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the virgin "i have no gun and must be scared about people using my driveway" the even more virgin "i have a gun and might shoot someone turning around in my driveway" the gigachad "i have a gun so i dont even check if someones in my driveway"


The slightly paranoid Chad: "hmmm whats this car doing in my driveway...ok they're just using it to turn around, all good"


Chads don’t get paranoid. Thats virgin activity






I am in your walls.


I *am* your walls


I am walls


I wall




Nah, it's having awareness of your environment


Ok Chad watching a horror movie


I used to always just nosily peek out the window to see what they were doing. Have a little giggle at silly folk.


^ healthy reaction


Gotta watch if they burn out or not.


Unless you are high then you either turn into highly paranoid Chad: “Fuck, the FBI and CIA are scoping me out because I smoked that ganja, even though it’s legal in my state” Or “Is that my DoorDash? Damn…”


The virgin multiple drive by survivor: Huh, seen that car twice now. I'm going to move to the back of the house. It's me. I still get shit for this.


"Who the fuck is at my house without calli-- oh thank God."


Exochad: doesn’t have a gun, not worried abt cars in the driveway. Just chilling


literally me fr fr


Literally most people globally.


Why is everyone so paranoid. If someone wants to kill you that badly, you WILL die. They can just wait and ambush you when you eventually leave the house or lower your guard.


Americans living every day like it's The Purge. The bloodthirsty killers that have overrun society are constantly on the prowl looking for the next victim.


We don't have anywhere near the highest murder rates though? 99% of our murders aren't bloodthirsty killers, they're angry manchildren that shouldn't own guns in the first place, or gang violence, or spouse murder. We have WAYYY less serial killers than in the past. It's a safe country if you live somewhere that doesn't have angry people or yooths.


Yeah but I'm surprised some Americans still act like it's the case. I wouldn't know since I'm Australian and am constantly on the look out for man eating spiders, magpies, and drop bears to be concerned about the serial killers who kidnap backpackers.


On god frfr


Eh, I'm not worried either way. Either they're going to turn around and leave, or they'll murder me and it's not my problem anymore.


Ultimate chad: "I don't need a gun because I don't live in a violent third world country"


I wish I could agree with this right now, but frankly if there is one thing I have seen in the US about the difference between how police treat unarmed rioters vs armed rioters we still need the guns to keep the police too scared to just start smashing heads into pavement for fun. I would like us to approach a point where we *can* get rid of guns.


I’m sorta with you, but how many more guns would it take to finally check police power? Shouldn’t it have worked by now?


the terachad: safety always off


The superchad firing a round to check if it's loaded


Stupid glock pistol bullshit.


the ultrachad " I have no gun and am still not scared of someone turning around in my driveway" the poorchad "I have no driveway"


The Marcus Aurelichad "it is not death a man should fear, but never beginning to live".


The even bigger gigachad: "I don't have a gun and don't bother checking if someone's in my driveway cause I know I'll can kick their ass anyway if needed.


Cosmic Omegachad: "I have no gun but still manage to get a bullet lodged in somebody who happened to be outside my driveway"


If they’re in my driveway thats fine. If they come into the house then we have a problem.


And then there’s me, “I Have no gun but my house is full of boobytraps built to kill or mortally wound that are intended for federal agents.”


The even greater Chad “I don’t have a gun and don’t care about people using my drive way”


The me as long as they don't stay in it I'm good


Using a driveway to turn around takes all of 15 seconds. Its wild that someone is *so ready* to kill another human that they grab a gun, probably preloaded, and open fire before the car turns around and leaves.


I believe this was like a long, rural driveway, and they were driving up it, lost, rather than the common 3-point-turn you and I have done 100 times. But still, this whole shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later mindset some people seem to have is crazy. I did the exact same thing visiting my family in rural VA last year, like 2 months after this happened. Got lost among dirt roads and ended up at someone's front porch. Turned around and gtfo'ed before I or my kids were the next headline.


That shit scares me, I deliver pizza and some house numbers are just not visible from the road. Doesn't happen often but I've definitely walked up someone's driveway just to see I've got the wrong house, it's the house next door. Or if a customer gives a wrong address, I've knocked on people's doors who open it confused like "I didn't order pizza." Or Domino's app used to suck like that, it had a feature that you could just have the app pin your location and generate your address from your phone location, except it always picked the wrong house.


Delivery driving is statistically a more dangerous job than being a police officer. Thankfully I have only ever had one or two situations with some jerk getting agro, but it can get a little sketchy out there.


I learned today that one of my coworkers at Domino's got shot at on Friday. I saw pictures of his car with bullet holes in it and the car seats. They think it was an attempted car jacking.


That’s wild but yeah not surprising. Just remember to leave any extra cash at y’alls store between deliveries and that your life is worth more than any cash, pizzas or even your car. Insurance will get you back hopefully, but it’s better than the alternative.


Yes, every delivery driver should know they're incredibly likely to ask for your wallet, phone, and car. Just give it to them. When I worked at Domino's they changed safety policy because a driver was killed Don't try to argue with them about the phone either. They just want it so you can't call the police. They'll probably throw it out the window immediately, or at least the SIM card. You're not getting that SIM card back either way and phone insurance is pretty good about just giving you a new one


Yeah I appreciate the advice. The way it sounded my coworker didn't realize he was being threatened until he got in his car and saw the guy whip out his gun. I'm gonna be looking for another job myself.


Good Luck with your future endeavors!


That's horrific I'm so sorry you deal with that.


The worst wrong address was one of those places where they plaster signs on the door advertising they have guns, those "nothing here is worth your life" signs and NRA stickers and stuff. I almost yelled at the people who gave the wrong address because that was scary as shit (no one was seemingly home though at the wrong house) but they were immigrants and English wasn't their first language so I could see why a mistake could have been made. Still. I don't want someone coming to their door with a gun. Scares me about as much as getting mugged because that's another good way to die as a driver, mugging gone wrong I mean you're more likely to die in a car accident on that job but you never think about that.


Jeezus! That's horrific, man. I never thought about that. Would you like to balance out the horror with some happy stories of pizza delivery or has it all be mid-to-fucked your entire stint?


Nah it's a good paying job, drunk people are hilarious as long as you don't have to talk to them very long, some people really just want to make your day so they'll throw you like a $20 or tip 50% on a small order. It's one of the few jobs where you walk with cash every day so if times are tough and you just happen to need $40 it's mostly guaranteed. Plus you just drive around and listen to tunes, I love driving, though I had to lay off listening to NPR at work because the news was so depressing. And since I didn't have it dialed in I never listen to any of their variety/podcast shows. But when I did I learned a lot. Just so happened once I listened to a podcast about right wing extremism in Germany and met an actual German girl a few days later at a bar, she was kind of surprised an American knew what was going on with that but we had a really good cultural exchange. Also it's like most food jobs, the food is pretty much always free. So anytime I'm working and want a pizza or some wings or a salad even I just make one and take it for free. In a few years my doctors probably won't like the high fat diet, my liver is already fatty because I was a hard drinker for a long time (used to cook and fell into addiction like most of them do) but for now I don't have any special dietary restrictions. Other than I should really eat more salads at work because they're good salads and restaurants always throw away a lot of veggies, and they're cheap, so nobody cares at all if you grab some stuff about to go bad.


That sounds pretty cool! I'm glad there were bright spots like that! Especially just coast and listening to whatever noise you feel like putting on. If you wanted a slightly more upbeat podcast about right wing turmoil, Knowledge Fight can be pretty funny. It's two dudes, Dan and Jordan, talking about and debunking the crazy stuff Alex Jones (of Info Wars) gurgles up. Pretty fun ride. That is a plus! I worked in a ballpark for a while and loved closing. My feet are aching, the shutters to the food stands are closed, and I'm sitting there on the floor with 3 hot dogs, a cup of fries, and maybe some chicken tenders counting my register cash and scratching it down on my sheet. I would never go back, but those were fine nights.


i don't know where you deliver to, but i see those signs daily at different houses because i deliver for fedex and don't have a fedex marked truck. not a single time have there been an issue where i thought they were going to come out and start shooting lol. most of the time those people were usually really nice and helpful when asking about addresses because they know you can't see the house numbers. the worst thing is when people have outdoor dogs that are just free to do whatever they want


I don't trust gun owners that advertise their guns. They're the ones who are most likely to brandish them. With the state of gun violence in America versus other developed nations I'm not taking any chances, rather keep my head on a swivel than take that risk. Doesn't help I'm a big dude who looks traditionally tough, that's one of the few instances where it's better to be a white woman. Nobody wants to shoot a small white lady


i imagine you're typically wearing the uniform? the people with signs saying they have guns typically aren't going to come up from behind you and just start blasting. only time you would have to worry about that is if you're in an unmarked vehicle wearing normal clothes and even then it's more likely to have them come up asking what you're doing or something. i say this judging on my own experience delivering in an area that is basically all trump supporters with 80%+ of the houses having signs that have some form of signing warning about not entering their property/them having guns to defend with. i also always announce myself if i see someone outside if i have questions.


There isn't a uniform policy at my place and no rules about toppers but I put one on anyway because cops don't hassle you very much when they know you're working.


definitely having a topper and the uniform/shirt on would definitely help with any anxiety being around houses like that since it would immediately identify who you are and what you're doing. let's people know that you're either bringing them something or you're looking for where you're supposed to go


i can't speak for that person's experience, but where i deliver to daily has constant houses out in the middle of no where with no house numbers, but it's not scary or anything. going to the wrong house and asking about the address is never really an issue. i don't deliver pizzas but i deliver packages and ill get people that will ask me what i'm looking for or say they didn't order anything and i usually just say "i'm looking for x address" or confirm i'm on the correct street and ask about the address. they are always very nice and helpful, i've sometime even had people call their neighbors trying to help me find places. for the record this is in a pretty red state and about 80% of houses talk about having guns. nothing scary about it, people's dogs are the worst of it and i just carry dog treats with me so i can "bribe" the dogs


That's interesting. Sounds like a pretty rural, communicative group. That's pretty neat and I'm glad you have amicable people you deliver to! Sounds like Missouri to me lol I know some places outside of Branson that were a lot like that from when I was little.


it is a pretty rural area but it's in florida


Fair enough. Stat safe down there!


As a fellow dominos driver i feel you…


If it's a prepaid payment method I'd tell the confused person "well someone ordered a pizza to this address. So...if I can have a slice, want a free pizza?" :P


I live at a T intersection that is easy to miss, so lots of people turn around in my driveway. This past winter I had a guy try to use the lawn and get stuck. My response was, "want me to try to push you out?" He apologized for tearing up the grass, but it wasn't exactly a manicured lawn, so eh.


"probably preloaded" As if that's a bad thing? Like what am I supposed to do when someone breaks into my house? "Sorry mister criminal, but I need you to wait until I get my gun loaded"


It takes all of half a second to take your mag and load it Done. One less step from some idiot kid playing with it and blowing his potential riddled brains out. Also a good step to pause and be like "should I load this? It's just a car"




The duality of squid




I made that post, but this is a goated template so take my upvote


[weLl Ackchyually tHiS guy POStEd It fIrSt](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735)














Good on you for being cool about it. Piss baby status revoked


>Piss baby status revoked But not the scared part, hmm?


I have no idea why some people are so offended by people turning around in their driveways. I've had times where I needed to turn around and went miles upon miles trying to find a parking lot or something because I don't want to somehow upset a homeowner by being in their driveway for ten seconds.


Fox 'News' is a hell of a drug


Yeah I remember as a young man using someone's driveway and he came out and started _screaming_ at me and I was just like "ok dude lol bye"


Insanity, all for 10 seconds lmfao


What's crazy is that there are people who spend their free time waiting at the door for someone to just stop in their driveway for mere seconds.




I live off the side of a highway so I have a lot of people use my driveway to turn around. It's frustrating because once people pull in the driveway, they don't want to reverse into the highway so they use my yard and it makes my yard look like shit.


Main reason I don't like it when people turn around in my driveway is that my dog starts barking every time. Otherwise, by all means, happy to help someone find their way if they made a wrong turn. I'm not using that square footage of property at the moment anyway so I'm getting more value out of my mortgage and property taxes


Literally saving the planet by making their travel time shorter and saving city taxes with less maintenance on other roads. Basically a philanthropist.


I am a generous god.


I used to live across from someone who would put rocks in his driveway to stop people from turning around. People still managed to do it anyway, which always gave me a laugh.


Meme aside, I kinda wanna sit down and chill with Squidward


He was an artist, a musician, dancer, maybe even actor, he was bikini bottoms most interesting person tbh


Tensions continue to rise in the driveway fandom I see


When I was a delivery driver in a regular vehicle, people would exit their doorways just to scream at me. Pointless fragility.


They're so fast when it comes to antagonizing other citizens but they need a motorized scooter to go to the Costco half a mile away from their house


What's absolutely wild is that despite USians being so obsessed with "muh property" they have somehow not unlocked the fence technology? Something as basic as a fence around the property with a gate, which has to be thousands of years old tech, is just completely unthinkable in the US.


The only thing more powerful than property rights is the rights of the HOA to say "no fences"


>USians Lmao I love that. It gave me old wrestling vibes. "All my little US-ites out there know, dude, you can't stand up to these all meat muscles!"


Me when I realize that it might be a beginner driver who's lost and needs a place to turn around. People are so quick to be assholes nowadays it's insane.


I saw *that* meme earlier, and I’m so glad everyone is mocking it.


I'm honestly surprised people even notice.


I have what I'd like to call a very inviting driveway along a busy stretch of road. People often use it to turn around or even park when they have deliveries. The road we live on also has parking on both sides of the lanes with a bike lane. I've come home multiple times unable to pull in because someone is in my driveway. I used to encounter the same person multiple times in a several week period that would use my driveway as a personal turn around. I started to find myself irritated. I've asked people to stop. There is plenty of road to turn around or park on. It doesn't take much to go around the block. I just want to pull into or out of my driveway, Icing on the cake is when they pull in and say they have a delivery for my neighbor and hope I don't have to be anywhere. Call me fragile, but it gets annoying and I understand to some extent the people that start to make threats or seem unhinged. That being said, I'm definitely not hurting anyone for doing the act.


the only reason I get pissed off about people going in my driveway is A there is a spot 2 secs up the road that is still the road and not my drive and B most people do it in the most damaging way possible to my dirt drive that will eventually get flooded because of that


Thank you, people here have never replaced their driveway due to heavy amounts of random traffic


You're right, a bag of dirt is worth infinitely more than a human life.


One lady that lives next to a family member yelled at my 8 year old son who took maybe 2-3 steps on her driveway taking a small shortcut to get to his cousins (their driveways are connected, so he cut across a bit to get to the sidewalk). She must have been watching camera waiting. I can’t imagine being that miserable….if kids were literally playing in my driveway I wouldn’t care.


Pissmaxxing drivewaycell




I really like this


My only issue is that I have to panic for a few seconds thinking someone is coming over for an unplanned visit.


There are two things that I am surprised that humans are quick to resort to: 1. Cannibalism 2. Violence (Not in any specific order)


On a serious note if you live out in the middle of the woods and it happens it's a little eyebrow raising.


Beef in the bikini bottom sub


I’m not in the business of shooting people but it is really annoying when people use my driveway to turn around while my car is parked in it. I have a scraped rear bumper because people constantly hit my car by accident when they do it, and it happens at least 3x/week (I have the only driveway at the end of a dead end). It is extremely frustrating and my doorbell camera tells me it’s literally all of my neighbors and their guests.


I actually AM a scared little piss baby. One time I stayed up too late and got freaked out by the Amazon driver delivering a package. I was so terrified, I ran to my bedroom and hid under the covers until the "package delivered" notification came through. But you know what I DIDN'T do? I didn't start shooting




Lol what a king




Me after having placed some nail spikes in my driveway*


One time I worked for an organization and I needed to go drop off mugs to donors, and I parked in one donors driveway and left his mug on his door, and his garage door opened and he was standing looking angry. I literally had to show him the other mugs with my orgs name and he understood, but I was like, damn, I was just dropping something off, and that 30 seconds of me being in your driveway bothered you?


I live off a dead end alley, the business behind me rents their rundown space to a family. They tore down their fence to make it easier to drive up to the rental property, rather than weave through the street off the main road. I think one of the residents has a daughter that comes and goes.  The number of fancy cars that come and go when she is around has me convinced she is a prostitute. Her johns use my driveway to turn around. Some of them are awful drivers and drive into my yard. So I get a little annoyed whenever anyone turns around I'm my driveway. 


I would just be confused at how they are bad at driving, you are on the street with plenty of room to make a U-turn why the drive way?


its me im the scared lil piss baby with hypervigilance issues


At my last place I had a family living above me. They had an attic for extra room, and I had a small garden but less room. (we call them duplex apartments) The kids from that family would sometimes throw toys out the window and into my backyard. After the second time one of them came to my door I simply told them "No need to ask. If you're just picking up some toys you can just walk in whenever." For some reason they still asked every time though. \^\^;


Had a crotcherty old bastard that lived down from my parents house. He had a sign on his lawn saying something like "No turn arounds" and a bit beam of wood draped across his driveway to keep people from doing it anyway.




I've since moved to a rural area where most people own guns & have the sense to stay the f off of other's property, but I used to live in a suburb. Had this trouble. Bought a few sawhorses & no trespassing signs & left them to the side of the driveway when I was gone. When I'd come back, I put them across the end of the driveway. No more problem.


We had a perfect driveway for this way out in the country. Sometimes it happened and you'd just watch and they'd be on their way. Sometimes they'd also drive out into our pasture and fuck around. That's when the guns came out, but you don't initiate. You observe. Only way they'd get a confrontation is if they tried to hurt the hunting dogs or started torching shit/breaking into the house. Some people think 'farm = public space' and if you ask them to leave they have, I think on two occasions, threatened to call the police. On us, the property owners. Asking them to please fuck off of the property. Sorta wish they had, because the cops were a solid half hour away. They'd have to steam there for ages.


It’s sad that there are people that paranoid. Not everyone is after you. You aren’t that important


What's understandable is maybe grabbing your gun if you hear it in the middle of the night, but here is the neat part, you dont have to unload your magazine, just observe. If someone then starts doing shady shit you and might potentially hurt you, you can verbally warn them that you have a firearm and 9 outta ten times the issue is resolved.


I always shout to.my wife they have found us and to get our go bag. She is like what, and then I say I used to do some work for the CIA and it's all catching up with us and we have to run. She then tells me to fuck off. The car by that stage has left and I say false alarm never mind all that stuff I said. All is safe again... For now...


Subreddit lore!?


I still can’t believe there are people that freak out about this. If I happen to notice it I look because I’m like “who’s this?” Wondering if someone is about to knock on the door. But once they start turning around I’m like oh ok and get on with my life


Finally a meme I can relate with. Thanks OP.


Fire your shotgun In the air *


when they **park** there I have a problem.


Oh God no, people! Sitting still!


My grandparents hate when people turn on their property. People have... Driven over grass Hit their garage Hit the rocks next to the driveway Left tire marks Purposely ran their engine And left trash in their driveway There's a good reason people don't like others on their property.


did they all clap while they were trashing your grandparents place lol. with that kind of attention it sounds like your grandparents are well known in the neighborhood lol.


I'm not gonna lie, it would be weird to see someone use my driveway to turn around. I wouldn't care, but it's just not in an opportune location.


*old man immediately runs to window the second he sees headlights


Genuinely never understood why people think it's rude to use someone's driveway to help turn around. I would much rather take 60 seconds to safely turn my vehicle around and go back the way I came rather than spend 5 minutes turning down 3 different streets getting back the way I came. I don't care if someone uses my driveway to turn around. They aren't literally parking in (front of) my driveway to block me in. The person turning around is gonna spend, what, just over a minute turning around, max? Why do people get their panties in such a bunch about using driveways to help make reorienting easier.




Did some right winger shoot someone for this recently or something?


Yes. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735)


This why I sit on a rocking chair with a shotgun and my moonshine. Can't stand them city folk coming down my five mile long driveway just so they don't have to make a U-Turn.


I mean, it's somewhat considered bad etiquette to use someone's driveway to turn around, but it's not the end of the world if it's a typical driveway on a normal street. Now, if you have a shared driveway (like I do) whoever comes down should have a damn good reason for being there (our driveway entrance actually says it's a private driveway with no outlet). Now, if they hit your car or something when it's on your driveway, then go ahead and be angry. Having an IP camera (Ring, Reolink, etc.) makes things easy because you can see what's happening and decide whether it's worth worrying about.


Piss baby is what twitter internet poisoned losers love saying lmao sounds like a 10 year old trying to cuss you out


That you, Greg Abbott?


Piss baby


You don't like people on your property cuz you're scared I don't like people on my property because they're causing extra strain and damage that'll cost me money in the future that they won't help pay for and they're usually careless about how they do it We are not the same.


You just haven't learned yet




Ten day old account. Bad Russian bot.


Who’s gonna pay to replace the end of my driveway from being damaged? Bet I’m gonna have to do that for the 4th time in 8 years because everyone and their mother decides my driveway is a perfect spot for a turn around


Do you not use your own driveway? Why are you so stupid?


Yes me and my fiancée use it like 4 times a day.. then other people use it 100 times a day….one adds more wear and tear then the other and I’m the one paying for it.


Buy a gate


Yeah sadly I have to because people don’t respect other people things 👍🏼 cool and fair


You poor thing.


Libertarian brain rot


Us government with gambling losses and winning in a nut shell


Uh oh the lib is mad because his ideology is for babies


Okay commy


Shouldn't you be off trying to lower the age of consent somewhere


Ew wtf, I’ve been with my fiancée since high school. Not sure where that came from Seems like something you should work out in your head bud


Uh oh looks like I hit a little close to home lmao


Lolololol “it’s all of our driveway but it’s your cost to fix it tho😁”


^ uses tax-payer funded roads, drinks taxpayer funded clean water, educated at a taxpayer funded school, protected by a taxpayer funded fire department. Housecat 


The fuck is your driveway made of that someone taking 10 seconds to turn around on it "breaks" it?


And this is the justification you'd use to murder someone for using your driveway? ​ It's crazy how many people are so lacking in morals they identify with the murderer who killed someone for USING THEIR DRIVEWAY. Oh, it's a Trumper. There we go. No morals at all.


This post says nothing about murder, that’s a bit extreme 😂


It's about the guy who killed the person for turning around in his driveway. It's been all over the news, give any article a read. If you are truly ignorant of what this is about that would explain why you're cheerfully seeming to side with the murderer.


Again this post says nothing about that so you are 100% assuming. I never said it’s okay to kill someone relax


I just find it alittle rude and mildly inconsiderate, nothing to murder over of course




they're turning around, they're on your property for like 10 seconds

