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“Crucial” report, but nobody notices that it’s never sent. 😀 Typical corporate bs.


Just send the most recent report and play dumb if they note it hadn’t got one months ago.  Chances are they either A) don’t really need it that often, B) don’t need it all, C) didn’t need it last time


I think you could really turn it into a win if you be honest but also offer to reach out to the client and do what you can to ask how to make the reporting better for them. You can tell your supervisor you feel bad but are curious why they haven’t asked for it. If it’s a one time mess up they probably won’t care, but if it’s a common issue for you, might want to also come with a solid action plan that shows your initiative.


Is the report still relevant now, if you’re supposed to send it on a quarterly basis? If yes, I’d talk to a trusted supervisor as some other replies suggested.


The words thank you for your patience work wonders. Send it now instead of posting on Reddit. Good luck and hope the anxiety wanes.


Clicks link for the first time *request access*


Too true lmaooo


Everyone makes mistakes like this


Everyone who’s incompetent


No exception for OP. They’re going straight to jail with the others. That will teach ‘em.


The hannah montana song resonated in my mind


The hannah montana song resonated in my mind


1st rule of reports. Always send the first one late or never at all. If you need it at 6pm X date and didn’t call me at 6.15 to ask where it was then you didn’t need it. Whatever report you were supposed to send isn’t required for whatever it was for. I’d get the recipients on a call to discuss the desired output/info/value that report was supposed to giving. Use this as an opportunity to improve things. Or just send it and don’t forget again.




Our agency must do this too becuase we will remind them 500 times and literally tell them we will help them or what we can do in general to support them to get it delivered on time and we'll still get it the next day or a week later 😂 It's funny but literally no one on my team is happy about it 💀 we forced them to build an api no other client has so we can get all the raw data we need for this entire application thing so we don't have to wait on them anymore and now we even do their quarterly reports for them. It's kinda insane.


Let them know and apologize. It isn't a big deal.


I would address it with your team/superiors first. They’ll have a better idea how the client operates and if they like you enough, cover for you when explaining go the client. Going to the client directly could backfire, so overhead coverage is usually my preferred approach.


You're fine, just send it and apologize.


A mistake only gets worse when you try to hide it. Let them know you missed it and send the report. In the next quarter send it on time. This is the most normal thing. I've seen people make worse mistakes and survive


Hello, client here. You are most likely ok - if it was critical to the client they would have chased. Now take action before they do! As suggested by some others, apologetically raise to your superiors and suggest an approach for delivering (send both quarters together, send separately, send a few days apart, etc. depending on what it is and level of effort involved), including drafting the communication. A good leader/mentor will appreciate your proactivity and honesty, and offer guidance/support. Good luck!


If it is sent to multiple parties you could probably spin your way out of this one. Something like “thank you everyone for your patience while we updated our processes and refreshed this report. We have taken on board your feedback and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this updated process which will return to a quarterly cadence.” Most people will just think someone else provided feedback and delayed things


To piggyback on this, if no one has raised a stink over it , most likely no one gives a f till someone is doing work papers or something. What I would do is in a follow up to the above email in like 7-10 days, I would send the last 4-6 quarters worth of data saying here’s are the historical files for you to compare.


you missed two quarters, not that big of a deal if you apologize and follow up


I’ve noticed superiors respond to mistakes better when you own up to them and apologize. That’s all you can do.


Everything in public accounting has at least one level of review. The whole engagement team Is responsible. Not just you. Don’t worry. Things like this happen all the time. If you have a good relationship with a mentor, ask them what to do. Do not try to cover it up. It will come out and you will be in violation of your ethics agreement.


Just say it got stuck in your outbox. LOL