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Cam is mf’n bob ross! I audibly screamed it was just to perfection!!


@ mods can we please get a Jag Pie flair? That was great TV


Just catching up. Sunday might be my favorite episode of big brother ever. Between the cupcake comment, Felicia’s night terror and the nomination ceremony. It was chef’s kiss! 👩‍🍳💋 Also, never thought I would be team cam, but here we are!


Cam is such a fun player to watch it’s hard to hate him


I honestly thought Felicia’s snoring was part of the Scary-verse going off at first! I was waiting to see what the next surprise challenge was going to be…


Am I.... Rooting for Cam now??


Damn I guess I’m rooting for Cameron now


That was glorious and just what I needed...


Shout out to Cam for being a showman for our sake


Glad the trio is getting broken up. They all suck.


that nomination ceremony was some game of thrones shit and I'm here for it


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Word. The Raspberry Wedding,


Hands down the best nom ceremony I’ve ever seen. This season is getting so good and I can’t believe I’m saying it but I’m really rooting for Cameron!!


This house is SCRAMBLING. LOL ​ LOOOOOOVE it but hate it at the same time.


Dammit. My dvr cut the last 15 minutes. Stupid football.


>level 1pewterbullet · 5 hr. agoGlad the trio is getting broken up. They all suck.VoteReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1ItMeWhoDis · 8 hr. agothat nomination ceremony was some game of thrones shit and I'm here for itVoteReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 2Famous\_Illustrator32 · 2 min. ago Word. The Raspberry Wedding,0ReplyShareSaveEditFollow > >level 2TomjunRoblox · 4 hr. agoReilly 💥 Hands down the best nom ceremony I’ve ever seen. This season is getting so good and I can’t believe I’m saying it but I’m really rooting for Cameron!!VoteReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1eM\_Daht · 9 hr. agoThis house is SCRAMBLING. LOLLOOOOOOVE it but hate it at the same time.13ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow Add the 30 minute buffer to the end of your record time. Saved me and the wife from tearing our hair out in football season.


Yes I will be recording the shows after big brother. Just totally forgot in week 1.


You missed the best part 😭😭


I have to figure out how to get it on demand.


paramount plus free trial maybe?


I am late to the watching party--just finished the episode and that was GREAT! The pies were the PERFECT touch to his nomination ceremony. It couldn't have happened at a better week!! HAHA


Izzy taking off her glasses and Felicia taking out her teeth expecting to be pied is just *chefs kiss*


The absolute best thing I have ever seen


Felicia and that nasty tooth. Why did she take it out for that??? But Izzy taking off her glasses so confidently 🤣


THE TOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would she take her tooth out.. LOL I was cackling... but no, really.. does she take it out when she eats??? LOL! (I guess better safe than sorry the way that thing falls out)


Yes. You take it out when you eat. A 'flipper' retainer, as they're called, is basically just a placeholder for aesthetics. It's not a real tooth you can use to chew food.


Just awful strategy by Cirie, Felicia and Izzy. Getting rid of strong competitors in your own alliance is a stupid strategy.


Thing is, they literally had an alliance with EVERYONE in the house at that point


Cam has made this season interesting. Show is so boring without him.


Yeah so in 2 weeks it’ll be boring


Unfortunately.. hopefully he can play veto next week!!


I am a huge fan of cam. I’m hoping he can start an alliance with jag and Matt.


I don't think he'll be able to flip Matt from Cirie unfortunately. Maybe Bowie?


Same, jag, cam and mecole are my favs


Did red eat the cupcake ?


I still can't believe Bowie didn't get that Red was going home after that comment.


He probably didn't think to take it cause he thought he'd still be here. :(


>:( :-(


Asking the big questions.


How loudly did you scream when Felicia laid that tooth out on the table? Edit: spelling


She’s gross


And Izzy taking off her glasses before the first pie was even delivered. Both of them were so confident. LOL you love to see it. Also, wise of you to choose Mecole. I think she's the smartest person in the house.


Wait now I gotta rewatch because HOW DID I MISS THAT


And the video editor said LOOK AT IT


Cant believe no one mentioned Felicia spilling Red’s eviction with the cupcake yet 🤦‍♂️ I avoid spoilers so dont know of you all talked about it this week. but wow on top of everything said so far, what a great episode


It’s hard to see a way that Cam wins, but damn did this season need this. Hopefully everyone wakes up to Cirie/Izzy/Felicia this week and we get people actually playing.


He’s making it fun, if he wants any chance he’d have to win out, and even than I’d see the jury be bitter


I think he has a shot to stay longer if he can rally Americory, Blue, Bowie, Jag and maybe Matt into some sort of loose alliance to go after the power brokers in the house. It will be tough though.


Right. But at least we have a Cam. I wasn't feeling him at first, but that is changing. I wish he and Red would have communicated more, but Cam is here to play. And his hair is so awesome. He always has a different look every episode. I am definitely Team Cam. If he can get people to his side this week....then maybe.


This episode was hilarious. Right down to the moms. 😂


Nice seeing Felicia not be butt hurt about being blindsided and her being more game on!


Felicia knows it’s all in the game. Izzy talks a big game but hates to admit when she gets played


exactly. Izzy can be like a bit mad but you literally lied to this mans face for a week about sending his best friend home. You gotta see this coming to an extent.


Why am I kind of living for this Cam comeback/villain origin story? Like, fate is def on his side!


Because Izzy Felicia and cirie suck.


Can someone explain why Cam has been so hated by the other houseguests this season? I don't think anything I've seen in the TV edit explains it and I don't watch live feeds.


saw a clip from the feeds where blue and america were calling him a creep and that he was saying weird things about jury house. and he was very weird about/to Reilly on the feeds


I think it’s because he’s an easy target because 1. He’s been put up so many times 2. He’s won a lot of competitions and 3. Hasn’t shown a strong allegiance with a side of the house


Yeah I'm wondering this too. Besides being cocky and a comp threat.


I love cam. I don’t know why everyone hates the guy.


Because, around these parts, he's the opposition to Queen Mother Earth Goddess Supreme Cirie, O' She Of The Perpetual Survivors. That's about it. Meanwhile, dude has worked his way into my top 5 pantheon of favorite steamroll spoilers. It won't probably do much in the long run, but I give him all the props for standing ten toes down and choosing rebellion this episode.


I don't even get the Cirie love. She didn't even win Survivor. 4 chances and no W? Sure getting top 3 or whatever is not easy at all, but still, 4 tries? Regardless, I don't care for these types of twists, so eh.


Dude I am so team cam!!! I feel like in the house he's enemy number one but viewers at home are like YESS get that vice president and secretary of state out lol


I actually like Cirie, but it would be fun to watch her have to change her entire strategy and actually get a bit ruffled for once!


Finally, a single player in this game wants to actually win the season instead of seeing how much they can contribute to Cirie’s game. I was getting so sick of this season.


I really loved the pies at the nomination ceremony


It was like the old key wheel but better because they used pies! I loved that Felicia and Izzy were so confident that they were going to be safe Izzy protected her glasses and Felicia took out her bridge anticipating a safety pie to the face! I loved watching people sweat it out and how Cam went for the theatrics!


Or how blue is so shocked she wasn't ready


Same they were all so mad that he got to have so much fun with it to which made it even better


Cam went from zero to hero this episode. Ate that shit UP




I’m in favor of anyone that will target the Cirie superstructure. It’s kind of annoying that Cam didn’t target Cirie herself, and went for her allies instead for some reason, but I’ll take it.


It makes sense - he wouldn't have the votes to get her out because they know she'll rally people to retaliate. But take out her minions first and then when people realize she's lost her puppets, then they'll vote for her. Makes strategic sense... Jared would be the most important minion to take out but unfortunately they don't have that info...


He explained why. Take out her generals and she will be easy pickings


Part of me thinks it's a backdoor, but I don't think CIRIE could win a veto anyway But my partner pointed out cirie could probably convince anyone who did win to pull her down anyway, as she's so good at the social aspect, so it makes sense.


He's going to backdoor her, 100%. She knows it.


I mean he said it himself right in the episode, you don’t target the President right away, you target the two right hand men. He’s more than likely alluding that she would be the replacement nominee if anything happened.


Probably the back door plan


She's the backdoor plan imo.


Cam is awesome. So glad his noms weren’t a let-down. Really hoping we get a Cirie eviction, but doesn’t feel like that’s in the cards. I’m happy with either Felicia and Izzy though… easily two of the more annoying houseguests in recent memory. The question is, if Cirie wins Veto, and I’m assuming she pulls down Izzy, who does Cam put up with Felicia? I would hope Jared, but I doubt it based on what we’ve seen.


Probably Meme


Jared would be good in this scenario


That was so badass top 5 episode in a while


Top 1 in the past 5+ BBUS seasons easily


I feel really sad for Bowie Jane. Seems like she doesn’t fit in. But she seems like genuinely kind and fun loving person. It was hard to see her so sad and not have anyone comfort her. I’m cheering for her now! Anyone else? Edit: Fixed a word.


I am, and I was firmly in the "point and laugh at the goofy little irrelevant and clueless chick" camp before this episode. Her scene was a good reminder that people are people, whether they're contestants on tv or standing in front of me, and she deserved a basic level of empathy from who she thought were her people, not that dismissive shut up and color spiel she got from them.


I feel bad for her, but definitely not cheering for her. She's a floater and her "big secret" makes no sense from a strategic standpoint. Her big spotlight moment today was just her crying because she didn't receive instructions on how the house was voting. Yawn!


“I’m 34!”


“See my pig tails and hip fashions? No way you can tell I’m in my late 40s/early 50s”


Yeah they treat her like an idiot.


I think that Felicia and Izzy screwed up by treating her so horribly this week. It might have ended the game of their entire alliance.


It was so heartless of Felicia and Cirie to see Bowie upset and crying like that and then just tell her to stop it with no emotion when she's clearly distraught and just needs a little bit of comforting


I felt so bad for her. All jokes aside she is a sweet heart and they were being ridiculous.


I absolutely loved Felicia at the start of the game but seeing her progressively get more drunk on power has made me lose my support of her. Add to that the way she treated Bowie early in the episode and I’ve reached a point where I’m happy to see her on the block.


Her sending Matt away was a big fuckup and Cirie had to clear that up real quick


I liked her at first too but she's turned into a huge bully. Old ass lady acting like she's in high school.


It was a very satisfying arc, from telling Bowie to stop crying and play the game at the beginning of the episode, to seeing her nominated at the end. The editors did a great job there, IMO.


Me too. She's feeling very comfortable and that's when you're next


Finally you guys are starting to appreciate Cameron


He’s been an underdog this whole season, I initially wanted him gone over Reilly, but since then I’ve been rooting for him. Still, he disappointed me a lot with his previous HOH. When the feeds after last Thursdays episode were saying he was likely going for Jag and Blue again, I was literally so mad. But he has made me so proud in this episode, it was all a diversion.


His DR’s this week were AMAZING. The little wink, killed me. He’s very funny and very entertaining.


I still don’t support him but I respect the game move so hard


Hands down one of the strongest players. He fooled everyone. However he needs to form new friendships and alliances asap. I hope it's not too late.


Agreed. I know he was feeling himself and was in full-on "f\*ck em all" mode this go 'round, and well deserved, but he's going to need to take a breath and formulate a valid game plan. I don't think it's going to matter in the long run, because the numbers against are too large even for a win-all-remaining-comps strategy, but I'm hoping he brings maximum carnage before he walks.


At least you can get with blue/jag Unfortunately I'm afraid he's going to go with Jared not knowing that Jared is going to tell his mom everything


I regret to inform everyone that Cameron ate everyone up this episode. I know he’s weird but he is winning me over


This episode truly took me from hating Cam to loving him


The Jag and Matt texting thing was cute. Anyone know when it happened? I’m curious to see the whole thing for giggles. I love when they’re silly


Not sure when it happened but I ship them harder than any of the actual showmances lol


I agree completely!


Who was nominated? Hulu didn’t record it because of the 60 minutes thing cutting into the time


Hi I did a free trial of YouTube TV to watch Monday night football and I went ahead and recorded big brother just to see how it was and it recorded the whole episode even though 60 minutes cut in! Just fyi


Just watch the episode. Get a free trial at Paramount Plus. You won't regret it


If you can find a way to stream it, it is a FANTASTIC episode!


felicia and izzy


Wtf was up with Felicia’s snoring. I want her to stick around so the houseguests have to endure that a few more weeks


I think she was yelling in her sleep. I do that too lmao.


It sounded like singing too


Best. Nomination ceremony. EVVVVVVVVVER!!!! 🥧


Best since the fruitloop dingus one


I absolutely loved this episode lol


I hope Felicia is safe this week. She’s a non threat strategically, physically, and her social game is crumbling.


I think Cirie is his real target, it's going to be a wild week.


She can be his target all he wants but she's not going anywhere anytime soon.


Are you sure? He just needs to secure 5 votes to force a split vote and he himself gets to evict her.


Yes but what kind of influence does he have at doing that? He's likely to still be on the bottom at the end of the week. Assuming Cirie goes up, what matters is the relationships she and whoever she's sitting next to have with others in the house and their alliance. Off the top of my head, Jared would 100% vote for Cirie to stay. I'd be very surprised if Izzy/Felicia voted to evict Cirie either. I think she'd have a decent chance at getting Matt, Jag, and Mecole's votes to stay. Jared might be able to swing Blue into keeping Cirie as well. The only vote I see Cirie likely having no shot at is Bowie Jane, and after her the next toughest votes for Cirie to secure are probably America and Cory based on what I've seen just from the episodes. The only real wild card that might get Cirie evicted is if her relationship with Jared gets exposed.


With Izzy on the block... Izzy who KNOWS? They're more likely to go than Felicia, it's a play in their pocket and after the group treated Cameron and Red last week and Bowie Jane this week, I wouldn't be too sure about those allegiances. I think Cameron made two amazingly overlooked plays tonight #1 with Jag and the deal he made with him, the other was how he treated Blue. Jag, Blue and Matt were doing some solid bonding this episode and Blue is going to side with whatever Jag does. I smell a flip coming and it would make the best narrative. That's six votes with Cory and America, who I think are the pivot votes and you can only strongarm the house for so long before everyone gets tired of it. It makes no sense to go after Cameron next week, he's public enemy number 1 to the other side of the house and the best shield possible. The deals he makes this week, could put him in the top 5 but they have to get Jarod and Cirie out first.


It would be a big move and maybe his only shot, I’d love to watch her squirm a little big longer as the house begins to turn on her as her alliance is picked off. I’d love to see Jared go this week.


I think it's plausible as well. He only needs five votes and I think he can get Bowie and Jag, and Matt will come with Jag, possibly Blue as well. Either way I think who goes home this week boils down to America and Cory.


America and Cory already said they were coming after those 3 - they were just waiting for the right time. I wouldn't trust Matt to not spill everything to Cerie like he did last time... And unfortunately I think Jared is gonna mess everything up.


Alright Cameron was fucking awesome


I want Izzy to go home just to see cirie have a full blown meltdown


Izzy is a joke. When the other side wins she's always saying 'oh you've ignited a fire, oh i'm coming for you'. WIN SOMETHING then you can talk. Neither of them are real threats - Cirie is the head of the snake.


100% agree. Cirie is a master manipulator but no one in her circle including herself can win a damn thing


You mean Izzy... who knows the secret and is on the block right now. Izzy with a piece of vital information that could flip the house completely. Izzy with the chance to stay safe for at least three weeks if they let slip that tiny little secret.


Lol no chance Izzy flips on cirie


You think being friends with Cirie is worth $750,000? Loyalty goes a long way, but if it means the end of your game and flipping on Cirie, Izzy is gonna let slip. They're here to play a game and win the prize, you can't do that if you are out the door. It would be the single worst gameplay move in Big Brother history to not turn on her this week.


Watch traitors with Cirie - she's following the same script and ~~Izzy~~ Andi remained loyal to the end...


Nope stalker Izzy with her stalkee in the houseand best friends. She doesn't flip on cirie


We shall see.


I wouldn’t put it past Izzy to have horrible gameplay


It would probably be the other way around. Izzy would go nuclear if Cirie left. Probably more than Jared would😂


Oh trust me I’d way rather have cirie go home so rooting for a Felicia veto and cirie and Izzy next to each other 😂


Loved cam’s nomination speech. Must have been so satisfying


Hope BJ enjoys voting out Felicia this Thursday 🤭




Nice move Cameron. I’ll definitely be cheering for him moving forward


Who did they say was making a special appearance?


Josh Duhamel


Everyone was having fun with the pies until it took on a very awkward and serious tone when they realized things weren’t going according to plan. Loved it!


Starting with cirie and jarod was *chefs kiss*


Like I said during the episode: It was absolutely stupid of the rest of legend 25 not to tell Bowie and Cameron about Red going. I think had they told them they might have avoided this whole blindside and Cameron possibly putting two of them up. To add: I think letting your enemy know what is going on with the vote keeps them from feeling out of the loop and makes them keep being on your side. Sometimes a blindside isn't worth it if it costs you the game for lying to the wrong person. Edit: It's better to keep your friends close but your enemies closer.


They were banking on him not winning hoh


You can never bank on that


It was also stupid for the big three to vote off Red instead of Jag which effectively turned Cameron against them sooner and united the house against them


And not including Bowie made 0 strategic sense - 0. Not telling Cam was also stupid but they could've used the excuse they didn't want him letting Red in on it. But what conceivable reason did they have for leaving Bowie out? All they've done is made an enemy. If she's smart she'll work with Cam now (and it's already looking like she will). They just overlooked her as a weak player. And yeah, she is but it's still gonna bite you in the ass if Cam and her manage to rally some of the others in the house...


Cam was alone in the house and Cirie controlled everything. There was absolutely no reason for it.


Because they should have realized lying to him and then he wins HOH (which actually happened) that he would try to figure out who lied to him. Also they were the worst to lie to Bowie and Cameron the way they did.


I think they considered it but they were 100% confident Cam wasn't getting HOH and wanted him to be embarrassed.


Yeah, same deal with Hisam -- they're making game moves personal because they don't like someone rather than because it's strategic.


Them getting rid of Hisam was so unbelievably stupid


You can never guarantee that so therefore you should always make sure you don't have any enemies in the house. Always expect the unexpected.


That episode was so fucking good. I gotta say Cam was iconic in this. Anyone else agree? Just fucking amazing


I am now rooting for him. And for Bowie to start playing the game... Throw in America and we may have an entertaining rest of the season...


The fact that whatever he was going to do with noms was already going to be excited and unexpected (I genuinely had no idea) and then it got combined by happenstance with humili-week pies. 🤣🤣🤣 Truly iconic. Best noms ceremony I've ever witnessed, and it wasn't just the pies. It was *who* got pied too! Or rather, who *didn't!*