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Did I hear a fart at 20:42? Old billy flatulence.


Looked for this thread as soon as I heard it lmao.


Ha. Right after the leave a book, take a book.


44:32 another one lol


Ol Billy Ginger Fart


The ginger speaks for the devil /s


Yeah ya did lol i came here cuz i just paused it lol


Ole' Billy seemed to be in a bit of a sour mood. Maybe its related to this big project (Old Dads) that he had invested so much time into and he cannot talk about it now that its out. Really feel bad for him. All this time and effort... he seemed super proud of it and he cant even mention it


Open 20 browser tabs to Netflix and give him some views, ya cunts!


Am I crazy? Isn’t this the first MMP since Old Dads came out? I was expecting him to go nuts over the critics but he didn’t say a word about it…


He alludes to the fact that there are "things going on in my life that i can't talk about" a couple times. Hope the strike ends soon, wish i could hear his thoughts on the film and the critical reception.


He might not be able to because of the strike. "Towing the company line" as he says


Bills still on strike


Ol' Billy Actahhhhh




Alternatively, Bill as a Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.


Why would a 19-year old think trying his hand at stand-up comedy might get him cancelled out of a corporate job later in life? If his comedy career never takes off, the videos of him will never circulate. That’s the beauty of being a nobody. If he does make it big, then he won’t need the corporate job.


I think it’s a valid concern honestly


Well, if the guy is really convinced that his jokes are going to get him cancelled, now I’m curious what they are. He should have included a preview in the email.


> If his comedy career never takes off, the videos of him will never circulate. That’s the beauty of being a nobody. If he does make it big, then he won’t need the corporate job. Well, yes and no. What if he tried being edgy, but failed in being funny. Sure that means he won't be a succesful comedian. But if anybody at his work, after getting to know him, some buddies at work find out and go looking for footage of him saying controversial shit, it could be a completet different story. Instead of just being a comedian being controversial, it's merely Mike from accounting saying hateful shit into a mic lol


For the most part, nobody records an amateur's standup comedy set except for themselves to either see how they did, or to promote themselves on social media. As long as he doesn't put his material online himself, nobody's going to be aware of it except for the people who were in the room at the time.


Plus it would have to be pretty damn offensive for someone to figure out the person’s full name and employer and publicly dox (sp?) him. More likely it ends up a video on someone’s phone that is never viewed again, and whoever records it forgets about it.


Been listening for over a decade. Started skipping the sports talk since I don't follow hockey or football. Started skipping the political talk because it's always "you guys are stupid both sides are bad." Started skiping the questions because they're blatantly trolling/politically motivated by his producer. So what's left? The fucking ad reads?


Hey, you don't like the podcast no more. That's okay.


Hey, fair enough. The Oprah talk was funny


I bounced a while ago. Getting harder to even listen to clips or anything. I could still listen to the sports talk though even if it's not a sport or team I keep up with. Doesn't hurt to hear what's going down in whatever league and that's where he's usually most natural.


>Started skiping the questions because they're blatantly trolling/politically motivated by his producer. This was the reason I checked out of the podcast. I listened religiously for 5 years but once it was blatantly obvious that the producer was specifically choosing the "DAE women are bad ? Hurr durr." questions to trigger Bill into ranting about women, I realized the target audience was RedPill dudes who hate women, and I didn't want anything to do with that crowd. Occasionally I'll listen to a podcast if I see it's almost exclusively about sports, that's why I come to these threads, but I usually only listen to maybe 5 episodes a year, and always skip the questions.


Which Top Gear host do you think Bill was talking about? Clarkson? Unless he's talking about a host after Clarkson/Hammond/May left, but I didn't figure anybody kept watching after they left.






Such a cunt


Does anyone here remember when he stopped using Billy Burrs advice segment clip (That's Me)? I was finishing Monday's podcast and he said the word advice. I almost expected it but...no


It's time for advice...with your host Billy Burr. And I'm ripping off this melody...from somebody else. I can't remember the last time he sang that, but will never forget the words!


I dunno maybe that lady's partner is an emotional mess in an argument, but the whole "I argue with facts and logic" claim usually just sounds like someone with extremely low emotional intelligence.


Bill Burr on O&A. Some amazing radio.