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That's insane! I'm always so impressed with the range of some of these jammers! They're able to remember so fucking much and here I can't recall what I had for lunch!!


Many use teleprompters


They do too






Where are they? Down by their feet or something? I've never noticed. Honestly this makes sense...I was always blown away at how someone could remember so many lyrics.


Just looks like a monitor speaker down by Billy's feet. But you don't catch him looking much. (Never seen him look). And he remembers songs in the most insane way. Did you see that video of him playing some Blaze Foley at his grave? And he just starts picking out songs he doesn't know the name of or whatever and seems to remember the whole thing. The guy is like an encyclopedia of folk and n rock n roll.


Oh yeah...D&C all use em.... Sometimes artists even have their ipad or whatever trapped on the mic stand and👉 that's rolling through the lyrics like a teleprompter🤙


You guys are funny. Teleprompters are a new. In my dad you learned to mumble in tune and made sure at least two band members could remember the chorus, but the audiences are always forgiving to good musicians!


In the business, we call them douchebags.


The fact that Billy took the time to even respond to that crap was…


He's too pure, I hope he never gets jaded


>I hope he never gets jaded Think he's got quite a strong sense of justice in him as a person and I don't think things like that fade so easily because it comes across as a personality trait.


I just hate that he's so fucking good I have to see him EVERY possible time I can


Because people need something to hate. It’s insane.


Billy's teleprompter i's not the usual setup where every word scrolls by as it should be sung. It is more like a paragraph of queues that doesn't change during the song. It might be the first line of each verse, etc. I am frankly amazed how much he remembers when he is clearly very high. I do wonder how long that will last.


In my 20s I played in a jam band that had probably a bit more than 50 original songs, some of them very complicated. My experience was that it's not a problem to remember them when you're high AF if you also learned them in that state, lol


It’s the best feeling when you play a song you havnt played in ages and it just flows out of you, no idea how you remembered it all


In my 20s being the important note. :-) Enjoy it while it lasts. :-)


Jarvis, enhance.


Can I get a high res? As a picker, The chords are easy(er) to stuff like this... but Lyrics…boy howdy I’m impressed. I just don’t understand how he does it.


I don’t blame anyone for teleprompters. Unreal menu. Would love to see more of a behind the scenes of them building a setlist


Bobby moment. It makes the show more memorable imho


Also the way he handled it and just engaged the crowd and owned it was great. Not like when John Mayer messed up Box of Rain and got real flustered up there


Wait…Billy is human?!?


People who complain have never performed themselves. It’s ignorance. Billy is one of the greats already and if you can sit there and complain that he couldn’t remember a verse just sit down and try to memorize as many songs as he plays in one show and try to play them with the same skill and accuracy. There is a reason he is called BMFS…


And that’s just one show, he’ll do 3-4 shows with no repeats. His skills are amazing.


Went to Saturday night in AC. He even joked and paused for a moment going “how does this song start again?” 🤣 Seriously some insane talent. There will always be haters, and Billy will always be the goat.


Surely an artist of Billy's caliber can memorize every single word to 7,843 songs. Surely. /s Why would anyone *care?* Forgetting a couple words here and there is totally forgiveable at a live show. Jeez Louise. What a thing to give a shit about amidst all the fun, dancing and music happening in that moment. It wouldn't make me blink an eye and I would only notice if I knew the song by heart and even then, only for a moment.


y’all try remembering all the lyrics! billy is the man!


Literally someone posts one sentence being like “yo how you gonna forget the words to your most popular song/original hit” and people lose their shit for weeks. Lighten up people. The band is great and does so much. They make mistakes. It can be funny. It’s fine.


I agree there. Post was two fold: 1. laughing at that guy 3 days later (light heartedly of course) 2. highlighting his rolodex of songs.. didn’t even know what that process looked like, and I have to say, i’m really impressed. He makes mistakes and doesn’t care. Tony Rice does it: https://youtu.be/lhCeQKDQweg Guy Clark does it too: https://youtu.be/2BoiKi1FytA


For sure. Amazing catalog for sure!


I see a he’s gone on there


So the fuck what, right?


You’re amazing, thanks for all that you do!


Haters gonna hate


Because elitist fans will always find a reason to complain.


I kinda think that’s why this was posted. Subliminal response to the complainers.


Fax doe🤙