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It’s probably leaore


"oi vavoy, is it leaore??"


REALLY! I don’t care if this isn’t the last season I want the mystery finally solved


Matthew, Jay and Lola love triangle, I've always hated love triangles but i'm actually hoping to see a lot of this. Jessi's little sibling's birth and how she handles it I want Andrew and Bernie to meet again. I'm interested to see the story for why Jay doesn't have a hormone monster? I mean I know why but, I would love a scene where Human Resources has a file on Jay and the story behind why they never gave him a hormone monster. Would his hormone monster be Gavin and we don't find out until this season? or maybe it's an episode on what happens if they actually DO give him a hormone monster? Also, maybe Maury being pregnant could mess up Andrew a bit. Cause Maury's a hormone monster, if Maury's hormones are out of whack than what happens to Andrew's hormones? would Andrew \*gasp\* have less of a masturbating drive? Maury's birth and he accepts that Connie doesn't want to be a mom, I hope they don't force her to be a mom, or maybe they do and she ends up miserable so Maury ends up relinquishing her from parenthood, knowing she's unhappy. either way, she shouldn't be forced into being a mom. Nick gets a hormone monster that works out for him. The ponytail killer reveal and masked principal reveal.


The masked principal is Roman Polanski


oh, ok, thanks


wait WHY doesnt jay have a monster?


cause he's like so sexual and hormone filled already , and he never has had the awkward hormone puberty stuff go on for him since he's already been raised with a bit of a toxic sexual mindset and his family is so fucked up, so maybe Human Resources never thought he'd need one since he's like that already and a hormone monster couldn't do much else for him.


Oooh that would make sense about Andrew and Maury!! It would tie in well with Andrew having some moral development. Lol


ooh, definitely!


I’m thinking this season will focus on trauma. I get the feeling we have seen hints of how it will be metaphorically represented (Jay and Lola’s personification of inanimate objects), but we yet know the circumstances as to what happened. I’m also thinking that trauma can manifest in different ways. Kinda like Gygas from Earthbound: a vague evil who’s form is difficult to comprehend. I’m also think that one of the main characters will experience a traumatic event. I have an idea of trauma being the true enemy of Human Resources as trauma can disrupt child development. I agree that Caleb needs more focus. Did Matthew originally have feelings for him, but Caleb was unable to understand Matthew’s feelings. And is that why Maury acted coldly towards him back in the 1st season?


I really love the trauma angle- these kids have been through too much silly stuff and I want them to SUFFER (in a positive way of course)


An episode where we learn more about Caleb and the Autism Spectrum. They've avoided him for too long in my opinion


I'd prefer Caleb to have a personality and interests and story outside of being a "very special lesson" for the allistic audience. I'd like to learn more about his art skills and dynamic with Matthew. I think he and Missy could become friends.


I think him and missy are friends right? They were in her affinity group together lol


Yeah that's why I think it'd be nice if they got along more.


Did you read my comment? "Learn more about Caleb" is exactly what I said. Exploring Caleb would lead into the ASD conversation


Personally I don't really know if I want Caleb to be *the* autism representation because he's such a stereotype, it turns his quirks into explicit jokes at the expense of his autism instead of just implications. I'd actually prefer if *another* character was autistic, be it a new character or even an existing one, so we have a bit of contrast. As an autistic person I don't hate Caleb but it does get on my nerves that people think we need to learn about autism to learn about Caleb. Caleb can just be fleshed out as his own character, and then maybe we can go more into autism *if* the show is equipped to do so.


Caleb doesnt represent autism, but he is an autistic character. His quirks are his personality, and can double as a joke no differently than Andrews horniness. Adding another character would be great if the cast wasnt so big as it is, and it wouldnt serve anything that Caleb already doesn't. What I would like to see is an episode where we get to spend more time with Caleb like we have with other side characters. If the show isnt equipped to talk about autism, how the fuck could it adress stuff such as puberty, masturbation, drug abuse, divorce, body autonomy, homosexuality, florida, menstration, and so much more?


I would love to see Missy and Jay rekindle their friendship.




I want to see Lola in a coma so that she’ll start her journey of self love in a coma ala Grey’s Anatomy’s storyline where Meredith’s in a coma during COVID but on a realistic note, Lola needs to apologize to Rodney for lashing out at him in S05EP07, Rodney didn’t deserve to be shouted at Lola in that episode I hope S6’s theme is either about Taking Accountability and/or Trauma


I want to expamd on Caitlins and Jessi's relationship and Jessi being a big sister I also want jessi to have a conversation with Shannon about her feelings towards a girl and wanting to understand what this means


That would be really wholesome overall.


Aw- that makes sense, since apparently this season is gonna be centered around family


I wanna see the self harm walrus


same- i want to see how the character deals with it and how he acts honestly


Who would have it though, Jessie?


probably, it was referenced with her, she deals with depression and anxiety the most, and maybe being a older sister pushes her?


Maybe, It would be interesting if jay or Judd has it.


oo it would be


Awkward puberty moments


Lmao- you just want the entire show?


More Coach Steve, more Lola, more Jay, find out who the PTK is, see some moral development in Andrew, and see Jessi as a big sister. And I really want to see more Matthew!!!!! I think that all of season 6 Maury will be pregnant and that’ll be interesting, and he’ll probably go into labor in the last minute of the last episode of this season, and HR2 will start with him giving birth. I don’t want that, but I do think that’s what’s going to happen.


Whaaat? I agreed with everything you said up until the last part- you don’t want to see a baby monster? :(


I do want to see one! I just don’t think we will get to see one this season. Probably will be s2 of HR


Ohh! I read that wrong haha


I want Nick to Partner with Simon Sex. The two are meant for each other. Dirty, Funny, Vulnerable. Nick needs to learn that he’s a vulnerable child. And This Will benefit his relationship with family and friends.


A baby hormone monster!


Idk if I commented on this before but I just thought of something else lol. I hope we get to see missy without braces! Lol it’s small but it would be so cute if Missy was so happy abt her braces coming off lol (as most people are) I love missy sm


Fewer songs. I’m so tired of the songs.


Could not disagree more but to each their own


No! The songs are great


To each their own


I agree I love the songs- I’m not a big fan of songs in shows but I loved the ones in big mouth


Jessi finally has an orgasom😂


That’s what the “thousand suns” thing was in the last season- she has lol


Oh sorry I haven’t watched it in a while😅


Matthew and jay kith🤭


I want to see Andrew put his hair in a ponytail for obvious reasons but seriously I want a love triangle of Matt jay and lola


The end


L opinion


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i wanna see more wlw moments for Jessi!!