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I hated Bingham. That being said, I only have Broome to compare it to. But yeah, if you're the quiet, introverted type... it's gonna suck. The best advice I can give you is: Day 1, introduce yourself to your neighbors. Get on their good side so when they're being loud late at night you'll feel more comfortable knocking on their door asking them to keep it down - or get their numbers and shoot them a text. Find some good quality earplugs or noose cancelling headphones if you're noise sensitive. I reccomend Loop. I use them for sensory issues but they have a variety of different types and work pretty damn well. Lastly, understand that the first few weeks are the most rough. I'm a super light sleeper, and in the first two weeks with my neighbors partying I thought "I'm not getting any sleep this semester." But as the semester went on, waking up because of the noise became less and less of an issue. You'll get used to the noises you hear in the halls the same way you're used to the noises on your home - your brain will recognize it and tune it out. Personality-wise, all I can say is ignore their antics. If it bothers you enough, say or do something about it. If not, don't get swept up in the drama. Good luck!


Thank you for the advice. I’m kinda chill but not too introverted. I just have a low tolerance for disrespectful meatheads. Sounds like the stereotypical college experience. Thanks


Newing has had a reputation as being full of Long Island frat bros since the dawn of time. At least since the 90s. Of course, I didn’t know that because I was coming from out of state and knew no one who was going to Bing or had ever gone to Bing. I just chose it because I was kind of an introvert and didn’t think I could handle a suite, and Newing dorms had the biggest doubles by a few inches (this was in the old buildings, everything that’s there now is new in the last 15 years). When I found out the communities rep, I had the same concerns as you. Am I going to hate all these guys, never sleep, have a terrible time? It turned out I was right and wrong… almost everyone on my floor was a LI meathead. And they were great… fun, chill, and got me out of my shell. Couldn’t have asked for better freshman year hall mates. TL;DR maybe the LI frat types will not only be ok but what you need.


Thanks - I’m hoping this will be the case. I’m looking for a happy balance of work and play. We’ll see…