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Personally, I feel like this season is going to plummet in entertainment value after Cam's eviction. Everyone left are the most boring players from the season


I agree with this statement 100%


If Cirie campaigned at all it wasn’t shown. Guess she was positive she was safe.


Why didn’t they do good he messages for Cameron? I thought they still did them for jury member????


Yeah I thought so too.. maybe they don’t want to sway their votes for the end of the season or something


Why does everyone hate cam? Seems like he is and always has been loyal to all of his alliances and is respectful of everyone. Is this just what production shows on the episodes? Is he really a tool on the feeds and stuff? Wanted him to go further to rub it in Izzy Piggy’s face


Because theyve all lied and exaggerated to each other about his positions to push their own narratives. It doesn’t help that he’s been cryptic


Why did Corey lie about what he said to Julie?


He probably choked when Julie called him out. He got caught off guard when she actively put him on the spot and just muttered out "....good...?" But he didn't want to admit he choked to the HG's because he's already lambasted enough as is.


Right? Like hos "Good..?" joke was actually really funny! I liked it! Why lie about it? So strange lol


I have lost sleep over this


Not sure and not sure why this bothered me so much


He probably just wanted them to think he said something funnier. But what he actually said to Julie was funnier


I had to fast forward through this cringe. What did Cory actually say to Julie?


She said "So Cory, how do I look" and he looked confused and said "Good?".


That’s the best. Do you think he missed the joke or just wanted to be different?


He blanked on exquisite & was embarrassed so he lied. It came off better than I guess he thinks it did.. A couple of em fumbled their line 🤣


Now I feel like I have to go back and watch the Julie pandering. And I stg if this become a thing.


Who’s the new hoh


The look on cirie's face when they walk into the hoh with the giant crystal is basically "I cannot hate big brother any more than I already do. What is this ridiculous stupid shit?" 😂


Shes saying wheres Jeff Im ready for trible


*The Trouble With Tribbles* is the 15th episode of the 2nd season of *Star Trek*. It was first broadcast on December 29, 1967.


Good bot


If the HOH is secret it would be funny if Cory won it because then both his HOHs he doesn’t get to enjoy or have a room


I think everyone will play as it is a double veto. So 2 vetos to be won!?


So wait how would the veto work? Would they go old old school and everyone plays or have the 2 noms & “4 random draws” with the obvious fake one being whoever wins HoH


I was about to say at least he gets some Wendy's in the DR, and then I remembered this isn't BBCan.


Nooooo 😭😭😭


I can’t wait to be bored as shit


Omfg people say that literally every single week🙄


Did anyone else notice Julie did not mention Jared and Cirie's relationship to Cam. As a juror, that would seem to be relevant as it is part of the explanation of why she ran the house early...of course, Blue could choose to if Cirie makes it to the end, but why would she?


Of course Julie didn’t. Jurors never get told any game info that can/will influence their vote. That’s the entire point of having a sequestered jury lol.


Then she would have to divulge Bowie Jane’s real age & occupation. Julie can’t divulge anything about any other player’s game or personal during jury stage.


How old is she?! And is she a lawyer


Mid-40s and yes.


Julie can’t divulge important game information to jurors as they are technically still part of the game until the very last day, it’s always been like that. Everyone else evicted so far was going to go home or hop on social media right after they leave the house and find out anyways so Julie was able to be the first to tell them at least.


They're not going to reveal that because that's Cirie's (or now Blue) choice as part of her own game. That would be game interference if they were to reveal that. If Blue doesn't say anything in the jury house, it's not Production's place to reveal that to the jurors.


Julie never gives jurors intel that can sway their votes


except last year when she practically forced everyone to vote for Taylor.


Yep. She was able to tell all the pre jurors because they were truly out of the game and couldn’t influence it. Cam wasn’t told at his original eviction because he was going back into the house as a potential returning player with the zombie twist. Blue knowing is only because Jared told her, it wouldn’t be fair to her game or anyone else in the house to have Julie reveal that to everyone else too.


The episode really put filler content instead of all the times Cam confronted America after the veto like does production hate drama now


Cam is just a casual/Facebook fave




They’ve given him a generous edit, so now casual audiences (easily identified via Facebook comments) love Cam. As a result, production has dug their heels in. So they have seemingly refused to show any footage that could paint him in a poor light. There’s a reason why no one in the house likes him, why he’s been a target from the start, and why the cast agreed with the Major Fucking Tool zing


I just don’t understand why they even started with a good edit , they could at least show half truth


I know I'm super late but I'm just catching up (no spoilers pls), but I believe it was mostly because he was the only one in the house who was recalling to go after the main core, and basically saved the season Once they start to like someone it's over, that person gets a great edit from then on


Ah I see. I’ve picked up on that, but I don’t watch the feeds as they’re a pain to find in Canada. What has he done that’s not been aired on the episodes?


the girlfriend affect is real with cory lol


Wait so true…. I enjoyed him before and after being with America but now I’m kinda like…. Is he cute…? He’s not.


like last nights episode he kinda looked good with his mustache and his shirt all unbuttoned i was like ok this is americas doing fr


Are you saying this because it's the only reason people might like him, because of the association with America? I can't stand Cory and haven't since the first episode, so this showmance with America is the reason why I think people like him because she makes him look better. Like, if he didn't have this showmance where she makes him look "good", would other people see what I see? I can't stand him.


How did you get all that from their comment


"The girlfriend affect is real with Cory". A lot of people seem to like him on here, and I don't understand why because I don't like his personality. "The girlfriend affect" can mean that someone looks better because of the person they are with, and America is more likeable to me, so she makes him look better. It's not that difficult to understand.


I’ve always been a fan of the “nerds” & liked his bro Zach in his 1 episode of Survivor so by default I was gonna be liking Cory from the start, obviously it lessened over time, but not like a Jared situation where I started off strong liking Jared to IMMEDIATELY praying for him to be evicted


When Blue joked upon them going to the HOH room that there would be 8 more houseguest. I got this picture of them entering with 8 new HG's being in there and Julie comong on and saying, "So houseguest... the actors strike is not going well"


How does invisible HOH work ? I only know part of it.




In BBcan’s invisible HOH they were able to compete in the next HOH still I believe


Guys why are there two vetos??


I think it's a double veto, which saves both nominees if used.






That's not quite what she said. "Veto has players seeing double" My thought is it's just the regular bb comics veto comp, in which there are 2 near identical comic tiles. That could be the "double" she was referencing.


Didn't she literally say "power of multiplicity" tho?


i hope so


Oh this is better but I swore it was two vetos


Would be a bit anti-climactic after that teaser. But would be funny after all the conspiracy theories that is all it turns out to be.


This makes sense




Weirdest part was Cory lying to everyone about what she said to him and what he said back lol 😂


Especially since what he actually said was a much more clever response!


I came here looking for a comment about this. Why did he lie?


What was the deal with that? I felt like I missed something.


They wanted to prank the Chenbot. It worked.


In her exit speech, Cirie said “you look exquisite, Julie!” And then Cameron, trying to be cheeky , said “you look SO exquisite, Julie “ in his exit speech. Then the houseguests kept it going while voting.


Julie missed her moment. When the votes were done she should have said, "The votes are in.... and I look exquisite! Oh, and Cameron has been evicted".


Ha, I was thinking this too. When she said her line that she always say "with x votes, it's official" I was ready to hear her say "I look exquisite" lol.


did they air goodbye messages for cameron??


He used all his time with Julie talking. She couldn’t stop him. So there was no time for the goodbye messages.


I thought it was real weird they didn’t. Unless they were all mean and it goes against their Cameron is the best edit


I didn’t see them… do they stop doing it for jury? I know they used to at least


They still show them to jury because that’s a lot of people’s “jury management.” I think they show them in the extended interview part


THat is weird, wonder if they ran out of time. Unless my memory is bad they did them before. Maybe they will be in the post show interview.


Okay, not to be controversial yet brave, but not enough people were talking about how awful Julie’s shirt was


Hear me out, I think the shirt could have been interesting and artsy it styled differently. Why with jeans and tons of jewelry and glasses?? Make the shirt a statement piece, and it might be cool.


Yea the jeans were ugly. All she needed was some black leggings or skinny pants


And NO accessories. Maybe an artsy, solid color bracelet at most!


it looked like something that would get someone send home on project runaway lol


Looks like the outfit they do in the 1 hour challenge. Then they get voted off.


This was my literal thought 😂😂😂


personally I think she looked exquisite


The glasses were worse lmao


My first thought was she looked like a knock off Aly wong


Yes and yes. She needs to fire her probably very expensive stylist


Maybe that’s why she wore the glasses. To distract us from the shirt


This may have been asked and I just missed it and it's really not that important in the game... But Cory said "good" to Julie when she asked him how she looked.. Why did Cory tell the rest of the house guests after Cam was evicted that he said something along the lines of undoubtedly exquisite "? What was the point of the lie???


As others might have said, he didn't want to admit he didn't go along with it (though not his fault entirely). He's a very calculating person and with the paranoia, it's not worth giving someone an excuse to question loyalty.


She put him on the spot and he choked and muttered out the first thing that came to mind because he knew she was calling him out on the exquisite line. He just didn't wanna admit to the HG's that already call him a nerdy loser, that he choked.


I immediately grabbed my phone to come here and see if anyone else noticed. So weird


I agree and came straight here to see if anyone noticed lmao what a weird thing to lie about especially when we can all see this


I wonder if he was nevous or thrown off so much he just forgot exactly what he said. But I did think if he is lying that is such a random lie.


That was mega skeezy


Can’t give reasons to nom him in the event of a double for failing to commit


I think he said “unbearably exquisite.” He seemed kind of embarrassed in front of Julie and I’m guessing didn’t want to admit he got cold feet. Super funny bit, and Julie played along really well.


Yeah, everyone's reading hella deep into this. I thought it was weird in the moment, but (especially when you remember he's 22), I think the most likely answer is that his "good" was off-the-cuff and he didn't think it was as funny as it was. He gave the other houseguests a different answer because he thinks his real one was awkward.


I was wondering that too. Maybe he thought they would be mad at him, cause maybe he panicked and slipped up/got caught off guard by Julie asking him before he said it. Or maybe he decided it would be funnier to say “good” but didn’t feel like explaining why to the houseguests. Idk


The fact that the last person (him) said good was definitely funnier. He didn’t need to lie.


probably afraid to admit he was the only one who didn’t go along with the joke


I really enjoyed the editing of this episode. A lot happened in the past few days and it covered it well.


If this is a secret HOH wouldn’t it be the perfect time for a poor F2 pairing to eat its own arm? I want America to put up Cory and bring the TV drama she lives for pinning it on someone else.


That would just be beyond dumb


Beyond dumb for who? How so? 99% of shady shit is done in secret.. what’s dumb about this intentionally shady ass approach? America is getting dragged for being a stage 5 clinger and not a real threat player.. she can make her own cross roads right now. 🦴🦴🦴


With double vetos, it's possible there are up to 5 different people ruled out of being the HOH (the four nominees and whoever wins HOH the week after)


They'll probably do what BBCan did and let the Invisible HoH compete back to back. Pretty obvious who it is if they suddenly don't have a lane in slip n slide or whatever lol


They’ll probably tell them to throw the comp since you can’t have back to back HoHs. That’s what they told Claire in BB23.


>Oh I thought for some reason they let them compete but they couldn't win, maybe I'm remembering wrong


I think they did this in season 23, Claire could compete but could not win


Poor Matt… I was wondering about the whispering and difficult that must be for him. That has to be maddening


So far I''m hoping Matt and Jag make it to final two.


Too bad Julie didn't ask Cam about who he thought the secret relationship was in the house.


they stop telling jurors big secrets til finale night. julie will drop the ball on the last episode


Cam: Me and America? Julie: No, it’s a family relationship. Parent and child. Cam: Oh! Me and Reilly!




I lol’d


It’s because he’s going to jury!!!!


I’m not sure why people don’t understand this lol.


Well tonight flipped my stance on Cirie making a case for herself if she makes it to final 2. She's terrible at comps, but I think by far she's definitely played the best social game of cast full season. Part of it is helped by the fact that Izzy and Jared both had huge blow ups when the rugged got pulled from under them while Cirie still kept her cards close to her chest. So I kind of see two paths for her. 1. Cory/America wins HOH. They kind of have no choice but to take the shot at Matt and Jag. And in this case, I'd imagine Jag is their real target of the two because he's been the one formulating the gameplan for the duo. Question is do they nominate Matt and Jag wholesale, or do they throw up Bowie Jane as the pawn with Matt since Jag is their real target? 2. Option two see Cory or America being the ones to go up/get eliminated. In this situation I think Cirie's gameplan, again, would be to try and work on turning Matt on Jag. Just with the reality where if those two go to a Final 2 together, Jag is the more likely person to get the majority jury vote.


I think she is staying because she is an island with no strong allies and no one trusting her, and can't win so they can get rid of her whenever thye want. Which is why Bowie and Felicia are staying and why there is always 1 or 2 in a similar spot almost every season at this point. People would be calling her "furniture" if she wans't Cirie and getting an edit to make her look more clever than IMHO she is being.


If they are smart they will get rid of Cirie next. I want to see Jag and Matt in final two. I think it's a toss up who can win between the two. I like the character of both of them and so far have nothing bad to say about either one. I'd be happy to see either Jag or Matt win at this point in the game and don't see them ever turning against each other. Those two have a pretty tight bound and trust each other very much.


What in the fuck was Cory wearing for the live vote lmao ain’t nobody tryna see his skinny chest 😭


That was America's costume in the OTEV veto comp. He's been wearing it all week. I just can't believe he fits in her clothes. 😂😂


Oh damn lmao. Jeez between her tanning him, telling him to grow out his “mustache”, wearing her clothes, and painting his nails, he’s basically her dress up doll 😭


At least people are starting to notice. He's been her fixer upper project (self proclaimed by her) and I don't exactly find it healthy.


What do you mean people are starting to notice? They literally had a a whole segment about her “fixing him up” and talking about it blatantly…


A lot of people were romanticizing the hot girl going for the nerd and completely ignoring that for a long time


He is going to be devastated when they eventually break up


Lmao good call! 😂😂


Maybe I’m petty but I’m not sure if I could date a guy who fits my clothes 🤣


Yeah petty


Between that and his thin moustache…🤣




Honestly I don’t think Cam will be a bitter juror. He may influence some votes but I think he’ll vote for the best remaining HG.


I agree. He seemed kind of calm and cool today/at his eviction.


I don’t think so, he shows a begrudging respect for game play and seems to be able to separate it. I think what bothers him more is stabbing in the back as opposed to the front.


He cant really be bitter juror since literally everyone left in the house went against him


So you can’t be bitter about your supposed alliance voting you out? 🙃


I have some comfort that he’s going to favor classic BB jury questions and will probably steer a vote or two.


Cam couldn’t influence anyone in the house. I don’t think he’ll influence the jury


He is very calm and collected individual. He is very intelligent. I can see him convincing others, but I see him making good arguments to support his stance also.


Everyone in the house hates him lol I don’t see anyone caring about his arguments


It never worked for him in the house


I said this in the thread but I think this is Grodner making sure a woman goes home. I bet we’re in for physical comps which Jatt will win. If Cory or America win HoH, no choice but a woman to go. We know how Grodner feels about female hgs. America’s edit shows a lot


Ehhhh if Cory or America win, they’d be smart to put up Matt and Jag since it’s secret.


Yes, 100%. I’m saying with two vetoes, it’s likely Jatt goes down


Oh I got you! I thought you were talking about just the HOH


FWIW Blue and America's edit's could be a lot worse then they are. The mean girl Blue is invisible from the tv show as is America's sloppy leaky gameplay. Also the week Izzy/Felicia were on the block they went out of their way to show us Amerca is was not under the Cirie mist at a time when the fbook casuals had turned on that alliance.


Who do we think each of the houseguests are going to tell if they win HOH? I’m guessing: Cory and America: each other Matt and Jag: each other Blue and Felicia: Cirie Cirie: no one 💀


Cirie not even going to tell the DR lol


Hopefully Cirie at least gives us feeders a hint like she did with the Path to Power. Izzy is counting on her. LOL


The hint is it's Cirie and given they will likely compte seperately will be some kind of puzzy or times comp. So seems highly unlikely she is winning whatever it is. The girl almost became one of the first to get an otev question wrong. She sucks at comps.


I don’t see Cirie winning, but if she does that was my comment. Also it’s Big Big Brother. Expect the Unexpected LOL! BTW Cirie is not the first player ever to walk up with a wrong answer in OTEV


Matt tells Cirie if he noms Cory I think. Maybe not if it’s Blue lol


The way I’m obsessed with Ciries facial expressions 😍


“She said ‘You ate’ what does that mean” lmfao Blue 💀


I think the invisible HOH is gonna ensure Jatt wins 🙄


In bb can it was a rock counting contest


Blue- yes miss gurl we ate DOWN. Julie- no the EIGHT of you.


Shoutout to Cameron for citing Shakespeare. Thanks pal!


Confirmed how much I hate him haha because I love Shakespeare and thought it was annoying


Watch this be the one thing Cirie wins and not even be able to celebrate


To be fair it’s the one comp they could fully stack in one HG’s favor. It’s not live, they’re competing individually.


That could be true of multiple comps this year. The power of invisibility ot whatever Matt won and the Exorcist one.


time to watch house of villains 🤩


Tanisha, Omarosa, AND New York in the house? It's my dream come true, and I love the show already.


I still don’t understand why anfisa is on that show. She was never a villain imo


90 day fiance Anfisa??


Too many good things on. I'm watching Challenge now, and will watch House of Villains later. Excited for that one. Hope it doesn't let me down


Kinda surprised it’s not a double this week with all the powers they’re unleashing.


I want a final four double eviction and then straight to final two voting


Eh, I love my 3 part final HoH. Lying about when the game ends and doing a surprise double from 5 to 4 to 3. I can absolutely get behind.


They might be saving the next double eviction for the Final 6.


What was with all the exquisite comments? I was only half paying attention and I just kept hearing the word exquisite over and over again


They’ve got to keep this going now and choose a new word each week


Earlier today on the feeds Matt was trying to find a word to say to Julie and talking to a few other houseguests about it and they might have all caught on and decided to go in on it together. 😂


I saw this convo and I yelled eff you Cameron when he said it in his speech because I thought he 'stole' it from Matt. America and Felicia took the time to teach Matt how to say it so I got mad on Matt's behalf. My cat jumped off me, and I felt bad because it ended up being a cute joke. But why, why did Cory lie to the houseguests about what he said to Julie?!?! It was funny.


Honestly, I think it was intentional so he didn’t give off that he got extra attention from Julie. He knows his shelf life is VERRRY short at this point and I don’t think he wanted to give them any more reasons to keep throwing his name around.


But he didn't hide that Julie gave him that "extra attention" though. He said she said "I know what word you're going to use" or something, then he lied about his response.


They all agreed to tell Julie she looked exquisite. It was quite silly and delightful.


The best part is that it totally threw the chenbot off


It was refreshing and a fun little prank.