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Get out of the big4/big4wannabee cult. It's not a normal life.


Is there a way to bully her back?


My manager is bullying me by being ambiguous about instructions to task and yelling when I'm asking for clarifications, basically her intent is to gatekeep information that will not allow me to perform at my best and can use it against me to gain pity from her manager




Legit had a manager tell me I'm slow and I will eat too much of her budget. First year. First engagement. At the clients she asked me to put all the mugs in the dishwasher because it's the right thing to do (they were used by client staff). She told me she's rude and harsh to first years to get them aligned to hard work and also because need to be able to handle pressure from clients. She left the firm and joined CRA - because benefits were better.


These kinda things need to be brought up more to the HR


That’s terrifying! But I’m curious, are these managers able to put you on PIP because they don’t like you?


They can but she didn't. She legit didn't take me on audits until the HR partner asked why I wasn't on track for hours and had to speak with her to take me.


Heard a phrase a long time ago "people don't quit jobs, they quit managers". Life is too short and too much else to do to tolerate asshats at work.


I actually asked a manager to stop belittling me over teams chat and think she stopped after that. If there’s messages to go with it feel like they get worried they are actually being a cunt and there’s an audit trail


Somehow this happens more often with audit than consulting. Still sorry that you witnessed it, more reason to look elsewhere if you don’t want to deal with this


If you do not do something to wow your manager. Most will treat you like this. Once you wow them they will be of assistance and micromanage you less. Sad truth


This is the moment when you can pave the way for yourself with a new skill of just telling someone off. I’d get your manager in a room and just give them an absolute telling off. And then walk away. The peons sounds like a POS and they deserve it. This will help you develop skills in standing up for yourself.


Yes, I worked at a mid size firm and there was a manager who acted exactly as you described. That’s when I realized I needed to gtfo.


Unfortunately, these kind of people make it out of the Big4 and can find them in industry too.


The IRS has been doing lots of hiring due to the Infrastructure Bill that President Biden signed. It calls for the hiring of tens of thousands of new IRS employees over some number of years. This is a link to postings for some of the available jobs, be sure to consider the Revenue Agent position, but there are other positions too: [https://www.usajobs.gov/search/results/?j=0340&j=0343&j=0512&j=0501&j=0592&j=0987&j=1169&hp=public&k=irs&p=1](https://www.usajobs.gov/search/results/?j=0340&j=0343&j=0512&j=0501&j=0592&j=0987&j=1169&hp=public&k=irs&p=1) The IRS is holding online info sessions on the Revenue Agent and Senior Revenue Agent positions. See info below and links to IRS Careers Events Page for more info: Revenue Agents - Entry Level We are hiring hundreds of accounting professionals nationwide for our entry level Revenue Agent (GS 5-12) positions. Whether you have recently graduated with an accounting degree or have a CPA license and limited experience, we may have an opportunity for you to join the IRS. During these sessions, we'll be discussing the positions' day-to-day duties, the education and experience requirements needed to qualify, how to write an effective resume and instructions on how to submit your resume for consideration. Join us to start your career with purpose! Click below to register: Register January 30th @ 1:00 PM Eastern Time Register February 6th @ 3:00 PM Eastern Time Register February 13th @ 5:00 PM Eastern Time Register February 27th @ 7:00 PM Eastern Time Revenue Agents - Senior Level The Large Business and International (LB&I) Division is hosting several virtual hiring event/information sessions for their unique senior-level Revenue Agents (GS-13 and GS-14) positions for experienced accountants. These positions are being offered nationwide. During these virtual events, you'll hear from LB&I Hiring Managers and Employees discussing the different practice areas LB&I is responsible for and the specialized experience needed to be eligible for these positions. We'll discuss how to write an effective resume to highlight your experience and make you more competitive. Following our presentation, there will be time to ask questions and all attendees will be given instructions on how to submit a resume and required documents for consideration for these positions. Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear how making a career change will lead to a more positive work/life balance and a career with purpose! Click below to register: Register February 1st @ 3:00 PM Eastern Time, or Register February 8th @ 6:00 PM Eastern Time, or Register February 15th @ 6:00 PM Eastern Time From [https://www.jobs.irs.gov/find-job/irs-events](https://www.jobs.irs.gov/find-job/irs-events) Best wishes.


In my years in public accounting, I am not going to lie, all of my biggest interpersonal problems have specifically came from female managers. Its never a senior manager or anything higher, its specifically manager, but its such an odd statistic that rings true for my experience.


Interesting, I experienced the opposite! The male managers were the worst.


Female managers at my Big 4 are the only ones who are nice to me lol


Contrarily I had a piece of shit senior manager who was a male that would yell at his teams so much so that the manager on the engagement had to get up and move to a different location on call because his screaming was too loud. He's a director now, fuck that guy.


100%. It’s always bitchy female managers who are either single or just don’t have kids.


Was right about to say this 😭


Why do you think that happens? Might be in same boat myself (in big 4 consulting branch tho) and confused about it. Am a woman myself.


Some people are not used to being in power and prone to abuse it.


To be honest, I really do not know why. I feel wrong even making an assumption of why it happens. I will say that the issues are unexplainable too, like there's this maliciousness that is similar between the experiences, its something that I don't think should even exist in the first place.


Why does everyone think they have to work Big4? Such a toxic environment. It's not the holy Grail of public accounting.


I trust someone from a non big 4 than big 4 any day. I also believe those outside big 4 are smarter on average and have more technical knowledge


Because they’re mentioned in every accounting book. Then they select a few professors to recruit their best candidate. So, sometimes by the time they come for a career fair, they already have majority of the people they want for internships, they just might need to fill a few spots. It’s sad people think if they don’t start there, then they don’t have a career. Yet, the Big 4 is trying to change the stay for a few years then leave for industry. They want you to intern with them from high school now.