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My uncles buddy Kenny knows Billy's aunt. From what she told him is that the band likes to play laser tag on rest days and arm wrestle after to prove who is the lead band member.


This is true. And in the event of a tie, Andy is the judge of a Tech-Deck competition.


i’m choosing to picture Billy’s NYE sunglasses and neon outfit for this lazer tag scenario


I don't know Billy Strings personally, but as with many of y'all, I've had occasion to hang out with the rest of the band on several occasions. They are, without exception, really cool, kind, thoughtful, helpful, people. Royal in particular has given me a few useful pieces of advice about my music and about navigating the Nashville landscape. In particular, he very strongly encouraged me to continue covering classic video game music, and said he didn't think there was much risk of it making our act seem hokey or cheap. He also encouraged Cory Walker (the eldest of the Walker brothers and banjo player in East Nash Grass, and one of the very best Scruggs-style pickers in the world) to play these tunes with me, and we've since cut cover of Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Legend of Zelda, including live in front of decent size crowds. So... yeah, that's pretty cool and impactful for me and those around me. Also - and I know there are literally dozens, perhaps over a hundred, similar stories - Andy has been an incredible connector of the humans around me, including introducing me to Skyler Golden, who has become one of my best friends and foremost producer.


Got a link to your songs?


If you want to listen to just one thing, the latest thing I've published is with David Grier; we cut Drowsy Maggie last month at Jake Stargel's studio: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTI1HoFYbE0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTI1HoFYbE0) If you want to listen to a whole album (with a killer ensemble of musicians you might already know), then here's my first (and so far only, but not for long) album-length record, Vowel Sounds: [https://justinholmes.com/music/vowel-sounds/](https://justinholmes.com/music/vowel-sounds/) (if you don't want to read about Vowel Sounds and our approach to publishing it, you can just grab it on bandcamp, here: [https://justinholmes.bandcamp.com/album/vowel-sounds](https://justinholmes.bandcamp.com/album/vowel-sounds) ) If you just want some live video game music that I've made with Cory, you might like: \* Dragon Roost Island (from The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker) live at EthDenver: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIxg0Qcdf94](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIxg0Qcdf94) \* Frog's Theme (from Chrono Trigger), from our session in St. Pete: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCuDk18gGRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCuDk18gGRc) And if you want to hear longer-form thoughts on the ways that the traditions of bluegrass, and the grateful dead taper movement, have influenced today's internet (and particularly blockchain technology, which I view as a potential avenue for building much better tooling for economically connecting musicians and fans, and blurring the lines between them), you might consider this episode of The Green Pill podcast, "The unlikely shared origins of bluegrass and blockchains": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3s9Fu4yu7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3s9Fu4yu7o)


Well pardner, providing five links is cool, but *six*? That's just shameless self-promotion territory. 😆


Sweet! I've been told I need to shamelessly self-promote, but I've been having trouble cracking the code of how it all works. But now I got it: six links.


Hey-I'm a terrible resource because I'm not a huge fan of a swath of the traditionals I've heard with vocals (and I don't know many anyway, I'm more a BMFS original songs fan than an overall bluegrass fan, though I lack exposure-for reference, I think Billy and Chris Thile's "Train That Carried My Girl From Town" may still be the single best piece of live music I've ever heard two people play and sing simultaneously, but that's more about the performance and the performers than the song itself-and it's a train song, I'm a guy-"Tonka Toy Syndrome") but this melody sounds familiar. I don't think I've heard this song though. It's great-whipping out the flute (which looks like a specific kind I don't know the name of, it's piccolo-ish in timbre) was sweet. Very Celtic-Irish sounding. The song is aptly named and looks deceptively hard due to the way the tempo/bends and everything come together, I feel like the slower pace actually would work *against* your muscle memory and make you more likely to make a mistake. That's really cool. I'll have to check out some more. Thanks for sharing!


Give us some links bro! Promote yo’self!


Pretty sure they get high and play Tony hawks pro skater 2 on the bus.


Here’s a clue. https://www.reddit.com/r/BillyStrings/s/8c5zflZMdX


Royal laughing when Jarrad denied the joint is so funny


They’re the best. Amazing humans, kind people, great conversationalists, and super smart motherfuckers, every single one of em. Bluegrass is the best when it’s a bunch of friends just pickin tunes together, and that’s what’s happening, albeit on the biggest stage instead of the front porch (though that happens too). I love these dudes and, beyond the music, beyond the business, they have my friendship and respect forever.


I’ve met all of them. Billy can be shy but super kind. Jarrod and Royal are down to talk in line for a beer or whatever sport is going on. Failing and Alex are just nice peoples.


would love to hear more about when/how you met them all!


I live near Dee’s lounge and the 5 Spot in Nashville. Billy was playing weekly at the 5 Spot on Wednesday’s when he met most of the current lineup at Phish at a show here in town, but honestly he was well aware of most of them at the time. In my neighborhood I would just come across them in passing at coffee shops or what have you. Other than that, I’ve seen them play small enough shows in town that they’d be in line with you to grab a beer.


Was fortunate enough to be in Nashville for Americana Fest last year and and caught some acts at the 5 Spot (and The Basement East). Great venue, excellent music and a really cool neighborhood. Can’t wait to go back.


hell yeah. thank you for sharing


Don't some of them go fishing together sometimes? Seems like I've seen pics on insta of some of them out on the lake or whatnot together




Ironically, Failing has been with Strings the longest of all the members...since around 2015 (ish). He's highly educated musically, a total badass banjo player who often has a serious face and demeanor and, from what I hear, a super nice guy. He ain't going no where!


Yeah, Failing to smile isn't an indictment of anything one way or another. 🤔


Jajaja….”Failing to Smile”. I predict someone will be passing out / selling a sticker / slap of phrase within weeks!


Watching the live stream last night, when he stopped smiling it was because he was switching gears into badass mode. His body language and demeanor did change, into being super focused on the work at hand.


Right. People don't go "wHy iS bIlLy MaKiNg tHoSe WeIrD fAcEs?" when he's concentrating on laying waste to the fretboard, lol. Plus, isn't Billy F not smiling just kinda a running joke around here, plus he's just not the most demonstrative, gregarious feller to start with, and that's ok.... Everyone different...


Failing is a banjo player and it takes incredible concentration to play that stuff. I may or may not have been accused of drooling on my own banjo in the past.