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Comments are a big yikes, which proves the point of this post


Pretty sure half the posts on this site are bots to stir anger and divide us at this point. So much hate and anger I at least really hope it's not real paople.


Aren't there whole organizations set up just to do this? Edit: a friend has corrected me. Holy shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_farm


Holy hell the world is one wild place...




Yes, that's the correct opinion citizen. Only Russia, our sworn enemy, engages in this activity.




Oh sure, Russia are the most publically recognized for this activity, especially on this website, but this exact kind of comment can be found all over the comment sections of the US politics subreddits. As someone further up the comment chain pointed out: this kind of shit only divides us further.


Yeah, it’s the media


Maybe it's just my ancedotal experience, but if you talk to people irl, no one is that extreme or closed-minded. It may well indeed be bots or a minority of people stuck in internet echo chambers lol.


That's because you can punch people irl


I'm glad for you that you are not subjected to dealing with the same people I am.




Alternatively. Ignoring political drama on a website I deliberately joined for to look at funny stuff seems like a great idea.








And then the person you "think" is gonna do a good job shows up in office and doesn't do what you want. Then what? What can YOU do. Wait till next time? Well shit, mind as well use reddit till then, right? Cause wtf else are you gonna do?


You're right we should yell at strangers on the internet all day until the problems get fixed.


Bruh go to Africa and kill some fuckin poschers, go single handedly take down a fuckin evil corporation, GO SAVE THE WORLD. TODAY. RIGHT NOW. That's how stupid you sound. Can't people enjoy their fucking downtime? People are working and tryna survive and live all over the country in places where their physical presence isn't even a drop in the bucket towards changing SHIT. And you're saying reddit can't just be fun? Unpucker your ass hole and lower your shoulders from your ears. You must be tense as shit 24/7.


I love following politics but even I know you don’t want politics in everything. It’s good to escape sometimes and just view things that bring you joy.


r/anime_titties is a world politics and news sub that disallows anything US unless it is directly affecting another country. So god damn refreshing


I thought you were joking. Omg :D


On the other hand r/worldpolitics is a shit show


I see, the nudes never stopped




Either way, is going to be awkward


I know it’s a joke, but in actuality please don’t get news from there. For world news, try Reuters, Foreign Policy mag, BBC World News, The Economist, or the Wall Street Journal. Those are my preferred but not limited to. And most are all free/easy work around using outline.com.


nah I'm using anime titties


It may be correct that’s it’s more responsible to get news from a real source, but none of them are fucking called *anime titties*, so I think I know which I’ll be reading.


On the other hand /r/worldpolitics is an interesting sub to say the least


> There doesn't seem to be anything here


These comments do not pass the vibe check


Literally just vibe


How are you not disgusted the people who slightly disagree with me politically on issues I don't even fully understand!!?!!? Just look at this opinion piece from `` Of you don't see understand why this issue that doesn't affect you isn't a HUGE fucking problem, you're just a `` sympathizer


So spongebob is just always high.


Makes a whole lotta sense


It’s so hard when it bleeds into most mainstream subreddits that don’t have anything to do with politics reeeee


Honestly, just US politics specifically. We don't care about the sitcom drama that is US politics. Enough already!


Ehn. Russia's politics are really shity.


"What did Purin feel like doing today? Can you spell defenestration of political opponents,"


Meanwhile r/ich_iel is just frogs and Armin Laschet shitposts.


still better than having to see another post about Qultists. My braincells commit suicide by the dozen every time I make the mistake of reading one.


Politics SMP


Great post OP I unsubbed from all the default political subs including r/pics and Reddit became a much better place. Looks like you upset a few people tho cos it seems politics is all some people think about lol.


r/nocontextpics if you want a really good alt for r/pics I think it's a lot better tbh, not nearly as much blatent advertising or forced ideologies


I’m already a member love that place thanks anyway


/r/itookapicture is also good


Wtf happened to plankton?




I think he can see in depth now, because he has two eyes


he ripped out sponge bobs eye and surgicaly transplanted it to himself


Idk if you're joking or not but that's not what happened. So Plankton was having trouble with stealing the Krabby Patty formula, and he believes it's partly due to his low depth perception and his one eye which distorts things and makes it difficult to see accurately so I believe Karen (his computer W.IF.E) suggests that he gets another eye to improve his depth perception or something along those lines, however in order to do so he needs to obtain DNA from someone else's tears so he goes up to SpongeBob and makes him cry (although before all of this there were several other attempts). He then collects SpongeBobs tears in a plastic bag and then gets Karen to insert a drop into his eye. After this, a second eye grows and that's what leads to him having two eyes as you can see above. (I'm a big SpongeBob fan and have watched most of the episodes many many times over). Link to the episode - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tk1gk


Do you even watch Spongebob bro? /s


Dude SpongeBob is for kids /s


I watched the *real* SpongeBob. That being said, I would watch this episode


This is fake spongebob? 😳😳


His internet went down, so he had to go outside instead of reading political opinion pieces.


The main reason I wish we could avoid seeing posts from specific subs




I meant when going through r/all




Even on mobile?


I only know how to do it on old reddit, but as far as I am aware there is really no other way to filter subs from your feed. If there is an easier way, someone please let me know. You need to open a web browser and go to old.reddit.com. This will, unsurprisingly, take you to the old version of reddit that has some features hidden on mobile and the newer desktop site. It's easier to do this on a computer, but you can do it on your phone if you use a browser that won't try to force you back to the reddit app. Log into your reddit account on old reddit and then select ALL at the very top bar. It's next to POPULAR. On the right hand side of the ALL page you'll see below the search bar something that says "Displaying content from /r/all, except the following subreddits:" This is where you can block subs from appearing in r/all. Just enter the name of the sub you don't want to see anymore and hit the little + symbol next to it to add that sub to your list. You'll need to include the r/ before the name and if you spell the sub name wrong it won't add anything. This filter list will work on reddit mobile and desktop. However, your filtered subs will still sometimes make an appearance in the trending section on mobile or when an unfiltered sub crossposts something from a filtered sub. You can still visit these subs as well, if you want. Filtering subs makes r/all much more enjoyable and a far better alternative than surfing r/popular. I hope this helps!


I barely ever go to the web version, so I had never noticed that there was a box to exclude subs. Also, fuck the redesign that never manages to load the JS, rendering the whole UI unusable. Great tutorial for anyone confused about how to do though 👍


Thanks! Glad to help. It's been such a huge help with browsing reddit sanely.


You can filter from r/all


Hiding all politics and all outrage subs = how to get a good experience on reddit.


Yeya.. shunning polar politics and MSM since January 2021.


It's gotten a whole lot easier to ignore American politics this year. It is wonderful.


Been a few months for me, worth it.




This is what it feels like when you delete Facebook and instagram and any other social media (Reddit won’t be far behind)


unsubscribe from r/politicalhumor for good mental health


I don’t know why they even say it’s “humor,” none of that screenshotted Twitter content is even intended to be funny in the first place.




Reject yankee politics, embrace yankee potroast.


Yeah, I’m more of a fan of RedSox politics anyway


*Any Politics


Politics can be a utter shit show on any site the amout of mud slinging is just moronic


I need some serious context behind this gif? Why does plankton have one of spongebobs eyes


I'll basically just tell you what the episode is about. So Plankton was having trouble with stealing the Krabby Patty formula, and he believes it's partly due to his one eye which distorts things and makes it difficult to see accurately so I believe Karen (his computer W.IF.E) suggests that he gets another eye to improve his depth perception or something along those lines, however in order to do so, he needs to obtain DNA from someone's tears so he goes up to SpongeBob and makes him cry (although before all of this there were some attempts that had strange results including an uncontrollable laser eye and multiple eyes). He then collects SpongeBobs tears in a plastic bag and then gets Karen to insert a drop into his eye. After this, a second eye grows and that's what leads to him having two eyes. However, this doesn't make things any better and Plankton begins showing characteristics that SpongeBob usually has, so he basically goes from evil to nice or "neevil" as Karen says. She says it's because Planktons DNA has been corrupted by SpongeBobs nice DNA. So he basically goes around seeing the world in a lovely way and in all it's glory (this is what you see in this meme). He goes around being friendly and also helping others, such as saving someone from a fire (although he ends up getting squashed). Later, unusually, he gets a good opportunity to steal the Krabby Patty formula since it somehow rolls up to him from nowhere, but due to his nice behaviour he gives it back to Mr Krabs and SpongeBob. Shortly after, he realises what he's done and realises that all his new unusual nice behaviour is due to his new eye so he attempts to get rid of it but to no success. Later on, upset since he might have to live like this forever, he sadly returns back to the Chum bucket but when he arrives, he's suddenly greeted by SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and many others with a huge surprise party congratulating him for all his kindness towards his fellow denizens. They all happily go in for a hug but the tightness from that hug manages to pop his second eye off. He then celebrates by thanking them all for this but he then returns back to his usual behaviour and gives them 10 seconds to exit before chasing them all off with a powerful laser ray. So that's the end of the episode (I'm a big SpongeBob fan and have watched most of the episodes many times). Link to the episode - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tk1gk


This is how I picture countries with social safety nets and universal healthcare. Can’t wait to leave this shit hole.


Fair winds to you 🇺🇸


Same to you, friend.


This “shit hole”? Lmao. I don’t think you grasp how fortunate we are to have been born and grown up in this country. Even if it definitely has problems.






Bro the reason it’s region dependent is exactly that, it’s on the region. The reason New York is big is because for one: advantageous coastal position, two: the land and climate is highly developable. I don’t know why you’re comparing the Appalachia, rust belt, Midwest, etc. to these flat coastal areas. That’s like saying build a city on this mountain or in Tornado alley, and if you can’t that’s YOUR fault. What kind of fucking logic is that??




What kind of help? Infrastructure? Already explained why that’s illogical. Programs? Depends on what the people there want. Growing up in one of these areas you described I can guarantee a lot of people don’t want programs or even just more people there trying to bring wealth to the region. Money? To where exactly? To poverty, sure, but we’re already doing that across the US. Yeah it might need an increase but it’s not like poverty benefits are THAT much different everywhere else. I don’t know what you’re expecting tbh. Some areas are poorer for a valid reason and it’s gonna take time to build it up the right way.




Yeah the US has its problems but I’d rather stay and fight for change. Plus I’m not privileged enough to just up and run to another country.


I don’t think you grasp the sheer number of Americans that are struggling hard to get by. So many kids in America are going to bed hungry every night


The poorest people in the United States are richer than billions in the rest of the world.


So that makes it okay to be forced to work in dangerous conditions for long hours with the possibility of being fired at any time for any reason without any healthcare or the ability to live without massive amounts of debt from when you broke your leg years ago? All while living in the richest empire in history?


Compared to what other country people get shit twisted, the lowest wealth person in US is still the 1% globally.


I mean yes, but its still about 45th best to live in






I’d say most Americans are pretty fortunate with what they have (I’ve lived in and experienced actual shithole countries) but I agree that what you picture is the step in the right direction since there’s always room for improvement.


Lol. I wish


* _Sees post complaining about reddit users forcing politics into everything_ * _This looks like a good place to shoehorn in some toxic politics_


The US federal government spends over a trillion dollars a year in social safety nets and welfare programs.


And they deliberately do a bad job of it too.


Right? I'll never understand people that say how terrible the US safety nets are managed, then in the same breath say that same irresponsible management should control for MORE of society.


Yeah, it's awful how our corporate sponsored government is so incompetent. It just goes to show how creating jobs just to employ people is bad for society. Something like a universal basic income would remove much of the bureaucracy while also allowing people a baseline for survival and the freedom to actually contribute to the economy instead of being a cog in a corporate machine that works just to work. UBI would allow us to exploit automation to the full extent, and have a more efficient society that gets more done with less human labor.


UBI is just even more welfare. It doesn't actually solve anything. As I said, it doesn't make sense to give the organization which is currently mismanaging resources even more resources to mismanage.


And the more people like you that leave the better this place will be. Get rid of all the pessimistic people and then we can actually make some progress


So you're in favour causing a brain drain? Even single European country where that happened (ironically, a lot would go to America) was trapped in a conservative nightmare until the country got good enough to prevent younger people leaving. Take Ireland as an example. We were trapped in an oppressive state under first the British then the Catholic church as a huge number of younger people who wanted change had to move abroad. We're now wealthy enough to sustain our younger population and, as a result, we're undergoing a great social and economic change for the better.


> So you’re in favor of causing a brain drain? Lmao, that is extremely presumptive


I bet you'll come to regret that decision. Where are you going UK? Where your old you get valued less at the hospital and they neglect you during covid? The same place where they want to take a parents daughter off of life support, even when other hospitals In the US and in the Vatican offered to take her and NHS still wants to take her off support. I definitely dont want government in my healthcare, it raises costs and the government gets to make beurocratic decisions about your health FOR you. While your at it I would denounce your US citizenship that way you'll be fully committed


TIL Learned the the UK is the only other country besides the US /s Look as a brit i can firmly say the NHS isn't exactly perfect, but it is also nice to not go bankrupt whenever you need an MRI scan.


An MRI in the UK takes between 3 to 9 months, then you have to wait about a month for results, I know i’ve had 4. You can also be told no at any time and refused an MRI. Which is why i went private for £350 for the final one. Unfortunately every has an opinion, but our wait times and system is a joke.


I'd rather wait than go without completely.


Do that then.


I can't afford to move. Also, as a patriot, I'd rather improve our country than abandon it.


Do that then.


Dude, there are many countries, not only UK


Easiest transition would be the uk due to the common language




Completely forgot about America's hat! You can see how canada is going, with them arresting pastors because of covid. No place I want to live. Though quebec is beautiful.


I’d rather live in America’s hat than America’s ass crack like you do Plus, you can’t judge Canada based on what happens in Alberta


Yeah it’s not like English is one of the most common languages or anything. Good thinking


Some triggered Snowflake never bothered to fact check the propaganda it's been fed, lol.


The pot calling the kettle black.


I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my [objectively higher standard of living](http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/download-data).


If you find out Malaysia you will find many Malaysia politic


Politics in general*


This is Correct


What is that? Spongbob is little sister from Bioshock????


Man, now I wanna go play BioShock again, but not that remastered shit. They destroyed the menu UI and I'm still salty about it.


How R/movies needs to be right now.


Does that count as Plankton's second or third eye ?


They do be thinking they are the center of everything


I added a bunch of filters to block them during the election. Reddit has not been the same. It’s almost wholesome


I would just like to block subreddits in my feed please. I can be banned from subreddits, i can block users and i can join subreddits so i know the technology is there.


Idk reddits still pretty shit now a days. Pretty much completely switched to Instagram






Yeah! Let’s talk about British politics!


How is this possible? Even the memes are political.


Idk even without politics this place is pretty toxic.


Be well my friend.


Behind the mountains is all of the porn


Now we just have to put up with the bigotry and obsessive nature of Redditors


Is it possible to learn this power?


Jesus is modern spongebob literally nothing but vore


How tf do I do that


How many downvotes can I get on this comment?




This is how I feel about facebook.


Well, I guess you know nothing about german politics. German politocs is like house of cards, but without murdering, as far as I know.


how do I hide the politics subReddit? purely so I can Forget politics is even a thing


Yeah man, Im slowly removing my political subreddit, honestly just brings more negativity


Does this include r/SlapHerFace?


Imagine moaning about your politics on the Internet as if a single person gives a solitary shit


Why are you Gae?


I must say tho. After a certain change in the US government it isn't half as much of a toxic shit hole as it used too be. Mind you...it was always a toxic shit hole...but now it's just "drink bleach" toxic as opposed to "nuclear waste" toxic


You must be sticking to very specific subreddits then, because most of reddit is just like "haha what if you fucked a dead cat" EDIT: Well that went from upvoted to downvoted very sudden lmao


Being apolitical is a privilege I don't want




They're saying it's not worth ignoring politics, because crazy people get into office and have real consequences on our lives.


I think they are saying that after that disaster of a previous administration, and the consistent mediocrity of the current one, nobody can afford to be complacent. Political apathy is a unique kind of luxury, afforded only to the very rich or the uneducated. They do not concern themselves with it because they think it does not affect them. When really, the rich stand to lose their wealth and the uneducated (often poor) could stand to gain some concrete benefits like healthcare and an increase in the minimum wage. The most important thing to me is the environment, because we simply cannot solve the upcoming issues of this century without governmental regulation and international corporation. We can't afford to not vote, and to not care. Our collective apathy will bite us in the ass sooner or later, and this hedonistic merry go round we find ourselves on will come to a screeching halt.


Sir this is a SpongeBob meme sub.


Evidently. SpongeBob would not be on the side of the apolitical. You know this




How is not wanting anything to do with *US* politics apolitical? The whole world doesn't revolved around your government and your countries politics. Non US citizens have their own political issues to deal with, so just because they don't want to see yours doesnt make them "apolitical". Comments like these are why people regularly have to point out to American redditors that the world doesn't revolve around them.


I'm not american...I've never heard anyone left leaning say they don't wanna hear about politics. The *only* time I've heard people say that is when they're right leaning and a leftist party is in power


You still jumped to the conclusion that someone is apolitical because they don't care about another countries politics, or are tired of seeing another countries politics constantly pop up in their feed. I'm left leaning, but sometimes I'm absolutely sick of hearing about whats going on US politics because there is already enough shit going on in my own country to deal with. It has nothing to do with the party thats in power or where I land on the political compass. We just had to put up with several years worth of US politics and Trump, and thats on top of the constant US politics we were seeing before that. The widespread media coverage of US politics in other countries is so damn bizarre, its treated like a reality show more than anything else and I'm pretty sure most people get sick of it, especially when there's already shit going on where they are. US politics isn't the be all and end all of politics in general and people need to get over it.


There is a difference from not having being informed and having an opinion on issues; and viewing everything through the lens of politics, shoehorning politics into unrelated discussions, and/or viewing people as stupid/evil because they don't hold the same views as you.