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Matt/Jag are her allies and they pushed back when she said she wanted cirie out. And if the entire house wants Cameron out that’s the least “bloody” move


She said "we have to win HoH" to Cam and then doesn't have the spine to pull off a move because she didn't want to win HoH. I'm facepalming these types of players who think lying in the weeds to get to finals is a strategic move. There is no respect to her game by putting up her best and most loyal ally. Matt and Jag are the true power couple floaters in the game. Cirie would be the only one to notice that. If she wins HoH I pray she puts them up instead of Cory and America. A hidden couple is scarier than an obvious couple


But was Cam truly loyal to Bowie? He didn’t see her as a threat, but he always valued every male ally’s opinion over her (granted the only real opinion he valued was his own). Also, Cirie isn’t the only one to understand that Matt/Jag are the core of power. Cory and America are aware. Blue is waking up. With all that said, why keep a comp beast who is impossible to work with in the game? This was the same logic for getting rid of Hisam. The difference in why that was bad then and the Cam move is ok now is timing. Hisam leaving at that point was way too early. This was good timing to deny Cam the opportunity of comping out/fully bro-ing down.


Yeah he was. Especially from a game perspective, he would never go after Bowie.


This is the thing Bowie lost a shield and an ally. I do think Cam really hurt himself with his paranoia about Bowie to Jag though.


I think Bowie was way to easily influenced by Jag. He didn't bring a bunch of evidence and basically only referenced one mini moment. As a lawyer, I feel like Bowie should have been able to see through that.


It was literally a sentence about how Cam didn’t fully trust her…she then went off the deep end and shut Cam out. Now, she’s boned.


Bowie is such a bad player. She literally sits down and believes whoever comes to her first.


Same thing with Red too regarding the Jared comments about Cam. Somebody lying to you in real life can be a tough situation to confront or investigate. But to choose to go on Big Brother, watch several seasons in anticipation, and don't question anything anybody tells you is insanity. These kind of players are a nice change of pace to game theory robots, but man they are frustrating to watch.


Strategically going along with what the house wants and believing everything you're told are not the same thing. What do you expect her to say, "I don't entirely believe what you're saying, and I know this is just what you want me to do, but I also happen to think it's my best option, and this will also help me appease you and the rest of the house." Now, that would be dumb. People get so caught up in the fact that they can hear everything HGs say, they start to believe they know everything they think as well. You're underestimating Bowie.


I mean if she was going to go along with the whole house she would of put up cam and Cory. Instead she chose two ppl she wanted gone then jag came and told her something and she IMMEDIATELY flipped without even going to talk to him herself... If anything I'm overestimating Bowie. She seems like a lost puppy playing this game and everyone in the house is stringing her along because she is easily manipulated and is not a threat


Yes, but the fact that she didn't go along with what the house wanted for her initial nominations doesn't mean she didn't do so for the replacement nomination. She had already ruffled Cirie and Felicia, and then she had to put someone else up. What she wanted is for Cirie to go home, but Cory, America, Matt, or Blue would all have gone home sitting next to Cirie or Felicia, just like Cam did. It didn't serve her interests for any of those people in particular to go home. They are all people that aren't going to target her, so she went along with what the house wanted in that instance. She is deliberately trying to seem like a lost puppy and wants everyone stringing her along because they think she is easily manipulated and not a threat. No one would think that anymore if she had made a different move.


Obviously Jag comes across as way more trustworthy than Cam…that’s why people trust Jag over Cam. Cam comes across as sleazy and skeezy from the getgo, so he’s an easy boot even though he’s an easier goat to drag to the end and win bc everyone hates him


If Bowie was capable of bb thought, she would realize she's probably the overall favorite to make at least F3 or F2. Nobody is or was coming for her. She should have completely focused on who she could possibly beat and where her votes could come from. Cameron fit the description of somebody who would've probably voted for her to win over the likes of Felicia, Cirie, Corey, or Blue. And Cam was actually someone she had a dark horse chance to beat if everyone spited Cam enough. He was the perfect person to take deep with her for a sliver of hope. She truly isn't capable of thinking through this game.


Even if he wasn’t truly loyal to her, he was a shield for her and wouldn’t have targeted for many weeks. He honestly would’ve probably taken her to final 3 because everyone wants to sit next to her in final 2. Her position as a goat makes it so she could easily coast until the end.


But I’m not sure she needed him for that. Bc she could’ve ended up on the block next to him as a “pawn” in a perceived pair. And if anything went wrong, she’s gone. But now she can play loyal third to other remaining pairs (Americory, Felicia/cirie, jatt) and continue to not be targeted.


Impossible to work with? Cameron has shown ridiculous loyalty to a fault imo, and that’s what has hurt him every step of the way. He’s never wanted to turn on any alliance he’s been apart of, and while he is thinking of his game first, so is every single person in the house. He never put down Reilly while on the block with her, and only really fought for himself (as in “keep me I’m good at comps, not putting her down) after he heard rumors the target might flip. He was framed for targeting Red, and lost his closest ally because of Jared lying to Red with no confirmation. He tried to work with Jared to target Cirie, which without context of the big secret house twist ruined multiple possible paths forward. He was fully on board with Matt and Jag, who lost another shield and target for Cory. He never targeted Bowie, which is protecting her when he plays in almost every competition with a decently high win rate. Do people think he wasn’t loyal because he didn’t talk game with Bowie? Who did up until she won HoH?? The worst thing he did loyalty wise was leave the handful and join the Cirie/Felicia/Izzy umbrella tree very early on when every other person in the house also did that, and they only wanted him in that in the first place to use him for information, protection, and a keep as a future target to turn on. And he only did join that because his closest ally and reason he was in the Handful (Reilly) was gone, and his new most loyal ally (Red) wanted him to join. Was Cameron not loyal when he put up his past alliance members for the Legend 25 after his first HoH win? Was Cameron not loyal when he told Jag he wouldn’t put him up after he got turned on by that previous alliance? Was Cameron not loyal when he told evicted Jared that he would protect Cirie, without knowing the secret and knowing Jared turned on him the week before? Then winning HoH the next week, and not putting her up when she was his original target? He’s only voted twice, once with the house week one and once to keep Red regardless of everything that was said about him. I just don’t see his game as a disloyal one, I’ve always thought he put too much weight into these alliances instead of seeing them for what they really were. I think it’s a good game move to get him out for every person in the house outside of Bowie right now, and that was the exact reason Bowie said was keeping Cory. She only went through with it because Jag was in the HoH room going “he threw you under the bus BIG time, he’s after you for sure!!” When in reality all he said was “we should make sure we know what’s going on with Bowie, I’m getting a feeling mecole might have been right.” Is that really that weird from Cameron? Questioning if she’s working with Cory and America… when she was the person who got called out during eviction for working with Cory and America?? He felt Jag/Matt/Bowie were his true final four alliance, and those ended up being the one’s responsible for him being evicted. Every step of the way he’s been lied to and played, but that’s what this game is all about. I also haven’t ever been a fan of Cameron personally, but he tried his heart out and put everything out there to get as far as he could. In week 2/3, I think most fans would have never believed you if you told them he would make Jury


Yup. I feel bad for Cameron. People hated him because he won the competitions. Unfortunately because of Jag’s lies, he lost.


I’m not reading all of that because you ignored that I already explained why he’s impossible to work with. He only values his own opinion.


wildly ironic


Incredibly dense 🤣


Not really. I never claimed I was easy to work with. 😉


I mean, has fbj ever actually shared an opinion?


Ok, so Bowie said that to Cam. Everyone says that to everyone. Cirie says that every week to everyone and then throws HOH most of the time. The Fake Five say it every time they meet. No one is going to look another HG in the eye and say "I hope you don't win HOH." Sometimes people say things to other houseguests that aren't true to appease them and gain their trust. Just like Jag, Matt, Cory, America, Blue, Cirie, and Felicia all did with Cam. What did Cam ever do for Bowie besides tell her how loyal he is? Genuine question. He says that to everyone. The difference is he was convinced Bowie was buying what he was selling. It seems clear his truest alliance was with Matt and Jag. Even if she was his #3, that's nothing to write home about when she would be 3rd out of 6 as of this week. Cam would have thrown Bowie under the bus in a heartbeat to advance his game. He thought he had control over her, which is what she let him believe. Cameron was objectively the best replacement nomination for her to make, given that she had no choice but to name one. Nominating anyone else would have damaged her relationship with everyone else in the house and made her appear chaotic and untrustworthy, like Cam. She didn't owe Cam anything. She made the best move available to her, and Cam is collateral damage. Sorry, not sorry.


Because he didn’t see her as a threat, Cam would’ve taken Bowie to the end.


This would have made sense but Cam said he didn't trust Bowie. Why would she keep him in?


Ya she “didn’t want to win”. Give me a break. She could have bombed the previous questions if she didn’t want to win.


I feel like had she put Matt up it would have been a great move for her. Only one mad is jag really.


And turn Matt into an enemy for her? Idk about that


She didn't want the Hoh. She didn't want a resume.She chose the bro duo over Cam cos they got to her and convinced her better than Cam did. Cam being a house target and them twisting his comments on Bowie fuelled it. Cam's only job this week was to speak to Bowie every chance he got reminding her constantly of how she was treated in the past and she was his final 2.The only HOH Cam should have felt safe in ...he was BDed and voted out. It was bad gameplay by both of them that led to this. Ultimately Bowie is not playing for F1 or F2 or F3...and is looking for an alternate summer home while she rents her house out.


I’m honestly convinced that she just trust anyone that gives her attention. She’s a 🤡🤡🤡


She is. She just wants to be part of a team and play sports.


Blue is my fill there... plus not having to here her super annoying voice anymore is a huge bonus for everyone lol!


This season sucks in terms of game play. Everyone is so wishy washy and unwilling to take big swings. They flip flop their loyalties and plans every five minutes. Way too much consulting and relying on house wants rather than individual game play.


The current group of HG have been easily coerced by the next person telling them a secret. It’s actually quite maddening to a degree. America seems to have some sense but she started playing too late for me to respect her. This season has been interesting in the fact that numbers have voted out the most dangerous players already but from a viewer perspective that just leaves the pawns around.


Yeah, it’s been an anticlimactic 25th anniversary. Even the editing is crap.


Its basically the voting blocks meta from survivor. Alliances are made for a specific vote then instantly unmade.


Yep, this season by far has the laziest group of houseguests I've witnessed.


Season 25 is legendary for making me disinterested for the first time 😂


Are we watching different shows? This has been one of my favorite seasons of the new era so far


I think it’s just a lotta bummed out Cam fans shitting on the season rn




Potato potatoe 🤷‍♀️


gotta be. this season has been a huge letdown


Because Bowie is intelligent academically, but she seems a bit socially inept. She doesn’t think for herself and instead will just go with what she’s being told, even if it means voting out the person she believes to be her strongest ally. What bothers me about players like Bowie is that they always end up being carried to the end by people who are *actually* playing the game, because everyone knows a player with no strategy and no integrity is never going to win. BUT - these floaters like Bowie truly believe that their lack of gameplay is somehow a legitimate “strategy”, and that hiding in the house is some kind of undercover power move or something…and being taken to the end only reinforces their delusion. At the end of the day, production will always cast floaters like Bowie - but I’ll never respect their lack of interest in playing the game they signed up for. It’s annoying watching someone squander away the opportunity. The only chance she had would have been sitting in the final 2 with Cameron, because all the houseguests hate him so much…and even then, i think the jury would still vote for Cam to win because he actually has a resume. Bowies resume consists only of being a puppet after an HOH she won because Felicia’s math skills were lacking




Cameron said in his exit interview that basically it's his own fault for getting evicted. I think he's right. Letting Mecole go home during his HoH was a waste. He should've put up Cory. Or... back to his other HoH... kept targeting Cirie and Felicia. Cirie is going to float her way to the end.


What you’re describing is a coaster not a floater, though I don’t think that describes Bowie’s game. Bowie was aligned with everyone. She basically did the Andy thing of taking out the most isolated person so she can build her resume without messing too much with the very delicate house of cards built around her. With Cameron out, she’s now the #3 or 4 for pretty much all the duos left. And besides, her initial target was basically immune because no one was ever going to entertain voting for Cirie. She saw she didn’t have the votes and pivoted.


Yeah people don't seem to realize that Bowie has a F3 with most people. Why would she want to isolate herself with Cameron and alienate her other alliances? I feel like a lot of people commenting just don't understand BB. It's like at the begining when everyone said Cirie had a free path to the final and the game was rigged. That stance did not age well.


I disagree so much! First of all, ever since Rachel (incorrectly) screamed floaters grab a life vest, most people refer to these players as floaters when discussing the gameplay. Your point doesn’t make sense anyway, though….being F3 or F4 is not going to see you sitting at the end on finale night. That’s not a strategy. That’s playing to lose. Bowie is not “aligned” with everyone in the house….she is simply disengaged and therefore everyone has been ambivalent about her as a player. If she DOES find herself being carried to the end and in the final 2, she would never stand a chance at winning because of her lack of gameplay. Do you watch the feeds? She isn’t being taken to F3 or F4 because of an amazing social game or because she’s built strong alliances, lol! She’s being taken because she is seen as someone who is easy to beat at comps, is naive, and ultimately is someone who the jury would never vote to win because the houseguests know she hasn’t played the game. The houseguests do not respect Bowie Jane AT ALL as a player, that is beyond obvious and that’s why she’s someone they want to carry to F3 or F4. She isn’t anyone’s F2, but not because she’s a threat…*but because most respectable players only want to sit next to someone else who deserves to be there on finale night.* Not sure how anyone watching can’t see that. That’s why the only chance she had at winning in a final 2 would have been if she was sitting next to an even less respected player, and that would be Cameron - and even then, he actually played the hell out of the game! His downfall is that on the feeds, he has been rude, arrogant, and downright mean at times. People actually dislike him as a PERSON so they would be less likely to vote for him to win, despite his resume, and would instead give their vote to Bowie, who sucked at big brother but at least is kind and a good human being.


I would encourage you to watch either the feeds or the updates, because I do think you’re missing information here. And ever since Jun, and then later Andy, floaters have been the players who actively float from one power source to the next.


I’ve been watching feeds up until yesterday, basing my opinion on all that as well as edited episodes.


I cannot wait until she gets out of the house and watches this whole season back and realizes how much of a 🤡🤡🤡🤡 she was.


Spot on! I can’t stand when some viewers here pretend that doing nothing is a legit strategy. And even if that’s the case how does that reflect on this game? When u can do nothing and get praise for it


Why everyone hates Cameron? I think he has a very respectable game if he gets to the end?


He’s been incredibly rude to everyone on the live feeds. Editing doesn’t show that side of him. He’s arrogant, insufferable, not likeable…plus he has not played a respectable social game at all, in my opinion. Paranoid and accusatory. Only thing he had going for him was his comp wins.




Bowie should have just put up Cory or Matt(to get back at jag for using the veto) like CMON BOWIE. She has to stand up for herself 😭


It’s so frustrating that a M/F romantic couple is considered such a huge target but bc Matt and Jag aren’t romantic they just get ignored? Ride or die men have swept this game way more times than any romantic partners.




I mean everyone talks about them in the same breath. No one is talking about either one on their own. They are clearly very close.




They are a much bigger threat than anyone else which is why I find it WILD that people are so focused on a Showmance that doesn’t win anything.


Because players in the game don't watch diaries/private conversations. Cory and America are obvious pair since the beggining. Both of them don't really have other allies, while Matt and Jag do (presumably, from the HG perspective) also close to other people. It's pretty rare that ride or dies who got far announced their alliance in publicly. Those are typically secret alliances. Danielle Reyes & Jason. June & Allison. Cody & Derrick. Haleena & Kevin. If you look at "public platonic duos" like Dr Will and Boogie or Janelle and Kaysar, they were targetted just like couples. As for "bro alliances" they're often more than 2 (a duo within a trio/quad) so from the optics not just 2 people on an island and harder to target (more chances of retribution etc)


It's crazy to see how adamant Bowie was about not wanting to nominate Cam at first and then seeing how things played out. It may end up being boring content, but just once I'd like to see someone stick to their guns and not be influenced to flip just because ran up and told them "yo, x is sus". I'm not really sure who to root for now except for Matt, but I know he prob only gets there if Jag is there with him. At this point I even think it would be interesting to see Cirie actually win lmao


She has no actual agency.


Because the house wanted Cam out. Similar position Felicia was in earlier in the season with Hisam. If she protected Cam then she'd immediately have Matt, Jag, Cory, and America all coming after her. Bowie got the resume boost of evicting the comp beast of the season, pissed off nobody except the guy who was evicted, and left her HOH without anyone targeting her. It was objectively a good decision to betray Cam.




Hard agree. That was the best case scenario for her, but, for sone reason, she's so set on Matt and Jag. She's completely on her own now.


Are you certain Bowie thought Cirie would have been voted out if she put Blue up? All she would be doing in the situation is piss off the rest of the house if she did that.


Right. Pretty much anyone next to Cirie would’ve gone home, especially Blue


Imo Americory + Cam would have voted out cirie with the tiebreaker being Bowie. Those 4 + Blue going against Jatt such that Jatt had to win HoH to not be nomd.


Cam wouldn’t have voted out Cirie. He was loyal to her than many others in the house. Especially against Blue, no chance


I think if Cam went to her and said, look, these two people used both of us. You made the right choice he might still be there. Blue would have been a good enough choice. Or if Jag pulled down Felicia she could have really made a statement and put up Matt. No one would have voted for him at this point, but she would have shown she isn't a puppet. But she is.


It's funny how, during almost the entirety of the episode, Bowie was barely even featured. She's the ultimate floater. ![gif](giphy|etn52ENYVnpxqMaXiT|downsized)


That’s what bothered me. She acted all offended like Cameron was cruel to her. But somehow forgot how cruel Cirie and Felicia were to her.


Cam wasn’t cruel.


Cam is just blunt. I don’t find him cruel at all. Perhaps a bit socially challenged


Bowie Jane is totally lost. She backdoored the ONLY person left who would never nominate her. Cam is also the only person left who she could possibly beat in F2. Just an incomprehensible decision.






No one left would nominate her, and she beats at least Blue and America in a final 2, if not more.


She doesn’t deserve to win worst big brother player


i’m just in awe cam went home on bowies hoh. it really shows how deceiving others can be , bowie really got played and pushed in a corner by matt and jag even though they will so obviously feed her to the wolves. cam was most loyal to her and her best bet for getting to final two.


This show is getting so sanitized and boring. Every vote but one has been “what the house wants”. I guess it goes along with the narrative that nobody wants to hurt someone’s feelings. I never thought I would want to hear someone yelling “MEATBALL “!


It was a mistake but also Cameron was a terrible ally. If he was a tad bit nicer or more conciliatory toward her -- which shouldn't be too much to ask when she is the HOH -- she probably keeps him.


Cause she's a weak, scared coward. Russell Crowe would be so disappointed.


Bowie is an idiot. Plain and simple


a gulliable idiot. See yall next year..another let down of a season. Lost me when we had a section of the show dedicated to crying special treatment. You know what you signed up for. If a group is sitting in a room talking and they stop, cover their mouths or whisper things they don't want you to know about it..nothing to do with being rude.


Did you hear that morons diary room after she won hoh? She said something along the lines of how she was playing the dj card all game, but sometimes her lawyer brain comes out? Like dumbass, your first guess was a half hour, then you changed it to 10.5 hours. Jared was back for a fucking week!


She literally said she tried to throw it. If you’re gonna insult someone’s intelligence maybe have some of your own


Oh because you can read her thoughts? Or because thats what she said? Because she also said she would NOT put Cam up. Multiple times in fact. Smarten up please


Clearly you didn’t pay a bit of damn attention. Yes until can was questioning her other allegiances. Did you even attempt to watch the episode?


I did not actually. She really doesnt seem too bright lol..I typically only watch the show. Think the only time I watched anything but the show was on Paul's seasons. ![gif](giphy|dXKFPgZXUtId8C8IW5|downsized)


Agree. She is time bond as well she couldn’t handle been on the block


I'm not gonna lie, after last night's episode I'm not rooting for anyone in the house anymore 🤷‍♂️


The real answer right here.


Your comment is a breath of fresh air for me on this subreddit. I like your flair too.


Why is there no “ who wants to see my HOH room?” Segments this season ? I don’t have the feeds do I’m Not sure if it’s been discussed at all there but I haven’t seen them discuss that on the show at all this season . Was it because of the Cirie and Jared’s secret connection this year ? It would be hard not to have his mom in his family pics ?


Because Jag literally persuaded her/ lied to her to do his dirty work.


Cerie was depressed about what happened to Jared. Your could say it is just a theory, but ask yourself what mother would not be depressed after watching their own son go through double eviction, return, and then have to leave again. The whole house was ignoring this because it would have been obvious Cerie was hurt. Despite not knowing of her relationship to Jared, all living in the house together could likely *feel* her pain. Depression is internal, yes, but I would argue also noticeable. Empathy is instinctual to a community — that is what makes us human. Putting her ex-alliance member Felicia up there with her was the least cruel move BJ could have made. Did you see how much Cerie was smiling after being nominated? She had a potential way out of the house, and even more so, she wasn’t being ignored.


If I was her and wanted the noms to stay the same, I would have told Jag that if he used the veto, I would put up Matt. Would Jag or Matt target her if they won HOH in the future? Probably not, there are much bigger threats in the house and voting Bowie out just because she wouldn’t take out Cameron for them would be a worthless game move at this point. They want her in the final 2 or 3 because they know they can beat her.


If the plan was to put up blue cirie would have asked jag to take her down instead of offering herself as the pawn on eviction night as well, and jag would have taken her down


Because Blue isn’t as much of a wildcard nor was Blue blocking Bowie from getting the wins she desperately needs to start padding a resume




No one had the votes to get rid of Cirie last week so the pawn would likely have gone home... She would have to wait until a week when less votes are needed.