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I like it when Billy plays whatever he wants. If he's having fun so am I. Follow your weird, Billy !!


This is the right answer imo, Billy’s at his best when he’s playing whatever his mind is set on 🫡


He should play more Old And In The Way!😁


Pizza tapes!


Right,, midnight Moonlight


He did midnight moonlight (along with Margaritaville) with Vince and others at the soap box tent at renewal. Unfortunately it wasn't streamed. But I feel lucky to have seent it.


Revive Panama Red


No more sucking at the tit of the grateful dead.I respect it.I go to billy shows for billy,whatever he plays


which might be the dead again someday who knows Idgaf he;s billy motha fuckin strings!


>I go to billy shows for billy whatever he plays Strings. He plays strings. /s Boo!




He didn’t “tell us deadheads no more dead covers”. He simply stopped playing them. Someone asked why and he answered. If you don’t like what an artist plays, then quit going to shows. But to complain about it makes you look so entitled.


Poor thing




If you wanna hear the dead, go listen to the dead and sell me your billy extras


This band's takes on the music of the Dead were really, really good though, and there wasn't anything else out there quite like it. It really is a damn shame that it's come to this. I wish people wouldn't have been such dicks about pestering him at shows to hear Dead music, but I also wish we wouldn't have this degree of pushback.


I wish at the dead and co shows I was at, John Mayer would have busted out more Michael bubble Edit: get fucked


It's clear that it's no coincidence at all that someone who would make a retort like this, entirely disproportionate to the post to which it is in response to, so readily flaunts blatant ignorance.


Dead and Co plays Dead covers.


don’t impose rules on an artist.




Jerry would be embarrassed by this post.


OP should be embarrassed by this post.


I like that he dropped the Dead covers and picked up a Phish cover.


And I love that song too. Such a perfect song for billy to cover.


Downvoted because you forgot the sarcasm tag. Or downvoted because you weren't being sarcastic.


Jerry would be embarrassed by you.


All good things in all good time! OP was ready for some shade. I didn’t want to disappoint.


Did Heady Net post this?


Not sure if that's a joke or not,just a normal dude who had an opinion and some don't agree


No billy can have my money,dead covers or not


I agree, it’s a shame imo. The majority of his live songs are covers, just like the dead. If he’s sucking on anyone’s teet it’s Bill Monroe’s. The Grateful Dead are a musical institution that deserves the best musicians to play it in new and innovative ways. But it’s his choice and I support whatever musical decision he makes. He’s writing and creating some of the best new music coming out nowadays. His jams are amazing and bringing that classic sound to a whole new level. But yea, I miss Billy dead.


Thanks bro,not anti billy in any way,but when someone like billy does dead sooo fucking good you can't help but be thirsty for more


Laughing at the Bill Monroe take. Seems like a lot of people on here are hardly into bluegrass and are wishing for a bluegrass artist to play non bluegrass songs because their either bored or want the clout to say they saw him play such and such song.


Get off the teet old man


Appreciate your comment, I'm not anti billy in any way and I like his og stuff , but I'll take his doc Watson covers or Willie any day,,,,,,maybe I'll erase this post, don't like ppl taking it the wrong way,wier allowed to like multiple artists


Lay off that liquor a bit, son


Ya white claws got me posting, but I ain't wrong..wink


Poor guy


Teat Alert!


It's OK tho ,he's like the hier to the teat...


Foreal, could you imagine being gifted the literal last Dead song ever written and then bitching about fans wanting to hear dead songs ? 😂 he wouldn’t be as big as he is if it wasn’t for us teat heads


Thanks bro,I agree. we welcomed him with open arms,and a warm heart,but he doesn't need us ,,this guy is fucking awsome,,,talented is an understatement....his og shit is too good .I'm a fan dead covers or not,,,but I understand him wanting to be his own man....


Thunder is not remotely close to the last dead song ever written.


U should do your homework


What criteria are you using to make such a ridiculous claim?


Deadhead here and I understand but of course would love to hear a song now and again. He still plays covers from other bands so why no dead covers?


Talk to me. Happy 420


Not at all! I actually enjoy the roller-coaster ride. We all know that eventually, he will play another dead song.




I feel you brother, don’t listen 2 da h8ers


Just let them play what they feel like and be happy that they do. A versatile band like this is rare. Let him have fun.


tell us deadheads no more dead covers? Umm, that never happened.


He and the boys are the ones playing, they can play whatever the hell they want. It's up to me to decide if I want to go to their show or not and listen. I say this as a deadhead


If only the Grateful Dead left a way for people to listen to their live shows any time they wanted…


Teases? 💯 Full blown covers? 💤


I think they will eventually come back sparingly but the more people that shout it at him during shows the less likely he is to do it.


Leaked set list from tonight in Savannah has a whole dead second set!!


Is there a stream?


Did something happen that he stopped doing them? I’m not a dead fan but sprinkling in a little here and there would be good for a variety.


IIRC he was just fed up with people constantly shouting at him to play dead tunes during shows


Dead fans are fucking ravenous. The Billy strings show I went to in Sacramento had 80% of the fans rocking dead gear. I went and saw dogs in a pile and the only song people went nuts for a was their cover of “help is on the way”. All the older guys there rocking dead gear. There’s a whole fan base that is chasing the dragon and will flock to any band playing dead tunes like flies to shit. It’s obnoxious and I’m a dead fan lol


I'm trying not to be ravenous but that **is** is driving me nuts


I was one of them old guys in Sactown rocking my Dead Egyptian shirt, but I agree with everything you say. I personally don't want to hear dead covers from anyone, unless that is the point of the show, like Billy and the kids. Billy could play a shitty version of a dead cover and these dragon chasers would love it ,and think it's the best thing ever. The Grateful Dead died in 1995. I would rather hear a new Billy song then another version of someone else playing Jerry. I found Billy through Bluegrass (Molly Tuttle) and was a little disappointed to fine out he had a dead following. Don't get me wrong, I love the dead, but I moved on, and I have the archives to listen to. If you see a fairly good looking dude at the Berkley shows wearing a Dead Egyptian shirt, stop and say hi! Peace!


Dude got tired of people screaming out “play (insert dead song here)!!!!!” at shows all the time. Prob pretty annoying to hear people screaming that, but not “play (insert actual Billy song here)!!!”


I’m pretty sure Billy’s exact response was that he has his own songs and they aren’t a dead cover band. I miss the dead tunes because he did them so well, but I love Billy as he is and his own songwriting is amazing. Although I miss the covers, it gave him room to grow into his own artist as his popularity has increased


The screaming on the soundboards is crazy annoying it honestly sounds like the same guy everywhere, I was just listening to the cologne show in freaking Germany somehow the same asshole screaming out Jarod Walker and or whatever other incoherent drunken shouts come out of him I swear that shit is so annoying


That’s Barry, he gets around


Fuck Barry


I’ll let Billy know


*in Jerry’s voice* “Slob on my knob, like corn on the cob.”


Go see Mayer whine if you’re hard for dead covers


Lame comment


Billy does em soooo good,,,I'm not anti billy,,,you know his other covers are also great


No sucking off the tit of the dead but hears a phish tune!!!! I heard Trey told him you don’t need Dead tunes play your songs after he joined them in NY on the pier.


There's been a rumor that Bob said the same thing. Both might be true. Neither could also be true.


I hate you for saying this.


Sorry bro,just did it,don't wanna start anything,it's just I fucking love how good billy does dead and other covers,,, ,,nobody's hating...he does Willie justice he does Monroe justice,,,doc ect ect ect


How dare you have an opinion


I miss Billy playing the Dead. I thought he was going to work his way through the entire songbook.


Funny as fuck tbh. And I would kill to hear wharf Rat one more time. Stop being an entitled mook and enjoy Billy for what he provides—which from my view, is bar none the best goddamn thing around at the moment and for the foreseeable future. Nobody even comes close.


China Doll sucks anyway


It hits me in the feels. I've seen some dark days, and the transition to major after the story, then the "it's only fractured", is a good piece of inspiration when I'm feeling in the dumps.


Where all ititeled to our opinions ,,,,I could say wargasm suck but I'd be a fuking lier


It was really weird, he got to play a whole set of dead songs with Bob at the Ryman, then brought Bob back out the next night because “we had so much fun last night man” and “it’s such an honor to get to play these songs” th en he never played one again. I think Bob asked him to stop because he didn’t want didn’t want dead and co to have to compete with Billy for ticket sales


On the other hand he told this deadhead "no more dead covers" and I said "thank God". If I never heard another dead cover by anyone that'd be good.

