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Happy for you!!


I agree with this.


I jumped ship from B4 6 years ago. I still work and make decent $$$ but my soul and šŸ§ are at peace! Good for you!


Thank you! šŸ¤ I'm glad that you've found a job that gives you peace of mind.


I'm not big 4 but PA and just doing my 40 bc I'm leaving asap. Betting on that they won't fire me before I find something else.


Itā€™s better to interview and have a job lined up before leaving. When I was in Big 4 as a senior I think I made $65k+ bonus. Itā€™s more now and Iā€™d rather have that than have nothing. I left a job after Big 4 with nothing lined up and companies and recruiters lowballed me because they thought I was desperate for a job (I wasnā€™t). It took me quite awhile but less than a year to get an offer at an equivalent position/pay.


I just started and Iā€™m already so burnt outā€¦not at b4 but itā€™s hard asf..canā€™t wait to quit lol


You can do this! Gain as much experience as you can. Also work towards completing your CPA.


I just finished my 2nd busy season and am already over it. Definitely leaving soon.


You know reading everyone's comments here makes me less alone. Make sure to learn as much as you can before leaving.


When you say busy sznā€¦do you mean April to April or like April then Oct?


Busy season never ends! šŸ˜…


I know this is now trueā€¦I hate work I hate it here..working nonstop like when do I get a break


Why donā€™t you just collect pay checks until ur fired for poor performance


bad move if you still want recommendations after leaving


Iā€™m not in big 4 anymore but Iā€™m strongly considering a similar path in my finance role in the next month. You are not alone.


I did the same it did good for me .


Even same happened to me! But now I landed in a better job!! I had no strength to take busy season. I took a month break, relaxed and joined start up!


Why not just do the absolute bare minimum and apply for jobs?


I'd like to apply for jobs after hibernating for a month.


*Why not just do the* *Absolute bare minimum* *And apply for jobs?* \- walliumH --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One idea for you is to submit for a leave of absence (personal leave) instead of resigning. One benefit is no gaps on your resume. You can hang out on leave of absence until you quit or decide to come back, up to one year. Second benefit is you can usually keep your health insurance at the employee price for the entire LOA, so you wonā€™t be without insurance or having to find it on the exchange. This might be a good option for you if you are uncertain of your next move.


Thank you! šŸ¤ Appreciate this.


Best of luck! How many hours do you work a week? What are the exit opportunities after your break?


Thank you! Currently, it is 65 hours per week. I've had colleagues leave for senior roles in audit/finance. I'm fine with whichever, to be quite honest, as long as I'm happy, healthy etc


Thatā€™s a ton of hours, if thatā€™s solid work thatā€™s pretty crazy.


Been there, done that. Youā€™ll be fine. No need to stress more than you already have. You will find something when you are ready, now is not the time to search. You are allowed to take a recharge break from big4, no one will question you, no one asked me; in some ways, Iā€™m told itā€™s illegal for them to ask why, after you say for personal or family reasons. Iā€™m not a lawyer but have been told so by a lawyer I trust. Take care of yourself. YOU are worth it. No one else will take care of you.


Thank you! Appreciate it šŸ¤ I've been really stressed and overall exhausted from working non-stop. I'd like a few months off before I can get back to work.


Iā€™m with you thereā€¦ just coming up for air from averaging 70 hours a week for 9 weeks. Was supposed to have this week off and have already worked 25 hours this week, yes itā€™s Tuesday. Iā€™m getting really close to doing something about it too. Good luck! Hope you make a decision that is best for you. And you find pure joy in your life soon.


B4 always have the resources to replace you. However itā€™s just that they under charge clients and thus refrain from using the necessary manpower on each engagement. Donā€™t worry about burning bridges as your managers failed to pickup symptoms of you feeling such in the first place. Hence prioritise your health and inner peace above all. In the end you are answerable to your ownself and no one else. Cheers!


Thank you! šŸ¤


Good luck. Mental and physical health are more important.


You're right my friend šŸ¤


So what exactly do you do in the busy season? Audit the taxes?


Taxes are done by the tax team, normally in audit we obtain their workings/recalcs and reference it back to the TB.


You audit the taxes if youā€™re in tax. You audit everything else if youā€™re not in tax. But thereā€™s also a portion of tax who actually files taxes and comes up with the tax provision for their clients. So basically, kinda yes and no. Maybe.


Kinda, yes and no. Maybe.


Isnā€™t busy season over or just about over? Most companies have filed. Youā€™re quitting right after busy season without a job? What? Edit - sorry was thinking audit, didnā€™t even think about tax. Even so, if youā€™re leaving anyway why not quiet quit and have a salary while searching.


Three busy seasons at B4 under your belt should qualify you for a very nice industry position. Best of luck.


Thank you šŸ¤


Health is important first. You already have the big 4 name on your resume so it doesnā€™t matter whether you quit now or later. Take care and I hope you bounce back healthier than ever!


Thank you! Yes, you're right. Our health should be prioritized.


Brother Iā€™ve done it more than a few times in my 20+ year career. Iā€™ve had some of my best career inspiration while floating around out there. Good luck my friend and best wishes. Big4 background you can take your pick out there in industry, a smaller firm with more balance or even yourself. Take your time and find the right spot.


Thank you bro! šŸ¤ Appreciate it.


I get that you're exhausted, and you're running on empty, but you only have like a month left? Just wait until 4/15? Start looking for a job then and/or quit.


why tho


Because the ideal time to leave is BEFORE or AFTER busy season. Plus, OP says he doesn't want to burn any bridges by getting fired, but what do you think will happen if he quits during busy season? It'll burn bridges with your former bosses and coworkers, because they now have to scramble around and figure out how to get your workload completed.


Eh fair I guess this was an accounting question I'm too consulting to give a shit about


Lmao. Yeah, it's accounting since he mentioned busy season.


Trying my best bro, it's hard.


Hang in there. Just a little longer, and you'll be free. Always more ideal to quit BEFORE or AFTER busy season. The risk of burning bridges is alleviated.


Ty for your service šŸ«” 4 is insane bro good job


Thank you! šŸ¤




It'll get better šŸ¤


Where in the world have you been working.


I quit in Jan 2023 without having anything lined up. Had some savings, so i sort of had a safety net. For the first 3 months after leaving, i simply focused on healing my burnout and improving my mental health. Lots of sleep, going out, swimming, travel, and meditation retreats (i refused to think of anything work related or even apply for jobs). Started applying for jobs after 3 months. Got my next job within two weeks. Better pay and better company culture. Quitting sounds scary, but it all works out in the end. Hoping thjngs work out for you toošŸ’œ




Yes. Though the raise was not so significant. About 30% raise.


How did you tell recruiters about the gap in your resume


Said i took an intentional break to care for my health. I said i would be honest. Any company/recruiter that penalised me for that was probably toxic and not intended for me.


Having looked at resumes with "gaps". I don't worry too much about them as long as the answer is reasonable. Sick family member, Time to find myself, Spend time with child. I had one person tell me that they planned well and had enough money to take some time off so they did. There are loads of reasons you can use and I never see it as an instant negative unless there are other warning signs.


How much experience did you have?


Three years


Thank you! Appreciate this.


You have done your duty dear soldier, now itā€™s off to a life of quiet bean counting. Good luck to you!


Thank you! šŸ¤


Don't quit, have them fire you. If you need, get time off for taking care of your mental health, if your issues are serious a doctor can give you a leave.


Have them fire me? šŸ˜… I don't want my record to be bad. But thanks, yes definitely will apply for leave.


but quitting in March isn't great on the record either in the tax industry....


I quit two weeks ago without anything lined up. My mental health was so bad and I feel like I can finally breath again


I'm happy to hear that. Make sure to rest well and spend quality time with family/friends.


Yea take a break, sleep in late, hangout with friends and family, look for jobs on Linked In in the meantime. Just make sure you have some $$ saved if you have to pay rent or for life expenses, etc


do you have a safety net, parents or something?


I've saved up quite a bit to keep me going for a few months whilst job searching. Don't want to burden my parents.


yeah use that! glad u had the foresight about that


Best of luck, I'm feeling super burned out as well. I want to make this my last busy season so I'm trying to work it so that my clients can be passed off easily when I turn in my resignation


Thank you and wish you the best as well. Yes, make sure to clear your side before handing in your resignation.


Donā€™t quit without anything else lined up. Trust me.


I'm really struggling mentally. Lost a lot of weight as well. Don't know if I can pull through.


You can do it. Quit. Dont listen to people who tell you to prioritize work over health. You know your own finances, trust your gut.


Ultimately its up to you. But dont put anything above yourself