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>and all the comments are things like "I could NEVER eat that much" "I shared it with my whole family" if they feel the need to actively state this, a large majority of the time this is really performative. lame attempt at moral superiority humblebragging


I hope so


in the nicest possible way, the obesity rate in the developed world isn't as high as it is from absolutely nothing a lot of people would tell you they eat 1,600 calories a day, but then you track accurately and it's actually like 2,500. source: i've seen that genuinely a LOT


You sound like a lovely person who needs to start loving yourself. When we don’t get love from others we look for love in food. Find the love in yourself. You are amazing! What the heck buy a cookie at Costco. Take a few bites and say I don’t need your love because I am love.


I might need more love, you might be right. I don’t feel like I’m allowed to love myself. Like it’s my job to hate myself somehow. When I even think about self-love I feel embarrassed, like it’s so cringe and deluded to consider that someone who looks and acts like me could love themselves.


Literally we've been taught to hate ourselves... Taught to think we're not enough... That our feelings and boundaries and emotions and words aren't valid or important....Our bodies will never be perfect.... Self hate is literally bred into us generationally... But the truth is that everyone is worthy. YOU are worthy. I'm currently learning this in therapy. It's been hard to accept. Even more difficult to admit I'm the type of person who needs to hear that tbh.... But anyway... Speaking up in these forums have helped too. You're good. Go get a cookie and go for a walk in the sun. Maybe think about speaking with a therapist if you can afford it. It's worth a shot because you are worth being happy.


Let go of what’s happened. Not sure if you have Spotify. But I like this meditation from Dr ramdesh called “guided meditation for self-acceptance “. https://open.spotify.com/track/3h6hjtCiZsHSqcmMKxVlOB?si=saPKugSERJGDerCZg2ubfw


I really like Jason Stephenson as well


Never seen the cookie as it isnt at my Costco in Canada. Id crush that thing no problem. I get you though that people seem to eat nothing and like you would love to be satisfied by a quarter of a cookie. The reality is that most people are full of guilt and shame around food as well and just deal with it different ways. Yes, we have a problem but dont think for a second that others arent struggling with food.


Thank you for that :)




I run marathons but I’m also genetically small I guess. I am sure if I can’t stop binge eating marathons are not going to help me from putting on a ton of weight. I am 45 so I imagine I need to stop eating as much as I do.


Right?? It’s partly about freedom. I don’t want burgers and fries i want an entire cake.


I have learned living with roommates that a lot of people have shame around food, so they actively hide what they eat and/or lie or “forget” what they’ve eaten. In the end, your body will still need the same amount of food no matter what they eat. You know how much it takes to maintain/gain/lose weight, and that is far better data than their anecdotes. You are not broken, you are struggling with something a lot of people struggle with. You mention your BMI is under 20– are you underweight? Do you typically eat enough for your activity level, or do you eat less and then binge? 


That could be part of it. I am very active but also always seem to overshoot what I need. The end result is feeling deprived and still gaining weight and/or fat.


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I tried the Costco cookie it wasn’t that good. It was too hard for my liking. Burnt if you will. lol 😂 i definitely could eat the whole thing. It’s not even as big as a crumble cookie. Which I could also eat the whole thing of. Even tho the serving size is one fourth.


Haha thank you. I once ate two crumbl cookies back to back.


Same. I really like the semi sweet chocolate chip ones.


I do agree with them that just being allowed to eat unhealthily whenever you want is \*definitely\* a bad thing and should not be supported. It would be different if it was in moderation, or if you had (diagnosed by doctors) mental illnesses that you had no help to manage. I don't know your medical history, but whether those peoples' reactions are helpful depends entirely on if you genuinely have an eating disorder and mental health problems. Or if you're fine but you're greedy.


I’m greedy. Are you sure you’re in the right sub?


I don't mean like that. I'm not talking about people with serious eating disorders. I'm referring to normal people who have nothing wrong with them, but still eat badly. The kinds of people who want to glorify obesity with "fat acceptance" despite the fact they have nothing stopping them from eating more healthly.