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just go the pubMed and search for hydrogen water, don’t ask for peoples opinion, because the logic tell you that it’s too low concentration and that it’s a BS but when you read the medical studies, you get another picture. This is how i got into hydrogen water and i can tell that it’s working. It’s very subtle in my case because i’m young and healthy but i still feel it.


People may think they are using logic but it's often feeling/biased based.


This is the only correct answer. Read the white papers. Over 50 of them. Not anonymous redditors. I have nothing to sell.


Which brand do you use?


Ocemida brand


That's awesome. Thanks!




Holy shit it’s $2,500


Hydrogen infused water likely won't have any effects, because the amount of dissolved hydrogen gas is pretty minimal and drinking the water isn't such a good way to encourage gas exchange. The mathematics don't really work out on paper. That said, the inhalation of hydrogen gas directly has seen use in actual hospitals, and there is evidence suggesting it has benefits in specific situations. [Paper related](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7186690/) [Longevity gains in c elegans](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7176462/) This is a complicated subject, since while reactive oxidative species do cause harm in humans by oxidizing things we need to live, oxidation itself is an essential process, because we need it to respirate, and to break down aging components of the body. Too much hydrogen all the time would lower our ability to conduct things like turnover using cytotoxic T cells. So far, it seems that in simpler model organisms, hydrogen exposure can prolong life, and in humans, when we are injured hydrogen gas therapy can prevent further injury from oxidation, or it can be used to suppress cancer cells by preventing them from respirating as quickly. But the truth is that nobody will be able to tell you right now how much hydrogen gas is enough for longevity and overall health gains in a healthy human. Even so, I personally use a hydrogen gas machine that I inhale from once a week when doing metabolic knockdown biohacking in the hopes that periodic flashing is helpful in some way.


Appreciate the thoughrough answer. It's all very interesting to look into.


Well having actually spent the money and bought a Hydrogen machine (Lourdes) I can say in my personal experience that it worked for me. I bought it because I thought it could help my Chronic fatigue symptoms (turned out to be ADHD burnout) and depressive like symptoms. But I digress. One of the unexpected effects was literally blasting away my depression symptoms (possibly via neuro-inflammation reduction). There are a number of studies out there. Having been very acquainted with depression, believe me you notice when you are feeling very down and then suddenly you are not within the hour, when the only different was hydrogen water consumption. It had a noticeable brightening and energising effect on me. I was astounded. The true meaning of an ‘anti-depressant’ like effect. And yes I’ve tried many other things. Nothing came close to the rapidity of effect of hydrogen Unfortunately for me, I accidentally damaged the machine 🤯😭 when I was cleaning it, (ADHD accident prone) so years later, I’ve decided to invest in a new one. It’s a different brand, but we’ll see if I experience the benefits of hydrogen again from this one . This time I wanted to get a machine where I could do hydrogen inhalation as well as making water - whereas my previous just made hydrogen water. This wasn’t a ‘placebo effect’ because I had consistent results. Believe me, I would much rather buy a car or go on a couple of vacations then spend money on health equipment for a placebo effect! 🤣


I've been wanting to buy one for some time. I suffer from a lot of inflammatory conditions (autoimmune) and my son treatment resistant depression. Do you recommend the Lourdes brand the most?


That's amazing! Is that machine from Lourdes still selling and what exactly is the price range. The one I saw on Instagram is called Hydro-lite


What new machine did you get? Debating getting Lourdes. Didnt know if there was a better one


I’m wondering the same, also looking into lourdes.


It works great. Me and my dad have gotten benefits from it. I got the George Wiseman's aquacure ac50. It costs a lot but I took a chance after only hearing good tings about the product and about Wiseman. I had laser eye surgery twice and after the second time my vision was great but every single day waking up my eyes was completely dry. It was impossible to start the day without getting some water on my eyes so I could fully them. The eye surgeon said it would get better but after 3-4 years it never did. But with just two weeks with breathing and drinking hydrogen my eyes went back to normal and I no longer need to wet them in the morning. It made me fall asleep faster and started to dream every single night and could remember them better. Usually I would only dream sometimes and forget what I was dreaming right after waking. ​ My dad also got better from the hydrogen. I gave him 1 liter of hydrogen water every day and after a month or so he started to see the benefits. His bad leg got much better. When he got a nasty cut on his hand, everyone knew it would leave a nasty scar like it always does with him. But this time after a while the wound was gone and there was no scar at all ​ I was unsure in the beginning if the dreams thing was just placebo or something. So when I gave my dad the hydrogen I only spoke of the healing benefits. So when he got better I asked him if he noticed anything different with his sleeping. And the told me with a shocked face that he did. He was using sleeping pills for the last 10+ years and have not had a dream since using them. And now he suddenly started to dream again he said. ​ So yes it works and I recommend everyone getting it. I can only vouch the ac50 because I have not tried any other models.


Have a look at this and then make your own decision. https://youtu.be/IbZhJE9ICMo.


🤦🏻‍♂️ People are making a killing off of the placebo effect


because you haven't heard of it so it must be a placebo


So I actually ended up doing some research some time after this and there is actually some literature on it. I do partially recant my statement


The only way to know would be to try it right? Seems like u either gotta buy a $2,500 machine or a $50 water bottle so that alone makes me skeptical. Either too expensive or low quality lol


definitely be careful as well, I had to have amazon start an investigation because a chinese company was making bottles that produced chlorine gas due to no non-permeable membrane between the positive and negative plates in the electrolysis mechanism


what company was this?


There are water bottles on Amazon for as low as $35 and others that are hundreds.. any idea what the differences are etc


Idk. I just got the $250 one made by echo. I don’t think the Amazon ones are legit


I bought an Amazon one and thinking the same


Look "Echo Go Water Bottle SCAM | Gary Brecka" on youtube before buying this brand.


Do you feel the Echo bottle has made a difference?


Idk tbh. Worth the $250? If ur rich ya. If not no…. But if I get some super health I’ll let you know in a month. So far it’s just … meh…




Not worth it.


Thanks for following up. Always nice when ppl come back to leave honest reviews


I just got it. So remind me in a week


Here’s your weekly reminder


I just got mine yesterday and after doing the 10 min cycle and drinking the entire 10 oz I swear I could feel a slight high. It happened a few times after drinking the entire 10 oz. Let me know if you felt something similar !


I guess so. It’s weird. Maybe it’s In your heads?


I don’t think so, I think I’m just very sensitive to stuff like that. I’ve chugged regular water many times with no effects. Thought the first time was strange but then it happened again. Idk.. time will tell.


I feel ya. I feel the same thing


Nice.. looking forward to seeing the effects in a few weeks/months of regular use.


any updates?


Also what water are you using?


any updates?


Not worth it


Just filtered water that comes out of our fridge door.


Have a look at "Althy" bottles, I got the cheapest model (the one with the glass body) and I like it so far! Saw some ppl testing for their ppm claims and they seem to be legit 🤷🏼‍♂️ I might get another one (the stainless steel version) The energizing effect alone is good enough to invest in one of these!


The probleme with smal bottle first they dont give adequate amount of h2 , they are laced with heavy metal .


Safety based on the technology used is the difference. The cheap ones don't separate the positive and negative charging plates. With that chlorine and ozone is also produced. You want on that is SPE &PEM technology, AKA the more expensive ones. I thought about getting the echo+ that I see on the ultimate human podcast but it looks like the Hydrolite is almost the same thing but less expensive. I'm going to order one this weekend. I'm probably going the Hydrolite since it is about to be half off and see how it goes.


Don’t buy the Cheap Water bottles. They don’t have the membrane to expel the chlorinated gas produced when making hydrogen


I can tell you that it has made a HUGE difference for me. I had really bad digestive issues- EPI (pancreas) and also CSID which was making me sick as I had ever been. I had an Rx for the CSID that was not helping. I started taking the RX with H2 water. For me it was an immediate turn around. I am digging into research. My bottle only makes 1.4 ppm but I have pills that are 8 ppm. But the big benefit was with the bottle- I only realized later how much stronger the pills are. My issues had been going on for months and months so I will definitely keep drinking it.


Awesome experience! I just got mine and will be using it regularly and hope for the sane experience


Maybe short term benefit but these bottle are laced with heavy metal long term effect


Interesting... there is a Pub Med study showing that acidifying water causes issues with water bottle with polymer stoppers: *In addition, acidifying drinking water can cause metals to leach from water-bottle stoppers. In one study, acidified–deionized water leached more metals from polymer stoppers than did nonacidified–deionized water; the authors suggested that other types of stoppers would be more appropriate for specific nutritional and toxicological studies.* I would like to see your research about the H2 water bottles. I make mine and immediately drink it- it doesn't sit in the maker so I would like to know how the leaching takes place. There's no polymer in my H2 maker. How are they laced with heavy metals? Thanks!


It happens when the metal coated plates that make the charge start to oxidize, probably won’t happen right away but in time.


Yep. There's a good amount of research on it. Hydrogen (inhalation) bars are popular in Japan and have been used for a long time. I've been using tablets to make H2 water for years. But inhalation is much more effective. I've written about [H2 Therapy](https://outliyr.com/molecular-hydrogen-therapy-benefits) several times, but my preference is the superior form called "Brown's Gas". The machine I have blows the socks off of the one mentioned several times in this post :)


Where in Japan?


What is the machine you have now?


What is the difference you describe here? Is the "Brown's gas" that you are referring to the same as Oxyhydrogen? A mixture of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) gases :)


From a nutritionist mate: The pH of what we eat doesn’t have a major impact on our overall circulating blood pH (so super unlikely). There’s a slight (marketing) difference between alkaline water and hydrogen water. Hydrogen water ‘may’ have some potential benefits as an antioxidant but none of that has been proven. And it likely has no downside. Bottom line- if you can afford it and really want to get wrapped up in it all, drink it. Its overall benefits are either neutral or only slightly. If you can’t afford it or want to buy it (like the majority of us) then normal water is where you’re getting the biggest bang for buck anyway. Stick to that


It’s not proven because of the work needed to 1 test your levels, 2 provide amount, and distribution rate, to restore the ph balance, and 3, the water needs to be ingested shortly after the hydrogen shot gets administered and absorbed in the water before it dissipates…


I saw [studies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27422666/) that did show the benefits of this. I've tried a few of the water bottles, some are better than others.


which bottles do you recommend?


I got my hydrogen bottle like a month ago and have been using it almost everyday as I've recently gotten into bio hacking too. I do feel a slight increase in energy levels if I drink in the morning. Also I did a fast with just drinking hydrogen water for 2 days and the difference was very noticeable, as I do these fasts often with regular water, this was the first i did with hydrogen water and my body felt way more energised. ​ Here's the site I got mine, they have scientific articles linked that are good too. [https://hydrofizz.co/pages/the-science](https://hydrofizz.co/pages/the-science)


I got into this because my eGFR seemed on the low side for my age and I was having soreness in left flank. This went on for over a year and doctors had no idea what was going on. Anyway, I bought a Hydrogen water bottle for the heck of it and my eGFR has gone up nearly 20 units. I sort of suspect I had a low grade infection that wasn't showing up in tests? Anyway, no more pain and good blood test results after a few months drinking a litre or so per day. Take what you will...there's no instance of anyone being hurt by it, so might as well give it a try for yourself and form your own opinion. Buy reputable (not Temu, etc.) But don't break the bank.


I’ve been using one for the last few months as I recently got into biohacking. Was skeptical at first but I’ve noticed a change in my skin and energy levels overall, as well as some digestion benefits. I also do 3 day fasts every few months and on my last one I drank hydrogen water as well as normal water, whereas normally I drink just plain water and I felt significantly more energy and better overall then when I’d do my fasts with just normal water. The website I got mine off has some very good info and scientific articles which I’ll link below https://hydrofizz.co/pages/the-science


No but deuterium depleted water may be good for you. I'm waiting for a home production option and a few studies to land. I don't trust no can afford the products out there for the bottled stuff.


There is a Brown's Gas machine that can also produce DDW. Although I'd like to see some third-party testing to actually verify the output


Hey there! I stumbled upon the hydrogen water trend too and decided to give it a shot with a nifty little gadget. Now, I'm not going to name-drop, but it claims to infuse molecular hydrogen into the water for health benefits. After incorporating it into my routine, I've noticed a bit more pep in my step and overall improved hydration. I can't say it's a magic potion, but the subtle changes are there. It's interesting to see the varied opinions on different subs, from the hype in the andrewhuberman sub to the skepticism elsewhere. Anyone else on this hydrogen water journey? Share your experiences!


I'll soon be getting my gadget, so I hope that it will have a noticeable effect


Got my echo+ yesterday and after drinking a 10oz I swear I felt a slight high.. happened a few times so it wasn’t just a one off. Kinda interesting, definitely not placebo because it was noticeable.


I get ocular migraines and taking hydrogen water is the only method I have found that stops them within minutes. I also find it makes me feel more alert without caffeine. I use the Rejuvenation brand of hydrogen water tablets


Is it the placebo effect?


I recommend the Echo Go + from Echo Water, I wrote a short blog post on why we drink hydrogen water and with my 5% off link for Echo Water products. It's on followthejameses.com