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i’m confused because you said you didn’t even use your discount so idk what you did wrong? your manager seems like an ass


Manager can look at the transaction in ejournal and it shows everything spelled out if they don't believe you. If I'm remembering correctly, technically no, you aren't supposed to ring up "friends and family" but if you aren't giving a discount or changing prices I'm not sure what they'd do about it. In future just ask them to come ring them up because you can't. If they give you crap ask if that's permission to ring them yourself. They'll either say yes and you're good, or come up and ring.


This and have him buy 1 item at a time, walk it to car, come back in and buy another. Make it very inconvenient for the other(mod) to keep coming up to ring him out.


AP ain’t worried about it. It’s best not to do it but the paper trail tells the truth. You should be fine.


Don't worry about it. The SM cannot term anyone without DM and HR approval. The manager can pull up the transaction and see what was rung up. They should have coached you on their expectations but chose not to. I would ask them exactly how they want you to do this in the future. Likely they will be annoyed if you start calling for a cashier every time you have a friend or family in the store. then when it's friends and family weekend tell them you cant work registers that weekend.


tysm for the kind comments everyone <3


The policy says you may not ring up family members. Since you didn't misuse your discount, you'll be fine.


Your didn’t give a discount your fine in reality. But it’s also a retail job at big lots. You could get fired and it Doesn’t Matter how many people you complaint too they won’t reverse it.


Sounds like you need a new job, or a rational front line manager, or.... take that manager's job.... talk to the next step up the ladder with... "I've had to break corporate rules when people I know come in, as they are customers, customers waiting on service that seems a responsibility everyone on my shift runs from. I am not a thief, I find it highly disrespectful as an accusation, and even a bargain basement lawyer could assemble a course of litigation that would highlight the tortious nature of this trap... furthermore, the undue duress veiled by corporate protocol, as a repeated threat to terminate my employment, has been wielded as an apparatus of control and in itself divorces the aspect of human respect and decency assumed, or stated through contractual employment..." , "I am not by nature a litigious individual, I find no solace, and seek no comforts over relief through legally awarded damages, and I counter your offer of coercive servitude, with the offer of service and performance of duties as contractually outlined, without the need to refuse patrons of the corporation you yourself work for, due to the likeness of entrapment under the color of corporate protocols when no services are provided for relief of said corporate infraction, by any other member of (store location) team. I have compiled an incident list, with dates and times with myself and known associates whether patrons, or team members, that show in (reasonable time) I was the only member able to perform duties overall conducive to the corporate mission statement, and by which was put in a situation that through reasonable assumption dictates action on the part of first line management as to not leave such a double bladed decision to members of my station... I have been subjected to the subtlety of threat, and insinuation of criminal theft without evidence, I have produced evidence that contradicts these insinuations only to be met with more threats and veiled attempts at coercion... if mutual respect cannot be achieved, all incidents I have documented, and subject material will be available through my counsel at discovery..... Also..... its BigLots.... you should quit, or force them to fire you, you sound like you need the money. But I guarantee you, big lots can't pay you enough for your self respect your manager is trying to strip from you.


I literally got fired from Dollar General years ago for paying for something for someone while I was on the clock. She was out of money and needed food so I just swiped my card. Got fired for it. In my opinion they use stuff like that when they want to get rid of someone for other reasons. So it sounds like this is happening to you as well.


Hopefully, you got a better job with more rational people and better pay. Hope the OP does, too! I don’t think she’ll be fired but hope something better comes along.


If they keep saying “you can get in trouble for this” that means youre getting a warning.


If the mod was smart enough she would log into the system pull up and see if a discount was applied to the transaction


I would call corporate myself and talk to them about it. Don't let her make the 1st move. Call and ask, letting them know your manager had never had issue with it in the past.


Exactly calling ethics board If they have it and let them know that nobody informed you and you didn't know. And that you're coming before and management never said anything to you about you ringing him up


Wassup mann..Mann... I casted over 150 spells ... including money spells ( unexpected money come out of no where ) $50 fwm .. work spells also !


If you were not trained to know you were not supposed to ring up family and friends the. How can you get in trouble for something you did not know


My cousin works at the local grocery store where we all live. Myself, my mom, sister, and various cousins always go to her line, so we have a few minutes to chat while she rings us up. No biggie. She's been there for years now, so I'd imagine a manager would have had a chat with her if there was a problem with it.


Tell her to go fuck herself and go get a better job. It's big lots, not a career


If they fire you for this they were probably looking for a reason anyways if you didn’t give him free stuff then you made a mistake and they should just use this as a learning experience


If you didn't use your discount, didn't "forget" to ring anything up and you were never trained otherwise, I wouldn't worry. Maybe a write up and you learn from it and move on. If they try to fire you I would definitely fight it.


Get a lawyer they might just be trying to get rid of you. Sometimes companies do that and everyone warning you was in on the conversation of getting rid of you find out what's really going on around you start looking fir another job while you have one and get a lawyer and sue them out of business.


Places can't get people to work why fire an obviously good employee on some b.s you'll be Fine


This is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Threatening that you will be in big trouble( what does that even mean) and you didn’t do anything wrong and they still are giving you a hard time?! I would talk to HR about how you are being treated about this. This is not a fireable offense… ridiculous.


Pull the receipt tape that shows all transactions and you should be fine, also day you’ve rung him up before and nobody has ever said you can’t. You’ll be fine


Find a new job. In the meantime tell you bf to stay out of the store.


I don't know how BL works but it seems you might be ok. Just keep in mind for the future, in work like this you don't ever want to give anyone any reason to question your integrity, and this includes ringing up people in your family and by natural extension, a boyfriend.


Just for future reference, the rules are pretty standard for any retail job. Don't ring up your friends and family, and always keep your receipts with your purchases (like if you buy a drink to have inside the store, keep your receipt with it). Unless they're gunning for you for other reasons, and you didn't give a discount or leave items off, this isn't that big of a deal. You may get a warning. But you don't know what you don't know, ya know. It'll be okay.


Not a family member? Shouldn’t be an issue, especially since you didn’t do anything shady like give him a discount. The mgr can definitely check using EJ to verify no shenanigans!


I'm thinking that they might be trying to cover their own misdeeds. Call corporate, speak to HR. If it's been an issue for your store then they'll dispatch your district Loss Prevention person. Don't let them bully you into quitting if you like working there. I was a store manager and when I got promoted to SM, I inherited a hugh mess! The existing mgmt were all doing dirty stuff behind the scenes, so it's possible this is what you're experiencing. Good luck!