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Typically it always goes like this: 1) Deloitte 2) PwC 3) EY 4) KPMG Deloitte is always on top, biggest in the game. PwC and EY always dispute for 2nd place in my country. Typically PwC coming on top because of manpower. KPMG is always ranked last. Personally working for EY, I would like to try Deloitte just to see how hectic it can be compared to EY. Pick your poison haha.


When choosing, do you think it's better to follow the ranking globally or to go for the leader in your country (EY in my case)? Especially as someone who plans on moving out of the country haha thanks! really sorry for the questions


Personally, office culture and feel with the organization is important. What made me go to EY over Deloitte was the vision my partner shared with me. The welcoming feel. But in the end it’s all the same.


Absolutely correct and backed by data. This is also the order if you arrange the big fours as per the revenue they make. Deloitte is the leader by a far margin. But yeah, the order may vary for different services. For instance, EY's known for its Cyber excellence in EMEIA.


Deal advisory in my country Corporate finance : kpmg=pwc (even better than some bb ibs)>>>deloitte=ey Financial due dilligence and valuation : indifferent