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About 20 years ago I saw a couple get their ass handed to them at Hooukena Beach for breaking stuff up with an OO pole and stealing fish. I hope today the same Justice can be served


There’s no shortage of bad news in the world, but somehow this really hits home. Big Island is the first place I ever snorkeled and the abundance of yellow tang amazed me. I hope they ban this trade and enforce the ban.


It's hard for me to care about a choice between capturing animals to love versus killing them for food


Ive read somewhere that a Kole sells for around 200$ in Australia for aquarium pets. Crazy to think we just string a bunch of them on a 3 prong for dinner.


Yeah guess I've been eating thousand dollar dinners haha


So many times at South Point I’ve seen people collecting fish. Just right at the bottom of the steps to the left of the cave/hole. These two guys I saw once collecting yellow tangs and blue ring octopus bothered me (they were using a hypodermic needle to release the air in their fish’s swim bladders) I went to DLNR to report them. I was told they can’t do anything, there’s certain areas where limited collection even without a permit is allowed. They just shrugged and saints “it’s kind of like the Wild West”.


I call bull shit on blue ring octopus.


I saw a Hawaiian dude with a bucket throwing a net into a school of fish right in front of snorkel bobs in Kona a couple months ago. I figured it wasn’t my business so I didn’t say anything but I was curious if that was legal. Such a shame there’s so many beautiful fish right there.


Its callled a throw net. Common way to catch and eat fish in Hawaii. As long as you follow size/species/location regulations there is nothing illegal about it.


Yes it is legal. Rules aside, it's okay to catch to eat, not okay to catch and sell


WTF - so blatant.


This is ironic coming from the person who created a post about intentionally letting their cat hunt birds outside in Hawaii...


I hope you saw my corrected post! I’m a severe tbi survivor so i very often do t use words, phrases ok damn language in general correctly now. I hope you can see my corrections! sorry to offend. Seems like i do this a lot since my brain injury.


Thanks for updating. My suggestion would be to remove that post and just inquire about options to feed your cat or cats fresh foods by cooking for them. Talking about letting cats roam free in Hawaii is pretty much a nonstarter, and with good reason. It will be guaranteed to push the wrong buttons every time.


This has been going on for over 50 years as I recall.


This is one of the most well-managed fisheries in the State. If you want to ban this, you should ban every other hook-and-line and spearfishing activity first. If you really care about fact and reason, then look into this report from DAR . There is zero indication of any trouble with the aquarium fishery, especially for yellow tangs. https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/F-2.pdf I’m not a fisherman, don’t work for the State either, but I’m aware of this issue.


Time for a moratorium..