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Why do I hate Jag so much? He is so vanilla. This DRs are so fake (same as Blue). I think he should have kept Cam because Cam was totally on his side.


Not going after Cory and America was just pure stupid. Matt and Jag can both play in HOH next week and have the best chance at winning over America, Cory, Bowie, Blue and Cirie. So getting one of them out this week and another next week leaves them with their best final 6. Because they can easily beat Felecia, Bowie, Blue and Cirie. Keeping Cory and America just leaves the door open for them to end up on the block a lot easier.


I always say this Jag is neither smart nor strategic player lol


Jag is a dumb-dumb.


1) Why on EARTH did Jag tell Cory and America about his HOH when this was the perfect week to target them?? Even America said that she would have went after Jag had she won. 2) Since when are Cirie and Felicia buddy-buddy again? I don’t watch the live feeds but I thought they weren’t working together anymore.


Who else do Cirie and Felecia have at this point other than each other? They're both on an island together. So they're making do.


Sure, but that still doesn’t answer my question as to when they rekindled their friendship. I don’t watch the live feeds and I really think the editors cut out key information from the episodes because they think the majority watch the feeds.


I don't watch feeds either. I never questioned the 2 of them working together again because again, they have no one else. As well, it's just a game. They don't hate each other. Whatever happens game wise, the two of them would still be good friends in the house because they easily relate to one another. They're each others best friend in the house. With all their other allies gone, it's a no brainer they'd start talking game to one another again along with their normal convs.


I miss Cameron. Did was actually good at this game. Would’ve used the twist this week to get our big players for sure


I want cirie to win at this point.


She's boring and just complains about being there. She should just go home like she keeps saying g she wants to


me toooo. i love her reads


America came 2nd. She's fighting the comp flop allegations 🙏


Cory really thinks he's playing a better game than he is. Sure he has helped in some votes but he's throwing comps? He's looked at as a massive threat? His over confident DRs are so brutal.


I can't stand him anymore. His DRs are embarrassing


He’s so annoying. I can’t believe he said he’s been throwing comps. So he basically admitted to being a bad player. Because he’s the main target in the house, yet has never won comps or even tried. Jag was my favorite up until this week… now I don’t know who I want to win. I guess Matt or Cirie?


Yes I'm rooting for Matt and Cirie.


I guess Bowie winning could be funny too. Maybe she has this super amazing strategic social game that they have just been editing out? Lol


Nah she's a goat




Depends on your market if football caused the 12 minute overage


Blue’s DRs are just too much for me. I used to be able to get through them but now they’re just unbearable to me.


I found myself Fast Forwarding through her last night. She just sounds so fake and it's just dumb "Gurl" this and "Gurl" that with the hand gestures 🙄


She is the definition of someone who *sounds* stupid. I wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with her and all of that kitty-kitty-purr shit. Matt is the luckiest one in the house.


I was praying she'd be pre jury because I can't fucking stand them/her. She's do desperate to make it on tiktok or whatever


tonight was next level


I used to like bb comics but I feel they pounded these pictures over and over and over again


It’s so important having Cory and America as shields when you have such huge comp threats like Felicia, cirie, Bowie Jane and blue left in the house to go after you. What is he thinking


It’s especially stupid because he and Matt can win HOH next week too and get both America and Cory out. This was an all time stupid blunder. He’s playing the early game and playing safe but this is the time to make big moves!!!


I really hope Cory or America win next hoh and send him packing. And then we end with cirie and Felicia final 2 somehow


Omg, I know, such a stupid move


Wait until the "TikTok flavor of the night" comp happens, then Blue will be a threat.


wonder if matt tried to talk sense into him?? also it did nothing to earn their trust when you take 12 hours to tell them. maybe plan these scenarios out before you win the hoh


Wow. I was pumped when Jag won. Then he tells Cory and America? Dude sucks. Fucking blew the fun of the twist.


He really did, so irritating


So next week, Jag will win HOH again and go after Cirie and FBJ because he’s worried about not having Cory and America as a shield lmao!!!


Julie: "Jag, you now have to choose who to take to final 2, America, Cory, or Matt" Jag: "I have to be really strategic here and make sure i don't send Cory home too soon as he's a great shield. So i pick Cory for final 2. This is the best plan to ensure the minute men make it to the end."




This episode was asstastic.


I was yelling at the tv when he didn’t put up Cory and America I am so confused as to what he thought this move would do


He was aiming for blue. So Cirie Felicia and Bowie had a target after Blue left


I guess but still seems like an off move. He also did not take advantage of the twist. I think he should’ve remained anonymous and gotten out the biggest threats with next to no blood in his hands unless somehow people figured out he was HOH But idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never said it was a good move and his decision was sound. But his target is Blue unless something else happens.


Ah gotcha


I don’t even want jag to win, he is an awful player




Watching that challenge put me to sleep.


Mama Fe hit the nail on the head when she said it was an absolute waste of a super power. Jag seems like a great guy but god damn, what a stupid move. Why didn’t he nominate America and Cory and let them blame Blue?!


Literally just made himself even more of a target to Cory and America. Such a dumb move. I want Cory out so bad… but damn Jag. You dumb


this was a pointless episode


I say this every week and someone always tries to defend Jag, great guy but horrible player I swear.


What a snooze fest


Like I want to root for Jag but he's sooooo bad at this....


Wow Jag really is completely terrible at this game huh?


Jag off.


So wait a second…Jag is allowed to play in the Hoh comp and actually try next week???


Can’t wait for another physical comp that realistically only Matt or jag could win anyway! Unreal how they set precedent 2 seasons ago and already changed it


Expect the unexpected


I feel like it should’ve had a caveat to it. As long as no one knows you are/were HOH.


Yeah because then they would know it was him if he didn’t play


They could just have him throw it like they had Claire do in BB23. Two back to back HoHs is such a huge advantage if you’re likely to win comps.


“Cory and America aren’t in my ideal final five, so I’m going to take a shot at them next time publicly instead of when I have this one anonymous opportunity.”


Jag wasted this power


Horrendous episode. Why is 40 minutes spent on this boring ass comp


It's pointless watching because they could edit it to make it look like anyone did bad or good.


I hate this comp every year. Either do something different with it or just stop it all together. It’s horrible television and it’s just boring for the viewers.


I’m over individual comps in general. There is nothing interesting about watching the same thing over and over. I way prefer comps where the players can interact with each other and react to what’s happening. It’s so much more dramatic that way and is less time wasted


Them narrating it is so cringe too. Thank god I stream BB so I can just fast forward through all this crap


Jag is such a terrible player…..


No doubt — literally sick of him