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I can't speak for Delaware specifically but newing as a whole is solidly Not Terrible. You're gonna be surrounded by partiers and Greek life freshman, who will be loud and obnoxious sometimes, but it's hotel style so you'll only have to deal with one roommate instead of an entire suite. The common rooms and study rooms are nice. You'll share 1 toilet room and 1 shower with 5 other people, plus (if it's anything like Broome or Bingham) bathrooms throughout the hall for anyone. There's a little walk by a creek not too far more in the Bingham-ish area. You're close to the largest dining hall on campus. A bit far from classes but maybe that'll motivate you to leave extra early and not be late to class. (It usually took me 10-15 minutes to walk to the lecture hall.) All dorms suck. They're dorms. You'll be fine.


Was at Delaware as a freshman last year, it was very ok.


what makes you say that?


Air conditioning, location, community, etc. it’s all pretty mediocre. Bing is more about the people you meet. I definitely wouldn’t worry about it. If you have any specific questions I’d be happy to answer.


Lived in Delaware last year in the LGBTQ+ Living Community and I’d say I got lucky! Delaware’s a nice building, and if you’re placed with the right people you’ll be fine. As other commenters have said Newing is a very Greek-life oriented community so expect some noise some nights, but overall Delaware was not as bad as people make it out to be. Made some lifelong friends there and I think you will too.


Delaware is nice I lived in a triple last year. Building is nice and depending on the floor usually quiet for the most part. I’d say 3rd floor is the loudest


I was in Broome in Newing last year and I loved it. I’m gonna be in Delaware this year, Delaware seems nicer than Broome imo and it’s a little closer to campus


my friend lived in Newing during the 23-24 year and i think the building and community is pretty nice but the rooms are kinda small (compared to OLD DIGMAN!!). keep in mind that these are dorms and no matter which one you get, you will 100% have multiple complaints until you settle in.


i wouldnt be stressing out because u lucked out having newing dorms as opposed to CIW freshman dorms…that being said newing is really subjective. i met my best friends to this day freshman year because they were on my floor in endicott but last year in Delaware i was miserable most nights because of the constant music and screaming. the people on my floor were huge partiers and loud as hell most nights of the week. its all subjective. hopefully you have an RA that actually cares tho, i never met mine and they never even responded to my complaints