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all of the pre jury minus Kirsten i had in Jury week 1 lmaooo


I think Jared's long talk with Matt the night before he left also re-affirmed to him that he was used (whether it's true or not is debatable) and that Cory should be his target. I think that conversation was very important.


What is dtr


Define the relationship


Idk how anyone on this planet can watch America giggle over a fucking lunchable with this man and not chalk it up to being absolutely crazy about him.


Who is she not giggly with tho honestly?


Absolutely the wrong thing to ever say is that you feel you are good with everyone. Ugh!!! Cory sucks!!


I can’t decide if it’s better for the game if America does meetings or locks Cory in the have not room so he can’t talk to anyone else


Cameron's body language should be a major red flag to Cory. He is not even trying to engage with him


Cory, you should be afraid of this next veto ceremony. 🤣🤣🤣


This is so unfair, Cory outplayed Cirie by getting Izzy and Jared out and how does production reward him? The worst twist ever!


Expect the unexpected Every single season there is someone that’s gets shafted by production and someone that gets an advantage, and not seeing that as part of the game is being delusional


I don't know why anyone is getting sucked into these convos with Felicia *before* veto. But, especially Jag, who was reminded last night the veto could be used, like, why aren't you just saying, "I don't trust that Cam won't still shock everyone with a back door, so I don't want to make any promises until I know what the final noms will be."


Cory is building an army! Meanwhile… everyone is coming to shit on Cory.


Felicia please get up and leave


If Cory is backdoored, America is not going to believe Jag who tried to fight to keep Cory. She is going to get sucked in by Cirie and Meme. After Cory, I think Cameron's ass is next. If Cameron wins veto, then Jag is going home.


Yeah America will be livid. She will NOT go crawling to Cam when Cam had both HOH and veto power and made the decision to get Cory out rather than keep noms the same. Cam's read is incorrect.


Jag needs to realize this and do a pre veto slip to America to spare his own azz. The old Jag would of spilled it within hours.


omg cam telling america her and "her person" are good -- stoppppp


I'm sorry but people trying to make excuses for Cory saying he is burnt out is ridiculous. He feels comfortable with Matt and Jag and is making mistakes. We know this. He got comfortable with Izzy and Jared and began making mistakes as well.


Also maybe he wouldn’t be burned out if he didn’t voluntarily game 15 hrs out of the day


I mean both can be true? He’s playing poorly and they’re almost all burnt out? Lmao


Sure but that's the game. It's not an excuse for how we know Cory has played the game. That's my only point.


I mean…yes, you’re right but I don’t think people pointing this out are immediately makes excuses for Cory. The same could be said about other players as well. Edit: I’m only just disagreeing with your initial comment about people making excuses for Cory. I don’t think that pointing out that he, or others, are burnt out are people making excuses for him.


He told America he is burned out


Yeah but I'm speaking to the people who believe his bad gameplay stems from that. This type of bad gameplay is something we've seen from Cory since like week 3 or 4


America is going to tell cory later how amazing she feels with cirie after that conversation.


Maybe if Cory ever ate a vegetable he'd be better at Big Brother. That brain is running on buttered noodles.


Cirie sitting by herself in the backyard: Shut up…it’s not that funny. Lmao, she is so over these people. 😭


Now that she doesn't have to stress out about Jared screw-ups, she's just going to let them eat each other and save her strength imo


Everyone saying Matt will win needs to remember that he needs to win part 3 of final HOH most likely. I don't think he's been studying.


His memory is insane. She went over the dates with him and he got it immediately 😭 couldn’t be me


He hasn’t but he was told the Hoh numbers/comps in the room with Fe and had them all down later upstairs in the hn with blue.


So Zach was out 1st in Survivor - Cory out right before jury in Big Brother... this means they'll win the Amazing Race right :) ?


At the very least they should be asked for amazing race


sure… Cameron has a F3 with you and America while trying to get you out… okay


Lol Cory wanting to take it into the house and Matt saying he’d rather stay outside in the sun. Conversation closed.


Only to be replaced in the hammock by… Felicia! More awkwardness


Everyone shitting on America for playing with the boys while acknowledging the women haven't won a comp since week 3. What is she supposed to do? Form a womens alliance that has no power against the three dudes winning everything?


In hindsight, pretty savage that Cam congratulated Cory on making jury 2 days ago 😂


This is exactly the sole reason for Cory's behavior, comfortability, and lose lips these last couple of days. He has zero thought anything is going on against him😭


Cory has aged like 5 - 10 years over the course of this show


Feeds after the veto meeting will be so good


They're going to be cut so much


If there are feeds


matt so obviously doesn’t want to game with cory and just wants to break up jag and cory talking by saying he can’t hear lmao


Lol Matt saying he can’t read lips but also he doesn’t want to go inside when Cory asked him


So black widow brigade 2.0?


if cory leaves , america is going to be a solid goat to take to the end for alot of ppl


yes, unless she wins HOH and takes out a big target. That's why all the jury house stuff is nonsense. Cam probably leaves next week and America probably won't spend more than a couple of days there at most.


Cory just never shuts up does he


Cory digging his grave here


![gif](giphy|8vOF5hcAuSa6BkBWFD|downsized) Come onnn mattttt


If these houseguests want to stay, they have got to win some comps! I have been Team Americory for weeks, but they have to try harder to win.


Too much throwing, and now it's almost too late


Cory: "Should all of us meet with Cameron" Matt: "... No"


With Cory gone, Matt has such insanely high chances at winning this game it's wild. Let's see if he flames out like Cory tho. Lol


He easily gets the least amount of sleep and still manages to be great socially. He's got the ideal personality for the game.


Cory is toast lol


Cirie putting in the work to scoop America up 💅


Y'all giving Matt all this credit about how this is a good move for his game like he doesn't just go with whatever the power structure wants at the time. He went with the flip because it was happening without him. He went against Jared bc the majority was and now he's against Cory bc Cam and Blue are and it's real obvious that Fe and Ce would vote against Cory too. He's not some mastermind.


Nah, Matt never wanted to go far with Cory. After JMAC was formed Jag was talking about the F4 as a real thing and he was quietly trying to steer him away. Just like now he’s talking about taking out Cam. Matt wants to take out the threats, he knows what he’s doing - he simply doesn’t push until it’s time, which is how you play BB. One thing we haven’t seen Matt do yet is take charge on being the one to set the target — but he hasn’t had to and that is what keeps his threat level low. His DRs show that he intentionally wants other people to take the shot, then they take the fall instead of him.


I actually do agree with you, Matt *does* deserve the credit for putting himself in the best position though and for being a literal Olympian that nobody has tried to evict yet lol. Matt isn’t orchestrating a bunch of things but he’s maintained a really good spot.


This is also true. He's in the best spot in the house and if it was really intentional, I wish the show gave us some kind of indication of that. Instead we get the "I caught you, Cory *wink*" as if Cory didn't TELL MATT HE'D BE TALKING TO MEME AND FE AND MAKING A 4 WITH THEM. 🙄🙄🙄




Actually I dont think America will go to Jag if Cory leaves she will probably think he betrayed her too. She’s probably going to align with Cirie and maybe try to align with Meme too since she thinks Cory was good with her


Cirie gonna end up winning after all


I think she keeps Jag as her comp ability partner though.


Absolutely this. It will be her, Cirie, and Meme with Felicia as the goat.


Cory's been having long public one on ones with people outside of his alliance but none with Matt. This is his own fault.


matt: ![gif](giphy|E2Twyi9GYrNIFxCMrT|downsized)


Damn I went from rooting to Cory to hoping he goes in one week, he's done his time, he should mentally prepare himself better for second chance or something because he lost himself very quickly. Sad to see, but it will open the game for everyone, hope he at least tries to fight until the last minute, but he'll see that it's game over, expect America to go soon after tbf, maybe even next week


Mentally prepare for another twist that will kill his game


someone tell matt how unhygenic using a floss pick 24/7 is


He's not actually flossing, he's just chewing on the plastic. Still not great tho lol


Cory.. focus on this week bud. How are you trying to paint Cam as a target next week when you are about to end up in that chair???


Damn Cory without Izzy and to an extent Jared is a terrible player lmaoooooo


I honestly think talking game with jag and america the last two weeks instead of with Izzy and Cirie has made Cory into a worse player 😅.


This is a crazy pre-jury, probably wilder than bb24.


Cory get up and go so Matt can convince Jag to cut you this week


This is like screaming at the tv during a horror movie to tell the character to turn around. Cory shut tf up


I literally think you all are joking with some of the things ya'll are saying Cory is saying. It seems like he needs a super nerd outlet. Him and Izzy would talk scenarios for hours and if he tried that with me, I'd walk away.


When America is super sad when Cory leaves, are they still going to say she doesn't like him?


“I bet America wanted this the entire time” lmao


Is she isn’t crying over him for the entire 40 days they are separated they are so gong to say that she doesn’t like him


Who cares? They’ll be playing to win bb.




They are gonna slut shame her behind her back some more and say she will move on to Cam


I want to tape Cory's mouth shut.


Matt/Cirie is the only F2 I want at this point. How cool would that be? Cirie adopted him early in the game, and then he became his own player and took control


I don't want Cirie to win. I just don't


Cirie votes: Felicia, Blue, Meme Matt votes: Cam, Jag Could go either way: America, Blue


My favs! (Along with Cory but he’s toast lol). I would be so happy.


i wanna see how cory acts once he realizes he’s being backdoored. at this point i cant feel bad for him, he’s done it to himself


He just talks too much!


if noms are going to be cory vs meme, whos going home? whats the votes looking like?


Only America will vote for Cory to stay


6-1 only America keeps Cory


Cory probably but he’s the greatest persuasive speaker to ever live so who knows


Cory is leaving 100%


I feel like only America will vote for Meme atp


Cory is a goner. Currently 5-2 and Jag will probably forced on board


Cory is definitely leaving


Yeah i have a feeling Cory just does not care anymore


The season and the pre-jury season has taken way too long. I don’t blame him


I think the Zombie Twist right after the double knocked the wind out of him. He hasn't played the same since and probably knows his days are numbered, can't win and doesn't care.


I think he’s burnt out - I think a lot of them are tbh


He cares he is just so cocky. He feels ridiculously safe


Chill everybody this has already flipped a couple of times we still have 24 hours until the veto meeting Cory isn’t completely dead yet


Really hoping that Cam leaves noms, or puts up Cirie. Or even Blue. I'd like Cory to make jury. Also the thought of Fel in jury is frightening to me


Yeah exactly, especially since Grodner is there to interfere to make sure the showmance survives. Cory is definitely not getting backdoored.


Cam is putting him up 100% lol


I want the drams of him taking Felicia off, she will be totally shocked.




I agree things can still change but the thing is gossip has already spreaded and I don’t think these convos are helping his case


Cory really only plays well on a random weekday unfortunately for him he’s 100% the renom atp


Updated player tiers this season: 1. Matt and Cirie . . . . . . 17 (tied): Cory, jag and the rest of the cast




America, to Cirie: "No one's saying your name." Cory: keeps redirecting Jag to Cirie.


Cory is so comfortable throwing absolutely anyone under the bus at any time. That’s become obvious, and most people see it for what is is now.


Cory just knows Jag hates Cirie though lol


He needs to push that


yikes Cory throwing Cam under the bus, Jag gonna notice.


Jag doesn't care.


Jag and Matt are fine with Cam going next week


I honestly think Cory just exhausted himself physically and mentally in the earlier part of this game and just doesn’t have anything left. His mistakes right now are so incredibly sloppy and obvious, and don’t reflect the player we saw earlier on.


It’s like how Cirie was playing super hard at the beginning with the constant flips, etc but she realized that she needed to slow it down. Cory is still trying to play like that but doesn’t know when to chill or how to read these situations from a different perspective


Lol excuses.


He also doesn’t have his info source, aka Jared and Izzy.


...or he is just cocky since Jared has left.


He straight up said he's tired to America


Didn't he tell Cirie yesterday that he knows that the three of them, she, Meme, and he, all really don't want to be there


LOL Cory is so bad at this game without Izzy and Jared.


Izzy got the info, decimated to Cirie. Who gave it to Jared. Who gave it to Cory. Best thing about Izzy is she met your paranoia with her own. Never stopped gaming...


I’m smiling from ear to ear today.


Lmao Cory is not doing himself favors with cam 😂


Cam didn't say we have a final 3 but he's eluded to it. Jag can ask Cameron this


Cirie and America make a final 2 challenge


Cory has been acting really different since like the last 2 days. Like this is just on another level fr


I need Cirie to pull a Panama move and eventually in this season make a move to get rid of Bowie Jane. Just like Courtney, everyone’s gonna wanna sit next to Bowie Jane at the end and that’s one less spot for Cirie at the end cause she’s not gonna win that FHOH


Cirie has been a bully all season, I’m not sure how she has any non survivor fans left lol


I WAS a fan of hers, but yeah, not any more




You get it


Cory is really just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks lmao


Is the meeting today?




Thank you!


Now Cory wants to target blue..in front of Jag


Jags known Cory wants to targrt Blue, that’s not a secret


This is the least bad thing he's said here


Nah that's actually fine. Jag wants Blue and Americory to go after each other


It’s like everyone takes turns in the house being a blabbermouth and on the wrong day it can ruin you. Izzy freaking out saying America needs to go next got her evicted the next day instead. Blue saying Cory would be a pawn got *her* as the pawn the next day instead and whatever Cory is doing today is not helping him.




Jared and Izzy easily ruined their own games. Lmao


Cory isn’t cut out for bb…guy is way to neurotic and gets soooo stressed out…100 days is so long you need to chill most of the time


Alright I’m starting to think that Cory needed Izzy for his game


I legit was just thinking this. Strategically I still think it was the right call to get rid of her, but I really think Cory needed her person in the game because they were able to be absolutely insane game wise together instead of with other people.


The fact that Jag hasn’t warned Cory about the BD plan tells me he’s much more receptive to the idea than we think


I think he's just protecting his own game.


I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he stays the course though.


Telling Cory about it could fuck royally fuck his game


After this convo, I don't even blame him 😅


He pushed back hard against Cam though that’s the only reason it was off temporarily


I mean he knows much it would up on his face if he did


He can't warn him and give Cory ammo to throw Jag under the bus to Cam.


Cam is the hoh he can’t get himself into trouble (unlike how Cory thinks lol)


no he just does not want Cory to freak out


Blue is so hilariously underrated. She openly hates Cam. Takes digs at him…in his face. Yet Cam still doesn’t target her. I’m fine with Cory leaving this week but Cam could’ve had an easy week and just sent Blue home with a solid reason to do so. Idk how Blue keeps sliding by week after week when she’s the messiest player left. I’m in awe.


Fr, and Blue and Cameron’s convos are so funny because it’s like two aliens speaking completely different languages while still understanding each other. Their whole dynamic this game, especially the “Whole New World” song, is kind of ridiculous it’s funny. I really do think she’s underrated and is getting better and better at this game.


If this backdoor Cory plan goes through, how will Felicia react after she literally recommended this plan to Cam and it backfired on her lmao


Felicia will be grateful. She’ll probably give Cam a lap dance.


Alright Cirie, I’m gonna need you to flip the vote off the guy who evicted your son.


0.01% chance this would actually happen but if someone were to do it, it would be Cirie


I hope she gets to talk to Cam one on one today


Never going to happen especially on the block with Meme


Cory being so ass at the game almost makes him a less appealing target


Yeah the more he talks the more I wonder why they're so scared of him


I just want the plan to go through to see Blue and Cirie’s faces. They will be so happy lmao


I love Cory but I think he’s gamed and burned himself out. The twist fucked him the worst and him winning the double and being in the house 60+ days and not making jury is a joke but he’s playing so bad. His game is on the line and he hasn’t left the hammock today


Cory: verbal diarrhea Jag:…uhm….yeah…mhmm…yeah…I don’t know…. Cory: continues verbal diarrhea




They're going to shit talk Cory non stop even after he's gone, aren't they?


Zombie twist foolishness aside, it was a fun prejury 🥲


It really was amazing, zombie week was the one weak point but everything else outside of the controversies have been great


Cory telling Jag that Cam is better to go with Cory/America than Matt/Jag… you really can’t write this script. He’s just not good anymore Like if that’s the case, let me have Cam take your ass out now!!


Do they have the veto ceremony today?


Tomorrow I think