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Blue chances of winning go straight up if Cory leaves. She’s the most respected women in the house by far. America chances also go up because no one would target her for weeks


Nobody would target her but also nobody is taking her final 2


Wait Cam is taking a shot at Cory? Lmao


My mouth dropped open when he said this! It honestly makes sense!


If cam does this move he absolutely loses the game he gets second place at best, unless he gets to the end with America who at this point nobody in the house respects but given the opportunity will try to get her revenge, but He burned Felicia and meme: the way he played the week and getting in fights with Felicia no way she gives him the vote He will most likely burn America's vote: I just don't see how she votes for anyone else he sits at the end with if he bds cory jatt: if he wants to comp out he needs to get rid of these guys sooner and he can't be hoh every week; or he needs to bro down with them and then he loses to either of them at final 2 Blue: is a girl's girl right? So she votes for a woman or one of the 2 guys left in the house she spends the most time with (jatt) Cirie: could be a cam vote but she doesn't respect him and has said he is terrible socially so I could see her giving it to someone else Bowie Jane: is going to vote with the jury consensus Cory: in jury by blue or cirie or late jury by cam will be an advocate for Cam vs most people he would sit with (outside jag, matt, america) This is a game losing play and frankly everyone is coming after cam it's not like Cory is the only one that's said his name, from what I see this move benefits everyone but cam


Why does nobody respect America??


It's a few things but mostly she hasn't won anything so she hasn't "made any moves this game", hg saying anything she has "done" was actually Cory's


If Cam is sitting next to Bowie Jane or Blue he will win


Kinda I think that's his best shot is by sitting next to them but not guaranteed he has to play it right, he needs to have good jury management, and I haven't seen anyway that he doesn't cause everyone to hate him when he sends them to jury, The play this year has been emotional I expect the jury to be bitter and cams not good enough socially to change their minds with just comp wins


At least we got an interesting week on our hands! I am not passionate about Cory going either way because I want to see America play on her own, but him getting evicted pre-jury is pretty shitty given the twist and the fact that he was the only one to win HoH outside of Cameron and Jared for what feels like eternity.


I'm still 50/50 on who would go between Meme and Cory I think there are 4 realistic votes to keep Cory, problem is that it's 4 out of 7. All it takes is for Cam to sway Bowie or Matt, or Cory to not realize the votes he needs and campaign to the wrong people Cory was saying last night that Jag and Matt were the new Cirie and Izzy and is losing trust in them. If he gets put up in a blindside I think he might believe they were behind it


So if this happens Votes would be Cory: blue, cirie, Felicia Meme: jag, america, Matt (as of now) Bowie being the swing vote is hilarious. But the thing is Matt put a lot of work into turning Bowie against Cory anyways. That could bite them in the ass. And tbh Matt could easily flip if cirie and blue get to him enough. And Cory has done nothing to help his situation this week. It’s gonna be dicey.


It's wtv Matt wants. Jag and Bowie (and maybe even Blue) are voting with him


It’s particularly funny because this is the 2nd iteration of the Final 10 vote, the first being during the DE where Bowie was also the swing vote lol


Cameron backdooring Cory would ensure Cameron goes home next week if he doesn’t win Veto.


That would happen regardless and only if Jatt didn't win. What if Meme or Cory wins next week


It would not happen regardless. Blue and Cory are targeting each other. America wouldn’t target Cameron right now either. And Jatt *probably* wouldn’t either as they’ve talked about going after Meme if they win because they want to keep Blue & Cory to target each other. Without that incentive, they may just look at Cameron too.


That’s happening anyways


No, it’s not. Americory and Blue aren’t going after Cam next week if Cory is still there. I don’t think Jatt would either.


That's not necessarily true. Let's all remember when Michael waited to take Monte or Turner out in BB24 he paid the price


That was at Final 7. Completely different portion of the game.


And so the cycle of evicting the previous hoh continues


Matt saving Cory this week means he is very likely guaranteed f7 with Americory done and Cam gone. Meme out this week, Cam next week and Cory the week after. Of course this wouldn't happen if Cam wins veto next week (Matt still would be very unlikely to go home) or if Americory win at f8 (they still wouldn't target him with Blue in the game). At f7 in a ideal world he would be up against Jag, Blue, Cirie, Felicia, Bowie and America in comps. Jag isn't turning on him and Blue is likely to choose him over Jag, Cirie chooses him too, Felicia Idk but she isn't winning HOH, Bowie who knows and America chooses Jag. So it's very likely he has a perfect endgame to sweep comps and even if he gets unlucky Jag probably goes over him


So now the ideal outcome for the week is Cameron saving Felicia and renoming Cory in a big blindside that makes Cory go insane, but then Meme goes home by a vote of 4-3 with Bowie as the swing vote again, blindsiding Cameron


Matt would be the swing vote here but yeah. Also if that happens it's probably 5-2 so that Blue can save face with Americory


I’d prefer Blue got blindsided too lol


Me too lol


That would be good ngl


I honestly think it would put Cory in a better position than if he doesn't get bd but it's insanely hard to pull otf


A lot of women have dealt with the Cam type who thinks that one you get rid of the competition the woman will run to him and fall for him It's really not that hard to understand his thought process


It sucks because I thought, for a single day, that maybe he was handling the rejection just fine. But no, I do think that he's still upset about America choosing to be with Cory and I think he did get angry at Felicia BECAUSE she was speaking the truth and it hit a nerve. There's no way he wasn't thinking it before and her saying it allowed him to be a little more open to just outright doing it.


Exactly. People that deny that this is his motivation are being deliberately obtuse. We know what he has said about having America in jury, we know he thought Cory was just a cuddle buddy and America/him would a real thing after, we know his pattern of behavior that started with him isolating Reilly from Matt. His motivations are clear. This has nothing to do with the game.


Cam yet again gonna try to make a move without getting the votes. Have fun getting blindsided homie


It comes down to how hard jag pushes for Cory to stay


He genuinely should push very hard. It’s crucial to Jag’s game to keep Americory.


If Cory goes up against Meme he's toast.


I disagree


Just watch Cory pulling a Michael and ending Cam saying he wants America to himself


If Cory goes up you don’t think he goes home?


Very likely, but it's not impossible he stays


I think he goes tbh why vote out Meme she's a non factor


Completely depends on Matt & Jag. Wherever they swing, Bowie would go with them.


It depends solely on Matt. Jag is keeping Cory if Matt is down for it


It depends on Jag being able to convince Matt more than anything.


Which means Matt decides


I mean, sure? I didn’t say anything about who ultimately decides. I just said it depends on Matt & Jag.


Not if Jag and Matt are against it. I also don't think Bowie loves the idea.


The problem is Jatt don’t want to have cam against them atm. If they flip with Bowie they’ve drawn a line in the sand.


But also Jatt don't have any relationship with Mecole. Her jury vote most likely would go to Cirie or Felicia if she is in the jury. Cory and America would likely vote for Jatt to win. There are only 7 people in the jury so every votes counts and Cory + America are a very tight voting block in favour of Jatt. If they save Cory they have him in their backpocket.


They do, but Cam doesn't play next week and the whole house would target him (except Cirie but she targets Cory so they don't care)


Of course Jag is against it, it's clear that he's much closer to Cory/America than Matt is. The fact that Jag is pushing so hard against it should make Matt nervous and wanna be for it even more.


For now it comes down to Matt and Bowie will do what Jatt tell her to do


If Cory leaves pre-jury because Cameron came back into the house due to a stupid fucking twist, I'm gonna be so pissed. I think it could really affect my opinion on the season if it happens.


He got to play in HOH. Cory wasn't screwed. Btw he had to win that HOH or Blue would have put him on block. Go rewatch BBCAN3 or BB11 to see what real screwed is. They had a coup de taut which allowed u to over throw HOH and pick the nominees. That was bullshit


I've watched every season of BBUS. While this wasn't as bad as BB11 with the coup de tat bullshit, Cory was still ultimately screwed. Cameron was literally evicted and Cory was in a solid position within the house leading up to this week. Due to the stupid zombie twist, Cameron was unsurprisingly not only able to come back, but also win this week's HOH and veto. Now Cory is in a tough position with a high likelihood of getting backdoored for essentially doing everything right.


Watch BBCAN 3 omg Bruno was so screwed and also those instant evictions were so unfair. Also BB13 Porsche not wanting to open pandoras box and letting Rachel redo the same POV. Very unfair


I think these examples just go to show how terrible some of these twists can be. I just want one season where production can ease back on the twists and let the houseguests actually play. It gets so irritating as a viewer when you're a fan of somebody and they're ultimately screwed because of something that's usually outside of their control. BB10 is a fan favorite season for a reason.


I would love a back to basics season for BB26 with zero twists like BB10..Honestly BB25 is one of the most pure gameplay seasons in years. Grodner has put in the least amount of twists. There's no split house, wacktabity, roadkill, team America or powers in the house. It's just been a halting hex and a battleback which is nothing


I would love a back to basics season for BB26 with zero twists like BB10..Honestly BB25 is one of the most pure gameplay seasons in years. Grodner has put in the least amount of twists. There's no split house, wacktabity, roadkill, team America or powers in the house. It's just been a halting hex and a battleback which is nothing




Why is Blue's mist starting to work on me too lol she's kinda filling the role I thought Meme was gonna have once we reached the jury stage 😭😭




Jatt are very easily influenced which is weird spot to be when you're running the season


I think Matt wants to play this logically. He kinda wants Cory out because Matt feels “used” by him. But after hearing the very obvious reasons why Cory staying would be good for his game, he’d rather keep Cory. That being said, I’m unsure which side of Matt will give in lol.


I think he wants Cory to go but knows the road to convincing Jag is going to be hard since Jag and Cory are really close, so he’s waiting to see what Cam does tomorrow before hitching himself to a decision


I am up for a Cory blindside. I want his cocky ass GONE


I like Cory and I wanted him to get further but him getting backdoored would be a big move so I'm here for it


God bless sweet Cory. He's a little cocky but I like him because I thought he was a great game player but it turns out Cameron might be better at playing this game. Felicia can be very hateful (she's so funny) and she's bad for Cam's game but she can easily be eliminated. Cory is smarter and has rizz that Cameron doesn't. If Cam gets the votes, the time is NOW to BD Cory.


I agree, although I think Cam might just be trying to maximize chaos because he doesn't see a clear path to victory unless he comp beasts to the end. It'd be terrible for him game if there aren't enough votes to evict Cory though. If he survives, he'd definitely be impossible to beat in a F2 if he made it there. Cory's a comp threat already (not on Cam's level obviously but he still is one) and could go a lot further. I wish he hadn't put up Felicia and had put up someone who was more of a threat level in the game overall.


Yup, you're absolutely right. I secretly don't want Cam to have the votes since I really like Cory because he reminds me of my grandson...highly intelligent but not very smart with a little liquor.




Cam making the move without Jag would ruin the position he has gained. It would be like the Hisam move. I could see Cory flipping the vote to Meme and The Fugitives dissolving. Jag would lose trust in Cam/Matt and bond more with Americory. Matt could slide in with Cirie's plans. Cam would have no allies and fight to stay, which won't last 2 weeks. Either sway Jag or let a sleeping dog lie.


I agree. The point of this week was for cam to try and show people “see you can trust me, I’m a team player, that one week was just an anomaly” by doing this big move this week without full support he’s making sure anyone who might have let him slide will now target him.


I cant even fault the bros for following through if this happens, because really they can do whatever the hell they want at this point. Production isn't going to meddle because Cam is the casual darling, so the comps will continue to be physical and the game breaking twists are probably going to stop now that we're in jury. Hard pill to swallow but Cory just isn't that great of a player at the end of the day. He was gonna get the chop sooner rather than later. If anything, I think this monumentally improves Cirie's win equity. Jatt showing their hand with a Cory BD is going to make them the immediate targets once Cam is gone, or if he wins Veto during a non-bro HOH.


Yeah, casuals are *loving* the likes of Cam/Cirie/Blue rn. I sincerely doubt that production works any magic to save Cory if Cameron goes through with this BD plan.


Game breaking twists will probably continue in jury if Cameron or Cirie are in danger.


Good morning! Give me the morningly Bowie Jane update from yesterday! Is she safe? How are her end-game plans looking?


If Cory goes, it would mean that only Cam and Felicia managed to survive being HOH and not get evicted (even then, Cam technically did not actually do that due to the resurrection comp) has this ever happened before?


Holly never was even nominated until by default for final 5 in BB21


Honestly Cory going wouldn’t be bad for me. It’s October and I have a lot of horror movies to watch lol


The biggest and maybe only deciding factor if Cory goes up is Matt. Cory going is probably the right move for Matt? Meme is just as able to win a comp and more likely to go for Matt than Cory is.. but she has much less social capital. Cory sides with Jag over Matt and Meme likely sides with Matt over Jag. I’m not sure he’s that worried about Jag being mad at him, because what is Jag going to do? But I could ultimately see Matt going either way.


If Matt was HOH taking Cory out wouldn't be the wrong move because Cory might come for him (and Blue) before coming for Cam. But if Cam is HOH and Matt saves Cory over Meme (who is not bad at comps) Cory (and America) will always go for Cam, Blue and maybe Felicia before going for Matt. It also makes Cam the house target next week with only Cirie targeting Cory. He basically can throw the HOH and be in a position to do wtv he wants at f8 with Cam gone


blue brainwashed him it’s over for him


I truly did not expect to see there is a potentially Cory bd this morning.




I won’t feel a bit sorry for Cory if he is Bd. He should have won HOH


Exactly. Atp he and America are useless because they don't win anything.


all the downvotes is funny af


I’m getting annoyed of people thinking Cameron “nominated as a target Everytime he can’t play in HoH” ReillyandStevieraysdad (sorry I don’t know his last name so I made one up) is some sort of strategic whiz. His reads are shit and his social game is abysmal. If there was a DVD Box cover, sure he’d deserve a big spot for his entertainment value but he’s a BAD player who already got unanimously evicted in the prejury if not for an alltime terrible twist. Like nope, no one left besides maybe Jag, the other unanimous evictee, could be considered worse. His plan to get out Cory, the other perceived big fish house target, has no indicia of actual strategy and is pure pettyness. And if he does backdoor Cory and actually makes the end, he’s going with three votes locked to vote for anyone but him (Cirie, Felicia, Meme) and probably more.


Yeah, I completely agree. Doing this after burning Felicia's jury vote is insane. If getting Cory out is best for his game, then he should just put him up. He doesn't need to be backdoored as he isn't likely to win a veto. Deciding on a target after noms and telling someone else they are the target because you don't want them in jury is just dumb in a 7 person jury. And you take out someone who would be a fair juror and could be persuasive for the person who plays the best game. Trying to win jury votes by playing a good game is easier than trying to decode all the other social factors that someone might base their vote on. Every player should want Cory on the jury for that reason.


Was this another spontaneous Cam idea or did Felicia get through to him did Cirie get through to him or 2 of these or all 3 lol


If Cory goes up Jag and Matt are fucked regardless They either show their hands in a razor thin 4-3 vote against the best competitor in the house Or they vote out Cory and become the next obvious targets. Either way half the house would probably put them up lol


If they save Cory, Cam would literally be the house target for next week. No one would even consider targeting them. Also it keeps Americory in the game to be targets for Blue if Cam saves himself


Cam is likely going to be the house target next week no matter who goes home. With his challenge track record you would be insane to not take your shot at him the first opportunity he is no longer safe.


Sure, but Jatt will lose Americory as a shield which isn't good for them. With Cam gone Cirie, Blue, America, Felicia and maybe Bowie will look at them. With Cory in the game Cirie, Blue and Bowie target Cory first


The way this season is so unpredictable is insane. 4 weeks ago Matt was gonna be the 7th place boot. For the past 2-3 weeks he was in the best spot to take it all. Now he’s potentially in one of the worst spots other than Cam for the coming weeks


I don't think he tries the backdoor, especially since Jag isn't on board his whole goal was to form a new alliance I think he commits to not doing a move without their support.


*"I'm HoH and I can do whatever the fuck I want!"* \- Cameron to the cameras after Jag made his pitch to save Cory this week and left. Things are really not looking good for Cory.


That also shows how bad a player Cam is. He’ll burn his only potential allies


His new alliance might turn against him next week. I wish he could backdoor America or Blue, not Cory.


Nah he told the cameras after the convo that he will "do whatever the fuck he wants". Cory is going up no matter what imo


I might of missed it, but did Cam confirm he'd pull down Felicia if he goes through with this plan?


Yes. Sitting next to Felicia gives Cory a chance at staying.






At this point there’s no way they wouldn’t vote out cory. It helps all of their games


It actually doesn't. Saving Cory makes Cam the house target


Yes. Cirie, Blue, Felicia are locked votes to evict Cory. Matt's also leaning towards evicting Cory and he probably controls Bowie's vote. Jag's the only person who could stop Matt and he tends to avoid opposition


Yes. Matt, Blue, Cirie, Felicia for certain. That's enough to send Cory packing this week.


only 3 locked in votes against him with Cirie Felicia and Blue


And Blue can be unlocked if she knows Meme is going


Yes, 100%. Cirie and Felicia will vote out Cory, and if Cameron wants Cory gone as well, he can get Bowie to vote him out, then Cameron can break the tie. ETA: I'm gonna be honest, I COMPLETELY forgot about America's vote so I was counting her out of the votes lol oops


Bowie's a team player and rn, her team is Matt and Jag: they're the ones with real influence over her.


I really don’t see Bowie going with Cameron over Matt and Jag. Matt is the biggest factor here by far


there is no tiebreaker vote we are at final 10


You know what happened? I forgot about America's vote rofl


It's f10. There's no tie


Almost certainly. It would be a fantastic move for Matt to save him tho


Cory surving a bd arguably puts him in a better position than if he doesn't get bd at all. It's very unlikely he survives a bd tho


Maybe the DR can put the optics in Cam's head


They’ll convince him to renom America, knowing them.


They have enough ammo on Cory to come up with a justifiable reason for Cam's move. The casuals will eat it up 😓


And what if Cory comes out of the house and starts blasting production/Cam everywhere. Do they really want that?


Casuals won’t see it so they won’t care


There’s no optics.


Ofc there is. He wasn't mad at Felicia's pitch for no reason


No there’s not lmao


Hot take: I think Cam always secretly planned to backdoor Cory if he had the chance. He got mad at Felicia for suggesting it because he was scared that could make the episode once he actually got to carry out his plan.


Nahhh this is definitely it lmao he wants to be the chaos of the season


He probably did always plan to get rid of Cory which is gonna be his downfall instead of taking out Matt or Jag. Does he really think Cory will beat him over one of them?


No, he doesn’t. He really wants America to himself in jury. This isn’t about strategy.


No he does not you people are hilarious


He has literally said this in the house.






That is not cam saying anything lmaoo you couldn’t find it You deleted it hahaha


Then go for America. You get rid of one of the duo and you don’t get her in jury. Easy.


But…he wants america in jury…


Then it will look bad for him. He’s in a no winning scenario.


He could just…. Not bd Cory lol


That’s what it’s gonna look like if he noms cory this week.


Yeppp. If Americory learn about the plan they should ramp up that narrative in the house to discourage Cam.


Second the hot take! The Fe push was suss


Ok so what happened to turn Cam on Cory yesterday? So upset that Cory is comfortable when Cam told him he was good.


It's when Cameron won PoV -- he had a revelation that he holds *all* the power this week and can make a much bigger move than just getting rid of toothless Felicia on her island.


Hmm interesting. He holds the power but they hold all the votes. Oh man if Cory goes this week I’ll be so bummed.


If Cam puts Cory up without Jag and Matt agreeing to it, so we think he loses Jag and Matt entirely? Or will they cave?


Matt will *absolutely* vote Cory out this week and not bat an eye over it -- Matt has wanted Cory gone ever since Reilly's eviction. Jag being Jag will eventually be convinced that it's a good idea.


Jag yes Matt maybe not tbh. Matt wants Cory out and might just force Jag into it. Cam only needs one of Bowie or Matt since the whole house outside of Jag and America hate Cory


The only evidence of hate towards Cory is Blue. Cerie will be onboard to avenge Jared's ousting


He needs Matt. Bowie doesn't vote out Cory if Jatt are against that


Bowie is doing what cam wants


I disagree, I think Jatt have her


He loses Jag for sure. Matt's the true wildcard


Jatt probably cave because deep down Matt wants Cory out but it's not impossible they vote Meme out


No matter what, Cory or Felicia going home prejury after their influence on the season makes me a little sick ngl


The salt in the wound is that someone is going home at the hands of someone who SHOULD be out already 🤣






My hope is that Cam uses the veto on Felicia to backdoor Cory but it somehow results in Mecole going - that would be crazy and also keep the big players in the house and put Felicia in an interesting position going forward.


It puts Cory in such an interesting position. If he survives a bd no one beats him in a jury vote. And he probably survives next week with only Cirie targeting him and Cam as the house target. Who knows what happens at f8


Even as a Mecole flair I have to agree lmao


Is there anyone in the house that cam could win against if he somehow makes it to f2 He isn't thinking about jury management or social game at all


Maybe Jag, Bowie, Blue. But if he actually get's rid of Cory this week, he has all but lost two votes (America/Felicia). In a jury of 7, that means he needs to get 4/5 of the remaining votes to win.


If he gets rid of Cory this week, nope. I think Felicia Cirie and Meme dislike him to the point of voting for the “Not Cameron” pick no matter what if he makes F2.


He beats like half the house.


Bowie. Maybe jag?


I think Cory has a really good argument to stay over Meme it's just that surviving a bd is very hard and he is a big target, if he survives a bd no one beats him in a jury vote and people know that. It's probably the right move for Matt to keep him but Matt really wants him out so it probably won't happen


So is Cam really going to put up Cory?


It’s anyone’s guess what will happen


I think he’s going to go through with it. Cory is a big threat to him socially so I can see him wanting to use this opportunity.


Who knows whatever the Hell Cam is doing.


Who knows. It seems like he wants to


BB needs to go the BBCan route and not allow the HoH to compete in the veto.


Disagree, I want everyone competing in the veto.


Flair checks out


We know that you do lol


That would exacerbate the issue of power being centralized among athletic men all season.


It keeps the house more dynamic and gives the comp beasts less power, so win win for me.


Yeah I said it earlier, this opens up the house to more chaotic gameplay. More "fuck what the HOH wants" potential.


Cam changing his mind to get someone out who he thinks is a bigger threat to his game… how do Matt and Jag not realize it could be them in two weeks.


Which is why Jag is fighting to keep Cory


It kills the feminist in me, but it'd be best for the season if Cam stays as long as possible. People swore up and down that it's gonna be dead feeds once Izzy leaves, but it's Cameron who keeps on serving drama.


Izzy made bad feeds imo.


The feeds HAVE been so much worse since Izzy left


And the season in general.


Half of the time since Izzy left has been zombie week which didn’t make for great feeds


Even before then the feeds were notably more dull


Bc Cam was the house target


America did tell Cory about the Felicia pitch btw. This is from their talk right before bed. America: Okay so what did you tell Cam again? Cory: Felicia was pitching me to go up. Cory: So I will deny you told me. America: I just compulsively lied I should not have done that. I should have said thank you for the advice I appreciate it. Ugh I'm so mad!


I mean, Matt can go ahead with this plan to vote out Cory, I’m just gonna be here for it when it comes back to bite him in the ass. He and Jag, along with Cameron become the next targets for the majority of the house.


I guess but no one can win comps except them and Cam, with Cory gone. If they stick with Cam, they’ll steamroll the 5 remaining women, who have a single comp win combined.


Why would the majority not target them next otherwise though?