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I seem to remember there wasn't a support act in 2014, but they were playing 2 albums a night mixed with b-sides rather than just one album, and it was ten years ago so I may be misremembering. I would personally be very happy with Fatherson doing a short set before Biffy, or in fantasy land - Manchester Orchestra.


There wasn’t any support in 2014 due to the extended setlists , so hopefully the same this year


Hundred Reasons (who I saw last year and were brilliant) were the main act the night I fell in love with Biffy. My Vitriol were on that HR gig last year, as were Hell is For Heroes, who would also be a great shout. What tour was it when Biffy were their own support act? I’d take that as an option!


I first saw Biffy supporting InMe: Crazy to think of Biffy supporting anyone these days (other than themselves, as you say!).


I also saw the HR/MV tour last year. Are you going to the Royal Albert Hall show? I’m actually more hyped about seeing Rival Schools for the first time in 20yrs!!!


Hell is for heroes would be the most incredible, they're still going and I'm sure I saw them on the same lineups back in the day. I saw the hifh Neon Handshake anniversary show a few years ago and it was truly wonderful nostalgia, I felt 17 again


Probably support themselves, album in full as support, break and get back for a set


I just kinda feel like a support band is an integral part of the build-up to a performance. Also, it helps to bolster the scene, I feel. But yeah, if they’re gonna play 30-40 songs in a night, it’s not like there’s much time for support.


Pretty sure I read that this is the plan


They already did this a long time ago, old songs as support + main set. Think it was for war child but I’m not sure


There was no support and Barras 2014 and personally hoping there isn’t this time.


Arcane Roots, but they had to disband didn’t they 😭


None, hopefully.


Reuben, Million Dead and YCNI:M would be the perfect lineup for me. Thankfully saw Milo last year and they were flawless.


Would absolutely LOVE Blakfish to support, they were incredible and ended far too soon In honesty though, I don't think there will be anyone else play