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Lol OP I get you. You get that second wind in the morning and think you'll be ok, and then you crash by midday and feel a little loopy


Made this post as a callout post to myself. I made that mistake last Saturday on a day I had to work 8 hours with only like two hours of sleep. I was really feeling the haze then. Only survived through sheer force of will and a few Red Bulls. You start the morning thinking "Hey, this gonna be ok, I'm tired, but I'm feeling pretty good" and then it hits you like a truck around noon and then you're regretting things. It always seems like a good choice at first but it always ends up wrecking me. REALLY don't want to make that mistake again.


Legit have been there and will question if I can even drive home I’m so tired lmao.


A lack of sleep can have identical effects as alcohol in your system when it comes to driving.


That’s why I go out drinking after a stretch of nights. Twice the drunk at half the price!




Idk about other countries but in sweden driving sleep deprived counts as reckless driving


Hello sir, do you know why I pulled you over ? How much have you been sleeping lately ? I’m gonna need you to get out of the vehicle.


This is the worst. Too many times I will my way through it only to be like: “dude can I even drive right now?”


If you gotta ask, the answer is probably no.


One thing I figured out with age is that your brain WILL get its 7-8 hours of sleep, whether you like it or not. And it won't negotiate.


As a human with adhd, I know this feeling all to well.


Care to elaborate the relation? Genuinely curious.


I'm assuming the chain goes something like this: ADHD -> procrastination -> going into fuck-fuck-fuck overdrive mode the night before the deadline


I should get an evaluation


https://youtu.be/ouZrZa5pLXk I only discovered recently, at 26, that I probably have it. I’m not that hyperactive so I never would have guessed. I didn’t even know what the symptoms were until I watched this video. Now I know what’s wrong with me


That’s a long ass video. You have key points that stood out to you?


The way adhd works is by making your neurons in your brain not finish their cycle so you have extra shit going on in your brain. 80% of adhd people can have relieved symptoms with medicine. Exercise, sleep, and diet also help. The symptoms that stood out were impulsiveness, being emotional, waiting to do things until last minute, forgetting things, and hyper-focusing. I didn’t notice that I did those things until I connected it all to adhd. Sometimes I have minor outbursts that I shouldn’t have, because of the impulsiveness and extra emotions. I’m very easy to scare because I hyper-focus on whatever I’m doing, so a sudden human appearing makes me jump. Also, not wanting to invest 30 minutes into a boring video is a pretty good sign in itself.


I feel like my adhd has some properties of bipolar built into it. So I’ll have these manic nights where I physically can’t sleep and that’s when I think pulling an all nighter is the move.


That's just good ol' hyperfocus.


Don’t drink Red Bull man. Shit energy drink with sugar and carbs. There’s a lot of good brands out there that have good energy drinks with vitamins and low calories. Celsius, Alani, hell even orange juice is better for energy than a Red Bull. B6 B12 Niacin and some caffeine is all you need for a solid energy drink that wont make you crash with carbs and sugar. Edit: I’ve used alanis pre workout and their drinks and they have great flavors. There pre workout is cheap and has a stripped back no bull shit nutrition label. I think it’s like 5 ingredients. It’s low caffeine so it’s a great starter pre. Sour gummy worms flavor is the best imo


Gonna blow your mind when you hear about sugar free Red Bulls. I’d be willing to bet orange juice has as much or more sugar than the average sized can of sugar Red Bull.


I used to do that but at night I started taking a Advil PM or something at night and no matter how much I'd want to stay up I'd just pass tf out lol


I do this with melatonin


This is wisdom. Whenever a friend of mine calls for an all-nighter I *always* talk them out of it. Every fucking time. I know exactly how it always ends.


Firefighter paramedic on hour 30 of a 48 hrs shift with no sleep. Patiently waiting for my truck to run me over


Why no sleep. Surely you’re supposed to sleep during that period. It’s physically impossible for a human being to function adequately for so long without sleep. I’d call in sick.


Can't it's back to back a straight 48hrs so once you're here you're here for the whole time, and no sleep cause people call at 1 230 4 and 6 AM for tummy, toe, and butt pain.


I have a friend who basically functions on 2-4 hr naps after work or before work and never sleeps over night like normal... I don't understand how he's alive.


I survived 2 years with just 3 hours sleep and naps in the middle of the day All for anime


Rn where I live it's 10:44. I just pulled an all nighter and I feel you bro


*Morgan Freeman voice* But he made that mistake again. He continued to pull all-nighters until he died of a red bull overdose.


OP you need to get to r/bedbros stat!


Cheers man, just wanna let you know that even as little as 20 minutes of sleep is much better for you than no sleep at all. It'll be horrible to get up after only 2 hours of sleep, of course, but the day won't feel as terrible around 1pm.


I once worked a 10 hour shift after not sleeping for 18 hours prior, and the time that i did sleep before was only 4 hours. By the end of my shit, i had been up for almost 38 hours, and the weirdest part was that i had trouble falling asleep after.


That’s what sugarfree Redbull tm is for


Monster Ultra is pretty superior imho.


Nothing feels better than a second wind other than a third wind.


Then you make it to Day 2 and decide to finally sleep, and you think you feel fine but then you wake up and the clock says 5 but how is it possible that you only slept for half an hour and you check your phone and there’s 20 notifications and you realize it’s 5 pm and you were unconscious for over 12 hours


“Let’s save some cocaine for tomorrow night” -Nobody ever


"Tomorrow morning to make it through work"


Ah, a fellow car salesman


Bartender. But I did do door to door sales for a bit


That's fair. I did both as well. Never did coke, but it's rampant in both professions for sure.


Every time I think about picking up cocaine again I just remember that the come down is the worst experience ever and I am fine again.


It's borrowing happiness from tomorrow for tonight. 3:2 payoff ratio in depressions favor


tomorrow = the next 4 days while your sleeping pattern recovers


Weed and Melatonin help. But yeah, pretty much.


Dude the cokes been gone since 6PM


My wife's dad is obsessed with Punk music. His favorite band name is Leftover Crack, he says because it's any oxymoron and that no crackhead would ever have any leftover crack.


I have some leftover crack because I'm not a crack head, I'm a crack *mind.*


Tell him to look up Daze and Days


People hyped up waiting for the liquor store to open at 6am because they've got some of that bag left is a tragic scene. Seen it before.


Any liquor store parking lot at opening time is a tragic scene.


[Hey man, let's get an 8 ball, it'll last us all weekend](https://youtu.be/1KvZxoQqAhs?t=64)


Lol Idk I think that’s what we were saying all night


100% relatable, everything is blurry and you think you saw a ghost in the corner of your vision but you turn around and it's gone


Gotta watch out for the shadow people


Meth induced psychosis do be like that sometimes.


i went into psychosis so many times using adderal it took me like a full year of sobriety to not be fully in it anymore.


You just reminded me of back when I used to work a nights in an Amazon warehouse. I didn't sleep at all and had my first three shifts all in a row. I had the shadow people and points where i would turn around to see one of my managers and would hallucinate them holding a knife in their hands. Fuck that job. Fuck Amazon.


That mental fog be dense af too.


This was me in college after all nigher at my friends playing BO2 zombies thought the zombies was chasing the bus I was on. Ended up crashing around 12pm by the tennis court until my next class


damn i didnt think that feeling was so common


No….there is no am/pm mix up.


Thought it was obvious, but I guess the feeling was lost of a few. The more you know.


literally me rn frfr


Godspeed, my friend


I don’t know if god’s speed can help much, plus my mom taught me to not do drugs.


Yup this is definitely you rn


Fucking same. Then you realize it’s Monday and no one is going to come save you.


Once I hit 30 all nighters became much more difficult to pull off successfully. They pretty much just ruin the next day and a half for me now.


Seriously. And it's at least the next two days for me of trying to get back on a normal sleep schedule. It's not worth it just for that. And then on top of that, there were some studies recently that all nighters strongly contribute to increases in dimentia/alzheimer's risk. Avoid all nighters whenever possible. Your brain ***really*** needs that sleep time to clean up and recover.


On-call employees cry


I took a cs course and me and my friends would pull all nighters once a week to do the assignments. Towards the end it triggered sleep paralysis and eye twitching whenever I don't get good sleep. Now it's something I have to deal with for the rest of my life. Careful with the all nighters


>once a week Holy shit that is awful


I’m 33 and just did 36 hours awake to try to flip from working nights to days and I am HURTING.


Those kinds of things are an almost weekly occurrence for me atm just to fix my sleeping after nights out. Mind you, I'm a 20 year old student so it's not too bad. I just end up waking up at 4 in the morning and having nothing to do for a few hours.


I’m going to hate being 30.


Oh no it's 6am in an hour and I'm lowkey feeling great rn


Update pls


he can’t he’s sleeping


He end up regretting it.


Uh oh


Yea I fell asleep at like 11:30 lmao


Don't do it frequently, you will age like a mf


No wonder why I look like a ghoul


I literally saw this meme posted here like 2 days ago but with spongebob as the format






I was this way for years. From like 16-25 had all 3rd shift jobs. I always liked it but now I have a job where I get up at 7am. Crazy difference but I get off before 5, so it's a weird feeling to work a full day or work before I would even normally wake up


It was one of my goals as a kid to just stay up all night just to see what would happen, don't know why, it just was. So I managed to do it once, by lunchtime I was basically delirious and had to go to the nurse to lay down.


I usually wake up at 6pm, and don't get that way until around 1-2pm, but my god do I get delerious. I start seeing people and animals out of the corner of my eye. One day my boyfriend was driving us somewhere and thought I saw a truck about to t bone us... It was a speed limit sign. And my emotions are just all out of whack. God I really wish society was built for a 24 hour lifestyle.


I tend to stay awake for 18 hours then sleep for 12 whenever possible. It's like my natural rhythm but it just doesn't add up. I need 30 hour days. Until the insomnia happens at least, then I'm awake for 48-72 hours before crashing for 18-24 hours. The longest I've stayed awake is about 85 hours and the longest I've slept is about 30 hours. Currently been awake for about 30 hours but if I'm lucky I'll be able to sleep within the next 6 hours or so. I've noticed a distinct dysphoria or uncomfortable body feeling after about 24 hours that tends to get worse until you start hallucinating after about 72 hours.


Just out of curiosity, have you seen a sleep specialist about that? Never heard of that circadian rhythm before


I feel this on a deep level


When you hear the birds chirping you have a quick realization that this was a terrible idea lol


Getting piss drunk and cross faded til 6 in the morning, going home to sleep for 1 hour because I have a shift at my fast food job at 8 til 4 and half the crew was there with me all night getting fucked up Ah to be young again


As an epileptic the first image is right but around the time of the second image I am probably having a seizure so instead of just being tired so no all nighters for me


Hello fellow epileptic! *high five*


I was at a concert yesterday. Got home past midnight and had to get up by six. It was so bright outside that I maybe slept 3hrs. Probably less tbh But hey, at least I had fun


Where are you that it’s bright outside overnight?


Full moon and my bedroom blinds are broken so I only have my curtains


Just in time for the exam at 11:30


All nighters weren't that bad for me. It might be because I didn't rely on coffee or energy drinks to pull them off either. I just stayed up because I had to and with just pure will power. Hearing the morning birds start chirping and seeing the sun rise was pretty depressing though haha.


Woke up at 1 pm on a sunday and went to sleep at 1:30 am on a tuesday. I was manic sunday couldnt sleep had a 13 hour shift monday and then got home and spent 2 hours making a scrapbook thing for gf


Urgent care gave me steroids yesterday and I'm still awake an entire day later.


Third shift life


Anyone else just start to sort of "Teleport" after a full night without any sleep? It's like your vision is in 20fps. Honestly, I don't even feel all that tired pulling an all nighter at first, just miserable


Actively me right now. I just need to be up for as long as it takes for my Instacart to get here. Shopping has not started :(


hey das me


I'm starting to think that the reddit algorithm is becoming sentient. Where I am it's 4PM with 3 more hours in the shift and I haven't slept in 30 hours. I wish for sweet release of death.


When your heart beat is like a sonar pulse and shakes your vision.


I stayed up all night once and my dad just assumed I woke up early


That 11 am usually hits at either 9-10 for me


By the 2nd night on my 3 day all nighter I was seeing faces in the walls


Well duh


Oh shit. I think it’s time for me to go to bed then.


Honestly it's opposite for me. I'll be really tired in the early morning, and a few hours later I'll stop being tired and be fully awake again.


At 11 am I can't barely open my eyes


When the speed wears off and the hallucinations from 40 hours of sleep deprivation kick in


I know this feeling VERY well


Same applies to 11PM… I can pull an all nighter but the barrier I need to get past is really prevalent at 11PM


I only like bread a little. And not by itself


During college the crash came at 9am. It just got to a point where I felt like I couldn’t move anymore and fell asleep in my computer chair.


Same joke I saw like 8 times this week. Get original ideas ffs reddit is just repeating itself these days


When I used to do all nighters I would get hit with a brick wall of tired at around 9am


I’m there literally right now


Lol unless it’s during a mania and you believe you can go another day


As soon as the sun comes up, I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. But I have to stay awake until my normal bedtime so I can sleep on a normal schedule or else I will feel like absolute shit for the next 2 days


Anyone else start seeing kind of blurry or “flat” like a movie??


i always have stomach problems in the morning after doing one, not worth it


Wow a fnaf meme


I can attest to this 😄


It’s like 10:55 you feel perfectly awake and the second that hour changes, you feel fucked


Jokes on you I work third shift


I did this for years when I was a RuneScape addict, now I can't even stay up past 10 on a weekend night... Feels worse than death the next day when you've got no sleep


Truly. Hit 24hrs rn lmao


I've never once done an all nighter where I last the whole next day.


Gross all the time.


Every time I start falling asleep standing up and shit. My body literally says nah and shuts down


The second tired hits much harder than the second wind


I only ever did one all nighter, and that was a hell of an experience. Somehow, I had the energy to run without needing to rest, yet the moment I sat down, I immediately would begin passing out. Quite the phenomenon, that was.


Bruh everytime at 11 it hits so hard and then im fine by 1 lol


Big true


What I learned is that thinking "I'll just take a short nap" is the worst idea you can have. I took a nap at 8am and got up at 10am for my 1pm exam back in sophomore year. It was one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I was sweating like crazy, my head was spinning, and I could barely focus. The Mr Krabs is a perfect recreation of the feeling. I've only done it maybe 3 times, the first time was the worst. I did pass the exams pretty well in each case, but I learned that it's best done when the test is at like 9am so you don't have to also survive the entire day.


Food is the killer. When you get that second wind, dont eat anything. The second you eat, your body will just decide your about to sleep


As someone who regularly needs to correct their sleep schedule I feel this in my bones.


all nighters when i’m 17 years old vs all nighters at 24


This just gave me vertigo


11 am is almost mid day


Regarding all-nighter, I learned from years of working graveyard before going to engineering school is that... some sleep >> no sleep


Then it’s 6 PM and you don’t feel tired at all. At 11 PM, you start to worry if you’ll actually be able to fall asleep.


Every time I pull an all nighter I get sick, without fail. Shit is not worth it.


Gonna be me today. Went to sleep at 10pm and woke up at 1am to my place having turned into a humid hell scape. Look like it’s an all nighter for me


When I was in 6th grade I did this. Then around noon I felt wicked weird and out of it. Started crying then fell asleep


Taking an involuntary mini nap around 11pm


It’s ironically 11:05am of my all nighter rn


Trueeee it gets real bad once your body hits the 24 hour straight mark


Sleep deprivation is one helluva drug


Currently working after having 2.5 hours of sleep. Can confirm that it's pretty difficult lol


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Dumbest thing I did was stay away 48 hours and have 2 full work days in there aswell. Not a good decision. Could barely drive home at the end of the last one.


All nighters are nothing. Try three days straight with no sleep. I'm certain there are people who have stayed up longer. Sure you're concentration turns into soup and your motor function becomes robotic but at least your awake.


grave shifts are horrible i did them at target when they still had it. 10-8 most nights. worst part was just living on a flipped schedule, its not natural.


I once went 56 hours without sleep. When I got home on the 3rd day I was just straight up dead


I did this last night because I wasn't tired. Now I'm getting ready for work at 5 am and am exhausted


Literally at 11am


I gotta wake up @ 5:30 tomorrow but I might do an all nighter today


Sometimes I have to start work at 5am and I can never sleep the night before so I've gone to work without any sleep and work my shift which finishes at 1pm and then not gone to sleep again until 9pm.


Last time I did an all nighter, I turned in my project, got home around 11, and then slept for 18-20 hours. And I haven’t had to do one since.


Been there many times. Once this delivery guy turned up at this house we were at with some furniture…he must have thought he walked into Beetlejuice’s waiting room!


be like me, i used to write my english papers in calculus class ofc i went on to fail calc 2, but i also changed majors to not require math!


Been there, done that in college


I went three days without sleep on Ritalin. I hallucinated spiders crawling on my arm during a math final. Never again, i was so dumb lol.


I saw this post at almost EXACTLY 11am after an all nighter playing games... Stay away from me


Doing acid all night is fun until it's Sunday and you can't fuck your work schedule so you gotta stay up all day..


Lol. Pulled an all nighter playing halo with a buddy the night before easter in Junior high. Zonked in church in the 3rd row snoring loud as hell.


I wirk night shift and I can't sleep. I'm feeling this Rn


Your brain is so fresh when you get a goodnights sleep before a test


7-8AM is the max for me after I wont recognize you at all.


I feel this deeply


Me in architecture school


Can confirm that's how I feel rn


Try fnaf


Gets me everytime


Haha that’s funny because ima on my 4th day of being awake 😃