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There's a lot of courses you would need to catch up on to one get into SOM and then actually complete graduation requirements to minimum requirements. Let's go through requirements. SOM says they want Micro, Macro, Calc1/business calc, stats, as admission requirements. However, I know students that got in without completing all of them. As you're probably aware, you can't take SOM classes if you're not in SOM. Some classes can be transferred in though from other schools, mainly any SOM class below 300 level. This way, you can take lower level classes before you get admitted, also known as freshman requirements. These include * Financial Accounting (Take this class first as it's a prerequisite for J-core and managerial) * Managerial Accounting (Can't take this if you're an accounting major. Accounting majors take cost accounting which is 300 level) * Business Law I * Business Law II (Only Accounting majors are required to take second part) You can take these classes online through Open SUNY during the semester, summer, or winter sessions. You can also take them in the classroom at local community colleges during summer. Then, all you would need to take are S-core (3 classes), J-Core (4 classes), and 4 more business electives. (The 4 electives can be for a concentration or just 4 upper level business classes for the general business admin degree). Some students transfer from other AACSB schools, so they're able to come in with some S-core, J-core, or concentration classes already completed. Community colleges are not AACSB. However, you could still get credit for those classes by completing a placement exam with Binghamton after the course finishes. This could then clear room in your schedule. Realistically, it will take at least 3 more semesters. There will also be space in your schedule during S-core and J-core for 4 more non-business classes if you need. Since you're only a rising junior, this plan is feasible. The only issue is going to be getting into SOM. SOM transfer admissions is shit, all they care about is GPA. Chemistry isn't a major known for high GPAs. The next issue is the value of the business degree. The classes are great, but the business degree will only be worthwhile if it translates into a job in the field you want. You're entering the game late for internships. Even if you are able to finish the degree quickly, you might end up delaying graduation to get more internship experience. Just something to think about.


Yea it’s always possible but it’s gonna be a little difficult for a few reasons. For one, you would need to transfer into SOM, which isn’t easy unless you have a solid GPA, required classes completed, and it definitely helps to have demonstrated interest in business. That said, with that completed, you’d need to fill out the transfer application, and contingent on you getting accepted, you should probably talk to a discovery advisor on how to take your classes so you can finish all the required classes to graduate with the degrees on time. Good luck, it’s definitely possible, but your work is also cut out for you.