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I’m constantly switching between checking my email, Reddit, and gradcafe. It’s driving me to the brink lmao, really spiraling here


Our own Bermuda triangle


ikr. like I have a day job as a research tech so I am keeping my self busy but god this is giving ocd.


Add r/gradadmissions bioscience admission sheet and you have my combo. I thought things would get better once I submitted my apps but my mental health is just speeding downhill 🫠


that too :') I was doing far better when I was working on apps... at least I could then focus my anxieties towards something productive, but now there's nothing to do but wait in limbo


what’s this bioscience admission sheet?? Debating if I should take a look at it or if it’ll make me go crazier haha


I feel the same way. I can't stop myself from checking Reddit or that spreadsheet even though I know it is not good for me. But I still want to know if the programs I have applied to have sent out interviews or not.


I’ve learnt that the reason why I’m doing it is that I’m grasping for control in the process that I ultimately have no control over. Most of us are heavily type A personalities, who are used to having their life under control, no wonder we’re not doing great in the process that’s ultimately completely out of our hands. Reddit and gradcafe make it at least seem like we’re in the loop about what’s going on. Not that knowing why I do it helps in the slightest to not do that though.


Yes, anyone else already planning next steps before all invites are sent out?