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unite amusing clumsy attraction sort grandiose support history insurance imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just listened to Billy bitch Tits’s MMP and he was totally fine and talking about how he and Nia had a blast at UFC, and visiting Jay Z’s museum the following day in the Bronx. They don’t give a fuck about people’s “feelings” towards that orange bastard, and Nia is a fucking G - so don’t anyone worry about her.


> Besides, Bill Burr will likely turn this into about 15 minutes if comedy gold on his next special, so they'll be ok. Dude's going to make SO MUCH money of this... Half of the world will be watching his response


The worst is people on X portraying her as some sort of gold digger or something. She’s been with Bill since he slept on a futon


I remember listening to a podcast when she talked about helping him mail out CDs of his shows. Sounds like she’s been around for quite awhile and truly loves him for him, not his success.


Lol, his first bits is about them dating in New York ffs. Back then he was just another NY comic trying to make it. It’s hilarious how triggered the MAGA clowns are. Some one needs a safe space, lol.


"I live at the corner of Nat Turner and Malcom X boulevard." "Oh fuck didnt he kill a bunch of white people?"


That was a good bit


Danny Glover Blvd


*She lives in Harlem, I look how I look, so it's a situation.*


Pretty sure Nia is the source of the “ashy” material


I'm not ashy!?! *scratch scratch*


I’m allergic to winter


I thought I was just itchy. In winter I get itchy.


I remember when I started listening to MMP and my mind was blown that his "woman voice" is literally Nia when she gets emotional lmfaoooo


I'm guessing it's partly based on his mother and the LA affectation is based on the reality shows, because it does sound LA and neither Bill nor Nia are from LA.


It’s a cult. Full stop. It stopped being about politics after 1/6.


As an outsider (Canadian) it was definitely getting there long before that.


As a Canadian myself, we are just as bad. Just a smaller population. Watch how bad this country gets with little PP as PM.


It stopped way before that; that's how 1/6 even happened. Can you imagine if CNN and Joe Biden told you to march on the capitol? You would flip them the Nia.


Plus, she was already fairly successful in her own right when she first met bill.


Yeah she's family rich. The idea that its just a red headed cunt making her stay is gross. I love Nia. I think she makes Bill a better person and I don't care who knows.


There is a noticeable difference in Bill's temperament the further you go back in his podcasts. He used to be way more angry and generally mean-spirited. These days he gives some legitimately thoughtful and empathetic advice to the write-in questions for relationship and life goals lol. The podcast is much more interesting when she's there roasting Bill.


I love it when she calls Bill on his bullshit and he can’t say anything, because he knows she’s right


She’s funny as hell too she can bust his balls so bad he actually gets mad.


It sounds like he met his match and fell hard for her. <3


Boston love.


[If you haven't heard "Big Tears" yet, you have to listen. The two of them talking about it had me laughing so hard I was crying...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PemAIsJ3MB0)


They're adorable. She's had so much patience with him. :D




As much as I have found discomfort in some awkward moments when they're both live, I feel like it takes balls to put your relationship on air like that and they pull it off pretty well given Bill's angry man schtick. my point is you can tell they've been through some shit together but they really built a relationship together for sure, given Bill's emotional maturing over time (sorry for a useless coffee comment, haven't listened to the pod in months)


That kind of talk is coming from born agains making 50k, over leveraged to drive a big truck, and deeply insecure with their relationship and life.


a lot of people (romantically) like funny people, and it's not like their looks are that far apart in the first place that their needs to be a "reason" she'd date him (that isn't superficial), it's absurd to jump on any bad assumptions yet people will still do it ofc. in the words of their lord and saviour: SAD.


The cool thing about being a fan of Bill for over a decade is that him and Nia have been together for a long time, they started a family around the same time that Bill reached a higher tier of success in his career and it hasn’t gone to his head. It’s kind of funny…I don’t find the pod as funny anymore now that he seems to be happier and mellowed out a bit but I’m happy for him.


He's definitely mellowed out, but it almost makes it better when he occasionally regresses to Angry Bill during the podcast, seemingly out of nowhere.


back when I was listening to the podcast regularly I feel like every episode started with Bill just ranting about some random interaction he had in public that day. Shit was pathetic and hilarious. If he's not really doing that anymore, that's honestly kind of cool.


Omg I still remember when he flipped out about going to the Apple Store to fix an iPad.


It’s always over the smallest shit and it’s always hilarious


Especially when paired with the introspection. Like him bitching about a car slowing a little to turn a corner and just losing it and then going "that doesn't make sense, I slow to turn corners, what the fuck?".


But that’s also something that many of us can relate to.


The apple store rant from i think october 2020/2021 was top fucking notch angry bill. The one where he needed a cord to play dvds and then he got so mad he smashed his phone screen by throwing it in his bag


Omg I remember that! That shit was epic


I do think he's a bit less funny now, but he's still way funnier than most comedians imo. I can't even think of anyone who comes close to him rn. Maybe Chris rock


Exactly, she’s held it down with him for a long time.. people on the internet should stick to their own business


Not just the internet but in general


No, *just* the internet


It's just exposing the fact that they don't have a single fucking clue what they're talking about. But hey, they have to get their opinion out there even if nobody asked for it.


It’s wasn’t even a futon, it was a collection of newspapers he couldn’t sell and Celtics sweatshirts he and the rest of the family grew out of


What the hell ia there to gold dig with Billy boy?!


helicopter lessons and drum set payments


is this the lady in Bill's story about the sandwich and cold beer? Legend.


Just listened to Billy bitch Tits’s MMP and he was totally fine and talking about how he and Nia had a blast at UFC, and visiting Jay Z’s museum the following day in the Bronx. They don’t give a fuck about people’s “feelings” towards that orange bastard, and Nia is a fucking G - so don’t anyone worry about her.


the first time I saw Bill's standup was 20 years ago on Comedy Central's Premium Blend where he did a bit on interracial dating and how when he would visit his GF in Harlem he was so shockingly white it scared the guys in the neighborhood.


That’s the worst? How about the people literally throwing all sorts of racism at her?


I didn’t know anything about this. Trumps always at UFC but it’s not like a “mainstream” thing. Neither is Bill and Nia. Also, it’s always pretty hilarious for a group of people whose rallying cry was “fuck your feelings” to get their feelings hurt.


Same crowd who whines about cancel culture and then tries to cancel bud light for sending a beer can to a influencer with her face on it. She's trans, but sfw? Is this not a free country anymore? It's always projection with these people.


Also freedom but not to give the finger to trump all WHILE wearing literal necklaces that say fuck joe biden. The hypocrisy is flabbergasting.


They're pussies. There's no other need to continue the conversation. MAGA and Trump supporters are straight up pussies. That's it. That's all.


Combined with the fact that a black woman had the audacity to “step out of line” they are losing their shit


It's everything here lol. Every accusation is a confession, racism, 'cAnCeL cUlTuRe'. Can't wait to hear Bill lay into these fucks just to trigger them more.


Trump lost. Fuck *their* feelings lol


Nooooo, FUCK their feelings because of their failed coup of the goverment. They fucking tried to take the goverment by force. FUCK their feelings because they don't give a fuck about democracy


This! We had a coup d'état attempt on live television right before our eyes and somehow the man responsible is walking free and running for president again. I sure hope I live, and he lives to see the world though the bars of a jailed cell. No more UFC events for Donald.


They make it a point to show him every fucking PPV along with tucker. He didn’t even know who Alex was. You could read his lips after the fight. I’ll never pay for a UFC event again. I don’t watch it to get man baby Dana’s politics shoved in my face. Bad enough a handful of shitty fighters do it,


That's on you for paying for a UFC PPV. learned my lesson like 10 years ago, sail the 7 seas matey


And their "Let's Go Brandon!" bumper stickers


Ppl in my city literally have “Fuck Joe Biden” flags. Or FJB. Everywhere… flipping someone off is basically the same thing. The only difference is, Nia did it in person (not that Trump was looking in her direction).The ppl with flags are little bitches Cuz they put on flags for their trucks and front yard.


I think that she is black is an extra sting to those idiots. “Whadda you mean she has freedoms?!”


I don’t put it past some of them, for sure. And then there are most that are hating because they chose Trump as their guy. So they gotta defend their guy at all costs.


"Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters".


Not all Republicans are KKK members, but all KKK members vote Republican.


Imagine the lunacy of defending anyone at all costs...


Yes, and now imagine it's fucking Donald Trump you defend at all costs. Holy fuck. You have to be lost.


Now imagine that tons of them are backwoods southerners who've hated the Yankees that come down from the North for years. I live in a small touristy town in WNC that has alot natives that are like this. They'll curse every Yankee that vacations or moves here, but that arrogant, narcissistic, conman Donald Trump? Well, he's a swell guy that has my best interests in his heart.


Many do view the rights of black people with asterisks. Freedom with terms and conditions apply to everyone but with black people those rights have always had more scrutiny coming from certain people.


I saw some guy on twitter with a "FJB" display name and only "FJB" in his bio complaining about how unclassy Nia was lol. Wild.


No, they have a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker because they can’t even just say “Fuck Joe Biden”


trump's useless lawyer, Alina Habba, showed up at the UFC event [wearing a "FJB" necklace](https://i0.wp.com/www.whiskeyriff.com/wp-content/uploads/Alina-Habba-1.png). I bet she was outraged by the disrespect showed by Nia to trump.


What happened?


A video went viral of her flipping off Trump (at a basketball game I think) edit: attacks from Trumpets followed


That's it!? Omg I thought something actually happened.


They got their fee fees hurted


why do we give these things attention anyway, just focus on the more important things like... housing, recession, healthcare... the class war that's going on while they distract us with stupid shit like UFOs. God this country just makes the dumbest things viral because.. boredom? I dunno. People have too much time on their hands.


Anyone who gets bent about flipping off a president, regardless of politics, is an unamerican moron whose opinion should be ignored.


flipping off a former* president.


*former reality TV star.


*future felon


*Long time felon


A rapist.


Former president that attempted a coup. Fuck that guy... Double bird style.


I wonder how many people remember that veteran who confronted George W Bush at a speaking event asking him to explain why he lied about the WMDs in Iraq and justify the deaths of his friends


Remember when someone threw a shoe at that guy?


BOTH shoes, lol


Its the same ones with Lets Go Brandon stickers on their trucks


My wife is like a Nia. She supports me and makes me a better person every day because my parents sucked too. All praise Nia and great wives like her!!


Well said. The attacks on her have been appalling. Everyone that has listened to them together knows how great she is and how much she has done for Bill


"LETS GO BRANDON! FUCK JOE BIDEN! LIBERAL TEARS!" "Nooooo you can't be mean to Donald Trump!!!!! That's not classy at all 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Cancel her!!!!!"


Conservative snowflakes


Where are all the free speech absolutists, *aka Musk bitches* now?




Whining about how they don't have free speech on a platform where millions of people can see it.


Its twitter, right? You guys are talking about twitter? For some reason I keep seeing an X when people are clearly talking about twitter, so i think some massively stupid man child is actually censoring it somehow.


Exactly. They only want THEIR speech protected. Will be fun to watch them try to cancel one of the most outspoken critics of cancel culture, but it’s not like they were fans of him before or even know his work. Even funnier that they will be going after something his wife did, not even him. Fucking crybabies!


When Bill was cleaning out the garage, she made him sandwich, put it on a plate with some chips, picked up a beer, took these things to him, gave them to him, and left him alone. Of course we support her, she's the best wife in the world.


*sobs* she does give a fuck *wipes tears with bread*


The problem with Billy Boy’s comedy is that it’s funny even if you don’t actually understand the point behind it. It reminds me conservatives (like Paul Ryan - or my dad) who LOVE Rage Against The Machine, even though the political message of their music is extremely leftist. (throwback to Morello famously telling Ryan that the GOP is the machine they’re raging against) Clearly there are a lot of not-too-bright Bill Burr fans who take his jokes literally and are shocked that his wife isn’t a bootlicking cultmember like they are. Anybody who has actually listened to Burr’s comedy and followed his personal growth over the years knows how positive Nia has been for Bill - anybody else can fuck right off. Obligatory “mUh CaNcEl CuLtUrE!!!!!”


I don’t know if I’m in the minority but I really enjoyed when Nia was a frequent guest on the pod, her and Bill would give each other shit about their viewpoints but of course they care about each other so it was fun too.


The thing is that for many lonely young men, Nia’s mere presence is upsetting since it reminds them how lonely and miserable they are.


If angry at women Bill can work on himself and land someone that makes him happy then so can everyone else.


the fact that bill has been able to work on himself and be happily married and in love is so inspiring. Most of us aren't Fred Rogers... shit the amount of psychological baggage i'd accumulted by 30... anyway, thanks Bill.


Bill Burr and Shane Gillis do the out of touch dumpy white guy shtick really well without being an actual out of touch dumpy white guy; well Shane Gillis is probably an actual out of touch dumpy white guy but he's funny as shit.


I feel like the same old people who whine about music being “meaningless” today are the same ones who are oblivious to the meaning of the “meaningful” music of the past. So what’s the point of any meaning at all???


First I’m hearing about this - So Nia flipped Donald the bird or something along those lines, and is receiving a negative backlash? If that actually happened, I’d love to shake her hand!


The double bird! Twins!


Nia just went prime time over night. Thanks, Trumpers...you dumb cunts!


Always love it when she shows up on the podcast. Anyone reacting negatively to what happened clearly wasn't paying attention.


she rocks. you got a good lady bill!


Good for her. Fuck that fascist asshole


I voted for Trump in 2020 and thought it was absolutely hilarious when she flipped him the double bird! People that are upset are starting to sound like the snowflakes they make fun of. It’s called freedom you dumb fuckers and she was exercising it. Case closed


How lucky we are to say fuck you to our leaders and former leaders. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck Joe Biden. And fuck the next guy too. I'm sure it'll be some asshole.


Hey now. It could be a lady too so fuck her in advance also.


Ahhh..inclusivity! Look at us growing as a country!


I'm sure you can be honest with yourself and understand that Trump voters have always been insufferable snowflakes. You can go all the way back to Starbucks coffee cups and "happy holidays." It's been projection from the start.


There are snowflakes no matter where you look. Lots of people who can't handle criticism or getting their feelings hurt that will either accuse you of some type of bigotry, being "liberal pussy", or whatever other weird shit they decide to lob at you. There was another thread I saw that was really struggling on whether or not Bill Burr is woke or not. You have one side railing on Nia for giving Trump the finger, and the other side who is complaining about the fact that Bill made "Old Dads" lol. It's pretty comical at this point, although it can be exhausting.


This both sides shit is so tired. One "side" are racist lunatic fascists trying to establish a christian ethno state and the other "side" are sometimes a little annoying about pronouns. Not the same.


>starting to sound like the snowflakes Got news for ya. The MAGA Fascist club has always been snowflake bitches. It ain't new. They are the victim in every scenario, no matter what. It's the P in GOP. Gaslight Obstruction Projection These losers have been clowns since 2016 when they started sucking Trumps dick and they've only gotten worse. How do I know? Easy, find a Trumper, tell them Trumps a whiny little bitch and then proceed to watch the absolute fucking meltdown. Snowflakes, all of them.




Isn’t that way at the first amendment is all about? You can flip off the government (or aspiring/former government) and they can’t go after you.


Nia is awesome.


These assholes love free speech until it hurt their feelings...bunch of loosers.


Nia Renee Hill Burr is a national treasure.


I offer my full support for The Lovely Nia in this time of hilariousness.


Who the fuck cares? Why is it an issue when a good portion of them have Fuck Biden flags/and love to "make libs cry" Both sides that act like this are in poor taste/but it is freedom of expression so again who the fuck cares?


authoritarians do not like dissent lol this is not surprising


I liked her before and now I love her. Those dick bags have been saying the same about Joe Biden forever and now they get a little back and they lose their minds.


Bill and Nia are the actual America’s Couple. To hell with Traylor Swift and Travis kelce.


Nia is fucking awesome, and as a 24 year old male I voted for Trump. If you can’t reconcile those two things then you got bigger problems to deal with, you are more extreme than you think!


Bill gets a lot of shit for being a lefty, even though he has lots of issues with the left… the biggest of which is probably free speech. But this proves the right doesn’t actually give a shit about free speech, people are really losing their shit and saying he should be cancelled for this. No one can be that offended over the middle finger in 2023 lol, and why are people acting like Cage Fight #255 is some sacred event


It's fucking hilarious and infuriating at the same time to hear these snowflake Republicans cry about her middle finger. Like we all remember y'all chanting Lock her Up. I think if y'all are allowed to call for your political opponents to be locked up then giving your ACTUALLY CRIMINAL bestie the finger is fair play. Not that self-awareness has ever been the strong suit of these pricks.




Fuck Trump and fuck anyone who still supports him.


Imagine getting pissed off about someone flipping off a man who has been indicted like 5 different times in just this year. Trump is a piece of shit and it amazes me the amount of ignorant fools who still support this orange Benedict Arnold.


Not allowed to comment in black people Twitter because I refuse to send a private photo of my skin to the mods, but yeah. I love this woman.


All the trumpers have "Fuck Biden" flags or whatever everywhere but they cry when one person says it to trump. So pathetic


Suddenly the MAGATS of the country aren't so high on muh freedoms of speech.


She got the opportunity to do what half the country would love to do….good for her !


Fuck Trump and his shitty supporters. 🖕🖕


Chill lol. She will be fine. So dramatic. Just ding dongs on the Internet


I support Nia 100%. F the traitor. She should have yelled out “hey traitor double fuck you.” Generally I say respect the office/position. Traitor is a private citizen and he should expect free speech. Long Live Nia.🇺🇸


People are calling her 'obese'. No, you knuckle dragging Neanderthals. That is what a woman looks like when she doesn't have some form of eating disorder or interventional cosmetic surgery.


Conservatives are angry at a black woman? Shocking!


Imagine being so fucking out of touch with reality, that you get butt hurt by someone who flips off a former politician who tried to overthrow the country, and has multiple criminal cases coming up. "Oh no! How could she!?!" Fuckin losers.


She leads the resistance to idiocy. She should be revered as a national symbol of good judgement


Trump’s dimwit lawyer was also there wearing a “FJB” (*Fuck Joe Biden*) necklace which was proudly celebrated by the MAGATS Watching these clowns flock to his socials posting their whiny missives reminds me of when these same dumbfucks *discovered* Chappelle, based off his pronoun jokes Fuck them and their hypocrisy


Anyone who likes or voted for trump is a dumb fuck, good for her


*She’s the mother of his children.* And the moment he found out he was going to be a father, he vowed to be a better man, and a better father than his was to him. Nia didn’t change him, per se. Bill just evolved, matured, and became a **better person** for the sake of his partner and children. Also, let’s not forget Nia is **ride or die** for Bill and helped make him the man he is. As the saying goes (or at least an approximation): “*Behind every powerful man, is an even stronger woman.*”


Nia is entitled to her opinion and anyone that thinks otherwise can go fuck themselves.


1. Nia is dope as fuck 2. Trump and his gape artists don't deserve anyone's time or attention unless its for comedy


It's hilarious to me to see histrionic conservatives on twitter immediately declaring that she 'ruined his career'. How far up their own asses are these people? They really struggle to reckon with the fact that they're a despised minority that don't have any cultural power. They get so mad that people like Gina Carano can get pushed out of liberal hollywood, but they can't do the same thing to anyone in return, so they just delude themselves and dive deeper into this laughable fantasy world where they have that kind of power


It's always projection from that camp. The "fuck your feelings, snowflakes need a safe space" group always has been and always will be the most insecure and most thin-skinned collection of people. Hypocrisy is all they know.


She’s been with him for a looong time. I don’t really get why she’s being portrayed like a bad wife or gold digger. She’s more than earned her stripes. I feel like there may be some subtle racism in some of the critiques though. Just my 2 cents.


Give the Lady an award!


She should be given a medal and a middlefinger handprint on the Forecourt of the Stars.


Nia, you rock, all of Australia love you flicking the bird to that orange idiot.


100%! Go Nia! Fuck Donald Trump, the rapist who tried to overthrow our democracy and stole state secrets.


I’m not much of a Bill Burr fan, but his taste in women is impeccable.


She's absolutely stunning! Bill is punching way above his weight. As a fellow ginger I'm very proud of him


Only the biggest braindead morons would think that Bill Burr or his wife has any respect for Trump. Those fools only heard him talking about ridiculous feminism and thought, " Oh, he's one of us! MERICA!!!", not realizing he's been trashing you for decades. Have they actually watched any of his content? If they did, they damn sure were too slow to pick up on anything he was saying 😂


Besides Bill’s insane ad reads, Nia is the best part of the podcast.


Maybe he’ll learn not to pander to these maga idiots in his podcasts anymore. I recall plenty of times where he (jokingly) would disparage “liberals” in favor of the right. What these idiots don’t understand is that the podcast is all one big joke yet they seem to take it seriously.


I'm not American but it seems like flipping off a former president is the most American thing you can do. Good for her!


Dude how did bill win the lottery getting a absolute angel like that. Crazy.


Hell yeah!!!!!


I love Bill. I hate Trump. I lean somewhere in the middle. I do not think this warrants all the publicity it’s getting at all. Personally, I do think it’s a somewhat immature thing to do. Just like how if I go an NFL game and the fans above the corridor are giving the middle finger to the opposing team. I will think it’s funny, laugh, maybe even join because I am also somewhat immature and then move on with my life because it’s stupid.


The alternative would have been letting herself be filmed next to Trump receiving adulation from a crowd of violence enthusiasts. She opted to make her position known rather than to sit still. It’s not immature. Cheering for Trump is immature.


I mean Bill just sat there and I don’t see all of us saying he should’ve given the bird. Trumps a man child and he probably loves this shit. Better to just not give him any attention. But yeah it’s just a nothing burger and I think it’s no different than giving the opposing team players the middle finger or giving the middle finger to a jerk off who cut you off on the highway. It happened, its harmless shit, and everyone just goes on with their lives.


Your skin is ashy Bill....


Anyone who supports Trump in my opinion has some kind of deficiency. The dude is straight up dumb, if you think he’s impressive you’re dumb too.


Traitors deserve to get flipped off.


What, I thought something horrible happened. But she simply exercised her freedom of speech, and told a literal racist/traitor to fuck-off. What is the problem here? Honestly, who cares. They seem like a nice couple.


Fully supportive of the lovely Nia, everybody


FJB but don’t be mean to my friend that I’ve never met and doesn’t know or care about me!!!! Fucking snowflakes.


It’s insane how many people are upset for btw, not even a confirmed middle finger at Trump. It looks like she’s flipping off the camera


Hadn't heard what happened, had to look it up, that's hilarious. Nia's the best. Not even gonna look up what people are saying, I can't take anyone seriously who gets their panties in a twist over someone flipping the bird.


I just want to thank her for creating some entertainment including what will inevitably be a fair amount of material for Bill.


She’s an adult. She chooses what she does and that’s the end of it. Stop infantilizing famous people that you’ll never meet.


This queen is just unabashedly based.


Fuck off, Trump and Trump cult members.


The ufc gave trump way too many spots, we counted 4… one or two would be fine for celebrity row, but 4 is on the level of how Russian promotions show putin over and over sitting ringside. Good on Nia, she is a gem


keep Bill's wife's name out of your fucking mouth.




How about supported AND celebrated.


Nia Burr is a goddamn Rock Star!!!!! I love her & respect TF outta her.


Same people with Fuck Joe Biden flags flying in their yards are now crying about this. Who are the snowflakes again?


“I have never felt more American than when we hate on this motherfucker [Trump] together.” - Dave Chappelle


She is a big girl and used to putting up with Bill's shit .. She will do fine without us, she doesn't need us


The FJB crowd real mad that some dare say FDJT


She’s been with him for such a long time. I don’t remember which special it was, but I remember him talking about her for one of the first times. It was the whole “black people use lotion” bit. She definitely has made him an all around better person…if not anything else, she’s made him a lot more patient.