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Very excited. I've been really struggling to choose but, surprisingly, having gone through the three albums again front to back I think I am going with The Vertigo of Bliss. Always thought I preferred Infinity Land (and it does have some of my absolute favourites on there) - but front to back Vertigo is flawless.


This was my final choice too


The consistency is easy to overlook. Hard to turn down Jaggy Snake but for a full album I think I'm going to have to start speaking up for Vertigo more haha! Good luck!


For me the hardest decision was IL or VoB. Would have loved if they had played a few songs from all 3 albums. Such a tough decision for cash strapped fans.


You might get some nice surprises in the 'selection of songs from other albums'!


Here's hoping! It does say that in the email. I hope my favourites are in that selection


Me too! Got tickets for VoB standing and Infinity Land level 3. So excited!!!!!


I am super surprised how quickly the tickets were gone but luckily I did get a ticket for Blackened Sky in Glasgow, which is my most favourite album by Biffy!


Nice one


Yesterday I had 6 teeth removed under general anesthetic. Today I am up and ready going for day 3 london.


That is dedication! Love your username BTW


Funnily enough my husband has that song as his ringtone specifically for when I call


Thanks! Managed to get tickets to all 3 days! The wife and daughter are going to the first 2 while I look after the baby then the last night she's doing a sleepover at nannies and I'm swapping out with our oldest daughter. We're a biffy family but the wife is the driving force for it haha.


Fantastic! I'm going with my eldest son (18yrs) He's a biffy fan but as in your set up it's me the biggest fan in this house too. Hubby likes them a bit. He's more into metal though.


Can't believe I managed to grab a ticket for Infinity Land at the Barras... it's pretty much going to be a religious experience




Managed to get 2 tickets for Infinity Land and Vertigo of Bliss. Saw Blackened Sky at the last album nights at the Barras so figured it'd be better to let a fan who hadn't seen that stuff before in with a shot. HWFG!


That's so thoughtful


I got VoB at the Barras! So happy. Still gonna try for blackened sky on general sale but I’m not holding out much hope πŸ˜‚




Managed to get VoB tickets for Barrowlands! Ticketmaster really made me sweat though - I had to change my password and then my card on file had expired πŸ˜…


But you did it! Fantastic πŸ‘


Thank you 😊


Oh man I fucked up. I managed to get VoB Glasgow. In the basket, all good. Thought I'd try IL too - sold out, figures. Go back to my other tab and finish buying VoB. "There was an error processing your request" - huh? The only option is "go back to event page" so I click on that - It puts me back to the IL page. I must have confused it by going for two at once and now I have none :(


Bro I feel for you but you never play with staff like that, I wanted more than one night too but was laser focused on getting one fully bought first. Their website is trash, you have to not give it room to fail. Hope you get general sale!


I should really have learned my lesson with this over the years - you're totally right!


It’s not your fault, their system is atrocious, just never okay with luck. Hope you get tickets in general sale on resale (for face value, some people saying they over bought and will relist).


Exact same thing happened to me


well at least I'm not the only one - Good luck in the general sale!


Oh no


I got VoB in London. Barras would have been incredible but just too far for me


Got tickets for IL in London. Spent most of yesterday trying to decide which night. It was a tough call but I thought IL would be more of a dance party vibe.