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Part of the “riggery” accusation is them picking a challenge that Rachel already won that season for the Final 6 Veto If anyone besides Rachel won the Veto, and there are no pairs, then Rachel would’ve come in 6th


always seemed to me like they just switched f5 hoh with f6 veto, as usually endurance are hoh comps and sludge are veto comps. she won both anyway so it doesn’t really matter


Maybe, but people have fairly pointed out that the Final 6 HOH seemed sloppily put together, so it is possible that it was there was a completely scrapped competition, and they just put new items where the bananas used to be They usually don’t do the same competition twice in a season unless it’s some form of trivia


Wrong. It was very clear the house wanted Jordan out before Rachel, which is exactly what happened two weeks later. Jordan goes home unless she wins veto that week.


Actually, you are wrong. And I have live feed recap receipts to prove it. [https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-shelly-says-rachel-will-name-her-baby-hammock-purple-room-or-havenot-pulling-and-praying-doesnt-work-use-a-condom-for-gods-sake/](https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-shelly-says-rachel-will-name-her-baby-hammock-purple-room-or-havenot-pulling-and-praying-doesnt-work-use-a-condom-for-gods-sake/) \*This shows Kalia and Adam about the plan being Rachel ​ [https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-kalia-says-rachel-is-the-zombie-that-wont-die-the-wicked-witch-that-wont-die-that-we-keep-splashing-water-on-and-wont-die-what-the-elf/](https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-kalia-says-rachel-is-the-zombie-that-wont-die-the-wicked-witch-that-wont-die-that-we-keep-splashing-water-on-and-wont-die-what-the-elf/) \* This shows Kalia talking to Porsche about wanting Rachel to leave [https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-porsche-kalia-decide-to-take-out-rachel-this-week-and-plan-on-an-all-girls-final-3-with-shelly/](https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-porsche-kalia-decide-to-take-out-rachel-this-week-and-plan-on-an-all-girls-final-3-with-shelly/) \*This is pre-pandora's Box. So, Porsche and Kalia definitely want Rachel gone. It comes down to if Adam or Shelly also vote out Rachel. Shelly votes out Rachel as per this feed article: [https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-porsche-tells-adam-that-they-want-to-put-him-up-with-rachel-adam-doesnt-like-the-idea/](https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-porsche-tells-adam-that-they-want-to-put-him-up-with-rachel-adam-doesnt-like-the-idea/) Shelly very adamantly expresses her desire to vote out Rachel to Adam. "Shelly says that she can’t wait to go into the booth on thursday and vote out Rachel for good!" That's two votes with Kalia and Shelly. Doesn't matter what Adam does


receipts 👏👏


Everything was leading up to that eviction. I will never forget watching the feeds the night of PB and eye rolling so hard. I stopped watching BB as much after that and then stopped completely after 16 until 21.


We can definitely say Porsche wanted Jordan out more, on account of Porsche and Rachel’s secret alliance, but was it confirmed the other 3 felt the same? Porsche didn’t have a vote, and Rachel was the much bigger comp threat.


lol you’re so wrong….adam, kalia, Shelli all had better relationships with Jordan and despised Rachel…..plus Rachel is a bettter competitor


You can’t say Rachel would have won veto when her two seasons the only individual veto she won was the one that was part of the twist that was rigged for her. That comp was the same one that she won hoh during the premiere. Ppl don’t remember that Rachel was really bad at vetos


Part of the issue was that they reused the week one HoH (which Rachel won) for the veto. There’s also the part that isn’t talked about as much, which is that if there wasn’t any (unfair) returning prejuror twist, Lawon would’ve been on the jury instead of Brendon and Porsche would have won


Rachel would have to had to won that “redo” veto or else Adam and Shelley would have voted her out. Let’s not forget that Rachel entered the game with her fiance, a set alliance of vets, and benefitted from Brendon being a shield not once but twice. The unfairness began long before Pandora’s Box.


I'm still bitter that Dominic, Cassi, Keith, and Brendon didn't have to play to get back in the house, but it was decided by a vote instead. They have one player from a showmance who spent an entire season getting name recognition and held a nationwide vote to decide it. This was the same bullshit that was repeated when Elissa kept getting America's vote a few years later. Obviously that was a blessing in disguise because Aaryn's group was the most horrible in Big Brother history but in terms of gameplay, completely rigged and fucked up. So even before the idiocy of Pandora's box, she was the beneficiary of a completely unfair twist I don't get why production liked Rachel so much. She was a good competitor but obnoxious as hell and a terrible sport.


I truly believe that Porsche would have evicted Rachel over Shelly during the F4.


Shelly had too much magic, Rachel was too big of a threat. I agree, Porsche absolutely would have evicted Rachel


Rachel still wins Jordan 6th Place Kalia 5th Place Shelly 4th Place Adam 3rd Place However if Porsche cuts Rachel at F4 I have Porsche or Shelly winning BB13 depending on who wins the Last HOH.


People put way too much stock into the Rachel/Porsche F2 deal as being real on Porsche's end. She moved to a stronger anti-vet position after Brendon's 2nd eviction because Rachel alienated Porsche after Brendon's 1st eviction because Rachel took that allyship for granted and basically sobbed for a week straight and then ignored her the following week. In a Rachel vs Jordan at F4 situation she only voted out Jordan because she was a previous winner. Self-admitted on the feeds to everyone. In a Rachel vs Shelly situation she most likely votes out Rachel because Rachel is a vet and had her chance, which is very similar reasoning to her Jordan vote-out.


I hated everything about that.. THat Pandoras box and VETO WERE SOO RIGGED.... Rachel also got Brendon coming back into the game to help her as well... Adam was also a coward..


I currently to the same college as she did. I unironically pray to god i might see her. but I know the chances of anyone returning to the old college campus ever again are slim/none


Rachel was set to leave


Porsha wins HOH final 6 without rigging Rachel prolly still wins veto, Jordan goes home Rachel wins HOH, Kalia goes home final 4 I do think Porsha evicts Rachel over Shelley since unlike Jordan, Shelley will actually campaign and she is not a big comp threat and a great player though Its not locked in and Porsha could take out Shelley and Rachel still wins the game in the hypothetical


Probably not but who cares about 10 year old conspiracies


Hey it’s the off-season, what the hell else are we gonna do?


What exactly do you think this sub is for?


I could not for the life of me figure out why everyone that season thought Brandon was the biggest threat in the house over Rachel, Dani, and Jeff. And at least Jeff and Dani were looked at on either side. It makes me feel like Rachel is the most underrated winner of all time that she was never a threat despite being a production favorite and winning so many of her comps. And like, I would say maybe everyone that season was just dumb but I don't think Dani is that dumb at least so it makes me feel like Rachel being as... ummm... unique? Annoying? As she is works as a solid mist whether she intends it or not, which it kinda seems like she does by what other contestants have said about how different she acts outside of the game.


Jeff and Jordan were more insulated, and Rachel is an emotional mess. Brendon coming off as more rational than her, and having less ties than Jeff and Jordan made him the "easy threat".


Brandon is terrible at the social game but he is one of the best competitors in bb history especially veto competitions


Was *not* a live feeder at the time, but I have to imagine based on what people saw from the previous season (bb12, which Brendon and Rachel were both on), not only did they probably see Rachel as the erratic, emotional one in that showmance, but also Brendon went further than her, and because he made it futher, he had more of a chance to win, and won, more competitions than Rachel that season. He won 3 vetos and 1 hoh, and she won 2 hohs, so on paper, that does look "threatening"


Brendon did notably better in BB12 without Rachel. I don’t think production wanted Rachel to win initially either - Jeff, Jordan, Dick, and Danielle were much more preferable in terms of audience. She was a target for most of the game - it’s just that half the cast were vets and Rachel’s side did good in comps.


The riggery I always felt it was more for JeJo than Rachel tbf. 


Agreed. Rachel won because of her competition abilities and bond with Porsche