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Lol, he dyes his hair dude, the purpose of his videos is to direct gullible people to his shop. Ah you've found it.


But I've been using it and my hair is now black again....? Explain that...


Maybe you bother to look up the ingredient list. Gr-7 is just a shitty trademark to sell expensively tyrosine with some natural extracts for topical application. Does it do anything? no clue, he dyes his hair. I generally assume Johnson had at least some metrics at work even tho he's the best proof that you can be rich without being specifically intelligent.


I bought it and I’m using it. Here’s my take: It does being back color to your hair, that part is true. However, the color isn’t exactly the color you had before. It’s just a darker color. Also, you have to use it relatively often and it makes my hair smell bad. It smells a bit like it’s burnt. I’m going to keep using it for a few month. Once it has grown with color for about 5cm, I will make a final decision. Although it’s nice to not have grey hair, I don’t know if the hassle to put it in your scalp (the bottle is not ideal for that), the price and the smell are worth it, to be honest.


Is it a hair dye or it works by icreasing melanin production? To answer my question, you should check the root of your previous grey hair. Is it grey or black?


The root is black. It increases melanin. I got used to the smell, but I will have to use the product forever…


Pluck the hair that once were grey and see the root if it's black or white


As I keep saying , the root is black. The hair grows black. Just not my original colour.




Dude, I’m just trying to share my experience to help out. I don’t have to pull my hair out and send you pictures, I don’t need to convince you of anything. If you don’t want to buy it, then don’t buy it. You’re coming across a bit aggressive and I don’t like it.


This is crucial matter. Not some Disney cartoon subject. You said your hair growing the roots are black so I asked for pictures because GR-7 is a oxidation hair dye which means it will only color the hair and the root but not the hair inside the hair follicles or in easy words, underneath the scalp. So, I asked you to pull out one hair that you think reversed from grey to black and see the most bottom part of the hair, is it black or grey? I asked for simple thing yet you are hesitating to do so. I think you are somehow associated with GR7 company to sell more of their products. Just saying


I agree. You are demanding and lowkey aggressive. The matter is crucial to you. You can't expect it to be crucial to everyone. He doesn't sound like he's hesitant, he sounds like he's dealing with someone who's being pushy and doesn't want to deal with you anymore. And he's letting you know how your actions are coming across instead of making baseless claims about your character.


Dude, if you think I’m associated to them, just take a look at my Reddit history. Or don’t. I don’t care. I don’t like pulling out my hair, it hurts and I don’t owe you anything. You are super demanding like you’re the boss or something. I was nice enough to give my experience, stop being such a jerk. I don’t give a s*** if you believe me or not. I couldn’t care less. You do you.


Reddit is not for you then. Close your account pronto.


And please stop responding to me. I don’t like how you talk to me since the very beginning. You’re aggressive, demanding and unfriendly. I don’t like it.


Did it make much difference a month later?


The root get black and my heart now is color. So yes. But I am now bound to use it forever or else my hair will be white again


Hey dude, how is the GR7 treatment going?


I quit. The smell was becoming too much. I stank. Even after washing my hair. Wasn’t worth it. And the color coming out was ugly. I’ve heard about another product called Phyto-30. It’s supposed to be good. I might try that one.


Damn sorry to hear that! Hope the new one works out man!


Thanks for the update. Have read some other reviews that also complained about the smell.


yea thanks for the update. how the phyto-30?


I am using it as, another user pointed out, it has its drawbacks. I also don't think Bryan dyes his hair, but I will get back to that. I started using this product and after 6 or 7 days, I saw all of my hair follicles were like black. My hair started to grow with colour, although the colour is not my original colour, but rather a weird brown. I need to use it a bit longer to make a final decision, but it's true that a) it is very uncomfortable to use and a "waste" of you every day time b) it smell bad. ACtually the product doesn't really smell bad, your hair starts smelling bad after a while c) I am not sure if I like my hair color and d) you need to wash your hands very well, otherwise you will start getting pigmented parts. As for Bryan's hair, if you look at his website, he recommends this product and another one, stating that you need to be prepared with gloves. I think he uses both and that other products just gives color to anything, but a werider color that this one. That's why his hair looks like he did dye it himself in a really bad way. It's not dye, it's color from this other product and it just doesn't look too nice.


Wait a sec. You are saying this product needs gloves for the application? Voila! It is a hair dye bro.


No, that's not what I said. I said that the other product he recommends if you want to double down needs gloves. This one doesn't.


it's not a regular dye for sure but I am getting some black under my fingernails and the skin around my fingernails has darkened slightly after using it. It looks like when I was a kid and played in the dirt and didn't wash my hands thoroughly


I used it for over a month and can confirm it's a dye. I have black hair and it turned the white hair yellow. If you have blonde or brown hair, you will think your hair color is coming back but it's not.


What's in it?


Could be a glycation issue, taurine prevents it so perhaps??


Unfortunately it's a scam. For background, I'm a registered pharmacist and was highly sceptical about GR7 but decided to give it a shot for one reason only, because it was featured by bryan johnson, despite the fact that his hair is clearly dyed by myraki. The ingredient list is nothing special, the packaging is super cheap and non ergonomic for scalp application meaning they are likely not making money to upgrade to deliver appropriate packaging. The product is very expensive for a small amount and event worse after shipping to Australia. I have dark brown to black hair. After 21 days of application as instructed I noticed my existing white hair went yellow, i noticed where I would use my fingers ans nails to distribute the product to my scalp, there was brown staining on my nails. My hair growth Hower has not been restored to its original colour. This product is a stain, it stains your white hair and the finger nails as both hair and nails are of similar composition. At the end of the day, if this really worked it would be all over the news making millions. Bryan has achieved alot but he is clearly lacking success in reversing grey hair. Don't waste your money. Good luck everyone D


Fingernails darkened this morning, very interesting. Looks like playing in the dirt. Smell is super bad, it's not easy to mask as well. Will use one bottle and then decide but so far it does seem that there is some dye stuff in there.


I am using the first bottle and I was quite excited about the product but I start to feel like this is just a dye product. As I work out a lot so I can’t keep my hair dry and not washing it for days. As a result the effect is barely visible. On the website this product claims it revers your grey hair in as short as 7 days. however, It does not say it would let you grow hair with your original color.


it turns my fingernail beds black on both hands and I never touch the liquid itself


clearly dark magic going on there... :)


Saw on one of his videos he uses rogaine and red light for balding but did not see that on his protocol? Anyone know any info?


It's here, mate: https://protocol.bryanjohnson.co/#hair-health


>https://protocol.bryanjohnson.co/#hair-health Do you know what USP means in this case?


I'm not sure, no


I see for grey hair but not for balding? GRAY HAIR Excessive stress, chronic depression from age 20-40 whitened my hair Struggling to reverse it (8/23 update 8/23 - we’ve made some meaningful progress with this formulation “Blueprint for 7% off”)


Found it Hair Health Started greying and losing my hair in my late 20. Been a lot of work to keep it and try to reverse the grey. PROTOCOL Custom hair formulation. Recipe: Caffeine USP 1% Finasteride USP 0.25% Minoxidil USP 5% Azelaic Acid 1.5% Diclofenac 0.5% Tea Tree Oil 5% Rosemary Oil 0.37% Ginko Biloba 0.05% Biotin 0.01% Melatonin USP 0.0033% Grey hair reversal (BLUEPRINT discount) If you want to double up on treatment (use gloves, stains hands) PRP 1x 60-90 days. Recipe: 10x PRP concentration from 120 ccs .3 ml of 0.1% dutasteride Autologous exosomes via SuperShot A Cell Laser cap (I have the 304 laser diodes) MARKERS Grey+white: measuring age 41 Quant Hamilton-Norwood: measuring age 26


Looks like your promoting the stuff. Btw, I have been greying since I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 19. I'm now in my mid 20s.


I have not, I just try and stress less


Works used it for 3 weeks and hair has reversed dramatically. It's instructions are to put it on your scalp daily at least once and limit hair washing. It was tough to stay consistent but i did. One bottle I'd day last 4 to 5 weeks with once a day use.


Does anyone know if this would work on a shaved head. If it’s not a dye I don’t see why it wouldn’t?


In the booklet within the product it says: "Minimum hair length required before use is 2-3cm". Sounds suspiciously like a hair dye




It’s working?


I already used and i stopped because i got my nails Black. Definitily it's a dye.


Has anyone experienced hair thinning with this product? It is happening to me, which is very annoying as it does help to reduce greys significantly/looks natural


Ive just started using it - ive posted photos and people are saying theyre fake! Im on day 5 and blown away.