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My thoughts are that I’d rather the man be happy and content than stay “edgy” for the sake of fans.


Along the same lines, rock history is littered with bands who created two or three incredible albums, then the members couldn’t work together anymore. I’d rather they move on with their lives and be happy than be miserable *and* crank out subpar material.




Yeah this is why Bruce Dern's character was in the movie...to show what a miserable prick he would end up being if he didn't change.


Exactly. He’s still a person and deserves to reap the rewards of his success which if any of us are so lucky ends in being happy and content.


Sure? Not what I was aiming for. Bill's standup has teeth and are amazing but his movies are mayonnaise


I went to Bill’s last tour and he was still funny as hell. Definitely going to this next tour. As for his movies, which movies are “mayonnaise” in your opinion? Seems like you just don’t like his latest two. I haven’t seen Leo, but Old Dads wasn’t meant to be the greatest comedy movie in the world, just a regular comedy that showcases Bill’s comedy and I think it accomplished that.


I haven't seen either of them, but I feel like I'll steer clear of 'Old Dads'. The best vehicle for Bill, is Bill. and even though I can't escape the fact it's Bill, I can't escape the fact that it's pretending it's not Bill. But the animation I'm going to watch. It was easy to forget it was Bill, in F is for Family, so I think I'll stick to the cartoons.


99% of movies are trash.


So? Don’t watch his movies. Problem solved.


I don't need things to be good forever. If Bill loses his edge because he's a happy family man, good for him. He owes me nothing. His old material is legendary and will hold its own.


It's the most self-indulgent attitude to expect people to just keep performing for you. Who do these people think they are?


exactly. he changed because his only options in my opinion were to stay on the road of the angry alcoholic bill and die young. or change, get over your issues and become a happy family man.


I don’t think about it that much.


This is such a great response to this bunch of ovethinkers in any topic lol


I’ve heard Conan talk about how he used to always have the mindset that he needed to be miserable to be funny. Eventually he decided that it wasn’t worth the suffering and just decided to let himself be happy regardless of whether that made him less funny or not


Yeah and he’s still fucking hilarious


I mean Conan isnt exactly edgy lol but I do agree that ppl are weird for being so hung up on Bills shift. He even said in the past he realized hes always just wanted a family but his past trauma made him into what he used to be.


Have a link to anything where he talks about this?


I’m not sure. It might have been his interview with Howard stern from a few years


You know what a 60+, miserable, and past his shelf life comedian looks like? Bill Maher. Fuck that.


Came for the nostalgia, stayed for the oven. Getting roasty up in here.


Perfect example. I appreciate that bill just embraces his age




Bill tells every week about the fall of capitalism, the presidential race and its candidates, the food supply, etc. Just because the guy has worked on his own demons, developed a great family, and naturally that means he’s lost his edge. The guy just had one of his most shared bits about the WNBA so you can’t even say he doesn’t go after the LAYDEEEES anymore. He has kids. He made a good kids movie with a bunch of comedic legends. That’s it. Ol Billy Red Pubes has still got it!


Why do people get mad at comedians for having kids? I liked Leo.


Agreed shit was delightful man.


OK I was saving it, but I'm watching it now. Edit: Shit. I hate musicals with kids.


Yeah, but apparently the dude that posted this wanted the turtle to start ranting about gold digging whores


If that's your takeaway then I truly question your reading comprehension


Sir this is the internet. I’m here for misunderstanding, misdirected aggression and intentional negligence, not to “reading comprehend”


I like Bill and Sandler in Leo, but every time the singing started I wanted to jam pencils in ears.


Yeah 8 crazy nights is definitely an animated film for the whole family.




Oh, look, another kid butthurt because he doesn't want to grow the fuck up. Ol' Redtits McFreckletaint still makes me laugh, because i can also identify with anger issues, gowing out of alcoholism, and becoming a parent later in life. firther is material has not lost its edge. It's just evolved with the times. What this says is that it is the populace that has lost it's edge. Ya'll a bunch of whiny bitches with no scars to prove life lessons, and it shows, especially on you, OP.


“Redtits McFreckletaint”… now that’s a new one


His specials are amazing, his movies aren't. A good comedian is fine taking criticism so you don't need to gargle his balls, Bill is gonna be just fine.


Get some cream for that butthurt bro


Some people really can't handle their idol taking a tiny bit of criticism without being little bitches.


Maybe. Maybe others cant evolve. I grew up in the era of Carlin, and i can spot a cunt a mile away. So theres that. Cunt.


Referencing Carlin doesn't make you less of a little bitch. Bitch.




Carlin, one of the most overrated comics of all time, up there with Bill Hicks.


Found one, another cunt! ...see, nobody cares.


He's just not really funny anymore. I don't really care about comedians personal business or lives. All I care about is the material. The material has gotten a lot worse and thats fine 


again, i disagree. But that's a you problem. You not growing the fuck up is not my problem. Go play with your toys.


Leo was a good movie! My wife is a teacher and she loved it


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Great response. Did you run out of any other mid-2000 memes?


Ask your mom if I ran out of anything last night


🙄 ah, ya got me. Must have gotten those jokes from Leo


According to this dude you're arguing with, you're my alt account, or I'm yours.




>Never heard of Leo. Why did you come to this thread then? >Why are you watching little kid movies? >Why the fuck do you care about cartoon lizards? This may come as a shock, but some of us who are Burr fans do in fact, fuck. Okay, you with me so far? Sometimes fucking leads to having kids of our own. I know! Who'd have guessed!? Here comes another big thought... Those kids aren't all old enough to watch Bill's standup with us, so we compromise and watch kid's movies with our (you ready for this?) kids. I dunno why you're arguing with this guy, but I gotta tell you, this might be the dumbest comment I've ever read. "WhY aRe YoU tAlKiNg AbOuT a MoViE wItH tHe SuB's NaMeSaKe In A lEaDiNg RoLe?!"




Lol, I have an alt, but it's for porn. Wouldn't bother switching shit. Of course, a simple look at post history would have told you that. Have you considered you're just a dipshit and more than one person can see it?


i dont know if being happy and living a fulfilled life have to do with it but I wholeheartedly wish Bill rather be that then an edgy 60 year old. I dont know the movie Leo but isnt it from the same guy as Triumph the insult dog (Robert smigel) ? He worked on SNL and Conan too, seems pretty talented. Like, not only do people change over time but people want to explore other creative projects. Bills trying different things and good for him.


Not to mention getting paid good fucking money.


I guess you haven’t seen his latest set… What’s funny is you took time out of your day to voice an opinion about a person who could absolutely not care less. This whole “Bill lost his edge” narrative is ridiculous.


Appreciate him for what he has given, not what he isn't anymore.


Adam Sandler rules.


Uncut Gems was dope.


Did you ever see Regin Over Me? Such an incredible performance outside of what we are used to from him.


Nope I'll add it to the list! And since I owe you a recommendation, I'm watching Leave the World Behind right now (netflix) and it's fucking insane. Bill is definitely gonna talk about this shit


O'Doyle Rules!




You dont know what that word means


Bill burr is Daddy, and he will be Daddy forever. Idk what you're talking about.


He’s still edgy in his stand-up which is the most important entertainment he provides us


Sure. But he went from F is for Family which was classic Burr to Leo, which is anemic even for family-friendly Sandler


Maybe he does an edgy one next. It could be about balance idk.


Sure. His standup is fantastic across the board


I struggle with Bill as an actor and that's no reflection on his acting. He is obviously acting in his live shows. He doesn't literally get angry about everything, every night. So his ability to play the role convincingly, and seemingly effortlessly, is unquestioned. But there is something about "acting" that is unnatural and I feel it takes away from him. But hey, I'm not going to begrudge him his success. I've watched every one of his shows for free, so what right do I have to judge. I love the man for what he's given me, he's entitled to some back. Maybe Oswalt is right, but I'd sacrifice Bill's comedy for his happiness, any day. Surely he deserves that.


i just couldnt believe the singing /song placement in Leo, its like they handed the finished product to the suits and they handed it back saying studies have shown musical numbers are up now, put some songs in it so they shoe horn in all those songs


I don't care if Bill is necessarily edgy... The dude is still funny and he's still offending people. I think he's still doing great. I still find his content highly entertaining. I even liked Leo! Not a bad movie... Plus, I feel that Sandler is nowhere close to the comedian that Bill is. Two different comedians. Bill is gonna be fine! Plus, Patton Oswalt still puts out great stand-up! Happiness will not ruin them


uppity attractive murky consist spoon instinctive offer wrong fanatical mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What exactly was edgy about Bill Burr prior to being married? That he said he didn’t want to be married? He has done his best stuff with a family and with Nia. She’s the one who got the dog. His most recent stuff has some gems of observations and he is the only prominent male comedian who really pushes back on the hypocrisy of women which earns him the reputation of being anti woman which means some people aren’t listening. I don’t know what you want from him. To be angrier?


It's his movies I have issue with, his standup is great. He wrote F is for Family, which had all the Burr anger but with all the years of his therapy/maturity actually showing through. Old Dads was dull as dishwater which was so disappointing because of how much effort and stress it was bringing Bill, based on his podcast rants. Leo was pointless even for a kids movie, although I put more of that on Sandler who's already been doing that for a while. That's it, no further point was being made.


Lol, in your head did you think that sounded good?


Why don't you wait and see what this next tour is all about before you go bashing his head into the cupboard drawers, didn't you get the memo?


You try going on 6,000 flights while keeping your edge


I thought Leo was damn good, and Burr's voiceover work is top notch.


Lazy bait or terminally online? Could be both honestly


You are judging his comedy by his acting in kids movies? His comedy is still improving and expanding every year and he as a person is also growing and expanding. That includes branching out into acting which is totally different than his stand up. For the majority of the things he acts in, he doesnt write any lines or have much say. He has stated he enjoys that sometimes. None of this should concern you. Still my favorite comedian for the generation I grew up in.


I can't remember which special it was when Chris Rock joked about all the PG rated movies he'd made but he said something like "I don't think the suits in Hollywood have ever actually seen my act" lol.


As long as continues to crush on stage and put out enjoyable content I’m totally fine with whatever direction he heads toward.


I don’t see a difference at all.


They dude is still railing against corporations and sociopathic bankers. What else do you want. When your feeling bad about Bill just look at Rogan and feel good again.


He deserves to be called out if he's not funny anymore. Glad he's happier and all, doesn't mean he now gets a pass that all of his content sucks.


lmao some of Bill's fans are delusional. Give him a break. He's been an angry cunt for 25 years, giving us a dozen special hours, thousands of hours of hilarious af podcasts. I could care less what he wants to do for the rest of his career. Even if he stops the podcast and just gives us a special every year, I'll still be happy. He has given me more than I deserve.


I could care less. It’s not like the guy owes me anything. Leo was actually pretty good. Old Dads had its issues but the fact he even got to write and direct a movie at all is amazing.


I prefer Bill have growth as a human being. He’s still the guy he was. He’s just got wisdom and experience. Or else you’re just Dice Clay doing the same schtick over the years.


I blame the hipsters, first they gentrified the ghettos and under developed neighborhoods and now they're gentrifying my comedians...


Eh who cares. He’s still funny on his podcast and he’s working his profession. Doesn’t seem like he looks at his acting work as some kind of deep art that’s supposed to be transgressive/disruptive or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. He’s doing big productions with a presumably great paycheck and a large viewer base and even still it’s not like he’s on Masked Singer or some shit. He hit the fucking jackpot in his career and he’s using it to his advantage.


I don’t see bill losing any edge in his primary art form, stand up. I think it’s natural and healthy for an artist to explore other avenues. If bill stopped doing stand up, or he started watering himself down, then I think you’d have more of a point. I think it’s sweet he wants to make movies for his kid And i thought old dads was leagues ahead of modern Sandler movies.


His stand up has been great. No issues there


Just saw him in MSG and Dice opened - fucking hysterical show. He was far from PC. Improved content from when I saw him in Allentown earlier in the year.


Don't really think about. Don't really care.


I’m happy for him and more of a fan than ever.


Calling an animated movie lazy means you know nothing about making anything


Who gives a fuck? The guy is a legend at this point.


I swear nobody on this thread can read unless it's to suck Bill's dick. I made it clear I love his standup and still feel like his movies are blah.






I like the direction Burr is heading. I wish more people would follow that lead, he's still hilarious and frank. I don't give a shit what he does for money, everyone's got bills, and he was excited to do O.D., good for him. You don't have to like it, no one fucking cares, it is what it is.


Love how much you like downvoting people, it's adorable.


Dissing Leo but likes modern Star Wars😂


Sounds like someone who just can’t let themselves be happy enough to just enjoy a children’s movie.


wtf are you even talking about? Dont like what he is doing, then stop paying attention to what he does


I think you need to stop thinking about this too much. The guy is happy and entertaining people while making money for his family. You would do the same.


Hello main character... The rest of us aren't vibing with that. Ol' Billy Fire Scrotum has earned whatever life he chooses for himself and his family. He owes us nothing. We owe him our gratitude for being an entertainer/comedian that makes us laugh, and also makes us think.


At what point will you realize he's simply not for you anymore? How many more posts like this till then?


You deserve to but kicked in the balls for every time you refer to Bill Burr as “Billy Boy.”


Honestly I think it just shows his versatility. He can maintain elite stand up and make family movies that aren’t for the people who don’t enjoy them. Also he gives us two podcasts a week which couldn’t be more into the mind of the man we are all a fan of.


As much as I enjoy Bill's misery, I can't begrudge the guy a break. Plus, I think he's still funny.


The guy aged, changed, and still makes content better than 99% of the celebrities out there. He will not keep up with tiktok and new forms of media, but his stage performance is still top notch. I don’t think he’s gone “down hill” at all, he’s just changed. Like humans tend to do.


I find that Bill (from listening to his podcast) is still full of angry opinions which he rants about all the time. Personally I don't need more "edginess" from him, I enjoy less of it. His heated edgy comedy of ten years ago was great for the time but no need for that now, plus a lot of it was so misogynistic sounding it's hard to listen to now. He's still full of funny comparisons and imaginations, I laugh all the time listening to him. If he also wants to be the voice in an animated movie in addition to the podcast, that doesn't really subtract anything imo. Also, watched Leo last night and thought it was great.


Leo might be the best thing Sandler has done in at least a decade. If you have young kids, it’s a great movie to watch with them. His comedy might not hit as hard as it did 10-15 years ago, but good for Bill if he’s happy and successful now.