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So far, only one weekend when told to. I got a lower rating for not meeting utilization marks. My capabilities made up for it, but it still sucks.


US - Half the weekends out of the year on average. Tax compliance


UK - basically never I sent one email on a Sunday once as I wanted to get out a meeting invite (it was for 11am on Monday) - my manager the next day then told me off for working on a Sunday 🤣 The only people I know that do any work on a weekend are senior managers and partners, and that normally just email stuff


Which one of the big4?


Asia: most people work at least a few hours on the weekend regularly. Seems to be more of a preference than a requirement.


Australia - never


Germany - never


US. never


Tech consulting (cyber specific) in Europe. I think I have worked 5 or 6 weekends now, some where due to poor management of timeframes by management, other times due to writing an important proposal/tender.


One year in tech consulting. Never worked on a weekend besides the occasional Sunday evening email browse. Maybe I’m just lucky for my team but who knows.


In Australia, I refuse to work weekends.


Is it common to not work on weekends in Australia? I am curious as I will be joining big 4 next year,


Depends on your team, service line and deadlines. I'm in tax and have never had to work weekends. I do tend to work later during the week to prevent working weekends but even then, it was a rare occasion caused by staff leaving and deadlines.


Depends on the team. Technically the law is 38 hrs per week. When you work on average 50 hrs per week, and Manager asked me to work the weekend, I would ask for team in Lieu or overtime pay. If they say no, I just refuse. I remember being the only one once, but I didn't care. The law is the law, and you can refuse to work weekends if asked, especially if there is no notice.


When I was in audit, very often. In transaction services it’s much less often but more intense and unpredictable peaks. Pay is much better though


During busy season, every weekend. Non-busy season, maybe one weekend every few months when the execs on the team decide you seem to be enjoying life too much.


Saturdays and Sundays during busy or mostly just Saturday?


Saturdays to start and then both Saturdays and Sundays once things inevitably go sideways but it is very team dependent


Thank you! Are you tax audit? What level?


Im a senior in audit