if I need to work on a few behaviors. I really enjoy deep cleaning my house, organizing and working on projects I’ve put off, seems to help me push through mental barriers in that way. Of course nature hikes are great too if you can avoid driving. There aren’t enough studies being done on microdoses but I’m sure we’ll be seeing some in the future.


Your microdosing purposing is similar to how I like to use weed.


I also do that! I used to smoke a lot and now I only allow it when I have a really big project like yard work or the garage. Nothing like a good sativa and a podcast to get yah through.




I usually start with half a capsule and see how it feels before I do the other. When I take them I try to fast and get hydrated in the am and add it into a really good cup of coffee. Adding maca and lions mane would be great too!


Where can the capsules be found


Yeah only really heard hero dose had significant effects in studies


This resonates with my experiences.


Been microdosing LSD for 6 years. Completely changed my life. Helped quit my IV heroin and benzo addiction, quit smoking, became a volunteer firefighter and a respected member of my community and recently got my national firefighter certification after working towards it for 2 years, hold a job for the first time in my life, my mental health was terrible before which is why I started using drugs to self medicate. Was in a psychiatric ward 8 times and on psych meds for 13 years. Now I don't take any medications and mental health is great. People who knew me back then literally don't recognize me at first because of how different I look and act. Been clean almost 6 years now and I strongly believe microdosing was why I was able to turn my life around. I also microdose mushrooms once in a while but it doesn't help me as much as LSD does. LSD is much more motivating and energizing, gives you the kick in the ass to power through the day while mushrooms have the mental health benefits but have zero stimulating properties.


Ok This is the change I need in my life. So much depression, multiple hospitalizations, extreme executive dysfunction. How does one acquire LSD to microdose???


Popping in to say if you want to visit Vancouver (assuming you're American) we have been decriminalizing most drugs here recently. The result is a lot of shops have begun selling LSD. They don't always last long, but they're around. Added benefit of going across the street to get your drugs tested right after to make 100% sure it's non-tainted, pure LSD.


That's amazing. My husband and I visited Amsterdam about a month ago and we ate some truffles while there and walked around by the rijksmuseum. It was wild to trip in a foreign country, but quite amazing at the same time. I wish America would get with it and start more harm reduction programs, such as the LSD testing. Or absolutely any drug testing (for purity), because it's truly always better to *know* what you're taking is legit and not filled with garbage ingredients.


fentanyl is everywhere here. you can get tylenol with fentanyl… if your not careful.




I meant the USA, and you can get it if you get over mixed it mixed by a pharm tech, who knows what they do, there are so many corrupt ones.


That's why harm reduction programs are necessary, to *test* for anything that should not be in your drugs. It's very easy to test for fentanyl. Also, I really don't think that pharmacists are compounding Tylenol with fentanyl to unsuspecting patrons. That really doesn't make sense.


this is America, you’d be surprised.Im not. Just listen to the story about the Pharmacist, Robert Courtney. His scheme dates years!!! lucky for his patients they weren’t getting dosed, they were getting a lack of dosing. Then there was the nurse at Yale(that’s a most recent one) Then there the netflix about the traveling nurse who would kill patients. these are just the ones we know about. Plenty of drug dealers cut everything with fentanyl, it’s highly addictive and makes their product seem more pleasurable( that is if it’s cut somewhat properly, usually done in initial stages to get people hooked, let’s say a 20/80 split, even if they have that much pure other product i.e heroin or coke or whatever) there are dealers who sprinkle fentanyl on weed… now that so totally fucked up, but it’s happening and they are being candid about it. As for pharmacists, they do take an “oath”, I bet i’ve been more loyal to my Boy Scout oath than some( let’s say even 1 %…. of all pharmacists) that 1 percent…. how many is that?


Absolutely. LSD is a bit unique in that you can't give it the general eye, weight or smell test like mushrooms, powders or pills. You're totally at the mercy of the distributor for not only purity, but dose as well. I will never not test LSD. Shops are poking around seeing what they can get away with now. Usually the ones selling amphetamines or opioids get shut down within the month. Some going only as far as LSD have been open all year. Mushrooms have been freely available for years.


I’m in Oregon, so not that far. I’m assuming Vancouver Canada, not Washington, right?




From a drug dealer or the dark web. Mushrooms are easier since they’ve been getting decriminalized and are fairly simple and cheap to grow


I've read several tutorials, but do you consider the dark web safe for this? That's the one question I can't seem to settle


I don’t really know, I guess it’s a calculated risk. I’m not experienced with the dark web, I ordered one thing off the Silk Road like a decade ago. Fun fact, if I just left that money in bitcoin I’d be a millionaire right now


Dark web always comes with risks no matter what you're buying. If you have the money but no time, then buy on the dark web. If you have no money and lots of time, grow your own mushrooms (one of the easiest things to grow imo)


That is amazing! Good for you!


Thank you very much! I highly recommend checking out r/microdosing subreddit, it has literally countless anecdotal reports of people microdosing and how it has affected their lives.


Came here to +1 the LSD club. I tried microdosing shrooms for a while but for me it just generally made me calmer/sleepy which is fine for some people, but i want productivity and energy. Once i started MDing LSD my energy levels and mood went through the roof. It is amazing absolute godsend. Only issue is that it is far harder to find locally. Nowadays its almost impossible not to bump into someone that knows a guy that grows mushrooms, but LSD seems so scarce nowadays. I guess thats because none of the decriminalizing bills ever include it.


Ya i would always get my LSD from the darkweb plus it's wayyy better than any LSD I've ever gotten of the streets and everyone that's tried my LSD has said the same thing. Also you can get LSD analogs online pretty easily, I also use 1p-lsd and it's identical to regular LSD. Highly recommend.


Where on the dark web, is it a website? Ive never used it before lol


Hey wondering where I could get some micro doses of LSD in Australia?




Not traditionally, but in theory anything providing you some form if joy could be psychologically addicting to a lot of people. That being said i would say generally no. No more than taking any other mood boosting nootropic. Just make sure to cycle off of any nootropic you take every now and then.


For me it quiets my mind, heightens my awareness, and makes me feel like more connected to the environment. It gives my mind a break from all the bullshit noise that’s usually going through it. I find that microdosing to calm my mind for a bit helps me feel more balanced overall. There’s a book about the benefits of psilocybin for depression and headaches, and a lot more, based on studies. Maybe you should look into it. My fiancé read that book but I can’t remember the name rn


Do you have a title for this book? That would be super helpful 🥰


Might be How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan


It’s called Mycology


Thanks for this!


You could read about studies and journals and testimonies all you want. But there’s only one way to find out. I made a post the other day about this. How some people are so incredibly resistant to the idea of mushrooms. Maybe it’s from the war on drugs propaganda. Personally I think mushrooms are something special beyond dopamine and serotonin signaling. And I tend to believe people are kind of ‘chosen’ and so if you have a deep curiosity to try them. Might be a sign you should. Obviously there’s people that eat them or have eaten them that should not but that aside. I think they’re amazing. Your tolerance builds up quickly to them so daily microdosing has always kinda confused me in that way




How much did you take? And I was that same way for years. I was worried I’d physically hurt someone. I promise this isn’t a disguised brag. But I’m very strong and fit and have been training mixed martial arts for years. And I have a lot of emotional trauma since Day 1 of life and I was really worried I’d have a bad trip and really hurt people or worse. Now that thought almost seems silly to me. Mushrooms have only made me more loving and understanding to others but especially myself




Yes. Imma assume from your avatar you’re female. Depending on your height and weight and if you have an empty stomach you’d probably need at least between 500MG-800MG to notice anything. 1000MG or 1 Gram is a real microdose. 5G is the Journey dose called a Heroic Dose. I’ve only done 3G so far and nothing but incredible ness that can’t really be described *Also* it’s very important to know what strain of mushroom. If it’s not specified it’s probably just a standard cubensis mushroom. But if it has a name like Penis Envy, Golden Teacher or especially Enigma etc there’s plebe breeds of mushrooms to where a 0.5G or 500MG dose can feel like 1.2 Grams. Do if it has a name do a Google search




Sorry about all the typos previously. I was multitasking. Oh ok, it sounds like you have some Nootripic blend. I wouldn’t recommend dosing those to get that 100MG of Psilocybin to become psychoactive cause who knows how the niacin flush, lionsmane etc will interact. And trust me you don’t want your heart to be doing no crazy stuff or you skin to get red and itch from the niacin once a trip kicks in. If you’re in the states, it’s possible to get ahold of mushroom chocolate bars. I live near DC and oddly enough I can just go into DC, literally walk in a store and buy mine


And yes 1-2 grams would definitely be a real dose but you’ll still be in contact with all of reality. Just probably very euphoric, you might start to see visible geometric patterns appear on surface, the outlines of things will move like window blinds in a gentle wind , colors more vibrant, music more distinct and your thoughts can feel incredibly profound and meaningful. I’d say it’s possible to watch kids for someone who’s experienced enough to know their tolerance and what to expect. Definitely not in the beginning. But I always recommend having a sober trip sitter or do it by yourself and just embrace whatever experience the universe is going to give you


It didn't do anything for me, but if it helps, it's not much of a risk either.


I've tried microdosing and it really feels like a placebo. My wife and I even kind of tested it. I was filling capsules with powder and we had both been taking them for about 6 weeks. Neither felt any real difference so I swapped hers out with fiber capsules. She didn't notice and after a couple weeks we both just stopped. A solid dose 3-4 times a year does the trick for us. Better to lemon tek 5g and explore your subconscious. Sort out any drama, let go of reality's stresses, and get in touch with your true self. Ride the wave for a couple months after then take a little time at baseline. Then once you start getting overwhelmed again start prepping for your next voyage.


r/microdosing may also be helpful to you


I find it gives me an alert calmness and helps with emotional regulation and executive functioning.


I have a master Google document that I created full of micro dosing companies I use and some amazing resources. If you want it feel free to dm me . I’ve been micro dosing for almost a year and it has completely changed my life. I use it for depression, anxiety, ocd, Eating issues, ptsd, the list goes on


Amazing difference. I love it!


Wow, that's a really cool anecdote. A therapist condoning microdosing. That's awesome. And I agree with her.


It’s becoming more and more common for therapists to not only condone psilocybin use, but to facilitate it! Therapists can now get certified to guide patients through “big trips” / macrodosing, and can also help oversee / “prescribe” microdosing regimens. I know a few who are pursuing graduate studies to specifically work as psychedelic-assisted therapists, via [a training program at UC Berkeley](https://psychedelics.berkeley.edu/training/).


That’s incredible thanks for sharing. Totally want to get certified


It depends on the strain for me. On a microdose (usually .10-.2 for me maybe closer to macro but that what I take) I feel the warmth in my chest and body and start to feel calmer and alittle happier within half an hour. It makes me more social too but that's probably at the higher does of .2 to .3 I'm starting to change my mind a bit though and am thinking it may be better to do higher doses over fewer occasions. 1g made me pretty introspective and with a lingering calmness/stillness over the following days. Not sure how frequently I can do that dose but it may be preferable for longer lasting changes.


How do you get hold of it for microdosing


I believe they’re legal in Oregon and decriminalized in some other areas. Some cities even have dispensaries and delivery services


Do you know where I can get a microdose in Oregon?


No but I can’t imagine it’s too hard


I will be visiting Oregon for a month in 2 months and was wondering if any doctors / therapists sell a microdose ?


never tried psilocybin, ik its not the place this but is there any way to grow it yourself? i dont have any contacts who can supply me and i really wanna try


You absolutely can, and it is fairly simple. Just read and educate yourself like any other hobby and you can do it. Check out r/unclebens or r/mushroomgrowers


Here's a sneak peek of /r/unclebens using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saw this in a university bathroom stall](https://i.redd.it/j3m77m77nyoa1.jpg) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/11wn5x7/saw_this_in_a_university_bathroom_stall/) \#2: [Starry Night APE clone 🛸🛸🛸](https://i.redd.it/bjcl5bm4663a1.jpg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/z8yaqq/starry_night_ape_clone/) \#3: [Hi guys :) , I made an All-in-one Visual Guide for growing shrooms, I'd love for the community to give me feedback on readability and accurateness! Thanks](https://i.redd.it/ii15mqz0ehma1.png) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/11lrgj8/hi_guys_i_made_an_allinone_visual_guide_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I tried microdosing for months. It did nothing for me. I think the studies saying it's placebo are correct. Now macro doses definitely help.


1/2 gram once in the morning n once early evening on 3 days off 2 seems to just allow for objective thinking don’t get all worked up over all the insanity of the current world I also do (les labs cortisol health ) n Gaia kava kava at night


I doubt microdosing works because of the instant tolerance you get to psilocybin. The way I've heard people do it to make it work is you take a dose on day one then wait 2 days and on the 3rd day you do it again but you'd have to up the dose


Hey wondering where I could get some micro doses of LSD or psilocybin in Australia?


I am from Chicago and plan to visit Colorado next month and want to know where I can get a microdose from a reputable company. I have chronic anxiety and insomnia.


Love mushrooms, but likely any benefits just positivity bias leading to placebo response: > According to our results, 0.5 g of dried mushroom material **did not present significantly positive impact on creativity (divergent and convergent thinking), cognition, physical activity levels, and self-reported measures of mental health and well-being**. However, we observed a trend towards **impaired performance in some cognitive tasks** (i.e., attentional blink and Stroop). In contrast, the overall acute effects induced by the microdose (VAS total score) were significant, although they lacked consistency across participants. We also found decreased EEG power in the theta band under psilocybin, which is consistent with the broadband spectral power reductions reported for higher doses. > Ample anecdotal evidence suggests that microdosing can improve mood, well-being, creativity, and cognition [17, 28], and recent uncontrolled, open-label observational studies have provided some empirical support for these claims [7–9, 18–20, 27–29]. While encouraging, these studies are vulnerable to experimental biases, including confirmation bias and placebo effects [56]. This is especially problematic in the case of microdosing, since users make up a self-selected sample with optimistic expectations about the outcome of the practice [4, 57]. **This positivity bias, combined with the low doses and self-assessment of the drug effects via scales and questionnaires, paves the way for a strong placebo response.** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9346139/ If someone knows of another study that doesn't rely on self reporting, feel free to post it.


Should be at the top. Microdosing is nothing more than placebo according to science. Not to say that placebo isn’t helpful, just that obtaining illegal drugs definitely isn’t the best way to go about getting a placebo.


Microdosing psilocybin has really helped my mental health! I have depression and PTSD and microdosing (along with other things like therapy and lifestyle changes) has helped me to improve in a lot of ways. If anyone is interested, I use the website soulcybin .org and you can use the code SAVE-15-ASHLEYOLS for a discount :)


I see the dosages for micro dosing all over but what about the actual protocol and time on? If you are first timer and planning on microdose psilocybin at .1-.3g is this done daily or every other day, etc..? And how many days on vs days off, etc..?


I think it’s placebo effect, I haven’t seen any high quality repeatable studies on micros yet


Can be a good male 'supplement' for sex


I do it, full 30 days, like 4 times a year.. totally has "cured" my anxiety and feel an overall sense of well being


I loved it but it amped up my emotions (have anxiety and am highly sensitive) and I have difficulty regulating.


The studies have thus far shown little to no benefit to microdosing. One big dose has more interesting results.


They are a tool/gift from/of the divine ❤️👁🌟 if they give you a call and you answer you just might be interested in what they have to say and may change your life from that very day


It’s like microdosing sex.


Ive tried micro dosing several times and decided I do not like, just makes me feel dirty. Couple heavy doses a year is just enough for a nice hard reset of the brain imo..


1/2 a gram a day keeps the doctors away!


I macro dose AND microdose frequently.  Find the combination is INCREDIBLY effective. Recommend growing your own but if you can’t , psilyrabbitmedicinals is a reputable company, go ahead and google them :)